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Proto:The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Master Quest/Debug Text/File 0029 to 0497

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This is a sub-page of Proto:The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Master Quest/Debug Text.


File 0029 to 0049

File 0029 - ovl_title

This is the actor file for the title screen. The text "NOT MARIO CLUB VERSION" refers to the fact that this version of the ROM is not one that was used by Nintendo's Super Mario Club team to debug the game.

this->staticSegment != NULL

File 0030 - ovl_select

This is the actor file for the map select menu.

Text Translation
[34m [34m
1:SPOT00 1:SPOT00
2:SPOT01 2:SPOT01
3:SPOT02 3:SPOT02
4:SPOT03 4:SPOT03
5:SPOT04 5:SPOT04
6:SPOT05 6:SPOT05
7:SPOT06 7:SPOT06
8:SPOT07 8:SPOT07
9:SPOT08 9:SPOT08
10:SPOT09 10:SPOT09
11:SPOT10 11:SPOT10
12:SPOT11 12:SPOT11
13:SPOT12 13:SPOT12
14:SPOT13 14:SPOT13
15:SPOT15 15:SPOT15
16:SPOT16 16:SPOT16
17:SPOT17 17:SPOT17
18:SPOT18 18:SPOT18
19:SPOT20 19:SPOT20
20:トキノマ 20:Chamber of Time
21:ケンジャノマ 21:Chamber of the Sages
22:シャテキジョウ 22:Target Range
23:ŒハイラルニワŒゲーム 23:ŒHyrule Garden Game
24:ハカシタトビコミアナ 24:Dive Hole Beneath the Graves
25:ハカシタトビコミアナ 2 25:Dive Hole Beneath the Graves 2
26:オウケ ノ ハカアナ 26:Royal Family's Grave Hole
27:ダイヨウセイノイズミ 27:Great Fairy Fountain
28:トビコミ ヨウセイ アナ 28:Fairy Dive Hole
29:マホウセキ ヨウセイノイズミ 29:Magic Stone Fairy Fountain
30:Œガノンサイシュウセン 30:ŒFinal Battle With Ganon
31:Œハイラルナカニワ 31:Hyrule Inner Garden
32:ツリボリ 32:Fishing
33:Œボムチュウボーリング 33:ŒBombchu Bowling
34:Œロンロンボクジョウ ソウコ 1 34:Lon Lon Ranch Storehouse 1
35:Œロンロンボクジョウ ソウコ 2 35:ŒLon Lon Ranch Storehouse 2
36:ミハリ ゴヤ 36:Lookout Hut
37:マホウ ノ クスリヤ 37:Magic Potion Shop
38:タカラバコヤ 38:Treasure Chest Shop
39:キン Œスタルチュラ ハウス 39:Gold Skulltula House
40:ジョウカマチ イリグチ 40:Castle Town Entrance
41:ジョウカマチ 41:Castle Town
42:ウラロジ 42:Back Alley
43:トキノシンデン マエ 43:Temple of Time Exterior
44:リンクノイエ 44:Link's House
45:Œカカリコムラノナガヤ 45:ŒKakariko Village Row House
46:ウラロジノ イエ 46:Back Alley House
47:コキリノムラ モノシリキョウダイノイエ 47:Kokiri Village Know-It-All Brothers' House
48:コキリノムラ フタゴノイエ 48:Kokiri Village Twins' House
49:コキリノムラ Œミドノイエ 49:Kokiri Village Mido's House
50:コキリノムラ Œサリアノイエ 50:Kokiri Village Saria's House
51:ウマゴヤ 51:Stable
52:ハカモリノイエ 52:Gravekeeper's House
53:ウラロジ イヌオバサンノイエ 53:Back Alley Dog Lady's House
54:カカリコムラ Œインパノイエ 54:Kakariko Village Impa's House
55:Œハイリア ケンキュウジョ 55:ŒHylia Laboratory
56:Œテント 56:ŒTent
57:タテノミセ 57:Shield Shop
58:コキリゾクノミセ 58:Kokiri Shop
59:Œゴロンノミセ 59:Goron Shop
60:Œゾーラノミセ 60:Zora Shop
61:Œカカリコムラ クスリヤ 61:ŒKakariko Village Potion Shop
62:ジョウカマチ クスリヤ 62:Castle Town Potion Shop
63:ウラロジ ヨルノミセ 63:Back Alley Night Shop
64:オメンヤ 64:Mask Shop
65:Œゲルドノシュウレンジョウ 65:Gerudo Training Area
66:ヨウセイノキノ Œダンジョン 66:Fairy Tree Dungeon
67:ヨウセイノキノ Œダンジョン ボス 67:Fairy Tree Dungeon Boss
68:Œドドンゴ ダンジョン 68:ŒDondogo Dungeon
69:Œドドンゴ ダンジョン ボス 69:ŒDondogo Dungeon Boss
70:キョダイギョ Œダンジョン 70:Giant Fish Dungeon
71:キョダイギョ Œダンジョン ボス 71:Giant Fish Dungeon Boss
72:モリノシンデン 72:Forest Temple
73:モリノシンデン Œボス 73:Forest Temple Boss
74:イドシタ Œダンジョン 74:Dungeon Beneath the Well
75:ハカシタ Œダンジョン 75:Dungeon Beneath the Graves
76:ハカシタ Œダンジョン ボス 76:Dungeon Beneath the Graves Boss
77:ヒノシンデン 77:Fire Temple
78:ヒノシンデン Œボス 78:Fire Temple Boss
79:ミズノシンデン 79:Water Temple
80:ミズノシンデン Œボス 80:Water Temple Boss
81:ジャシンゾウ Œダンジョン 81:Evil Goddess Statue Dungeon
82:ジャシンゾウ Œダンジョン アイアンナック 82:Evil Goddess Statue Dungeon Iron Knuckle
83:ジャシンゾウ Œダンジョン ボス 83:Evil Goddess Statue Dungeon Boss
84:Œガノンノトウ 84:Ganon's Tower
85:ŒガノンノトウŒボス 85:Ganon's Tower Boss
86:コオリノドウクツ 86:Ice Cavern
87:ハカシタŒリレー 87:Relay Beneath the Graves
88:Œガノンチカ Œダンジョン 88:ŒGanon's Basement Dungeon
89:Œガノンサイシュウセン Œデモ & バトル 89:ŒFinal Fight With Ganon Cutscene & Battle
90:Œガノンノトウ ソノゴ 1 90:Ganon's Tower Aftermath 1
91:Œガノンノトウ ソノゴ 2 91:ŒGanon's Tower Aftermath 2
92:Œガノンノトウ ソノゴ 3 92:ŒGanon's Tower Aftermath 3
93:Œガノンノトウ ソノゴ 4 93:ŒGanon's Tower Aftermath 4
94:Œガノンチカ ソノゴ 94:ŒGanon's Basement Aftermath
95:Œゲルドツウロ 1-2 95:ŒGerudo Passage 1-2
96:Œゲルドツウロ 3-4 9-10 96:Gerudo Passage 3-4 9-10
97:Œゲルドツウロ 5-6 97:ŒGerudo Passage 5-6
98:Œゲルドツウロ 7-8 98:Gerudo Passage 7-8
99:Œゲルドツウロ 11-12 99:ŒGerudo Passage 11-12
100:Œゲルドツウロ 13 100:Gerudo Passage 13
101:カクシトビコミアナ 0 101:Hidden Dive Hole 0
102:カクシトビコミアナ 1 102:Hidden Dive Hole 1
103:カクシトビコミアナ 2 103:Hidden Dive Hole 2
104:カクシトビコミアナ 3 104:Hidden Dive Hole 3
105:カクシトビコミアナ 4 105:Hidden Dive Hole 4
106:カクシトビコミアナ 5 106:Hidden Dive Hole 5
107:カクシトビコミアナ 6 107:Hidden Dive Hole 6
108:カクシトビコミアナ 7 108:Hidden Dive Hole 7
109:カクシトビコミアナ 8 109:Hidden Dive Hole 8
110:カクシトビコミアナ 9 110:Hidden Dive Hole 9
111:カクシトビコミアナ 10 111:Hidden Dive Hole 10
112:カクシトビコミアナ 11 112:Hidden Dive Hole 11
113:カクシトビコミアナ 12 113:Hidden Dive Hole 12
114:カクシトビコミアナ 13 114:Hidden Dive Hole 13
115:Œハイラル デモ 115:Hyrule Cutscenes
116:ベッシツ (タカラバコŒワープ) 116:Special Room (Treasure Chest Warp)
117:ササŒテスト 117:Sasa Test
118:Œテストマップ 118:ŒTest Map
119:Œテストルーム 119:Test Room
120:チュウŒスタロフォスベヤ 120:Stalfos Mini-Boss Room
121:Œボススタロフォスベヤ 121:Stalfos Boss Room
122:Sutaru 122:Stal
123:jikkenjyou 123:Test Area
124:depthŒテスト 124:DepthŒ Test
125:ŒハイラルニワŒゲーム2 125:ŒHyrule Garden Game 2
title title
**Null** **Null**
OPT=%d OPT=%d
シバラクオマチクダサイ Please wait a minute.
チョット マッテネ Hold on a sec.
Œウェイト ア モーメント ŒWait a moment.
Œロードチュウ Loading
ナウ ワーキング Now working.
イマ ツクッテマス Now creating.
コショウジャナイヨ It's not broken.
Œコーヒー ブレイク ŒCoffee Break
ŒBメンヲセットシテクダサイ ŒPlease set B side.
ジットŒガマンノŒコデアッタ Be patient, now.
イマシバラクオマチクダサイ Please wait just a minute.
アワテナイアワテナイ。ヒトヤスミヒトヤスミ。 Don't worry, don't worry. Take a break, take a break.
17(ワカモノ) 17(Youth)
5(ワカスギ) 5(Too Young)
Age:%s Age:%s
 ヨル Œゴロン  Evening Goron
オヒル Œジャラ Afternoon Kokiri
デモ00 Cutscene 00
デモ01 Cutscene 01
デモ02 Cutscene 02
デモ03 Cutscene 03
デモ04 Cutscene 04
デモ05 Cutscene 05
デモ06 Cutscene 06
デモ07 Cutscene 07
デモ08 Cutscene 08
デモ09 Cutscene 09
デモ0A Cutscene 0A
Stage:Œ%s Stage:Œ%s
../z_select.c ../z_select.c
../z_select.c ../z_select.c
../z_select.c ../z_select.c
../z_select.c ../z_select.c
../z_select.c ../z_select.c
../z_select.c ../z_select.c
*** view_cleanupはハングアップするので、呼ばない *** *** view_cleanup is hung up, so it can't be called. ***
../z_select.c ../z_select.c
../z_select.c ../z_select.c

File 0031 - ovl_opening

This is the actor file for xxx.

Text Translation
connect_alpha=%d decision_alpha[%d]=%d connect_alpha=%d decision_alpha[%d]=%d
../z_file_nameset_PAL.c ../z_file_nameset_PAL.c
../z_file_nameset_PAL.c ../z_file_nameset_PAL.c
../z_file_nameset_PAL.c ../z_file_nameset_PAL.c
../z_file_nameset_PAL.c ../z_file_nameset_PAL.c
../z_file_nameset_PAL.c ../z_file_nameset_PAL.c
../z_file_nameset_PAL.c ../z_file_nameset_PAL.c
../z_file_nameset_PAL.c ../z_file_nameset_PAL.c
014 xpos=%d contents=%d 014 xpos=%d contents=%d
23 xpos=%d contents=%d 23 xpos=%d contents=%d
mjp=%d xpos=%d ypos=%d name_contents=%d mjp=%d xpos=%d ypos=%d name_contents=%d
../z_file_nameset_PAL.c ../z_file_nameset_PAL.c
[33m [33m
sram->read_buff[2] = J_N = %x sram->read_buff[2] = J_N = %x
sram->read_buff[2] = J_N = %x sram->read_buff[2] = J_N = %x
Na_SetSoundOutputMode = %d Na_SetSoundOutputMode = %d
Na_SetSoundOutputMode = %d Na_SetSoundOutputMode = %d
Na_SetSoundOutputMode = %d Na_SetSoundOutputMode = %d
終了 end
../z_file_nameset_PAL.c ../z_file_nameset_PAL.c
../z_file_nameset_PAL.c ../z_file_nameset_PAL.c
../z_file_nameset_PAL.c ../z_file_nameset_PAL.c
../z_file_nameset_PAL.c ../z_file_nameset_PAL.c
../z_file_nameset_PAL.c ../z_file_nameset_PAL.c

File 0032 - ovl_file_choose

This is the actor file for the file select screen.

Text Translation
Sram Start─Load 》》》》》 Sram Start─Load 》》》》》
終了!!! end!!!
REGCK_ALL[%x]=%x,%x,%x,%x,%x,%x REGCK_ALL[%x]=%x,%x,%x,%x,%x,%x
1:read_buff[]=%x, %x, %x, %x 1:read_buff[]=%x, %x, %x, %x
read_buff[]=%x, %x, %x, %x read_buff[]=%x, %x, %x, %x
1:read_buff[]=%x, %x, %x, %x 1:read_buff[]=%x, %x, %x, %x
read_buff[]=%x, %x, %x, %x read_buff[]=%x, %x, %x, %x
1:read_buff[]=%x, %x, %x, %x 1:read_buff[]=%x, %x, %x, %x
read_buff[]=%x, %x, %x, %x read_buff[]=%x, %x, %x, %x
../z_file_choose.c ../z_file_choose.c
../z_file_choose.c ../z_file_choose.c
../z_file_choose.c ../z_file_choose.c
../z_file_choose.c ../z_file_choose.c
../z_file_choose.c ../z_file_choose.c
../z_file_choose.c ../z_file_choose.c
../z_file_choose.c ../z_file_choose.c
../z_file_choose.c ../z_file_choose.c
../z_file_choose.c ../z_file_choose.c
[32m [32m
../z_file_choose.c ../z_file_choose.c
../z_file_choose.c ../z_file_choose.c
../z_file_choose.c ../z_file_choose.c
../z_file_choose.c ../z_file_choose.c
../z_file_choose.c ../z_file_choose.c
../z_file_choose.c ../z_file_choose.c
this->staticSegment != NULL this->staticSegment != NULL
../z_file_choose.c ../z_file_choose.c
../z_file_choose.c ../z_file_choose.c
../z_file_choose.c ../z_file_choose.c
this->parameterSegment != NULL this->parameterSegment != NULL
../z_file_choose.c ../z_file_choose.c
../z_file_choose.c ../z_file_choose.c

File 0033 - ovl_kaleido_scope

This is the actor file for the pause menu, as well as the item debug screen. Its name stems from the way that the pause menu rotates, which is similar to the turning of a kaleido scope.

Text Translation
../z_kaleido_collect.c ../z_kaleido_collect.c
000 ccc=%d 000 ccc=%d
111 ccc=%d 111 ccc=%d
222 ccc=%d (%d, %d, %d) 222 ccc=%d (%d, %d, %d)
999 ccc=%d (%d, %d) 999 ccc=%d (%d, %d)
888 ccc=%d (%d, %d, %x) 888 ccc=%d (%d, %d, %x)
../z_kaleido_collect.c ../z_kaleido_collect.c
Œルピー Rupee
Œハート Heart
Œアイテム Item
ソウビ Equipment
Œケン Sword
Œタテ Shield
フウイン Seal
セイレイセキ Spiritual Stone
Œオカリナ Ocarina
Œコレクト Collectables
Œキンスタ Gold Skulltula
Œカケラ Piece of Heart
../z_kaleido_debug.c ../z_kaleido_debug.c
../z_kaleido_debug.c ../z_kaleido_debug.c
../z_kaleido_debug.c ../z_kaleido_debug.c
i=%d j=%d i=%d j=%d
../z_kaleido_debug.c ../z_kaleido_debug.c
../z_kaleido_equipment.c ../z_kaleido_equipment.c
../z_kaleido_equipment.c ../z_kaleido_equipment.c
../z_kaleido_equipment.c ../z_kaleido_equipment.c
H_arrowcase_1 + non_equip_item_table = %d H_arrowcase_1 + non_equip_item_table = %d
大人 H_arrowcase_1 + non_equip_item_table = %d adult H_arrowcase_1 + non_equip_item_table = %d
ccc=%d ccc=%d
kscope->select_name[Display_Equipment] = %d kscope->select_name[Display_Equipment] = %d
../z_kaleido_equipment.c ../z_kaleido_equipment.c
../z_kaleido_item.c ../z_kaleido_item.c
../z_kaleido_item.c ../z_kaleido_item.c
../z_kaleido_item.c ../z_kaleido_item.c
now=%d ccc=%d now=%d ccc=%d
【X cursor=%d(%) (cur_xpt=%d)(ok_fg=%d)(ccc=%d)(key_angle=%d)】 【X cursor=%d(%) (cur_xpt=%d)(ok_fg=%d)(ccc=%d)(key_angle=%d)】
【Y cursor=%d(%) (cur_ypt=%d)(ok_fg=%d)(ccc=%d)】 【Y cursor=%d(%) (cur_ypt=%d)(ok_fg=%d)(ccc=%d)】
../z_kaleido_item.c ../z_kaleido_item.c
================================================ ================================================
C左sl_item_no=%d (1)=%d (2)=%d (3)=%d C-Left sl_item_no=%d (1)=%d (2)=%d (3)=%d
C左sl_number=%d (1)=%d (2)=%d (3)=%d C-Left sl_number=%d (1)=%d (2)=%d (3)=%d
C下sl_item_no=%d (1)=%d (2)=%d (3)=%d C-Down sl_item_no=%d (1)=%d (2)=%d (3)=%d
C下sl_number=%d (1)=%d (2)=%d (3)=%d C-Down sl_number=%d (1)=%d (2)=%d (3)=%d
C下sl_item_no=%d (1)=%d (2)=%d (3)=%d C-Down sl_item_no=%d (1)=%d (2)=%d (3)=%d
C下sl_number=%d (1)=%d (2)=%d (3)=%d C-Down sl_number=%d (1)=%d (2)=%d (3)=%d
C右sl_item_no=%d (1)=%d (2)=%d (3)=%d C-Right sl_item_no=%d (1)=%d (2)=%d (3)=%d
C右sl_number=%d (1)=%d (2)=%d (3)=%d C-Right sl_number=%d (1)=%d (2)=%d (3)=%d
C右sl_item_no=%d (1)=%d (2)=%d (3)=%d C-Right sl_item_no=%d (1)=%d (2)=%d (3)=%d
C右sl_number=%d (1)=%d (2)=%d (3)=%d C-Right sl_number=%d (1)=%d (2)=%d (3)=%d
../z_kaleido_map_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_map_PAL.c
kscope->cursor_point=%d kscope->cursor_point=%d
kscope->cursor_point======%d kscope->cursor_point======%d
../z_kaleido_map_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_map_PAL.c
../z_kaleido_map_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_map_PAL.c
../z_kaleido_map_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_map_PAL.c
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
kscope->kscp_pos+pt = %d kscope->kscp_pos+pt = %d
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
[33m [33m
キンスタ数(%d) Get_KIN_STA=%x (%x) (%x) Gold Skulltula number (%d) Get_KIN_STA=%x (%x) (%x)
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
zoom_name=%d zoom_name=%d
J_N=%d point=%d J_N=%d point=%d
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
MAP DMA = %d MAP DMA = %d
プレイヤー size1=%x player size1=%x
icon_item size0=%x icon_item size0=%x
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
icon_item24 size=%x icon_item24 size=%x
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
icon_item_dungeon dungeon-size2=%x icon_item_dungeon dungeon-size2=%x
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
icon_item_field field-size2=%x icon_item_field field-size2=%x
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
icon_item_dungeon dungeon-size=%x icon_item_dungeon dungeon-size=%x
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
icon_item_dungeon dungeon-size=%x icon_item_dungeon dungeon-size=%x
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
icon_item_dungeon dungeon-size=%x icon_item_dungeon dungeon-size=%x
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
サイズ=%x size=%x
item_name I_N_PT=%x item_name I_N_PT=%x
サイズ=%x size=%x
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
icon_item size0=%x icon_item size0=%x
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
icon_item24 size=%x icon_item24 size=%x
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
icon_item_dungeon gameover-size2=%x icon_item_dungeon gameover-size2=%x
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
icon_item_dungeon dungeon-size=%x icon_item_dungeon dungeon-size=%x
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
icon_item_dungeon dungeon-size=%x icon_item_dungeon dungeon-size=%x
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
icon_item_dungeon dungeon-size=%x icon_item_dungeon dungeon-size=%x
../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c ../z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c
kscope->angle_s = %f kscope->angle_s = %f
[33m [33m
[33m [33m

File 0034 - ovl_player_actor

This is the actor file for the player character, Link.

size = %x
size <= 1024 * 8

File 0035 - ovl_map_mark_data

This is the actor file for the minimap markers.


File 0036 - En_Test

This is the actor file for Stalfos.


File 0037 - Arms_Hook

This is the actor file for the Hookshot.


File 0038 - Arrow_Fire

This is the actor file for the Fire Arrows.

Text Translation
../z_arrow_fire.c ../z_arrow_fire.c
消滅 = %s delete = %s
消滅 delete
../z_arrow_fire.c ../z_arrow_fire.c
../z_arrow_fire.c ../z_arrow_fire.c
../z_arrow_fire.c ../z_arrow_fire.c

File 0039 - Arrow_Ice

This is the actor file for the Ice Arrows.

Text Translation
../z_arrow_ice.c ../z_arrow_ice.c
消滅 = %s delete = %s
消滅 delete
../z_arrow_ice.c ../z_arrow_ice.c
../z_arrow_ice.c ../z_arrow_ice.c
../z_arrow_ice.c ../z_arrow_ice.c

File 0040 - Arrow_Light

This is the actor file for the Light Arrows.

Text Translation
../z_arrow_light.c ../z_arrow_light.c
消滅 = %s delete = %s
消滅 delete
../z_arrow_light.c ../z_arrow_light.c
../z_arrow_light.c ../z_arrow_light.c
../z_arrow_light.c ../z_arrow_light.c

File 0041 - Bg_Bdan_Objects

This is the actor file for xxx

Text Translation
Bg_Bdan_Objects_Get_Contact_Ru1 Bg_Bdan_Objects_Get_Contact_Ru1
そんな受信モードは無い%d!!!!!!!! no such receive mode %d!!!!!!!!
Bg_Bdan_Objects_Set_Contact_Ru1 Bg_Bdan_Objects_Set_Contact_Ru1
そんな送信モードは無い%d!!!!!!!! no such transmit mode %d!!!!!!!!

File 0042 - Bg_Bdan_Switch

This is the actor file for xxx.

Text Translation
Warning : move BG 登録失敗(%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x) Warning : move BG register fail (%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_bdan_switch.c ../z_bg_bdan_switch.c
不正な ARG_DATA(arg_data 0x%04x)(%s %d) incorrect ARG_DATA(arg_data 0x%04x)(%s %d)
../z_bg_bdan_switch.c ../z_bg_bdan_switch.c
(巨大魚ダンジョン 専用スイッチ)(arg_data 0x%04x) (giant fish dungeon unique switch) (arg_data 0x%04x)

File 0043 - Bg_Bom_Guard

This is the actor file for xxx.

Text Translation
[32m ☆☆☆☆☆ 透明ガード出現 ☆☆☆☆☆ [32m ☆☆☆☆☆ transparent guard appears ☆☆☆☆☆

File 0044 - Bg_Bombwall

This is the actor file for xxx.

Text Translation
Warning : move BG 登録失敗(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x) Warning : move BG register fail (%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_bombwall.c ../z_bg_bombwall.c
(field keep 汎用爆弾壁)(arg_data 0x%04x)(angY %d) (field keep generic bombable wall)(arg_data 0x%04x)(angY %d)

File 0045 - Bg_Bowl_Wall

This is the actor file for xxx.

Text Translation
[32m ☆☆☆☆☆ ボーリングおじゃま壁発生 ☆☆☆☆☆ %d [32m ☆☆☆☆☆ bowling obstacle wall generated ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
../z_bg_bowl_wall.c ../z_bg_bowl_wall.c
../z_bg_bowl_wall.c ../z_bg_bowl_wall.c
../z_bg_bowl_wall.c ../z_bg_bowl_wall.c

File 0046 - Bg_Breakwall

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0049 - Bg_Dodoago

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0050 to 0099

File 0050 - Bg_Dy_Yoseizo

This is the actor file for the Great Fairies.

Text Translation
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 大妖精の泉 ☆☆☆☆☆ %d [32m☆☆☆☆☆ Great Fairy Fountain ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 石妖精の泉 ☆☆☆☆☆ %d [32m☆☆☆☆☆ Stone Fairy Fountain ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ もうど ☆☆☆☆☆ %d [33m☆☆☆☆☆ Mode ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[32m ☆☆☆☆☆ 回転切り速度UP ☆☆☆☆☆ [32m ☆☆☆☆☆ Spin Attack Speed UP ☆☆☆☆☆
[33m ☆☆☆☆☆ 魔法ゲージメーター倍増 ☆☆☆☆☆ [33m ☆☆☆☆☆ Magic Gage Meter Doubled ☆☆☆☆☆
[35m ☆☆☆☆☆ ダメージ半減 ☆☆☆☆☆ [35m ☆☆☆☆☆ Damage Halved ☆☆☆☆☆
../z_bg_dy_yoseizo.c ../z_bg_dy_yoseizo.c
../z_bg_dy_yoseizo.c ../z_bg_dy_yoseizo.c
../z_bg_dy_yoseizo.c ../z_bg_dy_yoseizo.c
../z_bg_dy_yoseizo.c ../z_bg_dy_yoseizo.c
../z_bg_dy_yoseizo.c ../z_bg_dy_yoseizo.c

File 0051 - Bg_Ganon_Otyuka

This is the actor file for Ganondorf's falling floor tiles.

Text Translation
[32m [32m
WHY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
../z_bg_ganon_otyuka.c ../z_bg_ganon_otyuka.c
../z_bg_ganon_otyuka.c ../z_bg_ganon_otyuka.c
../z_bg_ganon_otyuka.c ../z_bg_ganon_otyuka.c
../z_bg_ganon_otyuka.c ../z_bg_ganon_otyuka.c
../z_bg_ganon_otyuka.c ../z_bg_ganon_otyuka.c

File 0052 - Bg_Gate_Shutter

This is the actor file for the gate fence in Kakariko Village.

Text Translation
[32m ☆☆☆☆☆ 柵でたなぁ ☆☆☆☆☆ [32m ☆☆☆☆☆ The Fence Appears ☆☆☆☆☆
../z_bg_gate_shutter.c ../z_bg_gate_shutter.c
../z_bg_gate_shutter.c ../z_bg_gate_shutter.c
../z_bg_gate_shutter.c ../z_bg_gate_shutter.c

File 0053 - Bg_Gjyo_Bridge

This is the actor file for the rainbow bridge to Ganon's Castle.


File 0054 - Bg_Gnd_Darkmeiro

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0055 - Bg_Gnd_Firemeiro

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0056 - Bg_Gnd_Iceblock

This is the actor file for xxx.

thisx->world.position.x = %f

File 0058 - Bg_Gnd_Soulmeiro

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0059 - Bg_Haka

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0060 - Bg_Haka_Gate

This is the actor file for the stone door to Shadow Temple.


File 0065 - Bg_Haka_Ship

This is the actor file for the ship in Shadow Temple.

Text Translation
シーン 外輪船 ... アァクション!! Scene Outer Ringer... ACTION!!
../z_bg_haka_ship.c ../z_bg_haka_ship.c
../z_bg_haka_ship.c ../z_bg_haka_ship.c
../z_bg_haka_ship.c ../z_bg_haka_ship.c
../z_bg_haka_ship.c ../z_bg_haka_ship.c
../z_bg_haka_ship.c ../z_bg_haka_ship.c
../z_bg_haka_ship.c ../z_bg_haka_ship.c

File 0067 - Bg_Haka_Tubo

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0068 - Bg_Haka_Water

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0070 - Bg_Heavy_Block

This is the actor file for the Gold Gauntlet Rocks.

Text Translation
[36m 最大 ブロック セーブビット %x [36m Largest Block Save Bit %x
../z_bg_heavy_block.c ../z_bg_heavy_block.c
../z_bg_heavy_block.c ../z_bg_heavy_block.c
../z_bg_heavy_block.c ../z_bg_heavy_block.c
../z_bg_heavy_block.c ../z_bg_heavy_block.c

File 0071 - Bg_Hidan_Curtain

This is the actor file for xxx.

Text Translation
Curtain (arg_data 0x%04x) Curtain (arg_data 0x%04x)
Error : object のタイプが設定されていない(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x) Error: The object type is not set(% s% d) (arg_data 0x% 04x)
../z_bg_hidan_curtain.c ../z_bg_hidan_curtain.c
Warning : object のセーブビットが設定されていない(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x) Warning : object's save bit is not set(%s %d)(arg_data 0x$04x)
../z_bg_hidan_curtain.c ../z_bg_hidan_curtain.c
../z_bg_hidan_curtain.c ../z_bg_hidan_curtain.c
../z_bg_hidan_curtain.c ../z_bg_hidan_curtain.c
../z_bg_hidan_curtain.c ../z_bg_hidan_curtain.c

File 0073 - Bg_Hidan_Firewall

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0075 - Bg_Hidan_Fwbig

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0076 - Bg_Hidan_Hamstep

This is the actor file for xxx.

Text Translation

【ハンマーステップ】 足場産れない!!

◯◯◯Fire Temple Object 【Hammer Step】Appearance

【Hammer Step】 Scaffold not produced!!

%s %d %s %d
../z_bg_hidan_hamstep.c ../z_bg_hidan_hamstep.c
A(%d) A(%d)
【ハンマーステップ】 arg_data おかしい (arg_data = %d) 【Hammer Step】 arg_data Funny (arg_data = %d)
%s %d %s %d
../z_bg_hidan_hamstep.c ../z_bg_hidan_hamstep.c
B(%d) B(%d)
../z_bg_hidan_hamstep.c ../z_bg_hidan_hamstep.c
../z_bg_hidan_hamstep.c ../z_bg_hidan_hamstep.c
../z_bg_hidan_hamstep.c ../z_bg_hidan_hamstep.c

File 0078 - Bg_Hidan_Kousi

This is the actor file for xxx.

Text Translation
X◯◯◯炎の神殿オブジェクト【格子(arg_data : %0x)】出現 (%d %d)

arg_data おかしい 【格子】

x◯◯◯Fire Temple Object【Lattice (arg_data:% 0x)】Appearance (%d %d)

arg_data Funny【Lattice】

../z_bg_hidan_kousi.c ../z_bg_hidan_kousi.c
../z_bg_hidan_kousi.c ../z_bg_hidan_kousi.c
../z_bg_hidan_kousi.c ../z_bg_hidan_kousi.c

File 0079 - Bg_Hidan_Kowarerukabe

This is the actor file for xxx. (note: Kowarerukabe means "broken wall")

Text Translation
Error : 炎の神殿 壊れる壁 の arg_data が判別出来ない(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x) Error : Fire Temple's arg_data for broken wall cannot be determined(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_hidan_kowarerukabe.c ../z_bg_hidan_kowarerukabe.c
(hidan 爆弾で壊れる 壁 床)(arg_data 0x%04x) (Wall floor broken with hidan bomb)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_hidan_kowarerukabe.c ../z_bg_hidan_kowarerukabe.c
../z_bg_hidan_kowarerukabe.c ../z_bg_hidan_kowarerukabe.c
../z_bg_hidan_kowarerukabe.c ../z_bg_hidan_kowarerukabe.c

File 0080 - Bg_Hidan_Rock

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0081 - Bg_Hidan_Rsekizou

This is the actor file for xxx. (note: sekizou means "stone statue")


File 0082 - Bg_Hidan_Sekizou

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0083 - Bg_Hidan_Sima

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0087 - Bg_Ice_Shutter

This is the actor file for xxx.

Text Translation
Warning : move BG 登録失敗(%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x) Warning : move BG Registration Failure (%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_ice_shelter.c ../z_bg_ice_shelter.c
(ice shelter)(arg_data 0x%04x) (ice shelter)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_ice_shelter.c ../z_bg_ice_shelter.c
../z_bg_ice_shelter.c ../z_bg_ice_shelter.c
../z_bg_ice_shelter.c ../z_bg_ice_shelter.c

File 0089 - Bg_Ingate

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0090 - Bg_Jya_1flift

This is the actor file for xxx.

Text Translation
Warning : move BG 登録失敗(%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x) Warning: move BG registration failure (% s% d) (name% d) (arg_data 0x% 04x)
../z_bg_jya_1flift.c ../z_bg_jya_1flift.c
(1Fリフト)(flag %d)(room %d) (1Flift)(flag %d)(room %d)

File 0091 - Bg_Jya_Amishutter

This is the actor file for xxx.

Text Translation
Warning : move BG 登録失敗(%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x) Warning : move BG Registraiton Failed(%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_jya_amishutter.c ../z_bg_jya_amishutter.c

File 0092 - Bg_Jya_Bigmirror

This is the actor file for xxx.

Text Translation
Error : コブラ削除された (%s %d) Error : Cobra Deleted (%s %d)
../z_bg_jya_bigmirror.c ../z_bg_jya_bigmirror.c
Error : コブラ発生失敗 (%s %d) Error : Cobra Occurence Failure (%s %d)
../z_bg_jya_bigmirror.c ../z_bg_jya_bigmirror.c
Error : Mir Ray 発生失敗 (%s %d) Error : Mir Ray Occurrence Failure (%s %d)
../z_bg_jya_bigmirror.c ../z_bg_jya_bigmirror.c
(jya 大鏡)(arg_data 0x%04x) (jya big mirror)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_jya_bigmirror.c ../z_bg_jya_bigmirror.c
../z_bg_jya_bigmirror.c ../z_bg_jya_bigmirror.c
../z_bg_jya_bigmirror.c ../z_bg_jya_bigmirror.c
../z_bg_jya_bigmirror.c ../z_bg_jya_bigmirror.c

File 0093 - Bg_Jya_Block

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0094 - Bg_Jya_Bombchuiwa

This is the actor file for the bombable rock in the spirit temple lizalfos room. (note: Mir_Ray in this actor likely refers to the light that is shined on the sun switch after the rock is destroyed)

Text Translation
Error : Mir_Ray 発生失敗(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x) Error : Mir_Ray occurrence failure(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_jya_bombchuiwa.c ../z_bg_jya_bombchuiwa.c
../z_bg_jya_bombchuiwa.c ../z_bg_jya_bombchuiwa.c
../z_bg_jya_bombchuiwa.c ../z_bg_jya_bombchuiwa.c
../z_bg_jya_bombchuiwa.c ../z_bg_jya_bombchuiwa.c
../z_bg_jya_bombchuiwa.c ../z_bg_jya_bombchuiwa.c
../z_bg_jya_bombchuiwa.c ../z_bg_jya_bombchuiwa.c
../z_bg_jya_bombchuiwa.c ../z_bg_jya_bombchuiwa.c

File 0095 - Bg_Jya_Bombiwa

This is the actor file for the bombable rock in the cobra mirror room.

Text Translation
Warning : move BG 登録失敗(%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x) Warning : move BG registration failure(%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_jya_bombiwa.c ../z_bg_jya_bombiwa.c
[43;30m [43;30m
Warning : Switch Number が変更された(%s %d)(SW %d) Warning : Switch Number Was Changed(%s %d)(SW %d)
../z_bg_jya_bombiwa.c ../z_bg_jya_bombiwa.c
(jya 爆弾で破壊岩)(arg_data 0x%04x) (jya bomb destroyed rock)(arg_data 0x%04x)

File 0096 - Bg_Jya_Cobra

This is the actor file for xxx.

Text Translation
Warning : move BG 登録失敗(%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x) Warning : move BG Registration Failure(%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_jya_cobra.c ../z_bg_jya_cobra.c
[31m [31m
Error : Mir Ray 発生失敗 (%s %d) Error : Mir Ray occurrence failure (%s %d)
../z_bg_jya_cobra.c ../z_bg_jya_cobra.c
(jya コブラ)(arg_data 0x%04x)(act %x)(txt %x)(txt16 %x) (jya cobra)(arg_data 0x%04x)(act %x)(txt %x)(txt16 %x)
../z_bg_jya_cobra.c ../z_bg_jya_cobra.c
../z_bg_jya_cobra.c ../z_bg_jya_cobra.c
../z_bg_jya_cobra.c ../z_bg_jya_cobra.c
../z_bg_jya_cobra.c ../z_bg_jya_cobra.c
../z_bg_jya_cobra.c ../z_bg_jya_cobra.c
../z_bg_jya_cobra.c ../z_bg_jya_cobra.c
../z_bg_jya_cobra.c ../z_bg_jya_cobra.c
../z_bg_jya_cobra.c ../z_bg_jya_cobra.c
../z_bg_jya_cobra.c ../z_bg_jya_cobra.c
../z_bg_jya_cobra.c ../z_bg_jya_cobra.c
../z_bg_jya_cobra.c ../z_bg_jya_cobra.c
../z_bg_jya_cobra.c ../z_bg_jya_cobra.c

File 0099 - Bg_Jya_Ironobj

This is the actor file for xxx.

Text Translation
Error 攻撃方法が分からない(%s %d) Error I do not know how to attack(%s %d)
../z_bg_jya_ironobj.c ../z_bg_jya_ironobj.c
¢ attack_type(%d) ¢ attack_type(%d)
Error 攻撃方法が分からない(%s %d) Error I do not know how to attack(%s %d)
../z_bg_jya_ironobj.c ../z_bg_jya_ironobj.c
¢ attack_type(%d) ¢ attack_type(%d)

File 0100 to 0149

File 0100 - Bg_Jya_Kanaami

This is the actor file for xxx.

Text Translation
Warning : move BG 登録失敗(%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x) Warning : move BG Registration Failure(%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_jya_kanaami.c ../z_bg_jya_kanaami.c
(jya 金網)(arg_data 0x%04x) (jya wire mesh)(arg_data 0x%04x)

File 0101 - Bg_Jya_Lift

This is the actor file for xxx.

Text Translation
女神リフト CT Goddess lift CT
女神リフト DT Goddess lift DT

File 0102 - Bg_Jya_Megami

This is the actor file for xxx. (note: Megami means Goddess)


File 0103 - Bg_Jya_Zurerukabe

This is the actor file for xxx. (note: zererukabe means "sliding wall")

Text Translation
Warning : move BG 登録失敗(%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x) Warning : move BG registration failure(%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_jya_zurerukabe.c ../z_bg_jya_zurerukabe.c
[41;37m [41;37m
home pos が変更されたみたい(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x) home pos seems to have changed(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_jya_zurerukabe.c ../z_bg_jya_zurerukabe.c
(jya ずれる壁)(arg_data 0x%04x) (jya sliding wall)(arg_data 0x%04x)

File 0104 - Bg_Menkuri_Eye

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0107 - Bg_Mizu_Bwall

This is the actor file for xxx.

Text Translation
Error : コリジョンデータセット失敗(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x) Error : collission data set failure(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_mizu_bwall.c ../z_bg_mizu_bwall.c
Error : コリジョンデータセット失敗(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x) Error : collission data set failure(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_mizu_bwall.c ../z_bg_mizu_bwall.c
Error : コリジョンデータセット失敗(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x) Error : collission data set failure(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_mizu_bwall.c ../z_bg_mizu_bwall.c
Error : コリジョンデータセット失敗(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x) Error : collission data set failure(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_mizu_bwall.c ../z_bg_mizu_bwall.c
Error : コリジョンデータセット失敗(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x) Error : collission data set failure(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_mizu_bwall.c ../z_bg_mizu_bwall.c
../z_bg_mizu_bwall.c ../z_bg_mizu_bwall.c
../z_bg_mizu_bwall.c ../z_bg_mizu_bwall.c
../z_bg_mizu_bwall.c ../z_bg_mizu_bwall.c

File 0108 - Bg_Mizu_Movebg

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0109 - Bg_Mizu_Shutter

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0111 - Bg_Mizu_Water

This is the actor file for xxx.

Text Translation
<コンストラクト>%x %x %x <Construct>%x %x %x
%x %x %x %x %x %x
../z_bg_mizu_water.c ../z_bg_mizu_water.c
../z_bg_mizu_water.c ../z_bg_mizu_water.c
../z_bg_mizu_water.c ../z_bg_mizu_water.c

File 0112 - Bg_Mjin

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0113 - Bg_Mori_Bigst

This is the actor file for xxx.

Japanese English
Warning : move BG 登録失敗(%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x) Warning : move BG Registration Failure (%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_mori_bigst.c ../z_bg_mori_bigst.c
mori (bigST.鍵型天井)(arg : %04x)(sw %d)(noE %d)(roomC %d)(playerPosY %f) mori (bigST.Key-Shaped Ceiling)(arg : %04x)(sw %d)(noE %d)(roomC %d)(playerPosY %f)
【ビッグスタルフォス鍵型天井】 バンク危険! 【Big Stalfos Key-Shaped Ceiling】 Bank Warning!
%s %d %s %d
../z_bg_mori_bigst.c ../z_bg_mori_bigst.c
Warning : 第2スタルフォス発生失敗 Warning : Part 2 Stalfos Generation Failure
Warning : 第3-1スタルフォス発生失敗 Warning : Part 3-1 Stalfos Generation Failure
Warning : 第3-2スタルフォス発生失敗 Warning : Part 3-2 Stalfos Generation Failure
../z_bg_mori_bigst.c ../z_bg_mori_bigst.c
../z_bg_mori_bigst.c ../z_bg_mori_bigst.c
../z_bg_mori_bigst.c ../z_bg_mori_bigst.c

File 0114 - Bg_Mori_Elevator

This is the actor file for the elevator in Forest Temple.

Text Translation
Error : 森の神殿 obj elevator バンク危険!(%s %d) Error : Forest Temple obj elevator bank danger!(%s %d)
../z_bg_mori_elevator.c ../z_bg_mori_elevator.c
森の神殿 elevator CT Forest Temple elevator CT
森の神殿 elevator DT Forest Temple elevator DT
Error : 森の神殿 obj elevator 部屋設定が危険(%s %d) Error : Forest Temple obj elevator room setting is dangerous(%s %d)
../z_bg_mori_elevator.c ../z_bg_mori_elevator.c
Error : 森の神殿 obj elevator 部屋設定が危険(%s %d) Error : Forest Temple obj elevator room setting is dangerous(%s %d)
../z_bg_mori_elevator.c ../z_bg_mori_elevator.c
../z_bg_mori_elevator.c ../z_bg_mori_elevator.c
../z_bg_mori_elevator.c ../z_bg_mori_elevator.c
../z_bg_mori_elevator.c ../z_bg_mori_elevator.c

File 0115 - Bg_Mori_Hashigo

This is the actor file for xxx. (note: Hashigo means "ladder")

Text Translation
Warning : move BG 登録失敗(%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x) Warning : move BG Registration Failure(%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_mori_hashigo.c ../z_bg_mori_hashigo.c
Error : 梯子の発生失敗(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x) Error : Failed to generate ladder(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_mori_hashigo.c ../z_bg_mori_hashigo.c
Error : バンク危険!(arg_data 0x%04x)(%s %d) Error : Bank Danger!(arg_data 0x%04x)(%s %d)
../z_bg_mori_hashigo.c ../z_bg_mori_hashigo.c
(森の神殿 梯子とその留め金)(arg_data 0x%04x) (Forest Temple ladder and its clasp)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_mori_hashigo.c ../z_bg_mori_hashigo.c
../z_bg_mori_hashigo.c ../z_bg_mori_hashigo.c
../z_bg_mori_hashigo.c ../z_bg_mori_hashigo.c

(note: clasp can also translate to "metal fastener" but "clasp" seems to be more accurate)

File 0116 - Bg_Mori_Hashira4

This is the actor file for xxx.

Text Translation
Warning : move BG 登録失敗(%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x) Warning : move BG Registration Failure(%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_mori_hashira4.c ../z_bg_mori_hashira4.c
Error : バンク危険!(arg_data 0x%04x)(%s %d) Error : Bank Danger!(arg_data 0x%04x)(%s %d)
../z_bg_mori_hashira4.c ../z_bg_mori_hashira4.c
(森の神殿 4本柱)(arg_data 0x%04x) (Forest Temple 4Pillars)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_mori_hashira4.c ../z_bg_mori_hashira4.c
../z_bg_mori_hashira4.c ../z_bg_mori_hashira4.c
../z_bg_mori_hashira4.c ../z_bg_mori_hashira4.c

File 0117 - Bg_Mori_Hineri

This is the actor file for Forest Temple's twisted hallway.


File 0118 - Bg_Mori_Idomizu

This is the actor file for the water in the Forest Temple well.

Text Translation
Error : バンク危険!(arg_data 0x%04x)(%s %d) Error : Bank Danger!(arg_data 0x%04x)(%s %d)
../z_bg_mori_idomizu.c ../z_bg_mori_idomizu.c
(森の神殿 井戸水)(arg_data 0x%04x) (Forest Temple Well Water)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_mori_idomizu.c ../z_bg_mori_idomizu.c
../z_bg_mori_idomizu.c ../z_bg_mori_idomizu.c
../z_bg_mori_idomizu.c ../z_bg_mori_idomizu.c

File 0119 - Bg_Mori_Kaitenkabe

This is the actor file for the rotating wall in Forest Temple.

Text Translation
森の神殿オブジェクト【回転壁(arg_data : 0x%04x)】出現

【回転壁】 バンク危険!(%s %d)

Forest Temple object【Rotating wall(arg_data : 0x%04x)】appearance

【Rotating wall】 Bank Danger!(%s %d)

../z_bg_mori_kaitenkabe.c ../z_bg_mori_kaitenkabe.c
../z_bg_mori_kaitenkabe.c ../z_bg_mori_kaitenkabe.c
../z_bg_mori_kaitenkabe.c ../z_bg_mori_kaitenkabe.c
../z_bg_mori_kaitenkabe.c ../z_bg_mori_kaitenkabe.c

File 0120 - Bg_Mori_Rakkatenjo

This is the actor file for the falling ceiling in Forest Temple.

Text Translation
obj. 落下天井 (home posY %f) obj. falling ceiling (home posY %f)
Warning : セット位置が変更されています。プログラムを修正しましょう。 Warning : The set position has changed。Let's fix the program。
Warning : セット Angle が変更されています。プログラムを修正しましょう。 Warning : Set Angle has been changed。Let's fix the program。
Error : 森の神殿 obj 落下天井 バンク危険!(%s %d) Error : Forest Temple obj Falling Ceiling Bank Danger!(%s %d)
../z_bg_mori_rakkatenjo.c ../z_bg_mori_rakkatenjo.c
camera changed (mori rakka tenjyo) ... camera changed (mori rakka tenjyo) ...
camera changed (previous) ... camera changed (previous) ...
../z_bg_mori_rakkatenjo.c ../z_bg_mori_rakkatenjo.c
../z_bg_mori_rakkatenjo.c ../z_bg_mori_rakkatenjo.c
../z_bg_mori_rakkatenjo.c ../z_bg_mori_rakkatenjo.c

File 0121 - Bg_Po_Event

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0122 - Bg_Po_Syokudai

This is the actor file for xxx. (note: Syokudai means "candlestick")


File 0123 - Bg_Pushbox

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0126 - Bg_Spot00_Hanebasi

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0127 - Bg_Spot01_Fusya

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0128 - Bg_Spot01_Idohashira

This is the actor file for the wooden pillar on the Kakariko well.

Text Translation
[31mBg_Spot01_Idohashira_Get_FreeFallで割り算出来ない!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [31mBg_Spot01_Idohashira_Get_FreeFall Cannot divide by!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bg_Spot01_Idohashira_Check_DemoMode:そんな動作は無い!!!!!!!! Bg_Spot01_Idohashira_Check_DemoMode:No such action!!!!!!!!
[31mメインモードがおかしい!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [31m Main Mode is wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
../z_bg_spot01_idohashira.c ../z_bg_spot01_idohashira.c
../z_bg_spot01_idohashira.c ../z_bg_spot01_idohashira.c
../z_bg_spot01_idohashira.c ../z_bg_spot01_idohashira.c
[31m描画モードがおかしい!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [31m Drawing mode is wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(note: "cannot divide by" likey refers to '0' but may have been shortened if the debuggers already knew about a divide by 0 error) (note2: the word "wrong" as in "Drawing mode is wrong" can be translated as 'funny' or 'strange' as well, but in context means wrong or incorrect)

File 0129 - Bg_Spot01_Idomizu

This is the actor file for Kakariko well's water.


File 0130 - Bg_Spot01_Idosoko

This is the actor file for the wall sealing off Bottom of the Well.


File 0131 - Bg_Spot01_Objects2

This is the actor file for xxx.

Text Translation
-----------------------------Bank setting was not found.
Bank switched succesfully!!

File 0132 - Bg_Spot02_Objects

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0133 - Bg_Spot03_Taki

This is the actor file for the waterfall in Zora's Fountain.


File 0135 - Bg_Spot06_Objects

This is the actor file for xxx.

spot06 obj nthisx->arg_data=[%d]

File 0136 - Bg_Spot07_Taki

This is the actor file for the waterfall in Zora's Domain.


File 0138 - Bg_Spot08_Iceblock

This is the actor file for Zora's Fountain floating ice (adult).

Text Translation
Warning : move BG 登録失敗(%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x) Warning : move BG Registration Failure(%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_spot08_iceblock.c ../z_bg_spot08_iceblock.c
Error : arg_data 設定ミスです。(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x) Error : arg_data is configured wrong。(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_spot08_iceblock.c ../z_bg_spot08_iceblock.c
(spot08 流氷)(arg_data 0x%04x) (spot08 ice floe)(arg_data 0x%04x)

File 0139 - Bg_Spot09_Obj

This is the actor file for various objects in Gerudo Valley.

Text Translation
Spot09 Object [arg_data : 0x%04x](大工救出フラグ 0x%x) Spot09 Object [arg_data : 0x%04x](Carpenter Rescue Flag 0x%x)
Error : Spot 09 object の arg_data が判別出来ない(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x) Error : arg_data for Spot 09 cannot be determined(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_spot09_obj.c ../z_bg_spot09_obj.c
../z_bg_spot09_obj.c ../z_bg_spot09_obj.c
../z_bg_spot09_obj.c ../z_bg_spot09_obj.c
../z_bg_spot09_obj.c ../z_bg_spot09_obj.c

File 0140 - Bg_Spot11_Bakudankabe

This is the actor file for the wall blocking the Desert Colossus Great Fairy Fountain.

Text Translation
(spot11 爆弾壁)(arg_data 0x%04x) (spot11 bomb wall)(arg_data 0x%04x)

File 0141 - Bg_Spot11_Oasis

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0142 - Bg_Spot12_Gate

This is the actor file for xxx.

Text Translation
Warning : move BG 登録失敗(%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x) Warning : move BG Registration Failure(%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_spot12_gate.c ../z_bg_spot12_gate.c

File 0143 - Bg_Spot12_Saku

This is the actor file for xxx.

Text Translation
Warning : move BG 登録失敗(%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x) Warning : move BG Registration Failure(%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_spot12_saku.c ../z_bg_spot12_saku.c

File 0144 - Bg_Spot15_Rrbox

This is the actor file for the milk crates outside of Hyrule Castle.

Text Translation
Warning : move BG 登録失敗(%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x) Warning : move BG Registration Failure(%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_spot15_rrbox.c ../z_bg_spot15_rrbox.c
(spot15 ロンロン木箱)(arg_data 0x%04x) (spot15 Lon Lon Wooden Box)(arg_data 0x%04x)
Warning : ロンロン木箱落ちすぎた(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x) Warning : Lon Lon Wooden Box fell too far(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_spot15_rrbox.c ../z_bg_spot15_rrbox.c

File 0145 - Bg_Spot15_Saku

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0146 - Bg_Spot16_Bombstone

This is the actor file for the boulder blocking Dodongo's Cavern.

Text Translation
Spot16 obj 爆弾石 破壊済み Spot16 obj Bomb stone destroyed
Error : バンク危険!(arg_data 0x%04x)(%s %d) Error : Bank Danger!(arg_data 0x%04x)(%s %d)
../z_bg_spot16_bombstone.c ../z_bg_spot16_bombstone.c
Error : arg_data おかしいな(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x) Error : arg_data is wrong(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_spot16_bombstone.c ../z_bg_spot16_bombstone.c
Spot16 obj 爆弾石 (scaleX %f)(arg_data 0x%04x) Spot16 obj bomb stone (scaleX %f)(arg_data 0x%04x)
Error 補正出来ない(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)(hosei_angY %x) Error can not be corrected(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)(hosei_angY %x)
../z_bg_spot16_bombstone.c ../z_bg_spot16_bombstone.c
../z_bg_spot16_bombstone.c ../z_bg_spot16_bombstone.c
../z_bg_spot16_bombstone.c ../z_bg_spot16_bombstone.c
../z_bg_spot16_bombstone.c ../z_bg_spot16_bombstone.c

File 0147 - Bg_Spot16_Doughnut

This is the actor file for xxx.

Text Translation
[36m%f [36m%f
(spot16 ドーナツ雲)(arg_data 0x%04x) (spot16 doughnut cloud)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_spot16_doughnut.c ../z_bg_spot16_doughnut.c
../z_bg_spot16_doughnut.c ../z_bg_spot16_doughnut.c
../z_bg_spot16_doughnut.c ../z_bg_spot16_doughnut.c
../z_bg_spot16_doughnut.c ../z_bg_spot16_doughnut.c
../z_bg_spot16_doughnut.c ../z_bg_spot16_doughnut.c
../z_bg_spot16_doughnut.c ../z_bg_spot16_doughnut.c

File 0148 - Bg_Spot17_Bakudankabe

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0149 - Bg_Spot17_Funen

This is the actor file for xxx.

Text Translation
spot17 obj. 噴煙 (arg_data 0x%04x) spot17 obj. plume (arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_spot17_funen.c ../z_bg_spot17_funen.c
../z_bg_spot17_funen.c ../z_bg_spot17_funen.c
../z_bg_spot17_funen.c ../z_bg_spot17_funen.c

File 0150 to 0199

File 0150 - Bg_Spot18_Basket

This is the actor file for Goron City's Goron Pot.

Text Translation
[31m [31m
Error : 変化壷蓋発生失敗(%s %d) Error : Pot lid transition failure(%s %d)
../z_bg_spot18_basket.c ../z_bg_spot18_basket.c

File 0152 - Bg_Spot18_Obj

This is the actor file for xxx.

Text Translation
Error : リンク年齢不詳 (%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x) Error : Link's age unknown (%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_spot18_obj.c ../z_bg_spot18_obj.c
出現しない Object (0x%04x) Object did not appear (0x%04x)
Error : Obj出現判定が設定されていない(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x) Error : Obj not set to appear(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_spot18_obj.c ../z_bg_spot18_obj.c
Error : Obj出現判定失敗(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x) Error : Obj appearance judgement failure(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
../z_bg_spot18_obj.c ../z_bg_spot18_obj.c
Spot18 Object [arg_data : 0x%04x] Spot18 Object [arg_data : 0x%04x]

File 0154 - Bg_Sst_Floor

This is the actor file for Bongo Bongo's Drum.


File 0155 - Bg_Toki_Hikari

This is the actor file for the Temple of Time light beam.


File 0156 - Bg_Toki_Swd

This is the actor file for the Master Sword in the Temple of Time.


File 0157 - Bg_Treemouth

This is the actor file for the Deku Tree's mouth.


File 0159 - Bg_Vb_Sima

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0160 - Bg_Ydan_Hasi

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0162 - Bg_Ydan_Sp

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0163 - Bg_Zg

This is the actor file for xxx.

Text Translation
[31mメインモードがおかしい!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [31m Main mode is wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
../z_bg_zg.c ../z_bg_zg.c
../z_bg_zg.c ../z_bg_zg.c
../z_bg_zg.c ../z_bg_zg.c
[31m描画モードがおかしい!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [31m Drawing mode is wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

File 0164 - Boss_Dodongo

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0165 - Boss_Fd

This is the actor file for xxx.

WAY_SPD X = %f
WAY_SPD Y = %f
WAY_SPD Z = %f
this->timer[2] = %d
this->timer[5] = %d

File 0166 - Boss_Fd2

This is the actor file for xxx.

UP 1    mode %d
UP 1.5 
UP time %d 
PL time %x 
MT time %x 
UP 1.6 
UP 1.7 
UP 2
SW1 = %d
SW2 = %d
damage   %d
hp %d
FD2 move start 
FD2 draw start 

File 0167 - Boss_Ganon

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0168 - Boss_Ganon2

This is the actor file for xxx.

this->no_hit_time %d
this->look_on %d

File 0169 - Boss_Ganondrof

This is the actor file for Phantom Ganon.

SW %d------------------------------------------------
this->fwork[GND_END_FRAME] = %d
this->work[GND_SHOT_FRAME] = %d
VOISE               2  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
VOISE               2  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DAMAGE   .................................
TIME0 %d ********************************************
YP %f @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
PYP %f
hit != 0 
F 15
MOVE P = %x
STOP TIMER = %d =====================

This is the actor file for xxx.YP %f

File 0170 - Boss_Goma

This is the actor file for Gohma.

MAKE CAMERA !!!   1   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

File 0171 - Boss_Mo

This is the actor file for Morpha.

Text Translation
[33m [33m
Core_Damage_check START Core_Damage_check START
Core_Damage_check 当り!! Core_Damage_check Hit!!
Core_Damage_check 当り 2 !! Core_Damage_check Hit 2 !!
Core_Damage_check 剣 当り!! Core_Damage_check Sword Hit!!
Core_Damage_check 終わり !! Core_Damage_check End !!
CORE mode = <%d> CORE mode = <%d>
MO : Move mode = <%d> MO : Move mode = <%d>
../z_boss_mo.c ../z_boss_mo.c
../z_boss_mo.c ../z_boss_mo.c
../z_boss_mo.c ../z_boss_mo.c
../z_boss_mo.c ../z_boss_mo.c
../z_boss_mo.c ../z_boss_mo.c
../z_boss_mo.c ../z_boss_mo.c
../z_boss_mo.c ../z_boss_mo.c
../z_boss_mo.c ../z_boss_mo.c
../z_boss_mo.c ../z_boss_mo.c
../z_boss_mo.c ../z_boss_mo.c
../z_boss_mo.c ../z_boss_mo.c
../z_boss_mo.c ../z_boss_mo.c
../z_boss_mo.c ../z_boss_mo.c
../z_boss_mo.c ../z_boss_mo.c
../z_boss_mo.c ../z_boss_mo.c
../z_boss_mo.c ../z_boss_mo.c
../z_boss_mo.c ../z_boss_mo.c
../z_boss_mo.c ../z_boss_mo.c
../z_boss_mo.c ../z_boss_mo.c
../z_boss_mo.c ../z_boss_mo.c
../z_boss_mo.c ../z_boss_mo.c

File 0172 - Boss_Sst

This is the actor file for Bongo Bongo.


File 0173 - Boss_Tw

This is the actor file for Twinrova.


File 0174 - Boss_Va

This is the actor file for Volvagia.


File 0175 - Demo_6K

This is the actor file for xxx.

no = %d
bank_ID = %d

File 0176 - Demo_Du

This is the actor file for xxx.

Text Translation
../z_demo_du_inKenjyanomaDemo02.c ../z_demo_du_inKenjyanomaDemo02.c
../z_demo_du_inKenjyanomaDemo02.c ../z_demo_du_inKenjyanomaDemo02.c
Demo_Du_inEnding_Check_DemoMode:そんな動作は無い!!!!!!!! Demo_Du_inEnding_Check_DemoMode:There is no such behaviour!!!!!!!!
[31mメインモードがおかしい!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [31m Main mode is wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
../z_demo_du.c ../z_demo_du.c
../z_demo_du.c ../z_demo_du.c
[31m描画モードがおかしい!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [31m Drawing mode is wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(noteː Kenjyanoma is usually associated with the Chamber of the Sages. Research needed)

File 0177 - Demo_Ec

This is the actor file for xxx.

[31m Demo_Ec_main_init:初期化処理がおかしいarg_data = %d!
[31mDemo_Ec_main_bank:バンクを読めない arg_data = %d!

File 0178 - Demo_Effect

This is the actor file for xxx.

[36m no = %d
[36m bank_ID = %d
[36m 転送終了 move_wait 
[36m 縮むバージョン 
[36m 通常 バージョン 

File 0179 - Demo_Ext

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0180 - Demo_Geff

This is the actor file for xxx.

[31m Demo_Geff_main_init:初期化処理がおかしいarg_data = %d!
[31mDemo_Geff_main_bank:バンクを読めない arg_data = %d!

File 0181 - Demo_Gj

This is the actor file for xxx.

Demo_Gj_Search_Boss_Ganon %d:ガノン発見!!!!
Demo_Gj_Search_Boss_Ganon %d:ガノン発見出来ず
[31mDemo_Gj_common_Reflect : そんなarg_dataには対応していない = %d
[31mDemo_Gj_Setup_Move_common : そんなarg_dataには対応していない = %d
[31mDemo_Gj_Actor_ct そんな引数は無い!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

File 0182 - Demo_Go

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0183 - Demo_Gt

This is the actor file for xxx.

Demo_Gt_Actor_ct そんな引数は無い!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

File 0184 - Demo_Ik

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0185 - Demo_Im

This is the actor file for Impa.


File 0186 - Demo_Kankyo

This is the actor file for xxx.

bank_ID = %d

File 0187 - Demo_Kekkai

This is the actor file for xxx.

"当ったよ" = %s

File 0188 - Demo_Sa

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0189 - Demo_Shd

This is the actor file for Bongo Bongo, as he appears in cutscenes.


File 0190 - Demo_Tre_Lgt

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0191 - Door_Ana

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0192 - Door_Gerudo

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0193 - Door_Killer

This is the actor file for xxx.

bank_ID = %d
status = %d

File 0194 - Door_Shutter

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0196 - Door_Warp1

This is the actor file for xxx.

BOSSWARP arg_data=[%d]
じかんがきたからおーしまい fade_direction=[%d]

File 0197 - Efc_Erupc

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0198 - Eff_Dust

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0199 - ovl_Effect_Ss_Blast

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0200 to 0249

File 0200 - ovl_Effect_Ss_Bomb

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0201 - ovl_Effect_Ss_Bomb2

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0202 - ovl_Effect_Ss_Bubble

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0203 - ovl_Effect_Ss_D_Fire

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0204 - ovl_Effect_Ss_Dead_Db

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0205 - ovl_Effect_Ss_Dead_Dd

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0206 - ovl_Effect_Ss_Dead_Ds

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0207 - ovl_Effect_Ss_Dead_Sound

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0208 - ovl_Effect_Ss_Dt_Bubble

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0209 - ovl_Effect_Ss_Dust

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0210 - ovl_Effect_Ss_En_Fire

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0211 - ovl_Effect_Ss_En_Ice

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0212 - ovl_Effect_Ss_Extra

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0213 - ovl_Effect_Ss_Fcircle

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0214 - ovl_Effect_Ss_Fhg_Flash

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0215 - ovl_Effect_Ss_Fire_Tail

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0218 - ovl_Effect_Ss_G_Magma2

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0219 - ovl_Effect_Ss_G_Ripple

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0220 - ovl_Effect_Ss_G_Spk

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0222 - ovl_Effect_Ss_Hahen

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0223 - ovl_Effect_Ss_HitMark

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0224 - ovl_Effect_Ss_Ice_Piece

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0225 - ovl_Effect_Ss_Ice_Smoke

This is the actor file for xxx.

Effect_SS_Ice_Smoke_ct():バンク Object_Bank_Fzが有りません。

File 0226 - ovl_Effect_Ss_K_Fire

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0227 - ovl_Effect_Ss_Kakera

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0228 - ovl_Effect_Ss_KiraKira

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0229 - ovl_Effect_Ss_Lightning

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0230 - ovl_Effect_Ss_Sibuki

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0231 - ovl_Effect_Ss_Sibuki2

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0233 - ovl_Effect_Ss_Stick

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0234 - ovl_Effect_Ss_Stone1

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0235 - Elf_Msg

This is the actor file for xxx.

"共倒れ" = %s
"共倒れ" = %s
エルフ タグ 消える条件 %d
thisx->shape.angle.sy = %d
エルフ タグ 出現条件 %d

File 0236 - Elf_Msg2

This is the actor file for xxx.

"共倒れ" = %s
"共倒れ2" = %s
"共倒れ" = %s
[36m Elf_Msg2_Actor_ct %04x

File 0237 - En_Am

This is the actor file for the Armos.


File 0238 - En_Ani

This is the actor file for the guy who sits on the rooftop in Kakariko.


File 0239 - En_Anubice

This is the actor file for Anubis.

[33m☆☆☆☆☆ アヌビス発生 ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 火は幾つ? ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ 火は幾つ? ☆☆☆☆☆ %x

File 0240 - En_Anubice_Fire

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0241 - En_Anubice_Tag

This is the actor file for xxx.

[32m☆☆☆☆☆ アヌビス制御タグ発生 ☆☆☆☆☆ %d

File 0243 - En_Arrow

This is the actor file for xxx.

this->at_info.cl_elem.at_btl_info.at_type = %x

File 0245 - En_Ba

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0246 - En_Bb

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0247 - En_Bdfire

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0248 - En_Bigokuta

This is the actor file for the Big Octorok.


File 0249 - En_Bili

This is the actor file for Biris.


File 0250 to 0299

File 0251 - En_Blkobj

This is the actor file for Dark Link's illusion room in the Water Temple.


File 0252 - En_Bom

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0253 - En_Bom_Bowl_Man

This is the actor file for the Bombchu Bowling employee and minigame.

[32m☆ もー 肩こっちゃうよねぇ〜 		 ☆ 
[32m☆ もっとラクしてもうかるバイトないかしら? ☆ %d
[31m☆ game_play->bomchu_game_flag ☆ %d
[31m☆ 壁1の状態どう? ☆ %d
[31m☆ 壁2の状態どう? ☆ %d
[31m☆ 穴情報	     ☆ %d
[35m☆☆☆☆☆ 中央HIT!!!! ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[35m☆☆☆☆☆ ボムチュウ消化 ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[33m☆ わー ☆ %d

File 0254 - En_Bom_Bowl_Pit

This is the actor file for xxx.

[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 正常終了 ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ あぁ回復! ☆☆☆☆☆ 

File 0255 - En_Bom_Chu

This is the actor file for Bombchus.


File 0256 - En_Bombf

This is the actor file for Bomb Flowers.


File 0257 - En_Boom

This is the actor file for the boomerang.


File 0258 - En_Box

This is the actor file for treasure chests.

Actor_Environment_Tbox_On() %d
gfxp != NULL
gfxp != NULL
gfxp != NULL

File 0260 - En_Bubble

This is the actor file for Shaboms.


File 0261 - En_Butte

This is the actor file for butterflies.

(field keep 蝶)(%x)(arg_data 0x%04x)

File 0262 - En_Bw

This is the actor file for Torch Slugs.


File 0263 - En_Bx

This is the actor file for the blocking tentacles in Jabu-Jabu's Belly.


File 0264 - En_Changer

This is the actor file for xxx.

Japanese English
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 宝発生(部屋はどれ?) %d [32m☆☆☆☆☆ Treasure Generation (Which room?) %d
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ ビットは? %x [32m☆☆☆☆☆ Bit? %x
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ セーブBITは? %x [32m☆☆☆☆☆ Save bit? %x
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ もう、ゾンビ? %d [32m☆☆☆☆☆ A zombie? %d
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ 中央宝発生(GREAT) ☆☆☆☆☆ %x [33m☆☆☆☆☆ Center Treasure Generation (GREAT) ☆☆☆☆☆ %x
[35m☆☆☆☆☆ 左宝発生(ナニがはいってるの?) ☆☆☆☆☆ %x [35m☆☆☆☆☆ Left Treasure Generation (What could be inside?) ☆☆☆☆☆ %x
[35m☆☆☆☆☆ 部屋番号は? %x [35m☆☆☆☆☆ Room number? %x
[35m☆☆☆☆☆ ビットはなぁに? %x [35m☆☆☆☆☆ What's the bit? %x
[35m☆☆☆☆☆ すけすけ君? %x [35m☆☆☆☆☆ Mr. See-Through? %x
[36m☆☆☆☆☆ 右宝発生(ナニがはいってるの?) ☆☆☆☆☆ %x [36m☆☆☆☆☆ Right Treasure Generation (What could be inside?) ☆☆☆☆☆ %x
[36m☆☆☆☆☆ 部屋番号は? %d [36m☆☆☆☆☆ Room number? %d
[36m☆☆☆☆☆ ビットはなぁに? %x [36m☆☆☆☆☆ What's the bit? %x
[36m☆☆☆☆☆ すけすけ君? %x [36m☆☆☆☆☆ Mr. See Through? %x
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 右宝開く ☆☆☆☆☆ %d [32m☆☆☆☆☆ Open Right Treasure ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 左宝開く ☆☆☆☆☆ %d [32m☆☆☆☆☆ Open Left Treasure ☆☆☆☆☆ %d

File 0265 - En_Clear_Tag

This is the actor file for the Arwing.


File 0268 - En_Cs

This is the actor file for the little boy who hangs out in the graveyard.


File 0269 - En_Daiku

This is the actor file for the carpenters.


File 0270 - En_Daiku_Kakariko

This is the actor file for the Kakariko carpenters.


File 0271 - En_Dekubaba

This is the actor file for Deku Babas.


File 0273 - En_Dh

This is the actor file for Dead Hand.


File 0275 - En_Diving_Game

This is the actor file for the Zora diving minigame and NPC.

[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 素もぐりGO ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ もういてる原 ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 正常終了 ☆☆☆☆☆ 

File 0276 - En_Dns

This is the actor file for the Business Scrubs.

Japanese English
デクの実売り Deku Nut Seller
デクの棒売り Deku Stick Seller
ハートの欠片売り Heart Piece Seller
デクの種売り Deku Seed Seller
デクの盾売り Deku Shield Seller
バクダン売り Bomb Seller
矢売り Arrow Seller
赤のくすり売り Red Potion Seller
緑のくすり売り Green Potion Seller
デクの棒持てる数を増やす Increases Deku Stick Capacity
デクの実持てる数を増やす Increases Deku Nut Capacity
[31m引数エラー(売りナッツ)[ arg_data = %d ] [31m Argument Error (Business Scrub) [ arg_data = %d ]
[32m◆◆◆ 売りナッツ『%s』 [32m◆◆◆ Business Scrub『%s』

File 0277 - En_Dnt_Demo

This is the actor file for the Deku Stage mask minigame and NPCs.

[32m☆☆☆☆☆ デグナッツお面品評会開始 ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ ザコザコ ☆☆☆☆☆ %x
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ じじじじじじじじじじい ☆☆☆☆☆ %x
[31m☆☆☆☆☆ げらげら ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 特別! ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ ヤバいよこれ! ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ ヤバいよこれ! ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[35m☆☆☆☆☆ ヤバいよこれ! ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[36m☆☆☆☆☆ ヤバいよこれ! ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 各インデックス1 ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 各インデックス2 ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 各インデックス3 ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ どういう評価?  ☆☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[35m☆☆☆☆☆ どういうアクション?  ☆☆☆ %d

File 0278 - En_Dnt_Jiji

This is the actor file for the Deku Scrub Elder.

[33m☆☆☆☆☆ デグナッツお面品評会長老 ☆☆☆☆☆ %x
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ 時間 ☆☆☆☆☆ %d

File 0279 - En_Dnt_Nomal

This is the actor file for the Deku Scrub target minigame and NPC.

[32m☆☆☆☆☆ デグナッツ的当て ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ デグナッツお面品評会一般人 ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[35m なにみの? %d
[36m バンクおかしいしぞ!%d
[36m☆☆☆☆☆ 大当り ☆☆☆☆☆ %d

File 0282 - En_Dog

This is the actor file for the dogs.


File 0283 - En_Door

This is the actor file for regular doors.


File 0285 - En_Du

This is the actor file for Darunia.


File 0286 - En_Dy_Extra

This is the actor file for xxx.

[33m☆☆☆☆☆ 大妖精効果 ☆☆☆☆☆ %d

File 0287 - En_Eg

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0288 - En_Eiyer

This is the actor file for Stingers.


File 0289 - En_Elf

This is the actor file for small fairies, including Navi.

z_common_data.memory.information.room_inf[127][ 0 ] = %d

File 0290 - En_Encount1

This is an actor file for spawning enemies.

[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 入力エラーデッス! ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 入力エラーデッス! ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 入力エラーデッス! ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 入力エラーデッス! ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 入力エラーデッス! ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 敵発生ゾーンでた! ☆☆☆☆☆ %x
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ 種類		   ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[35m☆☆☆☆☆ 最大同時発生数     ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[36m☆☆☆☆☆ 最大発生数  	   ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 発生チェック範囲   ☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 発生できません! ☆☆☆☆☆
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 発生できません! ☆☆☆☆☆
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 発生できません! ☆☆☆☆☆
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 発生できません! ☆☆☆☆☆
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 発生できません! ☆☆☆☆☆
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 発生できません! ☆☆☆☆☆
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 発生できません! ☆☆☆☆☆
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 発生できません! ☆☆☆☆☆
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 発生できません! ☆☆☆☆☆

File 0291 - En_Encount2

This is an actor file for spawning enemies.

[32m☆☆☆☆☆ デスマウンテンエンカウント2セットされました ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ ガノンタワー脱出エンカウント2セットされました ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 発生できません! ☆☆☆☆☆
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 発生できません! ☆☆☆☆☆
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 発生できません! ☆☆☆☆☆
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 発生できません! ☆☆☆☆☆
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 発生できません! ☆☆☆☆☆

File 0292 - En_Ex_Item

This is the actor file for xxx.

[32m☆☆☆☆☆ なにがでるかな? ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ なにがでるかな? ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
なにみの? %d
[35m バンクおかしいしぞ!%d
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 転送終了 ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ 転送終了 ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[34m☆☆☆☆☆ 転送終了 ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[35m☆☆☆☆☆ 転送終了 ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[36m☆☆☆☆☆ 転送終了 ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[32m ☆☆☆☆☆ 母親ー?     ☆☆☆☆☆ %x
[32m ☆☆☆☆☆ 動いてねー? ☆☆☆☆☆ %x
[32m ☆☆☆☆☆ さぁきえるぞ! ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 正常終了 ☆☆☆☆☆ 

File 0293 - En_Ex_Ruppy

This is the actor file for xxx.

Japanese English
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ インデックス ☆☆☆☆☆ %x [32m☆☆☆☆☆ Index ☆☆☆☆☆ %x
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ わーなーコイン ☆☆☆☆☆ [32m☆☆☆☆☆ Trap Coin ☆☆☆☆☆
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ ノーマルルピー ☆☆☆☆☆ [32m☆☆☆☆☆ Normal Rupee ☆☆☆☆☆
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ そ、そんなばかな!エラー!!!!! ☆☆☆☆☆ [32m☆☆☆☆☆ Y, you idiot! Error!!!!! ☆☆☆☆☆
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ バカめ! ☆☆☆☆☆ [32m☆☆☆☆☆ Moron! ☆☆☆☆☆
../z_en_ex_ruppy.c ../z_en_ex_ruppy.c
../z_en_ex_ruppy.c ../z_en_ex_ruppy.c
../z_en_ex_ruppy.c ../z_en_ex_ruppy.c

File 0294 - En_Fd

This is the actor file for Flame Dancers.


File 0295 - En_Fd_Fire

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0296 - En_Fhg_Fire

This is the actor file for xxx.

yari hikari ct 1
yari hikari ct 2
yari hikari 1
yari hikari 2
fly_mode    %d
BEFORE setAC   %d
なぜだああああああああ      %d
yari hikari draw 1

File 0297 - En_Fire_Rock

This is the actor file for flaming boulders.

[33m☆☆☆☆☆ 天井待ち岩 ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ 床岩 ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ そんな岩はねぇ!ERR!!!!!! ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 発生数回復 ☆☆☆☆☆%d
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ イッパイデッス ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ イッパイデッス ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ シールド防御 Lv1 ☆☆☆☆☆ 

File 0298 - En_Firefly

This is the actor file for Keese.


File 0299 - En_Fish

This is the actor file for fish.

BG 抜け? Actor_delete します(%s %d)
Warning : dousa 3 消滅 が呼ばれずにデモが終了した(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
不正なデモ動作(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)

File 0300 to 0349

File 0300 - En_Floormas

This is the actor file for Floormasters.


File 0301 - En_Fr

This is the actor file for frogs.

%s[%d] : 引数が間違っている!!(%d)
%s[%d] : バンクが無いよ!!

File 0302 - En_Fu

This is the actor file for the Windmill Man.


File 0303 - En_Fw

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0304 - En_Fz

This is the actor file for Freezards.


File 0305 - En_G_Switch

This is the actor file for collectible silver rupees.

[32m☆☆☆☆☆ インデックス ☆☆☆☆☆ %x
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ セーブ	     ☆☆☆☆☆ %x
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 親スイッチ発生 ☆☆☆☆☆ %x
[35m☆☆☆☆☆ 最大チェック数 ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ You are Shock!  ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 子スイッチ発生 ☆☆☆☆☆ %x
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ You are Shock!  ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ やぶさめぶち抜き壷 ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[35m なにみの? %d
[36m バンクおかしいしぞ!%d
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 音? ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 時はまさに世紀末〜  ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ らすとぉ!          ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ いぇぇーす!HIT!! ☆☆☆☆☆ %d

File 0306 - En_Ganon_Mant

This is the actor file for Ganondorf's cape.


File 0307 - En_Ganon_Organ

This is the actor file for Ganondorf's organ.


File 0308 - En_Gb

This is the actor file for the Poe Seller.


File 0309 - En_Ge1

This is the actor file for xxx.

[36m谷底 ゲルド 撤退 
[36mやぶさめ ゲルド EVENT_INF(0) = %x
z_common_data.yabusame_total = %d
z_common_data.memory.information.room_inf[127][ 0 ] = %d

File 0310 - En_Ge2

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0311 - En_Ge3

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0312 - En_GeldB

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0313 - En_GirlA

This is the actor file for xxx.

Japanese English Notes
デクの実×5 Deku Nut ×5
矢×30 Arrows ×30
矢×50 Arrows ×50
爆弾×5 Bombs ×5
デクの実×10 Deku Nut ×10
デクの棒 Deku Stick
爆弾×10 Bombs ×10
さかな Fish
赤クスリ Red Potion
緑クスリ Green Potion
青クスリ Blue Potion
巨人のナイフ Giant's Knife Not Sold in Shops
ハイリアの盾 Hylian Shield
デクの盾 Deku Shield
ゴロンの服 Goron Tunic
ゾ─ラの服 Zora Tunic
回復のハート Recovery Heart
ロンロン牛乳 Lon Lon Milk
鶏の卵 Chicken Egg Not Sold in Shops
インゴー牛乳 Ingo Milk Unused
インゴー卵 Ingo Egg Unused
もだえ石 Stone of Agony Not Sold in Shops
大人の財布 Adult Wallet Not Sold in Shops
ハートの欠片 Heart Piece Not Sold in Shops
ボムチュウ Bombchu
ボムチュウ Bombchu
ボムチュウ Bombchu
ボムチュウ Bombchu
ボムチュウ Bombchu
デクのタネ Deku Seeds
キータンのお面 Keaton Mask
こわそなお面 Spooky Mask
ドクロのお面 Skull Mask
ウサギずきん Bunny Hood
まことの仮面 Mask of Truth
ゾーラのお面 Zora Mask
ゴロンのお面 Goron Mask
ゲルドのお面 Gerudo Mask
チョウチョ Butterfly Unused
ポウ Poe
妖精の魂 Fairy Spirit
矢×10 Arrows ×10
爆弾×20 Bombs ×20
爆弾×30 Bombs ×30
爆弾×5 Bombs ×5
赤クスリ Red Potion
赤クスリ Red Potion
%s(%2d)初期設定 %s(%2d) Default Settings
[41;37m [41;37m
引数がおかしいよ(arg_data=%d)!! Something's off with the argument (arg_data=%d)!!
../z_en_girlA.c ../z_en_girlA.c
[41;37m [41;37m
バンクが無いよ!!(%s) No such bank!! (%s)
../z_en_girlA.c ../z_en_girlA.c
%s(%2d)初期設定 %s(%2d) Default Settings
%s(%2d) %s(%2d)

File 0314 - En_Gm

This is the actor file for Medigoron.

[32m%s[%d] : 中ゴロン[%d]
モデル バンクが無いよ!!(中ゴロン)

File 0315 - En_Go

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0316 - En_Go2

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0317 - En_Goma

This is the actor file for Gohma Larvae.


File 0318 - En_Goroiwa

This is the actor file for rolling stones and snowballs.

Error : レールデータ不正(点が重なっている)
(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
Error : arg_data が不正(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
Error : レールデータ が不正(%s %d)
(ごろ岩)(arg 0x%04x)(rail %d)(end %d)(bgc %d)(hit %d)
Player ぶっ飛ばし

File 0319 - En_Gs

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0320 - En_Guest

This is the actor file for shop patrons.

%s[%d] : バンクが無いよ!!

File 0322 - En_Heishi1

This is the actor file for xxx.

Japanese English
[32m 種類☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ %d [32m Type☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[33m れえるでぇたぁ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ %d [33m Pathing Data☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[35m anime_frame_speed ☆☆☆☆☆☆ %f [35m anime_frame_speed ☆☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[35m 補間フレーム☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ %f [35m Interpolation Frames☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[35m point間の移動スピード目標値 ☆ %f [35m Targeted Movement Speed Value Between Points ☆ %f
[35m point間の移動スピード最大 ☆☆ %f [35m Maximum Movement Speed Between Points ☆☆ %f
[35m (体)反転アングルスピード目標値 %f [35m (Body) Targeted Turning Angle Speed Value %f
[35m (体)反転アングルスピード最大☆ %f [35m (Body) Maximum Turning Angle Speed☆ %f
[35m (頭)反転アングルスピード加算値 %f [35m (Head) Supplemental Turning Angle Speed Value %f
[35m (頭)反転アングルスピード最大☆ %f [35m (Head) Maximum Turning Angle Speed☆ %f
[32m 今時間 %d [32m Current Time %d
[33m チェック時間 %d [33m Check Time %d
[31m 種類 %d [31m Type %d
[31m ぱす %d [31m Path %d
[31m 反転 %d [31m Turning %d
[31m 時間 %d [31m Time %d
[31m 点座 %d [31m Translocation %d
[32m 種類 %d [32m Type %d
[32m ぱす %d [32m Path %d
[32m 反転 %d [32m Turning %d
[32m 時間 %d [32m Time %d
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 発見! ☆☆☆☆☆ [32m☆☆☆☆☆ Discovered! ☆☆☆☆☆
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 発見! ☆☆☆☆☆ [32m☆☆☆☆☆ Discovered! ☆☆☆☆☆

File 0323 - En_Heishi2

This is the actor file for xxx.

[35m ☆☆☆☆☆ いやー ついうっかり ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[32m ☆☆☆☆☆ 覗き穴奥兵士ふぃ〜 ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[32m ☆☆☆☆☆ 兵士2セット完了! ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[33m ☆☆☆☆☆ 識別完了!         ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[35m ☆☆☆☆☆ メッセージ完了!   ☆☆☆☆☆ %x
[32m ☆☆☆☆☆ 全部の精霊石GET! ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[33m ☆☆☆☆☆ 子供ははやくネロ! ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[34m ☆☆☆☆☆ なんでも通るよ ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[35m ☆☆☆☆☆ 1回目袖の下開始! ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[35m ☆☆☆☆☆ 2回目袖の下開始! ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[36m ☆☆☆☆☆ それはとおらんよぉ ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[35m☆☆☆ きたきたきたぁ! ☆☆☆ %x
[35m ☆☆☆☆☆ とおしゃしねぇちゅーの ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[35m☆☆☆ きたきたきたぁ! ☆☆☆ %x
[33m ☆☆☆☆☆ これでダウンだ! ☆☆☆☆☆ 

File 0324 - En_Heishi3

This is the actor file for xxx.

Japanese English
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 城門兵パワーアップ ☆☆☆☆☆ [32m☆☆☆☆☆ Castle Gate Soldier - Power Up ☆☆☆☆☆
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 発見! ☆☆☆☆☆ [32m☆☆☆☆☆ Discovered! ☆☆☆☆☆
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 発見! ☆☆☆☆☆ [32m☆☆☆☆☆ Discovered! ☆☆☆☆☆

File 0325 - En_Heishi4

This is the actor file for xxx.

Japanese English Notes
[32m ☆☆☆☆☆ 兵士2セット完了! ☆☆☆☆☆ %d [32m ☆☆☆☆☆ Soldier 2 Setup Complete! ☆☆☆☆☆ %d Refers to En_Heishi2.
[33m ☆☆☆☆☆ 識別完了! ☆☆☆☆☆ %d [33m ☆☆☆☆☆ Identification Complete! ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[35m ☆☆☆☆☆ メッセージ完了! ☆☆☆☆☆ %x [35m ☆☆☆☆☆ Message Complete! ☆☆☆☆☆ %x
[32m ☆☆☆☆☆ ぎゃぁ!オトナだー ☆☆☆☆☆ [32m ☆☆☆☆☆ Gyaa! He's an adult~! ☆☆☆☆☆
[33m ☆☆☆☆☆ マスターソード祝入手! ☆☆☆☆☆ [33m ☆☆☆☆☆ Master Sword Obtained! ☆☆☆☆☆
[33m ☆☆☆☆☆ デモ開始! ☆☆☆☆☆ [33m ☆☆☆☆☆ Cutscene Start! ☆☆☆☆☆
[34m ☆☆☆☆☆ 返事なし ☆☆☆☆☆ [34m ☆☆☆☆☆ No Response ☆☆☆☆☆

File 0327 - En_Holl

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0328 - En_Honotrap

This is the actor file for xxx.

Warning : vector size zero (%s %d)

File 0329 - En_Horse

This is the actor file for Epona.

this->race.rider != NULL

File 0330 - En_Horse_Game_Check

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0332 - En_Horse_Link_Child

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0333 - En_Horse_Normal

This is the actor file for horses.


File 0335 - En_Hs

This is the actor file for xxx.

[36m ヒヨコの店(大人の時) 
[36m ヒヨコ屋閉店 
[36m ヒヨコの店(子人の時) 

File 0336 - En_Hs2

This is the actor file for xxx.

[36m ヒヨコの店(子人の時) 

File 0337 - En_Hy

This is the actor file for Hylians.


File 0338 - En_Ice_Hono

This is the actor file for xxx.

(ice 炎)(arg_data 0x%04x)
ありえない値(ratio = %f)

File 0339 - En_Ik

This is the actor file for Iron Knuckles.

En_Ik_inConfrontion_Init : %d !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

File 0340 - En_In

This is the actor file for Ingo.


File 0341 - En_Insect

This is the actor file for bugs.

warning:目標 Actor が NULL (%s %d)
BG 抜け? Actor_delete します(%s %d)

File 0342 - En_Ishi

This is the actor file for small rocks.

地面に付着失敗(%s %d)

File 0344 - En_Jj

This is the actor file for Jabu-Jabu.


File 0346 - En_Jsjutan

This is the actor file for the desert Bombchu salesman's magic carpet.


File 0347 - En_Kakasi

This is the actor file for xxx.

[33m☆☆☆☆☆ Let’s DANCE! ☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[34m☆☆☆☆☆ 終り? ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ フラグ! ☆☆☆☆☆ %d

File 0348 - En_Kakasi2

This is the actor file for xxx.

[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 梅田参号見参! ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ 元?(引数0) ☆☆☆☆ %f
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ 元?(Zアングル) ☆☆ %f
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ 補正座標X ☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ 補正座標Y ☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ 補正座標Z ☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ SAVE       ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ SAVE 終了 ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ SAVE 終了 ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ this->actor.player_distance ☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ this->hosei.x ☆☆☆☆☆ %f

File 0349 - En_Kakasi3

This is the actor file for xxx.

[33m☆☆☆☆☆ おーボヌール ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[35m☆☆☆☆☆ まさか! ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[36m☆☆☆☆☆ これで、他の奴もOK!だ! ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ フラグ! ☆☆☆☆☆ %d

File 0350 to 0399

File 0350 - En_Kanban

This is the actor file for signposts.

 WAT  Y  = %f
 POS  Y  = %f
 GROUND Y  = %f

File 0351 - En_Karebaba

This is the actor file for Wilted Deku Babas.


File 0352 - En_Ko

This is the actor file for the Kokiri.

[44m  アングルZ->(%d)

File 0353 - En_Kusa

This is the actor file for small clumps of grass.

地面に付着失敗(%s %d)
Error : バンク危険! (arg_data 0x%04x)(%s %d)

File 0354 - En_Kz

This is the actor file for King Zora.


File 0355 - En_Light

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0358 - En_M_Thunder

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0359 - En_Ma1

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0360 - En_Ma2

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0361 - En_Ma3

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0362 - En_Mag

This is the actor file for the game logo overlay that appears on the title screen.


File 0364 - En_Md

This is the actor file for Mido.


File 0366 - En_Mm

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0367 - En_Mm2

This is the actor file for xxx.

[36m マラソン 開始されていない 
((z_common_data.event_inf[1]) & (0x0001)) = %x

File 0369 - En_Mu

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0370 - En_Nb

This is the actor file for Nabooru.

En_Nb_Get_path_info レールデータをゲットだぜ = %d!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
En_Nb_Get_path_info レールデータが無い!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

File 0371 - En_Niw

This is the actor file for Cuccos.

[33m☆☆☆☆☆ もういてる原 Ver.1 ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ もういてる原 Ver.2 ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[33m 通常鶏index %d
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ どんな奴? ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[32m ☆☆☆☆☆ 発生できず  ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 上下? ☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[31m☆☆☆☆☆ 範囲外X! ☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[31m☆☆☆☆☆ 範囲外Y! ☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[31m☆☆☆☆☆ 範囲外Z! ☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ セットX! ☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ セットY! ☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ セットZ! ☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ 修整後X! ☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ 修整後Y! ☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ 修整後Z! ☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ ぶくぶく ☆☆☆☆☆ 

File 0372 - En_Niw_Girl

This is the actor file for the little girl that chases after the Cucco in Hyrule Castle Town.

[32m☆☆☆☆☆ シツレイしちゃうわね!プンプン ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ きゃははははは、まてー ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ なぜか、セットできむぅあせん ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ んんがくく ☆☆☆☆☆ %d

File 0373 - En_Niw_Lady

This is the actor file for the Cucco Lady.

[32m☆☆☆☆☆ ねぇちゃんうっふん ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[32m☆ 鶏柵内GET!☆ %x
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ ねぇちゃん選択	 ☆☆☆☆ %d
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ ねぇちゃんハート     ☆☆☆☆ %d
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ ねぇちゃん保存       ☆☆☆☆ %d
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ ねぇちゃん今	 ☆☆☆☆ %d
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ this->actor.talk_message ☆☆ %x
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ this->message_end_code   ☆☆ %d
[36m☆☆☆☆☆ 柵内BIT変更前 ☆☆ %x
[36m☆☆☆☆☆ 柵内BIT変更後 ☆☆ %x
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ ハート ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ 爆弾   ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ アダルトメッセージチェック ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 正常終了 ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 通常メッセージチェック ☆☆☆☆☆ 

File 0374 - En_Nutsball

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0375 - En_Nwc

This is the actor file for Cucco chicks, which go unused in Ocarina of Time.


File 0376 - En_Ny

This is the actor file for spiked metal ball traps.

ニュウ イニシャル[ %d ] !!
ダミーニュウ イニシャル[ %d ] !!
En_Ny_actor_move2[ %x ] !!

File 0378 - En_Okarina_Effect

This is the actor file for the Song of Storms.

[33m☆☆☆☆☆ オカリナあらし効果ビカビカビカ〜 ☆☆☆☆☆ 
豆よ のびろ 指定

File 0379 - En_Okarina_Tag

This is the actor file for xxx.

[32m☆☆☆☆☆ オカリナタグ発生 ☆☆☆☆☆ %x
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ セーブ情報	 ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ 種類インデックス ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[35m☆☆☆☆☆ 正解情報	 ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[36m☆☆☆☆☆ 範囲情報	 ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[36m☆☆☆☆☆ 処理範囲情報	 ☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 当り?		 ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[31m☆☆☆☆☆ 北!!!!! ☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ オカリナ透明君デモ開始チェックエラー原 ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[35m☆☆☆☆☆ 開けゴマゴマゴマ! ☆☆☆☆☆ %d

File 0380 - En_Okuta

This is the actor file for Octoroks.


File 0381 - En_Ossan

This is the actor file for xxx.

Japanese English Notes
コキリの店 Kokiri Shop
薬屋 Potion Shop
夜の店 Night Shop This shop corresponds to the Treasure Chest Shop.
路地裏の店 Back Alley Shop This shop corresponds to the Bombchu Shop.
盾の店 Shield Shop This shop corresponds to the Bazaar.
大人の店 Adult Shop This shop corresponds to the General Store.
タロンの店 Talon's Shop This shop no longer exists.
ゾーラの店 Zora Shop
ゴロン夜の店 Goron Shop
インゴーの店 Ingo's Shop This shop no longer exists.
お面屋 Mask Shop
[41;37m [41;37m
引数がおかしいよ(arg_data=%d)!! Something's off with the argument (arg_data=%d)!!
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c
[41;37m [41;37m
バンクが無いよ!!(%s) No such bank!! (%s)
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c
[41;37m [41;37m
予備バンクが無いよ!!(%s) No such reserve bank!! (%s)
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c
[33m%s[%d]:★★★ 会話終了!! ★★★ [33m%s[%d]:★★★ Conversation complete!! ★★★
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c
[33m★★★ 会話開始!! ★★★ [33m★★★ Conversation start!! ★★★
「スティック左右で品物みてくれ!」 "Use the control stick to look around!"
%s[%d]: %s[%d]:
[32mズーム中!! [32m Zooming!!
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c
%s[%d]: %s[%d]:
[32mズーム中!! [32m Zooming!!
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c
%s[%d]: %s[%d]:
[32mズーム中!! [32m Zooming!!
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c
[33m初めて手にいれた!! [33m Obtained for the first time!!
[33m持ち上げ開始!! [33m Start holding it up!!
%s[%d]: %s[%d]:
[32mズーム中!! [32m Zooming!!
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c
%s[%d]: %s[%d]:
[32mズーム中!! [32m Zooming!!
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c
%s[%d]: %s[%d]:
[32mズーム中!! [32m Zooming!!
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c
%s[%d]: %s[%d]:
[32mズーム中!! [32m Zooming!!
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c
%s[%d]: %s[%d]:
[32mズーム中!! [32m Zooming!!
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c
店主の依頼 ( %d ) Shopkeeper Dependence ( %d )
%s[%d]: %s[%d]:
[32mズーム中!! [32m Zooming!!
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c
[33m★★★ 続けるよ!! ★★★ [33m★★★ Continue!! ★★★
[33m★★★ やめるよ!! ★★★ [33m★★★ Quit!! ★★★
[41;37m [41;37m
★★★ 警告!! 棚がないよ!! ★★★ ★★★ Warning!! No shelves!! ★★★
[33m◇◇◇ 店のおやじ( %d ) 初期設定 ◇◇◇ [33m◇◇◇ Shop Guy ( %d ) Default Settings ◇◇◇
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c
../z_en_oB1.c ../z_en_oB1.c

File 0382 - En_Owl

This is the actor file for Kaepora Gaebora.

[36m 会話フクロウ %4x no = %d, sv = %d
no = %d  
[36m Actor_Environment_sw = %d
SPOT 06 の デモがはしった

File 0383 - En_Part

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0384 - En_Peehat

This is the actor file for Peahats.


File 0385 - En_Po_Desert

This is the actor file for the Poe that guides Link through the desert.


File 0386 - En_Po_Field

This is the actor file for Big Poes.


File 0387 - En_Po_Relay

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0388 - En_Po_Sisters

This is the actor file for the Poe Sisters.


File 0389 - En_Poh

This is the actor file for Poes.


File 0391 - En_Rd

This is the actor file for Redeads.


File 0392 - En_Reeba

This is the actor file for Leevers.

Japanese English
☆☆☆☆☆ リーバぼす登場 ☆☆☆☆☆ %f ☆☆☆☆☆ Leever Boss Appears ☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 何匹DEAD? ☆☆☆☆☆%d [32m☆☆☆☆☆ How many DEAD? ☆☆☆☆☆%d
../z_en_reeba.c ../z_en_reeba.c
../z_en_reeba.c ../z_en_reeba.c

File 0394 - En_Rl

This is the actor file for Rauru.


File 0395 - En_Rr

This is the actor file for Like Likes.

Japanese English
タイプ7 Type 7
魔法の壷小 Magic Jar (Small)
妖精 Fairy
20ルピー 20 Rupees
50ルピー 50 Rupees
[33m%s[%d] : Rr_Catch_Cancel [33m%s[%d] : Rr_Catch_Cancel
../z_en_rr.c ../z_en_rr.c
[32mカキン(%d)!! [32mカキン(%d)!!
[31mいてっ( %d : LIFE %d : DAMAGE %d : %x )!! [31m Oww~ ( %d : LIFE %d : DAMAGE %d : %x )!!
[32mキャッチ(%d)!! [32m Catch (%d)!!
[32m「%s」が出た!! [32m「%s」has appeared!!
../z_en_rr.c ../z_en_rr.c
../z_en_rr.c ../z_en_rr.c
../z_en_rr.c ../z_en_rr.c
../z_en_rr.c ../z_en_rr.c
../z_en_rr.c ../z_en_rr.c

File 0396 - En_Ru1

This is the actor file for Child Ruto.

該当 arge_data = %d 無し

File 0397 - En_Ru2

This is the actor file for Adult Ruto.


File 0398 - En_Sa

This is the actor file for Saria.


File 0399 - En_Sb

This is the actor file for Shellblades.

Japanese English
アタァ〜ック!! Attaaaack!!
[31m攻撃終了!! [31m Attack complete!!

File 0400 to 0449

File 0400 - En_Scene_Change

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0401 - En_Sda

This is the actor file for a dynamic 3D shadows.


File 0402 - En_Shopnuts

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0404 - En_Siofuki

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0405 - En_Skb

This is the actor file for Stalchildren.


File 0406 - En_Skj

This is the actor file for Skull Kids.

Player_X : %f
Player_Z : %f
World_X  : %f
World_Z  : %f
Center_X : %f
Center_Z : %f

File 0407 - En_Skjneedle

This is the actor file for the blowdart Skull Kids shoot.


File 0408 - En_Ssh

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0409 - En_St

This is the actor file for Skulltulas.


File 0410 - En_Sth

This is the actor file for xxx.

Japanese English
[34m金スタル屋 no = %d [34m Gold Skulltula House no = %d
金スタル屋 まだ 人間に戻れない Gold Skulltula House - Still can't return to human form.
[34m金スタル屋 まだ 人間に戻れない [34m Gold Skulltula House - Still can't return to human form.
bank_ID = %d bank_ID = %d
../z_en_sth.c ../z_en_sth.c
../z_en_sth.c ../z_en_sth.c
../z_en_sth.c ../z_en_sth.c
../z_en_sth.c ../z_en_sth.c
../z_en_sth.c ../z_en_sth.c

File 0411 - En_Stream

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0412 - En_Sw

This is the actor file for Skullwalltulas.


File 0413 - En_Syateki_Itm

This is the actor file for xxx.

[32m☆☆☆☆☆ エラー原 ☆☆☆☆ 
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ エラー原セカンド ☆☆☆☆ 
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ ルピーでエラー原 ☆☆☆☆ 
[31m☆☆☆☆☆ 1フレームの攻防! ☆☆☆☆ 
[31m☆☆☆☆☆ 1フレームの攻防! ☆☆☆☆ 
[31m☆☆☆☆☆ 1フレームの攻防! ☆☆☆☆ 
[31m☆☆☆☆☆ 1フレームの攻防! ☆☆☆☆ 
[31m☆☆☆☆☆ 1フレームの攻防! ☆☆☆☆ 
[31m☆☆☆☆☆ 1フレームの攻防! ☆☆☆☆ 
[31m☆☆☆☆☆ 1フレームの攻防! ☆☆☆☆ 
[31m☆☆☆☆☆ 1フレームの攻防! ☆☆☆☆ 
[31m☆☆☆☆☆ 1フレームの攻防! ☆☆☆☆ 
[31m☆☆☆☆☆ 1フレームの攻防! ☆☆☆☆ 

File 0414 - En_Syateki_Man

This is the actor file for the Shooting Gallery owner.

[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 親父登場!!むほほほほほほほーん ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ Equip_Pachinko ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ Equip_Bow ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 正常終了 ☆☆☆☆☆ 

File 0415 - En_Syateki_Niw

This is the actor file for xxx.

[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 射的場鶏 ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ ボムにわ! ☆☆☆☆☆ 

File 0416 - En_Ta

This is the actor file for Talon.

[36m 追放タロン 
[36m 出戻りタロン 
[36m 夜はいない 
[36m その他のタロン 
[36m ロンロン牧場の倉庫 の タロン

File 0417 - En_Takara_Man

This is the actor file for the Treasure Chest Shop employee.

[32m☆☆☆☆☆ もういてる原 ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[35m☆☆☆☆☆ ばぅん! ☆☆☆☆☆ %x

File 0418 - En_Tana

This is the actor file for store shelves.

Japanese English
木の棚 Wooden Shelves
石の棚 Stone Shelves
☆☆☆ %s ☆☆☆ ☆☆☆ %s ☆☆☆
../z_en_tana.c ../z_en_tana.c
../z_en_tana.c ../z_en_tana.c
../z_en_tana.c ../z_en_tana.c
../z_en_tana.c ../z_en_tana.c
../z_en_tana.c ../z_en_tana.c
../z_en_tana.c ../z_en_tana.c

File 0419 - En_Tg

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0420 - En_Tite

This is the actor file for Tektites.

[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 同時発生数 ☆☆☆☆☆%d

File 0421 - En_Tk

This is the actor file for Dampé.


File 0423 - En_Torch2

This is the actor file for Dark Link.


File 0425 - En_Tp

This is the actor file for Tailpasarans.


File 0426 - En_Tr

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0427 - En_Trap

This is the actor file for xxx.

[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 壷トラップ ☆☆☆☆☆ %x
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ わて     ☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ おいどん ☆☆☆☆☆ %f

File 0429 - En_Vali

This is the actor file for Baris.


File 0431 - En_Vb_Ball

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0432 - En_Viewer

This is the actor file for xxx.

bank_ID >= 0
this->anime_bank_ID >= 0

File 0433 - En_Vm

This is the actor file for Beamos.

hp down %d

File 0434 - En_Wall_Tubo

This is the actor file for xxx.

[33m☆☆☆☆☆ 壁のツボ ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[32m☆☆☆☆ やった原! ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[33m☆☆☆☆ やった原! ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[34m☆☆☆☆ やった原! ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[35m☆☆☆☆ やった原! ☆☆☆☆☆ 
[36m☆☆☆☆ やった原! ☆☆☆☆☆ 

File 0435 - En_Wallmas

This is the actor file for Wallmasters.


File 0436 - En_Weather_Tag

This is the actor file for xxx.

Japanese English Notes
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ (;o;) くらいよー ☆☆☆☆☆ [33m☆☆☆☆☆ (;o;) It's dark~! ☆☆☆☆☆
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ くもり (._.) あーあ 憂鬱 ☆☆☆☆☆ [33m☆☆☆☆☆ It's cloudy~ (._.) Ahh, how melancholy~ ☆☆☆☆☆
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ ゆきがふるー あなたはこないー (._.) ☆☆☆☆☆ [33m☆☆☆☆☆ Yuki ga furu~ Anata wa konai~ (._.) ☆☆☆☆☆ Lyrics to "Yuki ga Furu", the Japanese cover of "Tombe la neige" (The Snow is Falling), a French song released by Salvatore Adamo in 1963. Translates to "The snow is falling~ But you're not coming~"
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ わわわわー なーがーさーきーはー (^o^) ☆☆☆☆☆ [33m☆☆☆☆☆ Wawawawa~ Na~ga~sa~ki~ wa~ (^o^) ☆☆☆☆☆ Lyrics to "Nagasaki wa Kyou mo Ame Datta" (It Rained Again Today in Nagasaki), a Japanese song released by Hiroshi Uchiyamada and the Cool Five in 1969.
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ くもり (._.) あーあ 憂鬱 ☆☆☆☆☆ [33m☆☆☆☆☆ It's cloudy~ (._.) Ahh, how melancholy~ ☆☆☆☆☆
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ くもり雨雷 (;O;) うおお 憂鬱 ☆☆☆☆☆ [33m☆☆☆☆☆ It's stormy~ (;O;) Ohh, how melancholy~ ☆☆☆☆☆
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ 砂漠が濃くなります ☆☆☆☆☆ [33m☆☆☆☆☆ The desert sand is getting thicker~ ☆☆☆☆☆
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ わわわわー なーがーさーきーはー (^o^) ☆☆☆☆☆ [33m☆☆☆☆☆ Wawawawa~ Na~ga~sa~ki~ wa~ (^o^) ☆☆☆☆☆ See above.

File 0437 - En_Weiyer

This is the actor file for swimming Stingers.


File 0438 - En_Wf

This is the actor file for Wolfos.

[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 同時発生数 ☆☆☆☆☆%d

File 0439 - En_Wonder_Item

This is the actor file for xxx.

[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 不思議不思議まか不思議 	   ☆☆☆☆☆ %x
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ You are Shock!  ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ うっかり兵セット完了 ☆☆☆☆☆ 

File 0440 - En_Wonder_Talk

This is the actor file for xxx.

Japanese English
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 特殊会話くん ☆☆☆☆☆ %x [32m☆☆☆☆☆ Mr. Special Conversation ☆☆☆☆☆ %x
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ You are Shock! ☆☆☆☆☆ %d [32m☆☆☆☆☆ You are Shock! ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[32m ☆☆☆☆☆ 石板GO! ☆☆☆☆☆ [32m ☆☆☆☆☆ Stone Slate GO! ☆☆☆☆☆
[35m☆☆☆☆☆ 注目座標 ☆☆☆☆☆ %f [35m☆☆☆☆☆ Target Coordinates ☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[32m ☆☆☆☆☆ こども ☆☆☆☆☆ [32m ☆☆☆☆☆ Child ☆☆☆☆☆
[36m ☆☆☆☆☆ おとな ☆☆☆☆☆ [36m ☆☆☆☆☆ Adult ☆☆☆☆☆
[36m☆☆☆☆☆ this->actor.talk_message ☆☆☆☆☆ %x [36m☆☆☆☆☆ this->actor.talk_message ☆☆☆☆☆ %x
[32m ☆☆☆☆☆ 日記帳スタート! ☆☆☆☆☆ [32m ☆☆☆☆☆ Diary Start! ☆☆☆☆☆
[35m☆☆☆☆☆ 注目座標 ☆☆☆☆☆ %f [35m☆☆☆☆☆ Target Coordinates ☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[35m☆☆☆☆☆ 注目座標 ☆☆☆☆☆ %f [35m☆☆☆☆☆ Target Coordinates ☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[35m☆☆☆☆☆ 注目座標 ☆☆☆☆☆ %f [35m☆☆☆☆☆ Target Coordinates ☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[35m☆☆☆☆☆ 注目座標 ☆☆☆☆☆ %f [35m☆☆☆☆☆ Target Coordinates ☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[36m☆☆☆☆☆ this->actor.talk_message ☆☆☆☆☆ %x [36m☆☆☆☆☆ this->actor.talk_message ☆☆☆☆☆ %x
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ セーブ情報 ☆☆☆☆☆ %d [33m☆☆☆☆☆ Save Data ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[35m☆☆☆☆☆ 種類インデックス ☆☆☆☆☆ %d [35m☆☆☆☆☆ Type Index ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[36m☆☆☆☆☆ 実質メッセージ種類 %x [36m☆☆☆☆☆ Essential Message Type %x
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 指定範囲 %d [32m☆☆☆☆☆ Designated Scope %d
[32m ☆☆☆☆☆ まだコドモなの! ☆☆☆☆☆ [32m ☆☆☆☆☆ You're still a child! ☆☆☆☆☆
[33m ☆☆☆☆☆ アダルトなの。。。 ☆☆☆☆☆ [33m ☆☆☆☆☆ You're an adult... ☆☆☆☆☆
[35m ☆☆☆☆☆ はずれ! ☆☆☆☆☆ [35m ☆☆☆☆☆ Miss! ☆☆☆☆☆

File 0441 - En_Wonder_Talk2

This is the actor file for xxx.

Japanese English
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 透明メッセージ君 ☆☆☆☆☆ %x [32m☆☆☆☆☆ Mr. Transparent Message ☆☆☆☆☆ %x
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ 元は? ☆☆☆☆☆ %d [33m☆☆☆☆☆ Origin? ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[35m☆☆☆☆☆ レンジは? ☆☆☆☆☆ %d [35m☆☆☆☆☆ Range? ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[36m☆☆☆☆☆ は、範囲わ? ☆☆☆☆☆ %f [36m☆☆☆☆☆ S, span? ☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ You are Shock! ☆☆☆☆☆ %d [32m☆☆☆☆☆ You are Shock! ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[35m☆☆☆☆☆ セーブしたよ!おもいっきり! %x [35m☆☆☆☆☆ Saved! With all my strength! %x
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 透明メッセージ君せっと %x [32m☆☆☆☆☆ Mr. Transparent Message Settings %x
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ セーブ情報 %x [33m☆☆☆☆☆ Save Data %x
[35m☆☆☆☆☆ 指定メッセージ種類 %x [35m☆☆☆☆☆ Designated Message Type %x
[36m☆☆☆☆☆ 実質メッセージ種類 %x [36m☆☆☆☆☆ Essential Message Type %x
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 指定範囲 %d [32m☆☆☆☆☆ Designated Span %d
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ 処理範囲 %f [33m☆☆☆☆☆ Processing Span %f
[35m ☆☆ 通常 ☆☆ [35m ☆☆ Normal ☆☆
[35m ☆☆ チェックのみ ☆☆ [35m ☆☆ Check Only ☆☆
[35m ☆☆ ロックのみ ☆☆ [35m ☆☆ Target Only ☆☆
[35m☆☆☆☆☆ わー %d [35m☆☆☆☆☆ Wow! %d
[35m☆☆☆☆☆ (強制)セーブしたよ!おもいっきり! %x [35m☆☆☆☆☆ Saved (compulsory)! With all my strength! %x
[35m☆☆☆☆☆ きょり %f [35m☆☆☆☆☆ Distance %f
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 透明メッセージ君せっと %x [32m☆☆☆☆☆ Mr. Transparent Message Settings %x
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ セーブ情報 %x [33m☆☆☆☆☆ Save Data %x
[35m☆☆☆☆☆ 指定メッセージ種類 %x [35m☆☆☆☆☆ Designated Message Type %x
[36m☆☆☆☆☆ 実質メッセージ種類 %x [36m☆☆☆☆☆ Essential Message Type %x
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 指定範囲 %d [32m☆☆☆☆☆ Designated span? %d
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ 処理範囲 %f [33m☆☆☆☆☆ Processing span? %f
[35m☆☆☆☆☆ レンジは? %d [35m☆☆☆☆☆ Range? %d
[35m ☆☆ 強制 ☆☆ [35m ☆☆ Compulsory ☆☆
[31m ☆☆ ゲルドの修練場強制チェックのみ ☆☆ [31m ☆☆ Gerudo Training Grounds Compulsory Check Only ☆☆

File 0442 - En_Wood02

This is the actor file for trees and background greenery.


File 0443 - En_Xc

This is the actor file for Sheik.

Japanese English
シーク誕生!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sheik created!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
水のセレナーデ シーク消滅!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Serenade of Water Sheik terminated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ブーツを取った!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Obtained boots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
はやくブーツを取るべし!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hurry and get the boots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MAX speed = %f MAX speed = %f
../z_en_oA2_inSpot05.c ../z_en_oA2_inSpot05.c
../z_en_oA2_inSpot05.c ../z_en_oA2_inSpot05.c
../z_en_oA2_inSpot05.c ../z_en_oA2_inSpot05.c
../z_en_oA2_inSpot05.c ../z_en_oA2_inSpot05.c
../z_en_oA2_inMetamol.c ../z_en_oA2_inMetamol.c
../z_en_oA2_inMetamol.c ../z_en_oA2_inMetamol.c
../z_en_oA2_inMetamol.c ../z_en_oA2_inMetamol.c
En_Oa2_Stalker_Check_DemoMode:そんな動作は無い!!!!!!!! En_Oa2_Stalker_Check_DemoMode: No such operation!!!!!!!!
../z_en_oA2_inStalker.c ../z_en_oA2_inStalker.c
../z_en_oA2_inStalker.c ../z_en_oA2_inStalker.c
[31mメインモードがおかしい!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [31m Something's off with Main Mode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[31m En_Oa2 の arg_data がおかしい!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [31m Something's off with En_Oa2's arg_data!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
../z_en_oA2.c ../z_en_oA2.c
../z_en_oA2.c ../z_en_oA2.c
[31m描画モードがおかしい!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [31m Something's off with Draw Mode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

File 0444 - En_Yabusame_Mark

This is the actor file for xxx.

Japanese English
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ やぶさめまと ☆☆☆☆☆ %x [32m☆☆☆☆☆ Horseback Archery Target ☆☆☆☆☆ %x
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ 種類インデックス ☆☆☆☆☆ %d [32m☆☆☆☆☆ Type Index ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[35m☆☆☆☆☆ 種類 ☆☆☆☆☆ %d [35m☆☆☆☆☆ Type ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[36m☆☆☆☆☆ さらに分類 ☆☆☆☆☆ %d [36m☆☆☆☆☆ Already Classified ☆☆☆☆☆ %d
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ posX ☆☆☆☆☆ %f [32m☆☆☆☆☆ posX ☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ posY ☆☆☆☆☆ %f [32m☆☆☆☆☆ posY ☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[32m☆☆☆☆☆ posZ ☆☆☆☆☆ %f [32m☆☆☆☆☆ posZ ☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ hitX ☆☆☆☆☆ %f [33m☆☆☆☆☆ hitX ☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ hitY ☆☆☆☆☆ %f [33m☆☆☆☆☆ hitY ☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ hitZ ☆☆☆☆☆ %f [33m☆☆☆☆☆ hitZ ☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[35m☆☆☆☆☆ 小 ☆☆☆☆☆ %f [35m☆☆☆☆☆ Small ☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[35m☆☆☆☆☆ 大 ☆☆☆☆☆ %f [35m☆☆☆☆☆ Large ☆☆☆☆☆ %f
[35m☆☆☆☆☆ point ☆☆☆☆☆ %d [35m☆☆☆☆☆ point ☆☆☆☆☆ %d

File 0445 - En_Yukabyun

This is the actor file for flying floor tiles.


File 0446 - En_Zf

This is the actor file for Dinolfos and Lizalfos.


File 0447 - En_Zl1

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0448 - En_Zl2

This is the actor file for xxx.

Japanese English
../z_en_zl2.c ../z_en_zl2.c
../z_en_zl2.c ../z_en_zl2.c
../z_en_zl2.c ../z_en_zl2.c
../z_en_zl2.c ../z_en_zl2.c
../z_en_zl2.c ../z_en_zl2.c
../z_en_zl2.c ../z_en_zl2.c
../z_en_zl2.c ../z_en_zl2.c
../z_en_zl2.c ../z_en_zl2.c
En_Zl2_inAgain_Check_DemoMode:そんな動作は無い!!!!!!!! En_Zl2_inAgain_Check_DemoMode: No such operation!!!!!!!!
En_Zl2_inEnding_Check_DemoMode:そんな動作は無い!!!!!!!! En_Zl2_inEnding_Check_DemoMode: No such operation!!!!!!!!
En_Zl2_inRunning_Check_DemoMode:そんな動作は無い!!!!!!!! En_Zl2_inRunning_Check_DemoMode: No such operation!!!!!!!!
[31m En_Oa2 の arg_data がおかしい!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [31m Something's off with En_Oa2's arg_data!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[31mEn_Zl2_main_bankアニメーションのバンクを読めない!!!!!!!!!!!! [31m En_Zl2_main_bank animation bank can't be read!!!!!!!!!!!!
[31mメインモードがおかしい!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [31m Something's off with the Main Mode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[31m描画前処理モードがおかしい!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [31m Something's off with the Draw Preprocessing Mode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
../z_en_zl2.c ../z_en_zl2.c
../z_en_zl2.c ../z_en_zl2.c
../z_en_zl2.c ../z_en_zl2.c
../z_en_zl2.c ../z_en_zl2.c
[31m描画モードがおかしい!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [31m Something's off with the Draw Mode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

File 0449 - En_Zl3

This is the actor file for xxx.

Japanese English
../z_en_zl3.c ../z_en_zl3.c
../z_en_zl3.c ../z_en_zl3.c
../z_en_zl3.c ../z_en_zl3.c
../z_en_zl3.c ../z_en_zl3.c
../z_en_zl3.c ../z_en_zl3.c
../z_en_zl3.c ../z_en_zl3.c
../z_en_zl3.c ../z_en_zl3.c
ゼルダ姫のEn_Zl3_Actor_inFinal_Init通すよ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Going through Princess Zelda's En_Zl3_Actor_inFinal_Init!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ゼルダ姫のEn_Zl3_Actor_inFinal_Initは通った!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Went through Princess Zelda's En_Zl3_Actor_inFinal_Init!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
En_Zl3_inFinal_Check_DemoMode:そんな動作は無い!!!!!!!! En_Zl3_inFinal_Check_DemoMode: No such operation!!!!!!!!
ゼルダ姫のEn_Zl3_Actor_inFinal2_Init通すよ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Going through Princess Zelda's En_Zl3_Actor_inFinal2_Init!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ゼルダ姫のEn_Zl3_Actor_inFinal2_Initは通った!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Went through Princess Zelda's En_Zl3_Actor_inFinal2_Init!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
En_Zl3_inFinal2_Check_DemoMode:そんな動作は無い!!!!!!!! En_Zl3_inFinal2_Check_DemoMode: No such operation!!!!!!!!
En_Zl3_Get_path_info レールデータをゲットだぜ = %d!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Got En_Zl3_Get_path_info pathing data = %d!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
En_Zl3_Get_path_info レールデータが無い!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No En_Zl3_Get_path_info pathing data!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
../z_en_zl3_inEscape.c ../z_en_zl3_inEscape.c
../z_en_zl3_inEscape.c ../z_en_zl3_inEscape.c
../z_en_zl3_inEscape.c ../z_en_zl3_inEscape.c
../z_en_zl3_inEscape.c ../z_en_zl3_inEscape.c
../z_en_zl3_inEscape.c ../z_en_zl3_inEscape.c
../z_en_zl3_inEscape.c ../z_en_zl3_inEscape.c
../z_en_zl3_inEscape.c ../z_en_zl3_inEscape.c
[31m En_Oa3 の arg_data がおかしい!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [31m Something's off with En_Oa3's arg_data!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[31mEn_Zl3_main_bankアニメーションのバンクを読めない!!!!!!!!!!!! [31m Can't read En_Zl3_main_bank animation bank!!!!!!!!!!!!
[31mメインモードがおかしい!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [31m Something's off with the Main Mode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ゼルダ姫のEn_Zl3_Actor_ct通すよ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Going through Princess Zelda's En_Zl3_Actor_ct!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ゼルダ姫のEn_Zl3_Actor_ctは通った!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Went through Princess Zelda's En_Zl3_Actor_ct!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[31m描画前処理モードがおかしい!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [31m Something's off with the Draw Preprocessing Mode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
../z_en_zl3.c ../z_en_zl3.c
../z_en_zl3.c ../z_en_zl3.c
../z_en_zl3.c ../z_en_zl3.c
../z_en_zl3.c ../z_en_zl3.c
[31m描画モードがおかしい!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [31m Something's off with the Draw Mode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

File 0450 to 0497

File 0450 - En_Zl4

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0451 - En_Zo

This is the actor file for Zoras.


File 0452 - En_fHG

This is the actor file for Phantom Ganon.

TIME %d-------------------------------------------------
KABE NO 1 = %d
KABE NO 2 = %d
XP1  = %f
ZP1  = %f
XP2  = %f
ZP2  = %f
arg_data ------------------------------------>%d
SPD X %f
SPD Z %f
ac1 = %x `````````````````````````````````````````````````

File 0453 - End_Title

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0454 - Fishing

This is the actor file for the Fishing Pond and its contents, including the owner.

plays %x
ys %x
zelda_time %x

File 0455 - Item_B_Heart

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0456 - Item_Etcetera

This is the actor file for xxx.

no = %d
bank_ID = %d
(game_play->demo_play.npcdemopnt[0]->dousa) = %d

File 0458 - Item_Ocarina

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0459 - Item_Shield

This is the actor file for xxx.

[32mItem_Shild %d 

File 0460 - Magic_Dark

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0461 - Magic_Fire

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0462 - Magic_Wind

This is the actor file for xxx.

Japanese English
Magic_Wind_Actor_ct():コンストラクト失敗 Magic_Wind_Actor_ct(): Construction Failure
../z_magic_wind.c ../z_magic_wind.c
表示開始 = %s Display Start = %s
表示開始 Display Start
../z_magic_wind.c ../z_magic_wind.c
消滅 = %s Termination = %s
消滅 Termination
../z_magic_wind.c ../z_magic_wind.c
表示開始 = %s Display Start = %s
表示開始 Display Start
../z_magic_wind.c ../z_magic_wind.c
../z_magic_wind.c ../z_magic_wind.c
../z_magic_wind.c ../z_magic_wind.c
../z_magic_wind.c ../z_magic_wind.c

xxx - Mir_Ray

This is the actor file for xxx.

反射用 光の発生!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this->actor.arg_data = %d
"反射光 発生失敗" = %s
反射光 発生失敗

File 0464 - Obj_Bean

This is the actor file for Magic Bean Plants.

Warning : move BG 登録失敗(%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
パスデータが無い?(%s %d)(arg_data %xH)
パスデータ数が不正(%s %d)(arg_data %xH)
(魔法の豆の木リフト)(arg_data 0x%04x)

File 0467 - Obj_Comb

This is the actor file for beehives.


File 0468 - Obj_Dekujr

This is the actor file for the Deku Tree Jr.


File 0469 - Obj_Elevator

This is the actor file for xxx.

Warning : move BG 登録失敗(%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
(Dungeon Elevator)(arg_data 0x%04x)

File 0470 - Obj_Hamishi

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0472 - Obj_Hsblock

This is the actor file for xxx.

Warning : move BG 登録失敗(%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)

File 0473 - Obj_Ice_Poly

This is the actor file for xxx.


xxx - xxx

This is the actor file for xxx.

(dungeon keep 木箱)(arg_data 0x%04x)
木箱(据置)(arg %04xH)(item %04xH %d)

File 0476 - Obj_Lift

This is the actor file for xxx.

Warning : move BG 登録失敗(%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
(Dungeon Lift)(arg_data 0x%04x)

File 0477 - Obj_Lightswitch

This is the actor file for sun switches.

押引ブロック発生失敗(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
(光スイッチ)(arg_data 0x%04x)

File 0478 - Obj_Makekinsuta

This is the actor file for xxx.

金スタ発生敵(arg_data %x)
引数不正 (arg_data %x)(%s %d)

File 0479 - Obj_Makeoshihiki

This is the actor file for xxx.

Error : 押し引きブロック発生失敗(%s %d)
(%s)(arg_data %04xF)(angleZ %d)

File 0480 - Obj_Mure

This is the actor file for xxx.

Error : カリングの設定がされていません。(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
Error 群れな敵 (%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
Error 群れな敵 (%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
群れな敵 (arg_data 0x%04x)(chNum(%d) ptn(%d) svNum(%d) type(%d))
Warning : 個体数が設定されていません(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
おかしなの (%s %d)
Error : 既に子供がいる(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
warning 発生失敗 (%s %d)
warning 発生失敗 (%s %d)
Error : 既に子供がいる(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
warning 発生失敗 (%s %d)

File 0481 - Obj_Mure2

This is the actor file for xxx.

Warning : 既に子供がいる(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)

File 0483 - Obj_Oshihiki

This is the actor file for xxx.

Warning : move BG 登録失敗(%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
Error : タイプが判別できない(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
Error : scene_data_ID が判別できない。(%s %d)
(dungeon keep 押し引きブロック)(arg_data 0x%04x)
Warning : 押し引きブロック落ちすぎた(%s %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)

File 0485 - Obj_Switch

This is the actor file for xxx.

Warning : move BG 登録失敗(%s %d)(name %d)(arg_data 0x%04x)
Error : 氷発生失敗 (%s %d)
(Dungeon switch)(arg_data 0x%04x)

File 0486 - Obj_Syokudai

This is the actor file for torch stands.


File 0487 - Obj_Timeblock

This is the actor file for time blocks.

昌のブロック (<arg> %04xH <type> save:%d color:%d range:%d move:%d)
◯◯◯◯ Time Block 注目カメラ (frame counter  %d)
◯◯◯◯ Time Block 注目カメラ (frame counter  %d)

File 0488 - Obj_Tsubo

This is the actor file for pots.

Error : バンク危険! (arg_data 0x%04x)(%s %d)
(dungeon keep 壷)(arg_data 0x%04x)

File 0489 - Obj_Warp2block

This is the actor file for xxx.

時のブロック(ワープ2) (<arg> %04xH <type> color:%d range:%d)
Error : 時のブロック(ワープ2)が対でセットされていません(%s %d)

File 0490 - Object_Kankyo

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0491 - Oceff_Spot

This is the actor file for the Sun's Song.

z_oceff_spot  太陽の歌フラグ
z_oceff_spot  オカリナ終了

File 0492 - Oceff_Storm

This is the actor file for xxx.


File 0493 - Oceff_Wipe

This is the actor file for xxx.

[36m WIPE arg_data = %d

File 0494 - Oceff_Wipe2

This is the actor file for xxx.

[36m WIPE2 arg_data = %d

File 0495 - Oceff_Wipe3

This is the actor file for xxx.

[36m WIPE2 arg_data = %d

File 0496 - Oceff_Wipe4

This is the actor file for xxx.

[36m WIPE4 arg_data = %d

File 0497 - Shot_Sun

This is the actor file for xxx.

%d ---- オカリナの秘密発生!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[36mSHOT_SUN HIT!!!!!!!