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The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Game Boy)/Unused Foreign Dialogue in DX US v1.2

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This is a sub-page of The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Game Boy).

The US 1.2 version of Link's Awakening DX contains a number of strings from the French and German versions of the game. It is not known why these are present in the ROM.

French German English
Starting at 0x27D42:
  VERO LoZLA-Fr-Heart.gif


Not included in DX US 1.2. Starting at 0x272CE:
I definitely
need it, as soon
as possible!


Si tu vois
les pointes,
pense à utiliser
ton Bouclier.
Starting at 0xFC000:
Erst mußt Du die
Stachis mit dem
Schild berühren.
Turn aside the
spined ones with
a shield...
D'abord un lapinet
en dernier,
un spectre...
Erst den einge-
sperrten Hasen,
zuletzt den Ske-
First, defeat
the imprisoned
Pols Voice,
Last, Stalfos...
Si loin...
Ne crains rien.
Fonce et vole!
Über die großen
Löcher mußt Du
mit viel Anlauf
Far away...
Do not fear,
dash and fly!
La lueur des
tuiles sera
ton guide...
Die Reihenfolge,
in der Du über
die blinkenden
Steine wandelst,
ist des Rätsels
The glint of the
tile will be
your guide...
Plonge là où
se croisent
les lumières
des flambeaux...
Dort, wo sich
das Licht der 4
Fackeln kreuzt,
mußt Du tauchen!
Dive under where
torchlight beams
do cross...
le mur
des Yeux
du Masque!
Benutze Bomben,
um in die Augen
der Karte zu
Enter the space
where the eyes
have walls...
Le rébus est
résolu si les 4
piliers tombent.
Wenn die vier
Säulen gefallen
sind, ist das
Rätsel gelöst!
The riddle is
solved when the
pillars fall!
Comble tous
les trous avec
le roc qui rouleet
cette LoZLA-DPad.png est
la solution!
Du füllst alle
Löcher mit dem
Stein, der Boden
erzeugt, wenn Du
das LoZLA-DPad.png geschickt
Fill all the
holes with the
rock that rolls,
this (LoZLA-DPad.png) is the
Si une porte ne
s'ouvre pas,
déplace un bloc.
Öffnet sich eine
Tür nicht,
verschiebe einen
If there is a
door that you
can't open, move
a stone block.
Si les blocs se
ressemblent, un
nouveau chemin
Verschiebe die
Blöcke, und ein
neuer Weg wird
sich auftun.
Make every block
design the same.
A new path will
Une partie du
sol s'élève.
Actionne le
cristal bleu.
Senke die Boden-
platten, indem
Du den blauen
Schalter nutzt!
Part of the
floor is raised.
Tap the blue
Not included in DX US 1.2.
Willst Du die
schwarze Kreatur
bezwingen, gib
ihr explosives
To defeat the
black monster
with the hard
shell, feed him
something ex-
Not included in DX US 1.2.
Schlage mit dem
Schwert auf die
Wandstellen und
achte auf das
Poke suspicious
parts of the
 wall with your
sword and listen
to the sounds it
Not included in DX US 1.2.
Kannst Du ein
Skelett mit dem
Schwert nicht
bezwingen, setze
eine Bombe ein.
If you can't
destroy a
skeleton with
your sword, try
using a bomb.
Not included in DX US 1.2.
Willst Du eine
Truhe öffnen,
bewirf sie mit
einem Steinkrug.
To open a
treasure chest,
use the pots
around it.
Not included in DX US 1.2.
Springe auf die
Kristalle, um
Hop on top of
the crystals to
move forward.
Not included in DX US 1.2.
Kannst Du die
Säulen nicht
versuche, mit
etwas zu werfen!
If you can't go
over the poles,
try throwing
things you have
in your hands.
Not included in DX US 1.2.
Springst Du vom
oberen Stockwerk
herunter, kommst
Du zur Truhe!
Jump off the
floor above to
reach the chest
on the table.
Not included in DX US 1.2.
Attackiere die
Kreaturen von
oben herab, um
den Schlüssel
zu erhalten.
To defeat the
monsters who
hold the key,
attack them from
a higher place.
Not included in DX US 1.2.
Kommt Dir eine
Statue seltsam
vor, setze Pfeil
und Bogen ein.
If the statue
looks strange,
shoot it with
the bow.
Not included in DX US 1.2.
Laß mich ein
Foto schießen!
    Ja   Nein
Let's take a
    YES  NO
Not included in DX US 1.2.
Du willst kein
Foto? Ehrlich
    Ja   Nein
No picture?! Are
you pullin' my
    Yes  No way
Not included in DX US 1.2.
What a bummer!
Not included in DX US 1.2.
Super! Ich nenne
es "Schluß
mit lustig."
Beautiful! I'll
call this 'Game
Not included in DX US 1.2.
Wie heißt Du,
mein Junge?
#####? Super!
Hier ist Dein
Album, #####.
Schau hinein,
bevor Du


What's your
name, young man?
#####? Well
here's your
album, #####.
Give it a look
before you


Not included in DX US 1.2.
Mal sehen, ob
das Album voll
Let's see if we
can fill that
Not included in DX US 1.2.
11 Bilder passen
noch ins Album!
Was soll ich
11 shots left!
What kind of
picture should
I take?
Not included in DX US 1.2.
10 Bilder passen
noch ins Album!
Was soll ich
10 shots left!
What kind of
picture should
I take?
Not included in DX US 1.2.
9 Bilder passen
noch ins Album!
Was soll ich
9 shots left!
What kind of
picture should
I take?
Not included in DX US 1.2.
8 Bilder passen
noch ins Album!
Was soll ich
8 shots left!
What kind of
picture should
I take?
Starting at 0x73EB3:


7 Bilder passen
noch ins Album!
Was soll ich
7 shots left!
What kind of
picture should
I take?
6 photos à
prendre! Quel
type de photo
6 Bilder passen
noch ins Album!
Was soll ich
6 shots left!
What kind of
picture should
I take?
5 photos à
prendre! Quel
type de photo
5 Bilder passen
noch ins Album!
Was soll ich
5 shots left!
What kind of
picture should
I take?
4 photos à
prendre! Quel
type de photo
4 Bilder passen
noch ins Album!
Was soll ich
4 shots left!
What kind of
picture should
I take?
3 photos à
prendre! Quel
type de photo
3 Bilder passen
noch ins Album!
Was soll ich
3 shots left!
What kind of
picture should
I take?
2 photos à
prendre! Quel
type de photo
2 Bilder passen
noch ins Album!
Was soll ich
2 shots left!
What kind of
picture should
I take?
Not included in DX US 1.2.
1 Bilder passen
noch ins Album!
Was soll ich
1 shots left!
What kind of
picture should
I take?
Not included in DX US 1.2.
Du hast keinen
Film mehr. Dein
Album ist jetzt
voller schöner
Oh no! You're
out of film!
Don't forget to
look at your
Not included in DX US 1.2.
Hi! Ich bin es,
der Fotograf!
Welch ein
schönes Bild!
Ich nenne es
"Kopf hoch!"
Hi! I'm the
What a great
photo moment!
I'll call this
'Heads Up!'
Not included in DX US 1.2.
Hey, das ist
eine perfekte
Chronik Deiner
Hey, this
represents your
Not included in DX US 1.2.
Ich nenne es
"Nah dran."
I'll call this
one 'Close
Call.' Hmm.
Not included in DX US 1.2.
Bin zu nah dran!
I'm too close.
Not included in DX US 1.2.
Ich muß etwas
I should back up


Not included in DX US 1.2.
Not included in DX US 1.2.
Ich gehe zum    
Laden zurück.   
Tschüß!Wir treff
en uns später, w
enn Du allein bi


I'm going back
to the store.

See me later,
when you're
Starting at 0x5BFA9:
    OUI  NON


    Ja   Nein
Are you sure?
    YES  NO
J'adore les
photos! Hé,
#####! Que fais-
tu dans le coin?


Ich liebe Fotos!
Hey, #####!
Was machst Du


Ah how I love
pictures. Hey,
#####! What are
you doing here?



  1. This is a truncated piece of the fourth Cukeman dialogue from the French version. The full text should read:

    Gros bisous
    de Kyoto!
    VERO LoZLA-Fr-Heart.gif

    This translates to "Big kissess from Kyoto, VERO LoZLA-Fr-Heart.gif". "VERO" refers to Véronique Chantel, the French translator for the game. This is also the only unused foreign dialogue which is also present in its respective original Game Boy version, at address 0x27EBE.

  2. This has no foreign equivalent, as all the Cukeman dialogue is unique between each version.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 The five number signs "#####" is a macro which is replaced with the player's name in-game.
  4. Another truncated dialogue. The full text should read:
    7 photos à
    prendre! Quel
    type de photo
  5. This US DX dialogue seems incorrectly formatted.
  6. This German DX dialogue lacks a separator byte, which causes the two consecutive pieces of dialogue to merge together somewhat awkwardly.
  7. Another truncated dialogue. The full text should read:
    Es-tu sûr?
        OUI  NON