Ark Area
Ark Area |
Developer: UPL This game has uncompiled source code. |
Ark Area is a shoot 'em up with a manually scrolling playfield and a dedicated turning button. It also has hilariously bad English translation.
Hidden Credits
There are two hidden artist signatures: one is used as filler in the object graphics ROM, while the other is hidden in the background graphics ROM.
The first is "Toriumi", which doesn't match any known UPL employee.
The second is "Noriko", the family name of UPL background designer Noriko Nihei.
Early Atomic Robo-Kid Graphics
Early | |
Final |
There's an early version of the "Mecha Pochi" enemy from Atomic Robo-Kid in the background graphics ROM. This early design has different "quills", larger eyes, and three different back sprites, none of which match the one used in the final game.
Full Ending Message
Used | Full |
The ending message is slightly longer than what appears on screen; the copyright year is mistakenly placed below the lower camera boundary.
Uncompiled Source Code
There are three chunks of uncompiled code used as filler in the audio CPU. Text starts at 0x24EA:
D A,(OPNWRK+40H*5+1BH) AND 38H OR B OUT (FM1DAT),A RST WAIT LD A,0A8H OUT (FM1REG),A RST WAIT LD A,(ZZ+1) OUT (FM1DAT),A LD HL,(OPNWRK+40H*5+1AH) LD A,(OPNWRK+40H*5+3FH) BIT 3,A JR Z,??40 LD HL,(OPNWRK+40H*5+35H) ??40: LD A,H AND 7 LD H,A LD BC,(XX+20H*1+16H) CALL CHGSUB LD A,0A6H OUT (FM1REG),A RST WAIT LD A,(ZZ+2) LD B,A LD A,(OPNWRK+40H*5+1BH) AND 38H OR B OUT (FM1DAT),A RST WAIT LD A,0A2H OUT (FM1REG),A RST WAIT LD A,(ZZ+1) OUT (FM1DAT),A RET ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; SOUND CHANGE TABL 1 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- CHGTL1: DEFB 030H,038H,034H,03CH,040H,048H DEFB 044H,04CH,050H,058H,054H,05CH DEFB 060H,068H,064H,06CH,070H,078H DEFB 074H,07CH,080H,088H,084H,08CH ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; SOUND CHANGE TABL 2 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- CHGTL2: DEFB 031H,039H,035H,03DH,041H,049H DEFB 045H,04DH,051H,059H,055H
LD (IX+7),L LD (IX+8),H LD (IX+5),0 CALL PSGSET ;PSG TONE SET JP PSGADR ;--------------------------------------------
NCRET ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; LOOP START POINT (F7) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- PSGF7: POP HL LD A,(HL) LD (IX+0DH),A INC HL LD (IX+0BH),L LD (IX+0CH),H JP FNCRET ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; LOOP END OPINT (F8) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- PSGF8: POP HL DEC (IX+0DH) LD A,(IX+0DH) OR A JP Z,FNCRET LD L,(IX+0BH) LD H,(IX+0CH) JP FNCRET ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; SUBROUTIN CALL (F9) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- PSGF9: POP HL LD E,(HL) INC HL LD D,(HL) INC HL LD (IX+9),L LD (IX+0AH),H EX DE,HL JP FNCRET ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; RETURN (FA) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- PSGFA: POP HL LD L,(IX+9) LD H,(IX+0AH) JP FNCRET ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; OCTAVE TRNCE POSE (FB) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- PSGFB: POP HL LD A,(HL) INC HL LD (IX+10H),A JP FNCRET ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; PSG FUNCTION SET (FC) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- PSGFC: POP HL JP FNCRET ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; PSG FUNCTION SET (FD) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- PSGFD: POP HL JP FNCRET ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; PSG FUNCTION SET (FE) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- PSGFE: POP HL JP FNCRET ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; PSG FUNCTION SET (FF) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- PSGFF: POP HL LD (IX+0),0 LD (IX+0EH),0 LD A,(CHANNO) SUB 9 CP 3 JR NC,??10 ;CH12~CH14 ADD A,8 OUT (FM1REG),A NOP NOP XOR A OUT (FM1DAT),A RET ??10: SUB 3 ;CH12~CH14 ADD A,8 OUT (FM2REG),A NOP NOP XOR A OUT (FM2DAT),A RET ;********************************************************************** ;* PSG SOUND OUT * ;* IN - ;* OUT - ;* AF BC DE HL IX IY * ;********************************************************************** PSGOUT: BIT 0,(IX+12H) JP Z,??30 BIT 1,(IX+12H) JP Z,??20 RES 1,(IX+12H) LD L,(IX+13H) LD H,(IX+14H) LD E,(IX+19H) LD D,(IX+1AH) OR A SBC HL,DE JP P,??10 LD DE,0 EX DE,HL OR A SBC HL,DE EX DE,HL LD C,(IX+1BH) LD B,(IX+1CH) LD (IX+1DH),C LD (IX+1EH),B CALL PLTSUB LD HL,0 LD DE,(ZZ) LD A,(ZZ+2) LD B,A XOR A SBC HL,DE
Cleanup > Pages missing date references
Cleanup > Pages missing developer references
Cleanup > Pages missing publisher references
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden developer credits
Games > Games by content > Games with uncompiled source code
Games > Games by content > Games with unused graphics
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Universal > Games developed by UPL
Games > Games by platform > Arcade games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Universal > Games published by UPL
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 1987
Games > Games by release date > Games released in December