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Mr. Bean

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Title Screen

Mr. Bean

Also known as: Mr Bean's Wacky World (Wii, US), Mr Bean's Wacky World of Wii (Wii, EU)
Developer: Beyond Reality
Publishers: Blast! Entertainment (EU/AUS), Red Wagon Games (US)
Platforms: Nintendo DS, PlayStation 2, Wii, Windows
Released in US: January 31, 2011 (Wii)
Released in EU: November 23, 2007 (PS2), March 14, 2008 (DS), February 6, 2009 (Wii), February 9, 2009 (Windows)
Released in AU: November 29, 2007 (PS2), March 2008 (DS), June 25, 2009 (Wii)

MovieIcon.png This game has unused cinematics.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

To do:
Agent Hugo: Lemoon Twist Leftovers

Mr. Bean is a 3D collect-a-thon based on Mr. Bean: The Animated Series. In this installment, everyone's favorite quiet kook learns that his beloved teddy bear, Teddy, has been kidnapped. Thus, he journeys across Britain to pay the ransom by collecting cat food, coming across a ton of signs along the way, whilst soundtracked by a never-ending stream of smooth jazz.

As an aside, this game has no credits, only copyrights.

Debug Features

Nintendo DS

Present in the file MB_Settings.ini are a bunch of settings. Changing these enables the respective debug feature.

	Debug_On		False
	Demo_on			False
	Scroll_On		False
	Language_On		False
	Version_On		False
	Music_On		True
To do:
Find what Scroll_On does.


Enables an extra entry on the main menu: "Debug Mode". This acts as a level select to all areas of the game. Also adds "All Jigsaws", "All Biscuits", "All Teddies" and "Level End" options in the pause menu.


When the game is started, makes it go straight to the first level.


Enables a language indicator in the top-right corner and the ability to press L and R to cycle between languages.


Adds "V1.7" to the bottom-right corner of the top screen.


Enables/disables music.

PlayStation 2, Wii, Windows

A similar settings file named Game.ini can be found in the PS2, Wii and Windows release. Setting a value to 1 enables an option, while 0 disables the option.



Displays "Version 3.5 SLES-54666" for the PS2, "Version 3.9" for the Wii and "Version 5.2" for Windows on the top left corner of the screen. The version is actually right above the options in Game.ini and can be changed to other values, but will round up to the first decimal place. Setting a non-number value defaults it to "1.0".


Enables/disables audio.


Skips the opening credits and logos.



Enables a debug menu that can be selected from the main menu. This also enables a free camera and a real-time language changing option.

The free camera can be activated by pressing R2 on PS2 and F1 on Windows.

The language can be cycled through at any time during the game with SELECT on PS2, Minus (–) on Wii and L on Windows.


The debug level select menu displays the theme and name of each level, as well as the internal file name and what sprite file is used. Enemies and Extras always say "None" even if a level features both.


A basic debug display also appears while the main debug option is enabled. It details the player's x/y/z position, and the level number in accordance with the level select menu.



Enables a menu in the pause menu that can give all of a specific item for a level. There's also an option to jump to the end of the current level. This option is automatically enabled with EnableDebugMenu on PS2.

Other Options

The Windows version has additional debug options available if the game is running in windowed mode under the View tab.

View tab contents
Render Mode > Point
Display Mode > Off
Culling Boxes
Collision Spheres
Collision Bounds
Enable Lighting
Enable Fog
Use Polygon Lists
Height Maps
Texture Viewer
Metric Viewer
Model Viewer
Pathfinder Obsticles

Render Modes

MrBeanWIN-FIN RenderMode-Line.png

There are four different render modes: the regular one, a solid color one where everything is white except the outlines, a lined wireframe and a dotted frame mode.

Texture Viewer

MrBeanWIN-FIN TextureViewer.png

Shows all the currently loaded textures in memory. You can zoom in and out on the currently highlighted texture with [ and ].

This menu is also present in the PS2 version and can be enabled with this code. Zooming on PS2 is done by pressing R2 and L2.

002EEDF4 00000001

Metrics Viewer

MrBeanPS2-FIN MetricsViewe.png

This option only seems to work properly on PS2, displaying the current performance and usage metrics.

002EEDF8 00000001

CPU / GPU Usage

MrBeanPS2-FIN CPUGPUDisplay.png
MrBeanPS2-FIN Intro.wmv.png
MrBeanPS2-FIN SoftwareError.png

A broken option that's only present in the PS2 version. Enabling this option displays the frame rate, CPU and GPU usage, as well as enables the coordinates, version display and language selector regardless of the GAME.INI settings. Having this option enabled also has some other unusual side effects such as the game being guaranteed to almost always crash and give a Software Error screen if it's enabled on loading screens, as well as displaying a placeholder Intro.wmv cutscene.

To minimize problems, the display can be toggled by pressing R3 + UP and R3 + DOWN.

D0454F82 0200FFEB
00455960 00000001
007D7288 00000001
D0454F82 0200FFBB
00455960 00000000
007D7288 00000000
(Source: Edness (PS2 codes))

Unused Text

Bonue Clip 5

Present in ENGLISH.TXF, grouped together with the bonus clip text.

Leftover Batch Files

Only in the Wii version are a couple of batch files that can be found in the root directory of the game disc.




setndenv DvdRoot "c:/MrBean/Wii/Exe"
ndrun Game.elf

Game Project Remnants

Download.png Download Game.elf_Data.zip
File: Mr Bean Wii Game.elf_Data.zip (info)

Also only in the Wii version of the game is a folder named game.elf_Data. Inside are two files that were originally from the debug version's project folder. CWSettingsWindows.stg contains all of the settings for the project, while TargetDataWindows.tdt contains a file listing of the entire codebase and brief descriptions of each file.

Unused sounds


A sound of Mr. Bean laughing.

Unused Tutorial Versions

The PS2 version features a Tutorial option, which displays a short video explaining the basic controls of the game. In the PAL version, this tutorial is only available in five of the languages (English, French, Italian, Castilian and Dutch), the other languages (German, Swedish, Finnish, Danish, Norwegian and Portuguese) missing the tutorial option from the menu entirely. However, unused versions for these languages exist, located in the MOVIES folder. The quality of the translations seems to be quite poor as seen in the German version using "gepaust" and "Runde Taste" ("round button") instead of "pausiert" and "Kreistaste" ("circle button"), and the Portuguese version using "usual" instead of "útil" (useful), which is probably why they were left unused.

Although the videos for these unused languages can be loaded by replacing them over the accessible ones as usual, it is also possible to access them by opening the tutorial in one of the used languages and quickly switching to one of the unused ones using the debug language switch option with SELECT before the screen fades to black.

Unused tutorial languages (7:02)

In addition, the English tutorial is also present on the Wii version's files, located under Movies/Tutorial.thp, probably left as a placeholder for an eventual Wii tutorial that was never realised.

(Source (German Translation Quality): mrmister3782)