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Proto:Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings (Windows, Mac OS Classic, Mac OS X)/Version

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings (Windows, Mac OS Classic, Mac OS X).

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.

This build is an early build, not too different from the original Age of Empires at this stage of development

General Differences

  • The Menu and Interface is virtually identical to the original Age of Empires.
  • There are no campaigns in this build.
  • You cannot queue up unit production in this build, similar to the original Age of Empires.
  • Pathfinding is an options setting that can be set to Low or High. It determines how much processing power is used for unit pathfinding.
  • Several logs are recorded to the root C: drive while playing, mostly related to AI decision making.
  • AI is at an extremely early stage, with only the Japanese and Britons having functional AI.
  • Almost all terrain, buildings, and units are different from the final game's versions. There are many placeholder buildings that consist solely of a large foundation, with text indicating the intended building ontop.
  • There's a unique terrain type, Snow, that was removed from the final game.
  • Most unit animations are missing, with units turning into their original Age of Empires incarnations upon taking action.
  • Similar to the first game, there are no triggers implemented yet.
  • Formations are in very early development and are not implemented in the game yet.
  • Palettes have changed since the original Age of Empires, but not all sprites were updated to use the new palettes. This leads to some glitchy looking sprites, like the shallows, due to them expecting the old color palettes.

E3 Demo

The build comes with a scenario called E3, and within that scenario, scenes related to E3 1998's Age of Empires 2 coverage are be found.

It features multiple battles and setpieces that were seen in the early Age of Empires 2 videos and screenshots. This includes the trebuchets fighting the Japanese Bombard tower, and the Battle between the British Longbowmen and the Frank Paladins.


In addition to the E3 scenario, there are also a bunch of AI Techtree scenarios meant to go alongside the logs in the basegame folder.