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New Horizons (Genesis)

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Title Screen

New Horizons

Also known as: Daikoukai Jidai II (JP)
Developer: Koei
Publisher: Koei
Platform: Genesis
Released in JP: June 24, 1994
Released in US: 1994

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

The second game in the Uncharted Waters series. Has nothing to do with Pluto.

To do:
  • Check the JP version
  • There should be a better way to access the debugging functions...
  • Reformat this article (will come after I do the first two)

Debug Menus Introduction

The game contains many of the same debug menus found in New Horizons (SNES). To access them, enter Action Replay code 029EC0:xxxx and press Start to open the menu while in a town. For xxxx, this is the 2 byte address in bank $03 from the list below. Use A6A6 to jump to the 03A6A6 set time debug menu, for example.

Fame in trade, etc.

New Horizons Genesis Fame in trade etc.png


Set stats for the above.

Leadership, etc.

New Horizons Genesis Leadership etc.png


Set stats for the above.

Enter village number

New Horizons Genesis Enter village number.png


Action Replay code 03A1A6:6700 must be added.



A location list.

Navigation Lv., Battle Lv.

New Horizons Genesis Navigation Lv.png


Set levels for Navigation and Battle.


New Horizons Genesis time.png

03A56A or 03A6A6

A simple entry box for the current time.

input monster no.

New Horizons Genesis input monster no.png



New Horizons Genesis debug 5 1.pngNew Horizons Genesis debug 5 2.png


Action Replay code 03A6C4:6608 must be added. Unknown effect.

(Source: JLukas)