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Proto:Chrono Trigger (SNES)/Unused Text

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Chrono Trigger (SNES).

To do:
Add the unpointed text that is mentioned here. This page is also missing a few direct translations that are referenced in other sections of the prototype coverage, such as the dialogue in Heckran's Cave. Add the appendices present here.

Much of the text in this prototype is unique, indicating earlier story concepts and having events not present in the final.

The following text was translated by GlitterBerri, with commentary by ZeaLitY.

Text Block 01 3B0242-3B1F3F

インフォだよ Here's some info!

These are most likely debug messages, parts of functions that are either removed from the game, or not normally accessible. The first reads as "Info:" with a 16-bit number after it. X and Y both have two values; they're probably used to display character X and Y map location values. This message occurs in several text offsets.

11/17バージョン 11/17 Version

This establishes November 17, 1994 as the build date.

この先はどうやら行き止まりらしい This path looks like a dead end.

This appears in the Magic Cave if you try to exit to Zenan.

タイムマシンゲット Got the time machine.

This appears if you activate a special object in the upper-left of Leene Square's first screen, which makes the Epoch appear on the overworld. This is not present in the final.

ララ「ルッカもタバンも発明でいそがしくて……でもルッカはいい子だよ。 Lara: Lucca and Taban are both busy with their inventions... But Lucca is a good girl.

Lara's comment about being busy with inventions has an extra line in this build.

タバン「……[END] Taban: ......

This pensive line appears after Taban gives Lara the apples he earned, and Lara says thanks. Perhaps it was meant to forecast Taban's guilt for the accident that claimed her legs?

ルッカ「こ…これは10年前……まだ 私がメカの事など何もわからなかったころ……? Lucca: Th--... This is 10 years ago... back when I didn't know anything about mechanics...
タバン「ルッカ!!パスコード336を起動してレバーを引くんだ!![END] Taban: Lucca!! Activate passcode 366 and pull the lever!!

Speaking of which, it seems that it was impossible to save Lara's legs, and this was used to teach a lesson to Lucca (more is described later in this article). The text of the incident is accordingly different: Taban is present, and the passcode is certainly one that can't be entered with buttons.

Text Block 02 3B1F40-3B23D9

これから世にも恐ろしいキャラクター達によってショウがくりひろげられる。>チビらんようにしっかりパンツおさえていな! A show featuring some of the most terrifying characters in the world is about to unfold. Hold on to your pants so you don't wet 'em!

Norstein Bekkler says this before the show. It's not in the final version.

あなたのドッペル人形お部屋にかざってね。 Use your dopple-doll to decorate your room.

This differs from the final lines, which include a line for Crono by name and a line for whoever is leading the party.

おれたち、おまえら くって、飮んで うかれて、大さわぎ。ウギャギャ。[END] We'll eat you, drink, be merry, and cause an uproar. Heh heh heh.

The Tyrano Lair Reptite jailers taunt the Iokans and Larubans a bit more in this build.

た 助け 来てくれたか!?[END] Y-you come to help!?
こうなったの もともと オマエ達のせい![END] It YOU fault we in here!
オレ オマエ達 正しい思う……。 かくれる 逃げる もうイヤ![END] Me think you right... No more run and hide!

In the final, Kino says "Got it, Ayla. Kino teach good thing!" before showing you how to open the dinosaur mouth doors. He then says he's jealous of your strength before escaping the lair. In the prototype, the above three lines come before that line about jealousy.

These are definitely lines for NPCs. Perhaps the prisoners were planned to speak as they escaped. Kino's line about being jealous may not have been intended for him, but kept for him anyway when they removed the NPCs.

Text Block 03 3B5294-3B6C92

「ギャヘヘヘヘ……[END] Gyahehehehe......
「お前は最高の人質だ。切りふだとして、生かしておこうと思ったが…… You've been the best hostage. I thought I'd keep you alive as my trump card...
みょうな連中が現われて、雲行きがおかしくなって来た。残ねんだが、ここで死んでもらおう。[END] But ever since those weirdos showed up, things have taken a turn. I'm afraid you're going to have to die.

Though it doesn't change much, these lines from Yakra aren't in the final version.

村長「ミラーメイルさえあれば、魔物どもの殺人熱線をふせいで、この村を守れるやもしれぬ……。 Mayor: If we just had the Mirror Mail, we could protect the village from the monsters' murderous heat rays...
トマ「サンドリノの村長のほしがってるミラーメイルだが、魔王の部下にもってかれちまったらしいや。 Toma: The mayor of San Dorino wants the Mirror Mail, but I hear the Demon King's henchmen have taken it.

The Mirror Mail appears to have been an early version of the Rainbow Shell. Toma's line may suggest that it had to be found in Magus' Lair or Ozzie's Fort.

ドッペルチェーンジッ!![END] Dopple-CHANGE!!

This build's version of "Received the Crono Clone (or Dopple-doll)!" It also pops up two extra times among the Lab 32 and Cursed Woods lines. It's possible that this line would display when the player pressed A on any of the character dolls won at the fair, which explains why this line is in so many locations.

サイラス・パーンチッ!! Cyrus PUNCH!!

When Cyrus makes his final attack on Magus, he utters a cry not present in the final version. If that sounds familiar, it's because サイラスパンチ is the exact name of Pierre's SlapofCyrus technique in Chrono Cross.

マール「気をつけてね、クロノ![END] Marle: Take care, Crono!
ルッカ「魔王がラヴォスを生み出すのだけは、くいとめなきゃ。[END] Lucca: We have to stop the Demon King from creating Lavos.

These unique lines appear with the party's general encouragement when Frog decides to accompany them to Magus' Lair.

[Man]うわさで聞いた伝説の勇者ってな、なんと、タータだったんだってな。 [Man] Imagine my surprise when that legendary hero I'd heard rumors about turned out to be Tarta.
ま、男ってな、ヒーローをめざすもんよ、年なんかカンケーねーやな。[END] Well, all guys want to be heroes, no matter how old.

These nice little lines were left out of the final version.

Text Block 04 3B6C93-3B7294

In certain areas, the player is barred from going further by NPCs who deliver this ending dialogue, which varies by area. If you choose New Game, the farthest the demo lets you go is up to the Cathedral after Frog joins your party and you discover the hidden door. For the Magus' Lair save, you can go as far as the Magus battle. For the 1000 AD save, you play up to the Dragon Tank sequence. With Robo's save, you can go as far as getting the door open in Proto Dome (after your trip to the Factory Ruins). An NPC also says this in Kajar.


『クロノ・トリガー』 3/11 土曜日 発売 ご期待下さい!![END]

Thank you for playing Chrono Trigger. Unfortunately, this is as far as you can play in this version. Will Crono and his companions safely return to their own time periods...?! Brought to you by our finest staff, this RPG, at a whopping 32 megabits and unprecedented scale, will see you off on a whirlwind adventure through time!

Chrono Trigger - Coming Saturday, 3/11 Don't miss it!!

あらわれたなぞのカエル剣士!はたしてクロノとルッカは、マールを無事救いだす事ができるのか? A mysterious frog swordsman has appeared! Will Crono and Lucca be able to save Marle?
ドラゴンせんしゃを倒し刑務所から脱出したクロノとルッカの行く手には何が待つのか……!? Crono and Lucca have defeated the Dragon Tank and escaped from the prison, but what lies in store for them ahead...!?
この先、魔王城に一体何が待ち受けるのか?はたしてクロノ逹は魔王をうち倒す事が出来るのか……!? What in the world awaits in the Demon King's Castle ahead? Will Crono and friends be able to defeat the Demon King...!?

Text Block 05 3B7295-3B7D82

ダルトン「女王がお呼びです。しきゅう、海底神殿の方におりていただきたいと……。[END] Dalton: The Queen has summoned you. She requests that you descend to the Ocean Temple as soon as possible...

Dalton was meant to retrieve Schala for the Ocean Palace from her bedroom in this build. This was probably changed since Dalton would have recognized the party.

マール「あ、あのペンダント!私のとそっくり![END] Marle: Th-- That pendant! It looks just like mine!
ルッカ「あ、あのペンダント!マールのとソックリじゃない?[END] Lucca: Th-- That pendant! Doesn't it look just like Marle's?
ロボ「あのペンダントは……?マールさんのと同じに見えマシタ。[END] Robo: That pendant...? It looked to be the same as Marle's.
カエル「あれ、どっかで見たな……[END] Frog: I've seen that somewhere before...
エイラ「アレ、マールのと同じ?ならエイラ達も、入れるか?[END] Ayla: That same as Marle's? If yes, we get inside?

Originally, the party members were going to react to seeing Schala use the Pendant to open the door to the throne room. In the final, they only react to the events after trying to open the sealed door and failing (those lines come after these in the prototype).

マール「開かないよ![END] Marle: It won't open!
ルッカ「開かないじゃない?[END] Lucca: It's not opening, huh?
ロボ「開きマセンネ……。[END] Robo: It will not open...
カエル「ダメじゃないかよ?[END] Frog: It's hopeless, isn't it?
エイラ「ふしぎ。なんでだ?[END] Ayla: Weird. Why?
マール「あ、開いた、開いた![END] Marle: Oh! It's open! It's open!
ルッカ「やった、やっぱり、ね![END] Lucca: Yes! I knew it!
ロボ「成功デス。開きマシタ。[END] Robo: We are successful. It has opened.
カエル「お、開いたな![END] Frog: Whoa, it opened!
エイラ「開いた!エイラ、入る![END] Ayla: Open! Ayla go in!

Really simple lines for trying to open the door and after opening the door.

わらわの計画にさからった事を たっぷりとこうかいさせてくれる。 ひと思いに殺してくれと泣いてたのむ ほどにな……。 I'll make you regret defying my plans. You will cry out and beg me for a swift death...

This extra taunt about begging doesn't appear in the final. She's also known as "ZEAL" after she reveals her name, instead of "QUEEN".

ジール「後はまかせるぞ、ダルトン。わらわは神殿におりる。そいつらは研究しつにほうりこんでおけ。[END] Zeal: I'll let you handle this, Dalton. I'm going down to the temple. Throw them into the laboratory.
ジール「行くぞ、予言者よ![END] Zeal: Let's go, prophet!
ダルトン「じょ、女王様……!?[END] Dalton: M-- My queen...!?
ダルトン「チッ、なんだってんだよ!この役立たずどもめ![END] Dalton: Tsk! What are you talking about!? You useless good-for-nothings!

It seems that Dalton fought the party himself in the throne room, with no Golem summon. Zeal leaves the situation to him before going to the Ocean Palace with the Prophet following. These lines are totally unique to the prototype.

Text Block 07 3BB400-3BD43B

[Young Man]橋は今、修理中でわたれないぜ。先日の地震のせいだよ。そーいや、最近地震多いよな。[END] [Young Man] The bridge is under repair right now, so you can't get across. It's because of that earthquake the other day. Speaking of which, there's been a lot of quakes lately.
[Bandeau]うっせえ!いっしょうけんめい修理してんだ。もちっと待つんだな。[END] [Bandeau] Shaddap! I'm doin' my best to fix this thing. Just hold on a bit longer.
[Young Man]いつになったら、橋がなおるのかのー。[END] [Young Man] When is the bridge going to be fixed?
[Old Man]チョラスの大工、バンドーを呼べば橋の修理なんて、すぐにおわるのにな。[END] [Old Man] If we could only call Bandeau, that carpenter from Choras, for the bridge repair, he'd have it done in no time at all.

These infamous lines describe the broken Zenan Bridge in 1000 AD. Bandeau gets some facetime here as well. The topmost person was left in the final version as the guy who complains about earthquakes.

[Soldier]あのカエル野郎、およいで向こうへわたって行きやがった。やはりあいつは、魔王軍の魔物なのだ。[END] [Soldier] That frogman swam across to the other side. I knew he was a monster from the Demon King's army.

As you can probably tell, the "That guy" part is unique to the prototype.

[Knight]き、巨大なホネの魔物が現われた!もうだめだー![END] [Knight] A-- A giant bone monster appeared! We're done for!

In the prototype, a knight blows the entire Zombor surprise before the party even begins fighting. It makes sense this was removed since Zombor is assembled as a last-ditch effort by Ozzie from the Decedents.

マール「な、なに?[END] Marle: Wh-- What?
ルッカ「何をする気!?[END] Lucca: What do you think you're doing!?
ロボ「コ、こんどはナニをするつもりデスカ![END] Robo: Wh-- What are you going to do this time!?

These reaction lines to Zombor were cut.

ボッシュ「武器はな…… 生命をうばうための物ではないぞ。 生かすための物であるべきじゃ。 Bosch: Weapons, you see...... They're not meant for taking lives. They should be used for SAVING lives.
な~んてな、ちとカッコよすぎるかの。[END] Hmm... Maybe that sounded a bit too cool.

Melchior has an extra little statement that sort of underscores just how awesome his little philosophy is there. This line is from an earlier point of development, as a line closer to the final without the extra comment is also present in this build.

[Green Imp] この広場のまんなかにあるのが 魔王様のどうぞうだよ。[END] [Green Imp] That thing in the middle of the square is a bronze statue of the Demon King.

Magus' statue is made of bronze in this build.

[Vinnegar XIII] ワシがこのメディーナ村の村長、 ビネガー13世じゃ! ワシの先祖は、あのいだいなる魔王様の 一の部下として人間どもと戦ったのだぞ。 ああ、魔王様…… なぜ400年前に 人間達をほろぼして下さらなかったのじゃ?[END] [Vinnegar XIII] I'm Vinnegar XIII, the mayor of Medina village! One of my ancestors fought against those accursed humans as one of the great Demon King's henchmen. Oh, Demon King... Why didn't you wipe out humankind 400 years ago?

Ozzie (Vinnegar in Japanese) was XIII instead of VIII.

[Weiner] オレは、ワイナー。 魔族がその力を取り戻す日にそなえて 剣の修行にいそしんでいるのだ。[END] [Weiner] I'm Weiner. I've been practicing the sword in preparation for the day the Demons regain their power.
[Ketchuppa] 私は、ケチャッパ。 日夜、魔王様をあがめて、魔族がこの地を 手に入れる日を願い続けているのよ。[END] [Ketchuppa] I'm Ketchuppa. I've been worshiping the Demon King day and night, praying the day will come when the Demons take over this land.

Yes, you're reading that correctly - Slash was first known as Weiner, and Flea as Ketchuppa. They were changed to different condiments for the Japanese version (Soysaw and Mayonnay, respectively); seems weiners and ketchup weren't wacky enough for the Toriyama food-name thing.

[Blue Imp in Lost House] この村には、人間をにくんでいる者もいる。 過去にとらわれ、現在が見えなくなっているのだ。 [Blue Imp in Lost House] Some people in the village hate humans. They're so caught up in the past, they can't see the present.
彼らは、村長の家や村の広場にあつまって 400年前の魔王にいのりをささげている。[END] They gather in the mayor's house or in the square to offer prayers to the Demon King from 400 years ago.

Dialogue intended for the residents of a Medina house that was removed from the final.

The presence of friendly Imps here, the Medina Inn, and the Portal House, coupled with this Imp's words, suggest that Medina was very divided over whether to continue hating humans or reconcile.

[Blue Imp in Lost House] 西の山の洞窟にすむヘケランという魔物は、 400年の昔より、魔王様の命令をうけて ラヴォス神のねむる地を守っているのだ。[END] [Blue Imp in Lost House] The monster Hekeran, who lives in a cave in the western mountains, has been guarding the land where the god Lavos sleeps under the orders of the Demon King for 400 years.

This indicates that Magus ordered Heckran to protect that point.

マール「ねえ、クロノ! あの人が言っていたラヴォスって、 未来のドームで見たあのラヴォスのこと なのかしら?[END] Marle: Hey, Crono! You think that Lavos he was talking about is the same one we saw in that dome in the future?
ルッカ「これは聞きずてならないわね。 彼の言っていたラヴォスとは、 未来のドームで見たあのラヴォスのこと である可能性が高いわ。[END] Lucca: I can't let that pass without comment. It's very likely the Lavos he's talking about is the one we saw in that dome in the future.
ロボ「ラヴォスとは…… 王国暦1999年に世界をハカイした あのラヴォスのことなのでショウカ?[END] Robo: Lavos... Could it be the same one who destroyed the world in Kingdom Year 1999?
マール「えーっ!? あのラヴォス?[END] Marle: HUH!? THAT Lavos?
ルッカ「この村の人々の話をまとめれば そうとしか考えられないわね。[END] Lucca: That's the only conclusion I can draw from what the villagers are saying.
ロボ「ラヴォス……[END] Robo: Lavos...
マール「もしそうなら、あの未来を 変えちゃうには、ラヴォスを生み出す 前に魔王をやっつけちゃうのが いちばん手っとりばやいね。[END] Marle: If that's the case, then the easiest way to change that future is to beat the Demon King before he can create Lavos.
ルッカ「もしそうなら、未来を救うには その魔王とやらがラヴォスを生み出す 前に倒してしまうのが合理的な方法ね。[END] Lucca: If that's the case, defeating that Demon King before he summons Lavos seems to be the most reasonable way to save the future.
ロボ「魔王がラヴォスを生み出した のナラバ…… その魔王を倒セバ、未来は救わレル のではないでショウカ?[END] Robo: If the Demon King summons Lavos, then…… If we defeat the Demon King, we'll be able to save the future, right?
マール「魔王って、400年前の人 だから…… 中世に行けば、魔王にあえるんじゃ?[END] Marle: The Demon King lived 400 years ago, so…… By going to the Middle Ages, we'll be able to meet him.
ルッカ「魔王と人間が戦ったのが 400年前…… ということは、中世に行けばいいのね。[END] Lucca: The fight between the Demon King and the humans was 400 years ago…… So that means we should go to the Middle Ages.
ロボ「魔王は400年前の人物デス。 中世に行ケバ、彼にあえるデショウ。[END] Robo: The Demon King was alive 400 years ago. If we go to the Middle Ages, we should be able to meet him.
マール「テレポットがあるリーネ広場の ゲートを使えば、中世へ行けるね![END] Marle: If we use the gate by the teleporter at Leene Square, we can get to the Middle Ages!
ルッカ「リーネ広場のテレポットが ある場所に開いたゲートを使えば 中世に行けるはずよ。[END] Lucca: If we use the gate that opened up at the teleporter in Leene Square, we ought to be able to get to the Middle Ages.
ロボ「アナタ達が初めて使った ゲートが中世につながるゲートでス。 そのゲートはリーネ広場にありマス。[END] Robo: The gate you first used is connected to the Middle Ages. That gate is located at Leene Square.
マール「行こう、中世に![END] Marle: Let's go! To the Middle Ages!
ルッカ「行くわよ、中世に![END] Lucca: Here we go to the Middle Ages!
ロボ「行きまショウ、中世ヘ![END] Robo: Let us go! To the Middle Ages!

This illustrates that the party learned about Lavos from an Imp in Medina, rather than Heckran.

[Octorider] 人間どもめ! キサマ達にラヴォス神の ねむる地を けがさせはせんぞ![END] [Octorider] Filthy humans! We will not let you violate the land where the god Lavos sleeps!

The Octorider enemy greets you harshly in Heckran Cave with these lines. The Octorider was removed from this area in the final version of the game, but still exists as a functional enemy.

フィオナ「魔王軍との戦いで、武器が たくさんいるので、この森の木々は ほとんど切られてしまいました。 Fiona: Most of the trees in this forest have been cut down because they needed so many weapons to fight against the Demon King's army.
森の緑を守るために、木をうえているの ですが、すぐにかれてしまうのです……[END] I'm planting trees to keep the forest green, but they just die before long...


A good explanation for why there are so few trees around Fiona's home, and also sets up foreshadowing of the Sunken Desert sidequest.

マール「フィオナさん、かわいそう……[END] Marle: Poor Fiona...
ルッカ「うーん、私のめいせきな頭脳を もってしても、こればかりはね……[END] Lucca: Hmm... Even my genius intellect is at a loss on this one...
ロボ「なんとかシテ、フィオナさんを 助けてあげたいデスネ。[END] Robo: I would like to do something to help Fiona.
カエル「うーむ。[END] Frog: Hmm.
エイラ「クロ! なんとか ならないか?[END] Ayla: Cro! Can do something?
魔王「……[END] Prince of Darkness: ……

Several unique lines illustrating the party's thoughts after Fiona wishes that someone could help her repair the forest by working for decades.

Text Block 10 3C1CEA-3C28E0

アニキ「俺ハ… アオキスイセイ ジョニー。 コイツラノ頭ダ……。 Dude: I'M JOHNNY... THE BLUE COMET. I'M THEIR BOSS...

Johnny calls himself "The Blue Comet" in this build. This doesn't appear in the final.

ロボット「ン? オマエラ マタキタノカ。[END] Robot: HUH? BACK AGAIN, EH?
ジョニー「待タシタナ! サァ 勝負ダ ギンギンダゼ! ベイベー![END] Johnny: I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU! OK, RACE TIME! LET'S ROLL, BABY!

This short intro appears if you enter Lab 32 from the south, and was probably shown as a mini-intro each time you came back to Lab 32. It probably became tiresome to see all the time, and was removed from the final version of the game.

Text Block 11 3C28E1-3C4325

[Child] 俺 見た 赤い星 大きな火 ラヴォス 落ちるとこ。 すごかった。 ちょっと おしっこ ちびった。[END] [Child] Me saw. Red star, big fire, Lavos falling. Was cool. Me pee a bit.

Perhaps this was too much for even Japanese censors. It's "Me a bit scared" in the final version.

[Man] ラルバの民 しばらく いっしょにいたが また あたらしい村つくる 言って でていった。[END] [Man] Larubans stay with us little while. But then left, said make new village.
[Woman] ラルバの民 へんな石 神だといって あがめてた。[END] [Woman] Larubans worship weird rock. Call it god.

The fact that the Laruba made a separate village from the Iokans lends shaky credibility to the fan theory that the Laruba people were the ancestors of the Enlightened Ones, given their purplish hair color. Regarding the second line, there's an Iokan man who also talks about a "weird rock", even in the final version.

We've got some possibilities with this one:

  • The woman's speaking about the Laruba in present tense, but referring to them as a third party because they've gone off to a new village. In this case, the weird rock can simply be snow or ice, and only the "new village" part is inconsistent with the final version of Chrono Trigger.
  • The woman's speaking about the Laruba in past tense, and she and the Ioka man are talking about the SilverRock at the Laruba Ruins. In this case, though, why would it feel "icky" when touched by the Ioka man?
  • The woman's speaking about the Laruba in the recent past tense, and she and the Ioka man are talking about the Frozen Flame. As attractive as this is given the theory that the Laruba were the ancestors of the Enlightened Ones (who also were reverential towards that sacred shard of red rock mentioned in their books), Chrono Cross states that humanity contacted the Frozen Flame in 3,000,000 BC.
  • The woman and man are talking about the Sun Stone, which was used to power Zeal until Lavos was discovered and the Mammon Machine created. This plays into the idea that the Larubans were the ancestors of the Enlightened Ones.

GlitterBerri, regarding the Sun Stone:

  • 石 is a Japanese word meaning stone, or gem.
  • It can be pronounced いし (ishi) or せき (seki).
  • It is pronounced いし (ishi) in the context of the stone mentioned by the people of 65,000,000 BC, the へんな石 (hen na ishi) or "strange stone".
  • Two other stones are also present in the game, the たいようせき (taiyou seki) or Stone of Sun, and the あんこくせき (ankoku seki) or Stone of Darkness.
  • Though the pronunciation of "stone" is different because of the context and "stone" in this case is written in hiragana, these mentions of "stone" would all use the same kanji.
  • I am unsure if this is meant to differentiate the stones mentioned or if it is simply because saying せき (seki) in the context of へんな石 would not be natural.

Text Block 12 3C4326-3C4535

でも…… But...
今日もここまでだ ひきつづき 他の場所を デバックしてくれクロ。[END] That all for today. Keep debugging in other place, Cro.

This debug message appears beneath lines about the Dactyl Nest, but isn't in the game's events there. The meaning of "Mesu4" isn't known.

GlitterBerri, regarding Mesu4:

  • I was hoping that the romaji would call up something from the minds of the more technically oriented. I haven't seen it as part of debug text before.
  • The definition of めす according to WWWJDIC is "to call/send for/wear/put on/take/ride in/buy/eat/drink/catch".

Text Block 13 3C56D6-3C7402

老人「……と、まあ、こういう事じゃ。 Old Man: ...Well, there you have it.
タイムワープボタンで私を呼び出せば ここに残っている者といつでも メンバーチェンジ出来る。 わすれんようにな。[END] Use the Time Warp Button to summon me, and you can switch members of your party with those staying here at any time. Don't forget!

In the final, the "time warp" button is the Y button. Too bad this ceremonial name was removed!



Marle: Let's go, Crono!


ルッカ「あんたも行く? クロノ。


Lucca: You coming too, Crono?




Robo: Come with me, Crono.




Frog: C'mon, Crono!




Ayla: Cro, with Ayla!




Demon King: Hmph. Don't tell me you're coming too?


It seems several unique "take me along?" lines existed for the parts of the game where Crono was required to be in the party.

[System] BG1万2千年『地の民の大陸』へ 行きますか?
[System] Will you to 12,000 B.G., Earth Tribe's Continent?

The 12000 BC gate uses "B.G." instead. It is tantalizing to think that it stands for "Before Guardia" and that this is a leftover of an earlier dating system, but it's most likely just a typo.



Old Man: Go on, talk to me...

We want to bring Crono back to life.
About the Sage of Time...
Give us something to drink.

老人「よし、特製のカクテルでも飮んで 元気を出しな。 名付けてクロノ・リメンバー……。[END] Old Man: OK. Drink this special cocktail--it'll cheer you up. I call it "Remembering Crono"...

In the prototype, the party can ask about returning Crono to life, the Guru of Time, and something to drink when they speak with Gaspar about Crono's death. After one option is chosen, Gaspar explains that topic and then returns with the remaining options until finally, all are exhausted. If the party asks for something to drink when discussing Crono's death, Gaspar gives them a special cocktail named "Remembering Chrono" that recovers their energy. This became a song in the final version.

老人「それは、クロノ・トリガー。 時の卵だよ。 そのペンダントで この卵をかえすんだ。[END] Old Man: That is the Chrono Trigger. The Egg of Time. Use that pendant to hatch it.

Gaspar outright states here that the Pendant will hatch the Time Egg. He doesn't state this in the final version; the party only finds out when the Pendant reacts to their attempt to hatch the Egg on Death Peak.

老人「チャンスは一度きりだよ。 ラヴォスによって生じる 時空のゆがみの一番強い場所…… 死の山の山ちょうで使ってみなさい。 Old Man: You only have one chance. You'll have to use it where Lavos's spatiotemporal distortions are at their strongest... the summit of Mount Death.
ただし成功するかどうかは…… お前さん達の、クロノへの思い しだいだよ。[END] But whether or not it succeeds... that depends entirely on how you feel about Crono.

This line isn't present in the final, but fascinatingly explains why the Chrono Trigger must be used on Death Peak. It's possible that the distortion of Lavos is what allowed the Time Egg to find the moment of the Ocean Palace incident, at which Lavos was present.

エイラ「わかった エイラ この卵 食わない![END] Ayla: OK. Ayla no eat egg!

in the final version, Ayla asks if the Time Egg is okay to eat when Gaspar gives it to the party. In the prototype, the party thanks Gaspar for the egg and Ayla declares that she won't eat it.

老人「あそこの、はなれたゲートには 行ってはならんぞ……。 ことにお前さんらのような わかものはな……。[END] Old Man: No one must enter that distant Gate. Especially not young folks like you...
ルッカ「このゲート、一体どこへ?[END] Lucca: Where exactly does this Gate lead?
老人「だから言ったろう。 行ってはならんと……。 Old Man: Now you know why I told you not to go in...
過去を変える事がいつもベストな方法とは 限らないんじゃ。 過去をこうかいするよりも、今のお前さんの 気持を大切にする事じゃな……。[END] Changing history isn't always the best thing to do. You shouldn't regret your past; instead, you should cherish how the you of today feels...

These lines come at the end of the text block, and in conjunction with certain scripted events prove that Lucca was to reach 990 A.D. to save her mother's legs through a special pillar of light at the End of Time. The last line is said when bit 02 of 7F005A (Lucca flags) is set. When bit 01 or 02 of 7F00AB is set, the special pillar appears. The object there sets bit 02 of 7F005A and sends you to Lucca's room.

The text block for Lucca's house has no text for saving Lara, so judging from Gaspar's fatalistic quote that comes with bit 02 of 7F005A, it's very possible that at this point in development Lucca could not change her family's past.

老人「よお、お前さん達。 お前さん達も見たかい? あれを。 この間、とほうもなく大きな黒い影が よぎって行ったのさ……。 Old Man: Hey! You there! You saw that too, right? You know. That tremendous black shadow that just went by...
ありゃ何だろう? どこかで見た気もするが…… ジールの海底神殿……? いや、もっと別の……[END] What WAS that? I feel like I've seen it before... Zeal's Undersea Temple? ...No, it's something else...

Given the reference to the Ocean Palace and the line not appearing in the End of Time's events, the "shadow" mentioned is likely some kind of reference to the Black Omen, possibly before it appears in the game. Perhaps the Black Omen was at one point meant to appear upon returning to the End of Time after Crono's death instead of just before returning as in the final version.

Since the Black Omen is found in all time periods going forward after it is created and appears to exist beyond the flow of time (chests opened, minibosses defeated, and Panels destroyed in 600 or 1000 AD will remain as such if you visit the Black Omen in prior eras), it's possible that Gaspar is simply commenting on the Black Omen's existence.

[Unknown] ざんねんですが、今回のヴァージョンでは ここはプレイしていただけません。 [Unknown] It's unfortunate, but we can't let you play here in this version.
この先に待つ物は製品をお楽しみに していただいて、左のゲートから その他の世界をごらん下さい。[END] To see what awaits you ahead, please check out the other worlds through the Gates on your left. We hope you'll enjoy the final product!

The location and purpose of this line is a mystery. It's not found among the End of Time lines.

GlitterBerri, regarding the debug message:

  • This message looks like it was written by someone other than the person who wrote the other ending/advertisement messages; they spelled "version" differently.

Text Block 14 3C7403-3C7E9E

魔王「あいにくと今日のバージョンは ここまでだ……。 Demon King: Unfortunately, today's version ends here...
しょくんらのおかげで、かいはつは ちゃくちゃくとすすんでいる。 ここ以外の場所をうろついて デバッグしてみてくれ……。 Thanks to all of your efforts, development is proceeding steadily. Go prowl around somewhere else and do some debugging...
たのんだぞ……。[END] We're counting on you...

This line appears after all the others regarding the battle with Magus. Since Magus' inner sanctum isn't implemented in this build, it's possible it dates from an earlier version as a message to the development team who might have been working on that area separately.

Text Block 15 3C7E9F-3C9044

エンディング![END] Ending!

This appears after defeating Lavos.

魔王「来てやったぞ、ラヴォス。 きさまの、いきのねを止めにな……。[END] Demon King: Here I am, Lavos. I've come to end your wretched life...

Magus is a Badass, Volume MCMXIII. This is "It will be your last, Lavos......!" in the final version, which is a much more ambiguous and less impacting threat.





Marle: What should we do, [pc1]?

Force our way through
Pretend to be sick
Look around the room

While the Blackbird isn't functional in this build, plenty of its related dialogue is present.

Judging from the extra option, it's possible that the ability to explore was disabled, and the player had to choose one of these consistently to get out of the first room. The option that doesn't appear in the final ("Force a way through") results in this text if chosen:

マール「よーし、正面から行こう![END] Marle: Okay, let's take 'em head-on!
ルッカ「だ、だいじょぶかしらね……。[END] Lucca: I-- I wonder this is safe...
ロボ「危険デスガ…… やってみマショウ![END] Robo: It is risky... but let us try!
カエル「いちかばちか、やってみっか![END] Frog: It's all or nothing! Let's take a chance!
エイラ「さすが [pc1]! エイラも そう思う![END] Ayla: Ayla knew [pc1] say that! Ayla think so too!
魔王「バカが……、まあいい。 行ってみろ。[END] Demon King: This is idiotic... but very well. We'll try it.

Notice that Magus has a line. He has several lines related to the Blackbird, suggesting that he could join the party prior to this.

Noticing the lost equipment:

魔王「装備をはいだか ダルトン……。[END] Demon King: He took our equipment... Dalton...

Realizing he's on the Blackbird:

魔王「![END] Demon King: !
魔王「なるほど、ここは……[END] Demon King: I see. Then this is...
魔王「黒鳥号……か。[END] Demon King: ...the Black Swan...?

Abusively asking the player what to do:



Demon King: What would a worm like you do...?

Force our way through
Pretend to be sick
Search the room

Commenting on the stomach illness ploy:

魔王「……子供だましな。[END] Demon King: ...How puerile.

Feigning stomach illness:

魔王「……。[END] Demon King: ...

Detecting the Epoch:

魔王「……来る。[END] Demon King: ...Here it comes.

Reacting to Dalton's Epoch attack:

魔王「どこをねらっている![END] Demon King: Where are you aiming!?

Preparing to attack:

魔王「バカめが……![END] Demon King: You fool...!

Commenting on victory:

魔王「……こそくな。[END] Demon King: ...An underhanded trick.

And acknowledging Dalton's role in enabling flight:

魔王「お前も少しは役に立ったな。 ダルトン……。[END] Demon King: You've been the slightest bit of use to us, Dalton...

Text Block 16 3C9045-3CA535

修道院が出来て、魔物の数もめっきり 少なくなった。[END] Ever since they built that cathedral, there've been remarkably few monsters around here.

This line was changed to a note about the Queen in the final version, and suggests that not only is the Manolia Cathedral possibly a recent construction, but that Yakra and his monsters infiltrated it from the start.

勇者のバッジは世界に一つ。 勇者をうち負かした者か、勇者がみとめた 者にのみ、バッジがたくされるらしい。[END] There's only one Hero's Badge in the world. It's only entrusted to those who can defeat the hero in combat, or to one he deems worthy.

This line gives some interesting background info about the medal. It was changed to information about Tata's visit in the final.

Text Block 18 3CB0BC-3CBB6C

このバージョンはここまでです。 のちほど次のバージョンをおとどけします。 That's all for this version. We'll send you the next one later on.
Chrono Trigger
Coming 3/11
よろしくお願いします[END] Thanks for your supoprt!

This is possibly from an older version of the game.

ジャリ「このバージョンではこの先には 行けないジャリ。[END] Jarry: You can't go any further in this version, jarry.

A "Jarry" is an Imp. These Imps block the exit to Guardia Castle from Guardia Forest in 1000 A.D.

Text Block 19 3CE0AC-3CEE9F

カエル「わたしには、お似合いの所か もしれぬ……[END] Frog: I don't think I'm well-suited for this place...

Frog and Robo get these sewer lines that don't appear in the final. It should be noted that Robo speaks in a very robotic tone (all katakana) for this line compared to the final, where he usually speaks normally. Frog's speech patterns are also markedly different from the final.

こぶん「うわあっ こんなにもらっちゃって ほんとにいいのケロ?[END] Lackey: Waaahhh! Are you sure you want to take that much, ribbit?
おやぶん「バイトのやつのぶんも いれと いたゲロ なあに きにするなゲロ あいつはいまごろ ほのおのえじきに なってるゲロ[END] Boss: I put in Part's share too, gribbit. What? Don't worry about it, gribbit. He's probably feeding the flames by now, gribbit.
こぶん「もう! おやぶんたら ワルなんだケロ![END] Lackey: Sheesh! You're a bad boy, boss, ribbit!

These lines depict the bullfrogs dividing their stipends. The Lackey complains that the Boss isn't giving enough to Part, who works in the basement with a fire puzzle that's present in this build but not in the final. This scene appears if you walk around the first area; the frogs appear above the ladder leading to the second basement. The scene can be triggered with the frogs offscreen, and was probably used as a way to remind the player to go down that ladder.

クロウリー様「おろか者めが! ヒクッ Lord Crawlie: Why, you fool! *hic*
コナゴナにしてやるー!![END] I'm gonna pulverize you!!
みはり「キー! それじゃあ おいらは これにて失礼! キー![END] Lookout: Skree! Well then, gotta go! Skree!
クロウリー様「知らんぷり 知らんぷり またコナゴナにされちゃうからな![END] Lord Crawlie: You keep pretending not to know, and I'll pummel you again!
みはり「気付かないふり 気付かないふり[END] Lookout: I'm pretending not to notice!

This dialogue follows the laughing scene that also plays in the final version of the game when the party stumbles upon Sir Krawlie.

In the Sewer Access, you talk to a bullfrog character named Part and then must race to the end of the pathway as four flames chase you. If the flames catch you, you are sent to a new room where three Egger enemies surround you. An Egger named Timer apologizes to Part for being late, and then the four Eggers battle the party. After defeating them, you can then talk to Part to return to the previous room. The puzzle only happens once, and was removed from the final.

GlitterBerri, regarding Part and Timer:

  • Part's name is バイト (baito), previously translated in the enemy list as Byte.
  • However, Baito is actually a joke on アルバイト (arubaito), an adopted German word which means "part-time job".
  • Timer's name is actually パート (paato), an abbreviated adoption of the English word "part-timer" or "part-time job".
  • I couldn't figure out how to make the joke work without changing both of their names, so I turned Baito into "Part" and Paato into "Timer".
バイト「びっくりしたケロ! Part: You scared me, ribbit!
「ええと わたくし ただの アルバ イトでありまして 誰かが来たらかけ 声をとのことです ケロケロ Um, this is just my part-time job. If someone comes along, I call out to them, ribbit ribbit.
「するとですねえ ほのおがあなた方 を追いかけるっていう すん法でして ケロケロ When I do, the fire will pursue them for a bit, ribbit ribbit.
「なるべく いそいで逃げたほうがい いと思うしだいです ケロケロ It depends on if you think it would be best to escape as fast as possible, ribbit ribbit.
「なるべく いそいで逃げたほうがい いと思うしだいです ケロケロ It depends on if you think it would be best to escape as fast as possible, ribbit ribbit.
「たのまれただけですので やらない とバイト代もらえないんで ケロケロ I was asked to do this, you see. If I don't, I won't get my earnings, ribbit ribbit.
「ほんとにびっくりしたんだよ それでは失礼して[END] You really scared me. Well then, please excuse me.
バイト「ケロ ケロ ケロ ケロ 今日はいくらもらえるのかなあ……[END] Part: Ribbit ribbit ribbit ribbit. I wonder how much I'll get today......
逃げきれなかった![END] Couldn't escape!
パート「おくれて すいませーん[END] Timer: Sorry I'm late!
バイト「それでは パートのみなさん おねがいしまーす![END] Part: There you go, part-timer!
バイト「はい おつかれさま Part: You did good work.
わたしもいっしょにジャーンプ![END] I'll jump with you!
(All translations: GlitterBerri, N. Onymous)

Unused Text

Present at 0312AF:


Following shortly afterwards is what appears to be an incomplete, raw version of the game's credits and "BUT... THE FUTURE REFUSED TO CHANGE".

To do:
There may be more text.