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Pink Goes to Hollywood (SNES)

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Title Screen

Pink Goes to Hollywood

Also known as: Pink Panther (JP)
Developer: Manley & Associates
Publishers: TecMagik (US/EU), Altron (JP)
Platform: SNES
Released in JP: April 15, 1994
Released in US: November 1993
Released in EU: 1993

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

Pink Goes to Hollywood is an especially heinous take on the popular "Mascot Platformer" concept. The Genesis version improved the gameplay somewhat by giving the poor panther a better weapon, an aerial attack, and a health bar.

Unused Music

A percussive scale.

Debug Features

Pink Hex
Oddly enough, several debug features are enabled by default. Simply plug in a second controller to use them.

  • Pressing the B button will enable free movement mode. This will also show Pink Panther's X and Y positions...in theory. In some levels the number graphics aren't loaded, so garbage will be displayed instead. Hold Y on the first controller to move around faster.
    • Press B on the second controller again to disable free movement.
  • The L button, when held, will make you invincible.
  • The R button, when held, will put the game in slow motion. Movement will advance every 90 frames.

An additional feature is enabled on the first controller. Hold Select and press Start to warp to the next level by ID.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Level Select

First get a game over. Then, at the game over screen, you normally have to walk over to the "Exit" door to end the game or the "Continue" door to continue the game, but you can never go past the doors. However, if you hold Up + Select on controller 2, you'll be able to walk past the "Exit" door. On the other side of the room, you'll encounter some red bags, and the amount you pick up determines the level you'll be warped to. So, for example, pick up 3 bags and walk over to the "Continue" door to warp to level 3.

Unused Level

Star Pink When You Wish upon a Pink
An unused bonus room exists in the game. Use the Game Genie code F0D9-FE86 and die or enter a level to get there.

Stars Fell on Pinkabama
In this alternate bonus room, stars fall from the sky constantly. There are no bonus items to collect; in fact, running into a star does damage. The only other difference from the final bonus room are the floor graphics, which look frozen over here.

Nothing happens when the timer runs out — the player is stuck here forever.

(Source: Original TCRF research)