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Choukuukan: Night Pro Yakyuu King

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Title Screen

Choukuukan: Night Pro Yakyuu King

Developer: Genki
Publisher: Imagineer
Platform: Nintendo 64
Released in JP: December 20, 1996

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

A baseball game with anime graphics that features teams from the Japanese professional league.

Debug Menu

Choukuukan Night Pro Yakyuu King - debugmenu.png

A debug menu can be enabled with the GameShark code provided below. Unfortunately, you can't do anything interesting in this menu anymore. Almost everything in this menu has been removed from the game. With the code on below, press L + Start for Debug Menu, or press R + Start for Old Main Menu at the Press Start screen.

Enable Debug Menus
8132B520 080B
8132B522 E657
D1274758 1020
802F9407 00CC
D1274758 1010
802F9407 0018

Menu options:

Menu Text Notes
START GAME ORDER Sends you to the opening logos.
GOB GAME TEST MODE Sends you into a match. It doesn't seem like you can do anything here.
KIT TEST Hangs the game. This is a non-existing game mode.
OHIRA TEST MODE Hangs the game. This is a non-existing game mode.
ICHI GAME TEST Hangs the game. This is a non-existing game mode.
EDIT GAME TEST Hangs the game. This is a non-existing game mode.
PENANT GAME TEST Sends you to the main menu. Probably won't have done something different.
OPTION Sends you to an exclusive options menu.


Choukuukan Night Pro Yakyuu King - options.png

It is unclear if anything works here anymore. This is likely a very old options menu.


Choukuukan Night Pro Yakyuu King - mainselector.png

Presumably, this is a very old main menu. Only two options work here.

Menu options:

Menu Text Notes
OPEN GAME Hangs the game.
PENANT GAME Sends you to the main menu.
Example Hangs the game.
PRACTICE Sends you to this menu again.
OPTION Sends you to an exclusive options menu.
(Source: Original TCRF research)