Amagami (PlayStation 2)
Amagami |
Developer: Bits Laboratory
Amagami is a dating simulation game and the spiritual successor to KimiKiss.
To do:
Debug Menus
Enter the following code to turn on debug functionality. After that, while on the main scene selection screen, press one of the following button combinations listed below before selecting a scene and then begin the scene as normal by pressing Circle. Some buttons are normally mapped to specific functions on this screen and may trigger when pressing the button combinations. In those cases, simply press X to close those screens and load the scene by pressing Circle; your chosen menu should still load as normal.
Standard Version | EB collection version |
D01ACF10 00000100 20116B68 0040282D D01ACF10 00000104 20116B68 240504C8 D01ACF10 00000102 20116B68 240505AA D01ACF10 00000108 20116B68 240505F3 D01ACF10 00004100 20116B68 240506EC D01ACF10 00008100 20116B68 240507DD D01ACF10 00000101 20116B68 240502C8 D01ACF10 00001100 20116B68 240502C8 D01ACF10 00002100 20116B68 240506E4 |
D05EFE24 00000004 205EFE24 00000008 D01A7510 00000000 20117440 0040F809 D01A7510 00001001 20117440 2402081D D01A7510 00004001 20117440 24020054 D01A7510 00008001 20117440 240202A1 D01A7510 00002001 20117440 240204D9 D01A7510 00001002 20117440 240202E2 D01A7510 00004002 20117440 240203CC D01A7510 00008002 20117440 240202DB |
Character Display Test
Press Select + L1 (Standard) or L2 + Left (Eb Colle +) before starting a scene to enter a character display test.
Tsuka's Temporary Scene Storage
Press Select + R2 (Standard) or R2 + Up (Eb Colle +) before starting a scene to enter what's referred to as "Tsukasa's temporary scene storage." Press Circle to close the message box. A number counter should then display whose amount can be changed by pressing the D-Pad. Press Circle to confirm the displayed value and trigger the corresponding function listed below. (This counter may fail to load for some scenes. The easiest way to access it is by selecting the opening prologue scene when starting a new game.)
Set all character excitement levels to low.
Set all character excitement levels to mid.
Set all character excitement levels to high.
Set a character as "attackable," allowing you to trigger their bonus post-conversation scenes for the current relationship level.
Execute Rihoko's test scene.
Sound test.
Text | Translation | Notes |
♪再生中♪ | ♪Playing♪ | |
再生中のBGM | Song Currently Playing | Displays song name. |
キャラクター | Character | "システム" (System - SFX) and character voice test. |
音声番号 | Sound Number | |
音量 | Volume | |
システムSE | System Sound Effects |
- Circle: Play.
- Left, Right: Changes number.
- with R1, R2: Increase/Decrease number in increments of 10 or 100, respectively.
- Select: Exit.
Graphics Viewer
Press Select + R1 (Standard) or R2 + Right (Eb Colle +) before starting a scene to enter into a graphics viewer.
- L2: Enable/Disable display menu text.
- R2: Enable/Disable display coordination text.
- L1: Switches between menu background and character settings.
- Select: Changes background music.
- Circle: Display selected graphics.
- L-Stick: Move image.
- R-Stick: Zoom in/out.
Text | Translation | Notes |
BG種別 | Background Type | "背景" (Background) and "イベント" (Event) |
場所 | Location | |
状況 | Status | "昼" (Noon) "夕方" (Evening) "夜" (Night) "雨" (Rain) |
モブ | Mob | "無し" (None) "特殊" (Special) |
人物 | Character | |
服装 | Clothing | |
ポーズ | Pose | |
表情 | Expression | |
目の表情 | Eye Expression | |
口の表情 | Mouth Expression | |
目の状態 | Mouth Status | |
口の状態 | Eye Status | |
頬の赤らみ | Blushing | |
汗 | Sweat | |
セリフ | Line | Play voiced lines for the displayed character. Press Left/Right on the D-Pad to change the line to be played. |
Test Script
Press Select + Left (Standard) before starting the first scenario to enter into Test script.
It simply displays the following text:
Text | Translation |
これはテストスクリプトです | This is a test script. |
Rihoko's Temporary Scenario Storage
Press Select + Down (Standard) before starting a scene to enter to what's referred to as "Rihoko's temporary scenario storage."
It simply displays the following text:
Text | Translation |
梨穂子のシナリオ仮置き場です。現時点で該当ファイルが存在しないシナリオを確認できます | This is Rihoko's temporary scenario storage. This screen can be used to check scenes that don't have a corresponding file at this time. |
Large Size Graphics Viewer
Press Select + L2 (Standard) or L2 + Right (Eb Colle +) before starting a scene to enter the large graphics viewer.
Text | Translation |
サイズ | Size |
ポーズ | Pose |
服装 | Clothing |
Voice Test
Press Select + Up (Standard) or L2 + Down (Eb Colle +) before starting a scene to enter the voice test. The underlined parts are unknown.
- Left, Right: Select voice.
- Circle: Play.
- L1, R1: Moves cursor.
- L2, R2: Changes character.
Character Reaction Test
Press Select + Right (Standard) or L2 + Up (Eb Colle +) before starting a scene to enter the character reaction test.
Text | Translation | Notes |
キャラ名 | Character Name | |
マップNo. | Map No. | Changes the set of accessible conversations found in the lower half of the screen. |
テンション | Excitement | The character's excitement level. |
ターン | Turn | |
マス | Square | |
内容 | Topic Type | |
結果 | Result |
Mahjong Reaction Test
Press R2 + Down or R2 + Left before starting a scene to enter the mahjong reaction test.
Text | Translation | Notes |
キャラ名: | Character Name: | Out of screen. |
タイミング: | Timing: | |
発生条件: | Activate condition: | |
表示位置: | Display position: | |
Win表示: | Window display: | |
種類: | Type: |
Mahjong Debug Menu
Enable the code, after that start the mahjong story to display a debug menu.
Text | Translation | Notes |
牌山選択 | Deck select | "ランダム"(Random) is default. |
CPU鳴き | CPU melding | |
CPU自摸切り | CPU discards self-draw immediately | |
手牌オープン | Open hands | |
裏ドラオープン | Open hidden doras | |
起家 | Starting player | "ランダム"(Random) is default. |
CPU捨て牌操作 | CPU discard manipulation | Enable to control opponent players. |
打牌カットイン | Cut-in on discarding | |
↓テスト用 | ↓ test: | Parameter for cut-in test. |
カットインテスト | Cut-in test. | Press Circle to display test. |
Unused Graphics
This file is packed in GRAPHIC/GRAPH1.ARC.
Text | Translation |
130番以降は 640x480 |
Set to 640x480 after 130th. |
Note: The image has typo. 似→以
This file is packed in GRAPHIC/GRAPH2.ARC.
Text | Translation |
ダミー | Dummy |
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Bits Laboratory
- Pages missing publisher references
- Games published by Enterbrain
- PlayStation 2 games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 2009
- Games released in March
- Games released on March 19
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with debugging functions
- Games with hidden sound tests
- To do
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Games > Games by content > Games with debugging functions
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden sound tests
Games > Games by content > Games with unused graphics
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Bits Laboratory
Games > Games by platform > PlayStation 2 games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Kadokawa > Games published by Enterbrain
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2009
Games > Games by release date > Games released in March
Games > Games by release date > Games released in March > Games released on March 19