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AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES - nirvanA Initiative/Unused Dialogue

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This is a sub-page of AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES - nirvanA Initiative.

To do:
  • Translate and add the lines of cut dialogue that only appear in the uncompiled source code.
  • Identify and document the portrait expressions used for these lines (found in said source code).
  • The source code also has additional info (via comments) on some of the below lines, such as dates and reasons for their removal.

All lines below are from throughout the main story, separated by chapter. Used dialogue is provided for context when necessary and italicized.


a010H (2/10: A Strange Tale)


Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
A...person...? 人…? 人……? 人……? A generic line for examining a cut "staff member" in Ryuki's dream of Studio Dvaita. In the final game, the only people present during this scene are the quiz host and contestants.

a040H (2/10: A Strange Tale)


Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
It's a giant torch stand. とても大きな聖火台だ 非常大的圣火台。 這裡有座足球球門。 A generic line for examining an inaccessible torch stand at the stadium, also present in other scenes taking place there. Unlike most cut objects, the stand's model and hotspot are present and fully functional in-game, but because it's placed directly behind the first-person camera's starting position for the stadium's investigation segments it can't be targeted without hacks.

a062H (2/10: A Strange Tale)


Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
A frying pan... フライパン… 平底锅…… 平底鍋…… A generic line for examining a cut frying pan at Brahman, also present in other scenes taking place there.

a080H (2/10: Dispossessed)


Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
So bright... まぶしい… 好刺眼…… 好刺眼…… A generic line for examining an inaccessible ceiling light in the ABIS interrogation room. This light has an existing model that can be seen in the two-way mirror there in-game, but the camera angle doesn't allow for it to be viewed directly. When targeted (using hacks), its examine hotspot is incorrectly labeled as "Lights".

a110H (2/11: Anyone Imagines)


Audio (EN) Audio (JA) Speaker Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Ryuki Everyone, sing it with me! ご唱和下さい! 跟着我一起说! 跟著我一起說! Cut dialogue for examining the dartboard in Boss's office.
Ryuki It's time, it's time to get good at darts! 1、2、3…ダーツ! 三、二、一……射飞镖! 1、2、3……射飛鏢噠!
Boss Tama, contact central hospital, see if they have any vacant rooms. タマ、中央病院に、
Ryuki Oh, come on! 僕は正気ですよ! 我正常得很! 我正常得很!


Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
There are all sorts of miscellaneous things placed here. 雑多なものがいろいろと配置されている 摆放着各种杂物。 擺放著各種雜物。 A generic line for examining a cut "chaotic area" in Boss's office, also present in other scenes taking place there.

a125 (2/11: Anyone Imagines)


Audio (EN) Audio (JA) Speaker Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Amame I lied to the manager about my age. 私、サンポケの店長さんに嘘の年齢を言ってたんです 是我对翻口袋的店长谎报了年龄。 我對翻口袋的店長謊報年齡。 Unused dialogue when talking to Amame at Sekiba High.
Amame I said I was 18 when I was 16. 2歳プラスして、16のときに18って… 多报了两岁,十六岁的时候说我十八岁。 多報了兩歲,16歲的時候說我18歲。
Amame So according to my profile, I'm 20 years old right now... だからプロフィール上は、
所以在员工资料上,现在我的年龄是二十岁。 所以在店員資料上,現在我的年齡是20歲。

a145H (2/11: Anyone Imagines)


Audio (EN) Audio (JA) Speaker Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Ryuki What is this picture of...? なんだろう、この絵… 这是什么画…… 這是什麼畫…… Dialogue for examining a cut sketchbook at the Enda Residence. The generic third line is present in the files for other scenes that take place here as well.
Tama Who knows...? さあ… 不知道…… 不知道……
(none) It's a sketch book with incomprehensible pictures drawn in it. 意味不明な絵が描かれたスケッチブックだ 这本素描本上画着不知道是什么的画。 這本素描本上畫著不知道是什麼的畫。
Ryuki Did you draw that picture, Shoma? あの絵、祥磨くんが描いたの? 那张画是祥磨画的吗? 那張畫是祥磨畫的嗎? Examining the sketchbook during the part of the scene about "finding the key to Shoma's heart".
Shoma ... …………


Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
There are mysterious parts scattered all over. 謎のパーツ類が散乱している 散落着奇怪的零件。 散落著奇妙的零件。 A generic line for examining inaccessible "mysterious parts" at the Enda Residence, also present in other scenes taking place there. Their model and hotspot (placed between the kotatsu and the closet door, but rendered untargetable by the particular camera angles used) are only present during Mizuki's route, but the text still exists in Ryuki scenes like this anyway, oddly enough.


Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
It's a costume case. 衣装ケースだ 这是衣物柜。 這是衣物櫃。 A generic line for examining a cut costume case at the Enda Residence, also present in other scenes taking place there.

a170H (2/11: Ought to Know)


Audio (EN) Audio (JA) Speaker Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Tama We could flood this place if we stick some gum in there... あそこにガムを詰め込んでやれば
如果用口香糖堵住,这里就会淹水了…… 如果用口香糖堵住,這裡就會淹水了…… Dialogue for examining a cut drain at the Naix president's office. The generic fourth line is present in the files for other scenes that take place here as well.
Tama I'd love to see that woman's panicking face. あの女の慌てる様が拝めるわけね 到时候就能看到这女的惊慌的样子。 到時候就能看到這女的驚慌的樣子。
Ryuki I don't know... I feel like she wouldn't even flinch. どうだろう…
(none) Looks like that's the drain. どうやらあそこが排水口らしい 那个好像是排水口。 那個好像是排水口。

a175_x10 (2/11: Ought to Know)


Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
There are airships, stars, and UFOs hanging down. 飛行船やら星やらUFOやらがぶら下がっている 这里挂着飞艇、星星和飞碟。 這裡掛著飛船、星星和飛碟。 A generic line for examining the decorations in Studio Dvaita during the first VR investigation there, which aren't targetable during that sequence in the final game.


Audio (EN) Audio (JA) Speaker Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
(none) There are many lights installed on the ceiling beams. 天井の梁に
天花板的横梁上设置了许多照明灯。 天花板的橫樑上設置著許多照明燈。 Dialogue for examining the lights in Studio Dvaita during the first VR investigation there, which aren't targetable during that sequence in the final game.
Ryuki These all turned off when the body appeared... 死体が出てきたとき、
尸体出现的时候,这些灯都同时熄灭了吧…… 屍體出現的時候,這些燈都同時熄滅了吧……
(none) The lights are so bright... ライトが眩しい… 照明灯好刺眼…… 燈光好刺眼……


Audio (EN) Audio (JA) Speaker Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
(none) There are beams stretching across the ceiling. 天井に梁が張り巡らされている 天花板上设置了许多横梁。 天花板上設置了許多橫樑。 Dialogue for examining the ceiling beams in Studio Dvaita during the first VR investigation there, which aren't targetable during that sequence (or at all, in fact) in the final game.
Tama The distance between each beam is about 5 feet. 梁同士の間隔は1.5mくらいかしら 横梁之间的间隔大约1.5米吧。 橫樑之間的間隔大約1.5公尺吧。
Tama Anyone who climbs up there might accidentally fall off. 人がのぼってたら、
(none) There are beams on the ceiling... 天井には梁が… 天花板上有横梁…… 天花板上有橫樑……

a220H (2/12: Nothing to be Done)


Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
The water is pooling up here. 流れる水の行き先になっている 瀑布流下的水就汇聚到这里。 瀑布流下的水就匯聚到這裡。 A generic line for examining a cut gutter at the Naix president's office, also present in other scenes taking place there (except for the very first one, for some reason).

a260 (2/12: Go)


Audio (EN) Audio (JA) Speaker Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Ryuki This is my first time seeing one in person. That's a Vokeman, right? 実物を見たのは初めてだよ
Unused dialogue when talking to Gen and Amame at Brahman.
Amame I always have the cassette player on me with the tape inside. 私、もらったカセットテープ、
我总是把收到的录音带放进这里面随时听。 我總是把收到的錄音帶放進這裡面隨時聽。
Amame The song Genny played earlier is from a copy of that tape... さっき厳ちゃんが再生したのは、
刚才阿严放的就是这卷录音带的拷贝。 剛才阿嚴放的就是這捲錄音帶的拷貝。
Gen I'd prefer if you call it a dub... 『ダビング』って言ってもらいたいけど… 我比较喜欢“拷贝带”这个词。 我比較喜歡「拷貝帶」這個詞。

a270H (2/12: Go)


Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
There's a trash can for throwing away empties. 空き缶用のゴミ箱がある 这是回收空罐的垃圾桶。 這是回收空罐的垃圾桶。 A generic line for examining a cut trash can at Yoyagi Park, also present in other scenes taking place there.

a275_x10 (2/12: Go)


Audio (EN) Audio (JA) Speaker Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
(none) A shattered glass doll. I don't think it's relevant. 砕け散ったガラス細工の人形…
Cut dialogue for examining the broken glass statue during the VR segment at the Naix president's office.
Tama It's unusual, but doesn't seem related to the case. 変わってるけど、今回の事件には関係なさそうね 虽然很奇怪,但跟这次的命案应该无关。 雖然很奇怪,但跟這次的命案應該無關。

a310H (2/13: Farewell)


Audio (EN) Audio (JA) Speaker Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Ryuki Everyone, sing it with me! ご唱和下さい! 跟着我一起说! 跟著我一起說! More cut dialogue for examining the dartboard in Boss's office.
Ryuki One, two, three... 1、2、3… 三、二、一…… 1、2、3……
Boss Ryuki, sorry to interrupt your joke, but come on. 龍木くん、冗談言ってる場合じゃないんだけど… 龙木,现在不是开玩笑的时候…… 龍木,現在不是開玩笑的時候……
Ryuki I-I'm sorry... す、すみません… 对、对不起…… 對、對不起……

a330H (2/13: Farewell)


Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Music is playing from the radio. ラジオから音楽が流れている 收音机正在播放音乐。 收音機正在播放音樂。 A generic line for examining an inaccessible radio at Marble, also present in other scenes taking place there. This is another instance of a fully-functional object being rendered unused by camera angles, in this case because Mama is always blocking it from view.


Audio (EN) Audio (JA) Speaker Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Ryuki Your skin is as fair as always, Mama... 相変わらずママは色白だなぁ… 妈妈桑的皮肤还是这么白…… 媽媽桑的皮膚還是這麼白…… Dialogue for examining an inaccessible refrigerator at Marble, which is in the same situation as the radio above. The generic third line is present in the files for other scenes that take place here as well.
Mama That's the fridge! それは冷蔵庫よ! 那是冰箱啦! 那是冰箱啦!
(none) There's a refrigerator here. 冷蔵庫が置いてある 这里摆了一台冰箱。 這裡擺了一台冰箱。

a335H (2/13: Farewell)


Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
There's a coffee table in front of the sofa. ソファの前にローテーブルがある 沙发前有一张茶几。 沙發前有一張茶几。 A generic line for examining a cut coffee table at Lemniscate, also present in other scenes taking place there.


Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
It's a poster of the talent agency. 所属タレントのポスターが飾ってある 贴着旗下艺人的海报。 貼著旗下藝人的海報。 A generic line for examining a cut poster at Lemniscate, also present in other scenes taking place there.

a345 (2/13: Farewell)


Speaker Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Tama We won't be able to talk to him like this, and we can't Wink Psync either. 話も聞けなさそうだし、
Wink Psyncもできないわ
也没办法进行Wink Psync。
也沒辦法Wink Psync。
Unused dialogue when confronting Komeji at the Horadori lab.
Ryuki Then we're only left with one choice... だったら、残された方法はひとつ… 既然这样,就只剩下一个办法…… 既然這樣,就只剩下一個辦法……
Tama You're right. ええ、そうね

a345H (2/13: Farewell)


Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Don't tell me... もしかして… 难道…… 難道…… An alternate generic line for examining Komeji's hiding spot without using the X-ray mode at the Horadori lab.

a390 (2/13: Joy for Anguish)


Speaker Line (EN) Line (JA) Notes
Scientist Aaaaaagh! うぉぉぉ――っ…!! Unused dialogue when confronting the Horadori researchers at the warehouse district, during the fight sequence.

b310H (2/13: Smiles for Tears)


Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
The ceiling light illuminates the desk. 天井の明かりが机の上を照らしている 天花板的灯正照亮着桌面。 天花板的燈照亮桌面。 Another generic line for examining the inaccessible ceiling light in the ABIS interrogation room, also present in other scenes taking place there.

b315H (2/13: Smiles for Tears)


Audio (EN) Audio (JA) Speaker Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Komeji I use that for my routines. それはワテがフリップ芸に使うてるやつです 那是我表演纸板搞笑用的道具。 那是我表演紙板搞笑用的道具。 Dialogue for examining the cut sketchbook at the Enda Residence while searching for "it".
Tama Oooh, I wonder what the punchline will be... どんなネタか気になるけど… 好想知道是怎样的段子…… 好想知道是怎樣的笑料……
Ryuki Now's not the time for that. 今はそれどころじゃないよ 现在没空问那些。 現在沒空問那些。
(none) This must be unrelated to "it." これは『あれ』とは無関係だろう 这个应该跟“那个”没关系吧。 這個應該跟「那個」沒關係吧。


Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Not this. これじゃない 不是这个。 不是這個。 A generic line for examining the inaccessible "mysterious parts" at the Enda Residence while searching for "it". It's identical to the used line for examining the TV at that point, though.


Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
I looked inside, but I didn't see anything suspicious... 中を調べてみたが、怪しげなものはなにも… 检查了一下里面,但没有可疑的东西。 檢查了一下裡面,但沒有可疑的東西。 A generic line for examining the cut costume case at the Enda Residence while searching for "it". It's identical to the used line for examining the TV stand at that point, though.

b430H (2/14: Well-Known)


Audio (EN) Audio (JA) Speaker Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Ryuki Mama, what's that weird vroom sound that you make? ママってさ、たまにブィーンって
妈妈桑有时候会发出奇怪的嗡嗡声啊。 媽媽桑有時候會發出奇怪的嗡嗡聲吧? More dialogue for examining the inaccessible fridge at Marble.
Mama That's a refrigerator! それは冷蔵庫だからね! 那是冰箱好不好! 那是冰箱好不好!

b510H (2/15: Not All A Dream)


Audio (EN) Audio (JA) Speaker Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Tama Everyone, sing it with me! ご唱和下さい! 跟着我一起说! 跟著我一起說! More cut dialogue for examining the dartboard in Boss's office.
Tama One, two, three... 1、2、3… 三、二、一…… 1、2、3……
Ryuki ... …………
Tama You guys are no fun. もう、なんなのよ、ノリ悪いわねぇ… 怎么了,这么不配合。 是怎樣,你很不配合耶。

b554H (2/15: Not All A Dream)


Audio (EN) Audio (JA) Speaker Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Ryuki Your back side is really warm, isn't it, Mama? ママってさ、実は背中のところがあったかいんだよね? 妈妈桑的背后其实很暖和吧? 媽媽桑的背後其實很暖和吧? Even more dialogue for examining the inaccessible fridge at Marble.
Mama I'm not the refrigerator! But yes. 冷蔵庫じゃないけど、リアルでそうよ! 虽然我不是冰箱,但背后确实是这样! 雖然我不是冰箱,但背後確實是這樣!

R15_somnium (Nemesis Identified)


Audio (EN) Audio (JA) Speaker Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Tama F! Fー!! F!! F!! This line is coded to play if F is defeated in battle, like the similar used lines for other Kusemon. However, F takes 0 damage from all enemy attacks in the Somnium, so this scenario can never happen in-game.

c130 (2/11: Pass Mildly Away)


Audio (EN) Audio (JA) Speaker Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Mizuki Right, your parents... そう言えば、麻芽ちゃんの両親って… 对了,你的父母…… 對了,麻芽的爸爸媽媽…… Unused dialogue when talking to Amame at Brahman.
Amame They divorced when I was little, so I've been separated from my dad. うん、私が小さい頃に離婚しちゃったから、
Amame I really liked him, so I was really sad... 私、お父さんっ子だったから、悲しかったな… 我以前很黏爸爸,所以很伤心…… 我以前很黏爸爸,所以很傷心……
Amame I wonder why he didn't take me with him... なんでお父さん、
为什么爸爸不愿意抚养我呢…… 為什麼爸爸不願意撫養我呢……

c210 (2/12: Traveler)


Audio (EN) Audio (JA) Speaker Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Inspector Wow, I'm honored that you'd ask! うわぁー、名前を聞いてもらえるなんて光栄です! 哇啊~你愿意问我的名字,是我的荣幸! 哇啊~妳願意問我的名字,是我的榮幸! These lines are coded to play when asking Kagami's name if the story flag for the player having previously asked about it in his first appearance (a040_Mz) is not set. However, that flag is one of the ones required to progress the storyline during that scene, so reaching this point without having set it is impossible in the final game. They're also reused for his appearance in c415_M1 (2/14: Visions), with the same unreachable condition attached.
Inspector My name is Kagami! 私は『カガミ』と言います! 我叫“镜”! 我叫「鏡」!
Mizuki Hm... Kagami, huh... ふーん、カガミさんかぁ… 哦~镜先生啊…… 喔~鏡先生啊……
Mizuki It's nice to meet you, Kagami. よろしくね、カガミさん 多多指教了,镜先生。 多多指教囉,鏡先生。

c220H_x10H (2/12: Traveler)


Audio (EN) Audio (JA) Speaker Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Mizuki Hey, Mama. ところでママー 对了,妈妈桑。 對了,媽媽桑。 Yet more dialogue for examining the inaccessible fridge at Marble.
Mama That's a refrigerator! What is with you people?! それは冷蔵庫よ!

c250H (2/12: Traveler)


Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
It's just a regular wooden chair. ただの椅子だ 这是普通的椅子。 這是普通的椅子。 A generic line for examining a chair in Brahman while searching for the balloon. While this object is accessible during other scenes at this location, it's obstructed from view in the camera angle used for this particular sequence, and this line doesn't appear at any other point in the game.


Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
There's no point checking. 調べても仕方ない 调查也没用。 調查也沒用。 A generic line for examining a menu (not to be confused with the blackboard menu) in Brahman while searching for the balloon; same situation as the chair above.


Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Nothing strange inside. 中に変わったものはない 里面没什么不寻常的东西。 沒什麼不尋常的東西。 A generic line for examining the oil drum in Brahman while searching for the balloon; same situation as the chair above.

c275 (2/12: Left Behind)


Line (EN) Line (JA) Notes
It's dark, I can't see anything. 暗くてなにも見えない A generic line for examining a desk during Mizuki and Lien's infiltration of the Horadori lab, with regular vision. In the final game, this scene can only be viewed in NV (night vision) mode.


Line (EN) Line (JA) Notes
Wait, there's something here... なにかあるみたいだけど… A generic line for examining the diary during Mizuki and Lien's infiltration of the Horadori lab, with regular vision; same situation as the desk above.


Line (EN) Line (JA) Notes
It's dark, and I can barely see... 暗くてよくわからない A generic line for examining Lien during Mizuki and Lien's infiltration of the Horadori lab, with regular vision; same situation as the desk above.

c275/c275H (2/12: Left Behind)


Audio (EN) Audio (EN 2) Audio (JA) Speaker Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Mizuki Why is there a statue here...? なんで研究室に像が…? 研究室为什么会有雕像? 研究室為什麼會有雕像? Unused dialogue for examining a statue during Mizuki and Lien's infiltration of the Horadori lab. Unusually, two separate takes exist for Aiba's lines here in the English voice clips.
Aiba I understand why you would be confused, but let us continue with the investigation. 突っ込みたい気持ちはよくわかるが、
Mizuki But isn't this kinda suspicious...? でも、なんか怪しくない…? 可是,不觉得很奇怪吗? 可是,不覺得很奇怪嗎?
Aiba It is... 確かにな… 的确…… 的確……
Aiba But we should search the other areas first. だが、ひとまず他のところを調べてから… 不过还是先调查其他地方吧…… 不過還是先調查其他地方吧……

c310_x10 (2/13: The Expense of Spirit)


Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
A speaker. スピーカーだ 这是扬声器。 這是揚聲器。 A generic line for examining a speaker in the Horadori underground slicer room during the VR investigation there, which isn't present in the final game.

c310H_x30H (2/13: The Expense of Spirit)


Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
The entrance to this room... There is no knob. この部屋の出入口…
A generic line for examining the door in the Horadori underground holding cell, which is modeled but not targetable.

c350H (2/13: The Expense of Spirit)


Audio (EN) Audio (JA) Speaker Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Mizuki Mama, how many liters can you hold? ママってさ、何リットル入るの? 妈妈桑容量多少啊? 媽媽桑容量多少啊? The Marble refrigerator is still getting more dialogue lines, and they're still inaccessible.
Mama I'm not a refrigerator! 私は冷蔵庫じゃないわよ! 我又不是冰箱! 我又不是冰箱!

c385H (2/13: Hell)


Audio (EN) Audio (JA) Speaker Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Mizuki That balloon can fly, right? あの風船って、空飛ぶよね? 那个气球……会飞吧? 那個氣球……會飛吧? Dialogue for examining the balloon stand at Misetan while searching for the rocket. While this object is accessible during some other scenes at this location, it's obstructed from view in the camera angle used for this particular sequence, and these lines don't appear at any other point in the game.
Masked Woman How is that relevant?! だからなんだ…! 那又怎么样! 那又怎麼樣!
(none) Balloons are on sale, but it's irrelevant. 風船が売られているが関係ない 这里有在卖气球,但跟火箭弹无关。 這裡有在賣氣球,但跟火箭彈無關。

d515 (2/15: All That We Are)


Audio (JA) Speaker Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Gen Aaahhh! ウォォォ――ッ…!! 唔哦哦哦——!! 唔喔喔喔──!! An unused line for the battle at Golden Yokocho, when "Gen" is "powering up". The voice clip here seems to be a text-to-speech sample rather than a proper recording, presumably as a placeholder.

c540H (2/15: Births)


Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
An unlit torch... 消えたかがり火… 熄灭的火堆。 火堆眼看著即將熄滅。 An alternate generic line for examining the torches in the cathedral. These torches are always lit, including during this scene.

c580 (2/15: The End of Craving)


Audio (JA) Speaker Line (EN) Line (JA) Notes
Enemy Members Aaahhh! ウォォォ――ッ…!! Various cut lines from the first part of the final battle at the Stadium. The voice clips here are all text-to-speech placeholders.
NAIX Members Waaahhh! うわぁ――!!
Scientists Waaahhh! うわぁ――!!
Scientists Huh...? ん…?
Scientists Ah?! …!?
Scientists Waaahhh! うわぁ――!!


Audio (EN) Audio (JA) Speaker Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Aiba On the left! 次は左だ! 接下来是左边! 接下來是左邊! Some more cut lines from slightly later in the final battle. Only the first line exists in all four languages' script files, while only the second has non-placeholder voice clips.
Scientist Uwaaah! うわぁー!
Enemy Members Waaahhh! うわぁ――!!

c935 (2/22: Braver Than All Flowers)


Audio (EN) Audio (JA) Speaker Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Inspector Oh, you asked me at exactly the right moment for the best luck. Like SSR rarity... え、このタイミングで聞いてくるって、
These lines are coded to play when asking Kagami's name if the player has never previously asked about it at any point while playing as either of the Mizukis, but as with his earlier unused lines, they can't be seen because it's impossible to have progressed past his very first appearance in the story without having done so.
Inspector So I will tell you. まあいいでしょう、教えますよ 也罢,就告诉你吧。 也罷,就告訴妳吧。
Inspector My name is Kagami. ふーん、カガミさんかぁ… 我叫做镜。 我叫做鏡。
Inspector I've said it like a million times in other timelines... 別の世界線では100万回ぐらい言ってますけどね… 在其他世界线里,我已经说过一百万次左右了…… 在另一個世界線裡,我大概已經說過100萬次左右了……

c940H (2/22: Braver Than All Flowers)


Audio (EN) Audio (JA) Speaker Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Receptionist Moma, you have such big lanterns. 猛馬さん、提灯の詩のことって、なんて言うと思う? 猛马先生,灯笼穿的东西是什么? 猛馬先生,燈籠穿的東西是什麼? Unused dialogue when examining the lanterns at the Kumakura Office. The localizers seem to have forgotten about Moma's voice being under the effect of the Vochlocho here at this stage in recording, as his English line uses his normal voice instead (unlike in the Japanese line and in all of the used dialogue).
Moma Oh, I do? 提灯詩…? 灯笼服……? 燈籠服……?
Receptionist Hm, could be bigger... 違ぁーう 不对啦~ 不對啦~


Audio (EN) Audio (JA) Speaker Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Moma Six years ago, someone hacked into that. そのPC、6年前に誰かがハッキングしやがってよ 六年前曾经有人入侵了那台电脑。 6年前,曾經有人駭進那台電腦過。 An alternate version of the lines for examining the PC at the Kumakura Office, with spoken dialogue rather than the unvoiced narration used here in the final game. Like the previous cut dialogue, Moma's English voice lines were recorded without taking the Vochlocho into account here as well.
Moma So we upped the security on it. だからセキュリティを頑丈にしたんだ 所以我特别加强了安全防护。 所以我特別加強了安全性。
Aiba I see... なるほど… 原来如此…… 原來如此……

c945H (2/22: Braver Than All Flowers)


Audio (EN) Audio (JA) Speaker Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Mizuki It's a refrigerator! あ、冷蔵庫だ! 啊,是冰箱! 啊,是冰箱! With the end of the main storyline comes the final inaccessible refrigerator dialogue!
Mama Excuse you! That's me! 失礼ね、それは私よ! 真没礼貌,那是我啦! 真沒禮貌,那是我啦!
Bibi ...What? …え? ……咦? ……咦?

c970 (2/22: Braver Than All Flowers)


Audio (JA) Speaker Line (EN) Line (JA) Line (ZH-CN) Line (ZH-TW) Notes
Aiba Everyone out there! みんなぁー 各位~! 各位~! Two cut lines meant to play after the final dance sequence at the stadium, featuring some more TTS placeholder voices.
Tama Thank you for all the support! これからも、よろしくねぇー! 今后也请多多指教了——! 今後也請多多指教囉──!