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Darius II (Sega Saturn)

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Title Screen

Darius II

Developer: I.T.L
Publisher: Taito
Platform: Sega Saturn
Released in JP: June 7, 1996
Released in EU: 1996

CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.
BonusIcon.png This game has hidden bonus content.

Zone Select

Darius 2 Saturn Zone Select.png

Quickly press Z, Down, L, Up at the main menu.

Bonus Content

The text file "STAFF.TXT" contains a list of staff members who worked on the Saturn conversion of the game.

Original Translated
サターン版 「DARIUSII」 スタッフ

      ◎ プログラム ◎

        金子 道明

        南雲 泰人

        阿部  央

         関  拓志

        赤座 清敬

      ◎ グラフィック ◎

        高須 雄二

        小松崎 成俊

        山田 耕司

        栗原 義昭

        藤原  淳
Saturn Version "Darius II" staff

     ◎ Programming ◎

     Kaneko Michiaki

     Nagumo Yasuhito

       Abe Hisashi

      Seki Takushi

      Akaza Kiyotaka

      ◎ Graphics ◎

       Takasu Yuuji

     Komatsuzaki Narutoshi

       Yamada Kouji

      Kurihara Yoshiaki

       Fujiwara Jun