Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree
Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree |
Also known as: Wii de Yawaraka Atama Juku (JP), Big Brain Academy for Wii (EU)
To do:
Train your brain! Get a degree in Wii!
Development Leftovers
BMC Files
The game has color table files for each localization but are entirely unused in the game, it contains the following colors than 0xFFFFFFFF for the rest:
#000000ff #ff0000ff #00ff00ff #0000ffff #ffff00ff #ff00ffff #ffffffff #6883e6ff #e668acff
User directory
The entire user folder is chock-full of tests, early versions of minigames, and of course, unused graphics, most likely from an internal developer wiki.
user\kiuchi\cuttingPuzzle\layout.arc has graphics of various pixelated things leftover from the DS game.
There's also some silhouettes of various objects.
In user\kiuchi\shooting, there's what seems to be an early version of Speed Spotting, with many pictures. A few remain in the final, but many are only found here.
In user\masuda\NandTest, there seems to be graphics left-over from a NAND memory test. The text corresponds to the filenames of the images.
In user\masuda\NigaoeTest, there's something involving using books from all angles, possibly a portrait test judging by the filename (Nigaoe (似顔絵)).
In user\masuda\SaveBanner, there's a early version of the save banner, along with a little drawing of Dr. Lobe.
In user\ogawa\layout_test, there's a bunch of numbers and... space.
The Japanese text translates to "Total" (合計), suggesting that this is from some sort of calculator.
In user\ogawa\ogawaTest, there are buttons and a very strange picture of an aquarium that looks like it's from the DS "prequel". user\waken\buttonTest also has these exact same files.
In user\ogawa\test\designer.arc along with some other places, there's some early graphics.
The first graphic is present in losehakari.bti and shows Dr. Lobe with a tear in his eye and a white flag in his hand.
The second graphic is present in winhakari.bti and shows Dr. Lobe with a trophy in his hand.
The third graphic is present in winlosehakari.bti and is similar to the second graphic, but the trophy Dr. Lobe is holding in this graphic is shinier.
user\ogawa\sample has two TXT files. test.txt
The other one is in director.arc. aaa.txt
sample data
Present in user/kando/dbController/layout.arc/layout.brlyt is a debug controller.
Excel Spreadsheets
5 spreadsheets are left on the disc. They're all identical to the final game, except for one.
To do: Diff with final game. |
Early parameters for the Face Case minigame. Note it uses a parameter called SameFaceNumOnTrain which isn't in the final game.
Pattern0 Pattern1 Pattern2 all easy QuestionRate 6 2 2 DifferentPartsNum 3 4 4 FaceBase same different different Eye different different different Nose different different different Mouth different different different Speed 600 SameFaceNumOnTrain 0 normal QuestionRate 4 1 5 DifferentPartsNum 2 2 4 FaceBase same different different Eye undefined undefined different Nose undefined undefined different Mouth undefined undefined different Speed 600 SameFaceNumOnTrain 1 hard QuestionRate 3 1 6 DifferentPartsNum 1 1 3 FaceBase same different same Eye undefined same different Nose undefined same different Mouth undefined same different Speed 600 SameFaceNumOnTrain 1 expert QuestionRate 1 1 8 DifferentPartsNum 1 1 2 FaceBase same different same Eye undefined same undefined Nose undefined same undefined Mouth undefined same undefined Speed 600 SameFaceNumOnTrain 2
Alternative Game Configurations
Four alternative configurations for the game are left on the disc.
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # # gameConfig.ini # # コメントの前はスペースを空ける必要がある # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# { #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# firstSection nawabari #起動時のセクション指定:title/morimura/kando/ito hostIO 1 #HostI/Oを使うかどうか:使わない場合は 0 にしないと動きません #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Console Print スイッチ #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# sysPrint 0 masudaPrint 0 kandoPrint 0 kiuchiPrint 0 wakenPrint 0 ogawaPrint 0 itoPrint 0 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # カンファレンス用 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# controllerIdleMin 1.0 disableSectionMenu 1 # 1:"-"ボタンメニュー封印 publicity 1 # 1:余計な表示をOFF courseFlag 0x20 # コース封印用フラグ # cCOURSE_SHODAN = 0x0001, # cCOURSE_STRETCH = 0x0002, # cCOURSE_RACE = 0x0004, # cCOURSE_SURVIVAL = 0x0008, # cCOURSE_PANEL = 0x0010, # cCOURSE_OFFICE = 0x0020, # cCOURSE_GRAPH = 0x0040 MarikuraMonitor 0 # マリクラモニター GDC 1 # GDC用 RYUTU 1 # 流通説明用 RENTAL 0 # 部外貸出用 FILM 0 # 撮影版 showVersion0914 0 showMode 0 end # タグの終わり }
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # # gameConfig.ini(MC) # # ƒRƒƒ“ƒg‚Ì‘O‚̓Xƒy[ƒX‚ð‹ó‚¯‚é•K—v‚ª‚ ‚é # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# { #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# bootSection eGameOpeningSection #‹N“®Žž‚̃ZƒNƒVƒ‡ƒ“Žw’è:eTitleSection/eGameOpeningSection/... hostIO 1 #HostI/O‚ðŽg‚¤‚©‚Ç‚¤‚©:Žg‚í‚È‚¢ê‡‚Í 0 ‚É‚µ‚È‚¢‚Æ“®‚«‚Ü‚¹‚ñ #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Console Print ƒXƒCƒbƒ` #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# sysPrint 0 masudaPrint 0 kandoPrint 0 kiuchiPrint 0 wakenPrint 0 ogawaPrint 0 itoPrint 0 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # ƒJƒ“ƒtƒ@ƒŒƒ“ƒX—p #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# controllerIdleMin 1.0 disableSectionMenu 1 # 1:"-"ƒ{ƒ^ƒ“ƒƒjƒ…[••ˆó publicity 1 # 1:—]Œv‚È•\Ž¦‚ð‚n‚e‚e EraseData 0 # 1:•K‚¸ƒf[ƒ^Á‹Ž courseFlag 0x7F # ƒR[ƒX••ˆó—pƒtƒ‰ƒO # cCOURSE_SHODAN = 0x0001, # cCOURSE_STRETCH = 0x0002, # cCOURSE_RACE = 0x0004, # cCOURSE_SURVIVAL = 0x0008, # cCOURSE_PANEL = 0x0010, # cCOURSE_OFFICE = 0x0020, # cCOURSE_GRAPH = 0x0040 DebugCommand 1 # ƒfƒoƒbƒOƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒh MarikuraMonitor 1 # ƒ}ƒŠƒNƒ‰ƒ‚ƒjƒ^[—p DebugKey 1 # ƒfƒoƒbƒO—pƒŠƒ‚ƒRƒ“•\Ž¦ (0:off 1:on) GDC 0 # ‚f‚c‚b—p RYUTU 0 # —¬’Êà–¾—p RENTAL 0 # •”ŠO‘Ýo—p FILM 0 # ŽB‰e”Å showVersion0914 0 showMode 0 panelPrint 0 panelPrintDeep 0 nigaoePrint 0 nigaoePrintDeep 0 messageWindowPrint 0 messageWindowPrintDeep 0 textSpeachPrint 0 textSpeachPrintDeep 0 end # ƒ^ƒO‚ÌI‚í‚è }
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # # gameConfig.ini(MC_D) # # ƒRƒƒ“ƒg‚Ì‘O‚̓Xƒy[ƒX‚ð‹ó‚¯‚é•K—v‚ª‚ ‚é # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# { #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# bootSection eGameOpeningSection #‹N“®Žž‚̃ZƒNƒVƒ‡ƒ“Žw’è:eTitleSection/eGameOpeningSection/... hostIO 1 #HostI/O‚ðŽg‚¤‚©‚Ç‚¤‚©:Žg‚í‚È‚¢ê‡‚Í 0 ‚É‚µ‚È‚¢‚Æ“®‚«‚Ü‚¹‚ñ #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Console Print ƒXƒCƒbƒ` #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# sysPrint 0 masudaPrint 0 kandoPrint 0 kiuchiPrint 0 wakenPrint 0 ogawaPrint 0 itoPrint 0 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # ƒJƒ“ƒtƒ@ƒŒƒ“ƒX—p #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# controllerIdleMin 1.0 disableSectionMenu 0 # 1:"-"ƒ{ƒ^ƒ“ƒƒjƒ…[••ˆó publicity 1 # 1:—]Œv‚È•\Ž¦‚ð‚n‚e‚e EraseData 0 # 1:•K‚¸ƒf[ƒ^Á‹Ž courseFlag 0x7F # ƒR[ƒX••ˆó—pƒtƒ‰ƒO # cCOURSE_SHODAN = 0x0001, # cCOURSE_STRETCH = 0x0002, # cCOURSE_RACE = 0x0004, # cCOURSE_SURVIVAL = 0x0008, # cCOURSE_PANEL = 0x0010, # cCOURSE_OFFICE = 0x0020, # cCOURSE_GRAPH = 0x0040 DebugCommand 1 # ƒfƒoƒbƒOƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒh MarikuraMonitor 1 # ƒ}ƒŠƒNƒ‰ƒ‚ƒjƒ^[—p DebugKey 1 # ƒfƒoƒbƒO—pƒŠƒ‚ƒRƒ“•\Ž¦ (0:off 1:on) GDC 0 # ‚f‚c‚b—p RYUTU 0 # —¬’Êà–¾—p RENTAL 0 # •”ŠO‘Ýo—p FILM 0 # ŽB‰e”Å showVersion0914 0 showMode 0 panelPrint 0 panelPrintDeep 0 nigaoePrint 0 nigaoePrintDeep 0 messageWindowPrint 0 messageWindowPrintDeep 0 textSpeachPrint 0 textSpeachPrintDeep 0 end # ƒ^ƒO‚ÌI‚í‚è }
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # # gameConfig.ini # # ƒRƒƒ“ƒg‚Ì‘O‚̓Xƒy[ƒX‚ð‹ó‚¯‚é•K—v‚ª‚ ‚é # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# { #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# bootSection eGameOpeningSection #‹N“®Žž‚̃ZƒNƒVƒ‡ƒ“Žw’è:eTitleSection/eGameOpeningSection/... hostIO 1 #HostI/O‚ðŽg‚¤‚©‚Ç‚¤‚©:Žg‚í‚È‚¢ê‡‚Í 0 ‚É‚µ‚È‚¢‚Æ“®‚«‚Ü‚¹‚ñ #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Console Print ƒXƒCƒbƒ` #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# sysPrint 0 masudaPrint 0 kandoPrint 0 kiuchiPrint 0 wakenPrint 0 ogawaPrint 0 itoPrint 0 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # ƒJƒ“ƒtƒ@ƒŒƒ“ƒX—p #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# controllerIdleMin 1.0 disableSectionMenu 1 # 1:"-"ƒ{ƒ^ƒ“ƒƒjƒ…[••ˆó publicity 1 # 1:—]Œv‚È•\Ž¦‚ð‚n‚e‚e EraseData 0 # 1:•K‚¸ƒf[ƒ^Á‹Ž courseFlag 0x7F # ƒR[ƒX••ˆó—pƒtƒ‰ƒO # cCOURSE_SHODAN = 0x0001, # cCOURSE_STRETCH = 0x0002, # cCOURSE_RACE = 0x0004, # cCOURSE_SURVIVAL = 0x0008, # cCOURSE_PANEL = 0x0010, # cCOURSE_OFFICE = 0x0020, # cCOURSE_GRAPH = 0x0040 DebugCommand 1 # ƒfƒoƒbƒOƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒh MarikuraMonitor 1 # ƒ}ƒŠƒNƒ‰ƒ‚ƒjƒ^[—p DebugKey 1 # ƒfƒoƒbƒO—pƒŠƒ‚ƒRƒ“•\Ž¦ (0:off 1:on) GDC 0 # ‚f‚c‚b—p RYUTU 0 # —¬’Êà–¾—p RENTAL 0 # •”ŠO‘Ýo—p FILM 0 # ŽB‰e”Å showVersion0914 0 showMode 0 panelPrint 0 panelPrintDeep 0 nigaoePrint 0 nigaoePrintDeep 0 messageWindowPrint 0 messageWindowPrintDeep 0 textSpeachPrint 0 textSpeachPrintDeep 0 end # ƒ^ƒO‚ÌI‚í‚è }
Symbol Maps
The folder map has symbol maps for almost all development builds of the game from all regions excluding Japan. Some symbol maps are different across regions. Over 167MB of the disc is consumed off them!
![]() |
Download Big Brain Academy Wii symbol maps (Japan)
File: (? KB) (info)
![]() |
Download Big Brain Academy Wii symbol maps (Europe)
File: (? KB) (info)
![]() |
Download Big Brain Academy Wii symbol maps (North America)
File: (? KB) (info)
![]() |
Download Big Brain Academy Wii symbol maps (All regions)
File: (6,826 KB) (info)
Build Date
To do: Other versions. |
TimeStampD_EU.txt (Debug EU) | TimeStampD_JP.txt (Debug JP) | TimeStampD_US.txt (Debug US) | TimeStampD.txt (Debug, no region) |
Mar.22.2007 19:06:18 |
Mar.31.2007 23:19:02 |
Mar.22.2007 19:01:11 |
Feb.22.2007 10:35:34 |
TimeStampP_EU.txt (Product, EU) | TimeStampP_JP.txt (Product, JP) | TimeStampP_US.txt (Product, US) | TimeStampP.txt (Product, no region) |
Apr.27.2007 17:17:20 |
Apr.04.2007 20:30:21 |
Apr.27.2007 17:16:05 |
TimeStamp |
TimeStampR_EU.txt (Release, EU) | TimeStampR_JP.txt (Release, JP) | TimeStampR_US.txt (Release, US) | TimeStampR.txt (Release, no region) |
Apr.27.2007 17:16:44 |
Apr.27.2007 12:54:45 |
Apr.27.2007 17:15:28 |
Feb.19.2007 19:10:45 |
TimeStampV_EU.txt (Develop, EU) | TimeStampV_JP.txt (Develop, JP) | TimeStampV_US.txt (Develop, US) | TimeStampV.txt (Develop, no region) |
Mar.22.2007 19:06:42 |
Apr.26.2007 21:37:33 |
Mar.22.2007 19:02:44 |
Feb.24.2007 13:23:39 |
All of the build dates that are presented above can be found at the root of the game's files.
It's notable that
on it instead of an actual build date.
Internal Project Name
The internal name of the game is Yawaraka, given by many mentions of Yawa and the full term in the game's files and executable. Yawaraka is present in the Japanese name of the game.
The Big Brain Academy series
| |
Nintendo DS | Big Brain Academy |
Wii | Wii Degree |
- Games developed by Nintendo EAD Group No. 4
- Games published by Nintendo
- Wii games
- Games released in 2007
- Games released in April
- Games released on April 26
- Games released in June
- Games released on June 11
- Games released in July
- Games released on July 20
- Games released in November
- Games released on November 8
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with unused text
- To do
- Big Brain Academy series
Cleanup > To do
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Games > Games by content > Games with unused graphics
Games > Games by content > Games with unused text
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Nintendo > Games developed by Nintendo EPD > Games developed by Nintendo EAD > Games developed by Nintendo EAD Group No. 4
Games > Games by platform > Wii games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Nintendo
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2007
Games > Games by release date > Games released in April
Games > Games by release date > Games released in April > Games released on April 26
Games > Games by release date > Games released in July
Games > Games by release date > Games released in July > Games released on July 20
Games > Games by release date > Games released in June
Games > Games by release date > Games released in June > Games released on June 11
Games > Games by release date > Games released in November
Games > Games by release date > Games released in November > Games released on November 8
Games > Games by series > Big Brain Academy series