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Counter-Strike: Source/Unused Graphics

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This is a sub-page of Counter-Strike: Source.

Counter-Strike/Condition Zero Leftovers

Leftovers from the game's GoldSrc incarnation(s).
CSS-wpn select1.png CSS-wpn select2.png CSS-wpn select3.png CSS-wpn select4.png CSS-wpn select5.png CSS-wpn select6.png CSS-wpn select7.png

Half-Life/Half-Life 2 Leftovers

Leftovers from Half-Life.
Css halflifeleftover1.png Css halflifeleftover2.png

A leftover of Antlion Goop from (the yet unreleased) Half-Life 2.
Css antliongoop hl2leftover.png

sky_c17_05*.vtf contains a skybox with a purple X on each texture. Judging by its name, it may have been a leftover from the development of Half-Life 2. As part of the 2016-2017 Facepunch leaks, a version of this skybox without these unusual X's was leaked to the public.
CSS sky c17 05bk.png CSS sky c17 05dn.png CSS sky c17 05ft.png CSS sky c17 05lf.png CSS sky c17 05rt.png CSS sky c17 05up.png

cs_havana Materials Folder

To do:
Find and compare with textures that are used if necessary. Also there might be more that need to be uploaded.

For whatever reason, there are a bunch of files from multiple directories including nonexistent ones copied into the cs_havana folder. Most of the textures were either removed or redesigned for the final release.

More Half-Life/Half-Life 2 Leftovers


Half-Life 2

Map Textures




Model Textures

Two solid colors for a logo of some sort.

An off texture for a security light.
CSS-cs havana-light security off.png

A trim texture.
CSS-cs havana-pi htrim32.png

A metal pipe texture.
CSS-cs havana-pipemetal003a.png

A rock texture.
CSS-cs havana-rock wasteland01a.png

A treebark texture.
CSS-cs havana-treebark01.png

Two twig textures.


Early version of it_logs.vtf.

CSS-cs havana-darkwood.png

A few textures of fruit and vegetables and a wood texture.

A couple of street light textures.

Two dead-looking plants.

CSS-cs havana-railing.png


A bunch of box textures. Most of them were later put into one whole texture sheet.

File box textures, only a couple of them were reused.

Textures for filing cabnets. The textures were later re-edited and used.

Missing office painting variants.

A package of printing paper.
CSS-cs havana-paperpack01.png

Earlier versions of the posters.


CSS-cs havana-barrel basic.png

A generic barrel.

CSS-cs havana-barrel bio.png

A biohazardous barrel. Leftover from Condition Zero.

CSS-cs havana-barrel exp.png

An explosive barrel. Leftover from Condition Zero.

A clearly unfinished basket texture.
CSS-cs havana-basket01a.png

Two clay pots.

Unfinished texture sheet for a crate.
CSS-cs havana-crate blocks.png

Early textures for a dome, the temple door, a wide door and a wall window.

Placeholder texture possibly for the hanging rug display.
CSS-cs havana-hanging rugsb.png

A placeholder palm tree and a tree "billboard" texture.

Another texture for the hanging rug display, however this one is closer to final.
CSS-cs havana-rug display01.png

A bunch of textures for windows.

Office Monitor Screen

To do:
Photoshop & icon expert needed to identify all text & icons.

The files, computer2a.vtf & computer2b.vtf, contain the unedited screen captures from the monitor in cs_office. The unused screen captures can give us a look at what a developer actually had installed on their Windows XP system at the time.

Original (unused) Edited (used)
Counter Strike-Source-computer2b.png Counter Strike-Source-screen.vtf.png

Looking at the screen captures from computer monitors, reveals various items used on an employee's system. This print screen was taken by "Todd" as seen in the command prompt window and "Todd's Hours.doc" word document. Most likely created by Todd Williams of Turtle Rock Studios.

Recycle Bin Steam Shortcut to vtex_gui.exe Shortcut to vtex.exe The Shared Folder
Internet Explorer 6 hlmv.af Todd's Hours.doc
3DS Max 4.2 Play Splinter Cell Pandora s Backup
Batch Compiler Valve VP ???.zip
Shortcut to terror.exe
Shortcut to Wally.exe Shortcut to studiovo.exe. Command Prompt

Other windows show an Excel spreadsheet TPS Reports - Jan 1998.xls, and Outlook 2003 running in the background.

The second image is an edited version of the first, most likely using Paint Shop Pro that is installed and the default for JPG files as seen in the window, changes include:

  1. The Microsoft Word Logo, Recycle Bin, media logo, 3DS Max 4.2 are all removed or replaced with something else, one example is 3DS Max which has been replaced with a copy of "Shortcut to vtex_gui.exe".
  2. The Start button logo replaced with a yellow happy face and the word start was replaced with "fart".
  3. Most of the icons in the taskbar have been replaced with a Counter-Strike: Condition Zero shortcut.
  4. The Command Prompt's Windows build number and Microsoft trademark was removed.

Old Weapons

All files listed here were once under a folder called OLD_weapons.

de_aztec Materials Folder

Condition Zero Leftovers

Three reused textures originally from Half-Life's Lambda Core chapter.


A texture named floodlightbulb.vtf. It can also be found in the same folder under many different names and can also be found in models/props_c17.
CSS-cs havana-floodlightbulb.png

An overview for a map called fy_rockworld, an internal remake of the then-popular community map fy_iceworld.
CSS-cs havana-fy rockworld.png

V.I.P. Class Selection Graphic

A graphic for the V.I.P's class selection is located in materials/vgui/gfx/vgui.

CSS VIPClassSelection.png

Misplaced Graphic

The file, flowerbed1.vtf, can be found in the models folder of props/de_tides. Comparing it to the used file, the "dirt" was changed to an actual dirt texture and some grass was added to the bottom of the texture.

Unused Used
CSS flowerbed1 unused.png CSS flowerbed1 used.png

flowerbed2.vtf can also be found in the same directory as flowerbed1.vtf. The only difference is that they added pine branches in the empty space.

Unused Used
CSS flowerbed2 unused.png CSS flowerbed2 used.png

This is how the flowerbed model looks like with this texture applied (used texture added for comparison):

Unused Used
CSS-Unused flowerbed.png CSS-Used flowerbed.png

Unused C4 Icon

CSS C4.png

A very crude icon intended for the C4.



An odd, possibly a placeholder texture found in "materials\models\props\de_nuke". The alpha channel has the word "alpha" hidden inside of it, repeated twice.

Dynamic Pricing Leftovers

Two leftover icons and a leftover background from the cut Dynamic Pricing feature, where weapon prices would change depending on how often a weapon was bought by players. This feature was added to the Counter-Strike: Source Beta sometime around 2006, but was removed later.

PSD Files

Two .psd files for the MVP star and avatar background glow are seemingly misplaced in "materials\hud".