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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (Genesis)

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Title Screen

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie

Developer: SIMS
Publisher: Sega
Platform: Genesis
Released in US: August 5, 1995
Released in EU: August 5, 1995

TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

To do:

The game based on the movie based on the TV show based on the other TV show.


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info

Visual Selector

Hmm...I wonder what's in here.

Open the Options screen, and follow these steps in order: set SE Test value to C1, set Voice Test value to E8, set Music Test value to 82, and press B. A sound effect confirms success and the Visual Selector opens.

Wow, this is... surprising.

Pro Action Replay (PAR) code FF1D1C:0000 can be used to select an unused entry, Advertise, which just goes to the opening story.

Animation Test

Because green and grids look totally radical.

While in the Visual Selector, press Start to exit back to Options. Then repeat the entire process of entering and leaving the Visual Selector 4 more times. Finally, select Exit on the Options screen, and the animation test appears:

To make the animation test screen always active, use this Game Genie code: RECA-A6WT. Just enter, then exit the option menu and you will automatically go to it. If you get a blank/red screen when using this Game Genie code, you'll need to add this master code: RYCA-A61C. Note that this master code bypasses the checksum routine, and makes the game load much faster.

Round No, Damage On/Off Menu

Seems as if I am safe.

Select Exit on the animation test menu, and the game returns to the title screen. Start a new game and a menu will appear with options to set the stage number and damage toggle:

To make the "Round/Damage" menu always appear, use this Game Genie code: RFAA-C61J. If you get a blank/red screen when using this Game Genie code, you'll need to add this master code: RYCA-A61C. Note that this master code bypasses the checksum routine, and makes the game load much faster.

Coming Soon

This is a bit messy...

Boot the game with Pro Action Replay (PAR) code FF1D00:0600 for an unused menu that displays Coming Soon!! This was probably a leftover from a trade show version, and the glitched background tilemap a result of changes made to the game since then.

Unused Text


Unused names and placeholders found among the HUD strings starting at address 6AC6. The two characters on the top do appear during stages, but are not fought. Ivan Ooze, in his normal form, appears at the end of stage 1 to fire a blast at the player(s). Serpentera can be seen in the background at the end of stage 5, firing beams at the floating pyramid.

Regional Differences

There are a couple of odd regional differences between the US and European releases. First off is the pedestrians in Stage 1 were removed in the European version. The second difference is that the cutscene with the chase after Ivan Ooze for the final battle was changed.

US Europe
Genmmprm-oozeus.png Genmmprm-oozeeu.png

In the US version the cutscene says "Don't let that Booger Man escape!" In the European version, it says: "Don't let that Ooze infested slime ball escape!".