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Development:Pokémon Gold and Silver/Pokémon Data/Cut Pokémon

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This is a sub-page of Development:Pokémon Gold and Silver/Pokémon Data.

The information in this article is pulled from the following files in the JP and KR sources:

Base Stats & TM Compatibility
1999/04/01 Pokemon\wk\setup\mons2_org\SOURCE\MONSDATA\TRASH\MONSTBL.KIN KR
1999/07/18 Pokemon\wk\setup\mons2_org\SOURCE\MONSDATA\BACKUP\MONSTBL.DAT KR
1999/07/30 Document\ダケモン金銀\資料old\PM2 personal ver3.5.xls JP
1999/08/14 Document\ダケモン金銀\資料old\data\PM2 personal ver3.7.xls JP
1999/08/17 Spaceworld 1999 Demo (0x519BA in ROM). JP
Evolution Conditions & Level-Up Moves
1997/11/15 Spaceworld 1997 demo. JP
1999/04/03 Pokemon\wk\setup\mons2_org\SOURCE\DATA\SHINKA.OLD KR
1999/07/21 Document\ダケモン金銀\資料old\shinka ver3.4.fmj JP
1999/08/16 Document\ダケモン金銀\資料old\data\shinka ver3.9.fmj JP
Egg Moves
1999/08/17 Spaceworld 1999 demo (0x23ABF in ROM). JP
1999/08/22 Pokemon\wk\setup\mons2_org\SOURCE\MONSDATA\KOWAZA.DAT KR
Pokédex Entries
1999/07/20 Pokemon\wk\setup\mons2_org\SOURCE\MONSDATA\ZUKANBK\Zukan2.dat KR
1999/08/01 Pokemon\wk\setup\mons2_org\SOURCE\MONSDATA\Zukan2.dat KR
1999/04/28 Pokemon\wk\setup\mons2_org\SOURCE\EFFDATA\VOICE.DAT KR
1999/08/17 Spaceworld 1999 Demo. JP
1999/08/17 Spaceworld 1999 Demo. JP

Pending 03 (Yanma Evolution)

Type 1 Type 2 HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed BST Catch Rate Base EXP Gender
Egg Group
1999/04/01 Normal Normal 10 10 10 10 10 10 60 90 163 50.0♂/50.0♀ Medium Slow
1999/07/18 Bug Flying 10 10 10 10 10 10 60 90 163 50.0♂/50.0♀ Medium Slow Bug
1999/08/14 Normal Normal 10 10 10 10 10 10 60 10 10 50.0♂/50.0♀ Medium Slow Bug
Evolves From Evolves Into
1999/04/03 Yanma - Level 10 None
1999/08/16 None None

A planned evolution for Yanma that was never really developed beyond the initial concept. The earliest instance of this Pokémon uses obvious placeholder stats, and by July the only thing that had changed were its typing and egg group, both of which it shared with Yanma anyway. The only other notable data is the level at which Yanma evolved - Level 10, the lowest evolution level of any newly-introduced Pokémon (besides baby Pokémon, which were later changed to either high friendship or Level 30 later on in development).

By August 14, it was already in the process of being removed: Yanma's evolution condition was removed, it was reverted back to a Normal type, and its catch rate and base experience yield were both dummied out. It managed to hang around through to the Spaceworld 1999 demo before the Pokémon order was reorganized, though by that point an early version of Lanturn's sprite was already assigned to its slot. Yanma would have to wait until Generation IV to finally get an evolution, Yanmega.

Level 1 Moves
LV Move
TM/HM Moves

It has a dummy moveset of Tackle and nothing else. It didn't even get any TMs assigned to it...

Egg Moves
1999/08/17 Flail Whirlwind Poisonpowder Confusion Leech Life

...but for some reason, it did get five egg moves! With the inclusion of these egg moves, plus moves for other fully-evolved Pokémon like Tsubomitto, Madaamu, and Purakkusu, it's likely that whoever was assigning egg moves to Pokemon didn't entirely know what they were doing. What's even stranger is that these moves are different from Yanma's egg moves. Someone caught onto this set pretty quick, because it was deleted by August 22.


Original Translated
GS 990613 pokemon front 193.png
No. 193
Pokemon GS SW99 Lanturn Footprint.png
たかさ  1.4m
おもさ  7.1kg
GS 990613 pokemon front 193.png
No. 193
Pokemon GS SW99 Lanturn Footprint.png
Sprout Pokémon
Height 1.4m
Weight 7.1kg
ねっこのような あしさきから
じめんのなかの ようぶんを
すいとって せいかつ している。
It lives by absorbing
nutrients in the ground
through its root-like feet.
Type 1 Type 2 HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed BST Catch Rate Base EXP Gender
Egg Group
1997/22/11 Grass Poison 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 50.0♂/50.0♀ Medium Slow
1999/04/01 Grass Poison 70 120 60 115 55 65 485 45 191 50.0♂/50.0♀ Medium Slow
1999/07/18 Grass Poison 70 120 60 115 55 65 485 45 191 50.0♂/50.0♀ Medium Slow Grass
1999/07/30 Grass Poison 80 120 65 85 60 70 480 45 191 50.0♂/50.0♀ Medium Slow Grass
Evolves From Evolves Into
1997/22/11 Weepinbell - Poison Stone None
1999/04/03 None None
1999/07/21 Weepinbell - Sun Stone None

GS 990613 pokemon front 193 shinySW.png
Tsubomitto would have been a counterpart to Bellossom: an alternate evolution triggered by using a Poison Stone (later a Sun Stone) instead of a Leaf Stone on a second-stage Grass/Poison Pokémon. While Tsubomitto's stat distribution was originally more distinct from Victreebel, its final stats are almost identical but for taking 15 points from Special Attack and putting them into Attack. A shiny version was made prior to the Spaceworld 1999 demo, which would later be inherited by Lanturn.

1997/11/15 1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves Level 1 Moves Level 1 Moves Level 1 Moves
Vine Whip Vine Whip Vine Whip Vine Whip
Poison Powder Stun Spore Sleep Powder Growth
Acid Acid Wrap Lovely Kiss
Razor Leaf Razor Leaf Razor Leaf
LV Move LV Move LV Move LV Move
6 Growth
11 Wrap 13 Wrap
15 Poisonpowder 15 Sleep Powder
16 Sleep Powder 17 Poisonpowder
19 Stun Spore
24 Acid
33 Lovely Kiss
42 Razor Leaf
54 Solar Beam 54 Solar Beam

If the March 1999 moveset looks familiar, it's because it's almost identical to Victreebel's learnset in Generation I, except the extra Level 1 Sleep Powder has been removed. The July moveset is actually a copy of Weepinbell's at the time, only with Slam replaced by Solar Beam and Sweet Scent replaced by...Lovely Kiss, Jynx's signature move! That's an unsettling mental image. Its last known moveset deletes most of its level-up moves but keeps Growth, Razor Leaf, and Lovely Kiss as Level 1 moves. Nevertheless, Bellsprout would get Lovely Kiss through a distribution event, far later into the generation, in 2002.

TM/HM Moves
TM01 - Dynamicpunch TM02 - Headbutt TM03 - Curse TM04 - Rollout TM05 - Roar
TM06 - Toxic TM07 - Zap Cannon TM08 - Rock Smash TM09 - Psych Up TM10 - Hidden Power
TM11 - Sunny Day TM12 - Sweet Scent TM13 - Snore TM14 - Blizzard TM15 - Hyper Beam
TM16 - Icy Wind TM17 - Protect TM18 - Rain Dance TM19 - Giga Drain TM20 - Endure
TM21 - Frustration TM22 - Solarbeam TM23 - Iron Tail TM24 - Dragonbreath TM25 - Thunder
TM26 - Earthquake TM27 - Return TM28 - Dig TM29 - Psychic TM30 - Shadow Ball
TM31 - Mud-Slap TM32 - Double Team TM33 - Ice Punch TM34 - Swagger TM35 - Sleep Talk
TM36 - Sludge Bomb TM37 - Sandstorm TM38 - Fire Blast TM39 - Swift TM40 - Defense Curl
TM41 - Thunderpunch TM42 - Dream Eater TM43 - Detect TM44 - Rest TM45 - Attract
TM46 - Thief TM47 - Steel Wing TM48 - Fire Punch TM49 - Fury Cutter TM50 - Nightmare
HM01 - Cut HM02 - Fly HM03 - Surf HM04 - Strength HM05 - Flash
HM06 - Whirlpool HM07 - Waterfall

Tsubomitto's TM pool is largely the same as Victreebel's at the time, just with Headbutt added and being able to learn Fury Cutter instead of Nightmare.

Egg Moves
1999/08/17 Leech Seed Confuse Ray Growth Take Down Thrash
1999/08/22 Leech Seed Confuse Ray Growth Take Down Psybeam

Of the egg moves listed here, Take Down can already be learned by transferring Bellsprout from a Gen I game, Growth is learned by Bellsprout naturally, and Confuse Ray isn't learned by any Pokémon in the Grass egg group, leaving it inaccessible.


Original Translated
GS 990613 pokemon front 195.png
No. 195
Pokemon GS SW99 Wooper Footprint.png
たかさ  1.2m
おもさ 27.0kg
GS 990613 pokemon front 195.png
No. 195
Pokemon GS SW99 Wooper Footprint.png
Wild Duck Pokémon
Height 1.2m
Weight 27.0kg
めったに みかけない ちんしゅ。
もっているのは ねぎぼうずと
さいきんの けんきゅうで わかった。
A rare species that is seldom seen.
Recent studies have discovered that the
object it holds is a spring onion flower.
Type 1 Type 2 HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed BST Catch Rate Base EXP Gender
Egg Group
1997/22/11 Normal Flying 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 50.0♂/50.0♀ Medium Fast
1999/04/01 Normal Flying 72 105 75 63 72 70 457 25 196 50.0♂/50.0♀ Medium Fast
1999/07/18 Normal Flying 72 105 75 63 72 70 457 25 196 50.0♂/50.0♀ Medium Fast Flying
1999/08/14 Normal Flying 72 105 75 63 72 70 457 25 196 50.0♂/50.0♀ Medium Fast Flying / Field
Evolves From Evolves Into
1997/22/11 Farfetch'd - level 24 None
1999/04/03 None None
1999/07/21 Farfetch'd - High Friendship None

GS 990613 pokemon front 195 shinySW.png
Madaamu would have been a much-needed evolution for Farfetch'd, who ended up waiting another 20 years for the privilege. Compared to Farfetch'd, it has 5 more base Special Attack, 10 more base Speed and Special Defense, 20 more base HP and Defense, and 40 more base Attack. Not a spectacular evolution, but it's better than what it was before. A shiny version was made prior to the Spaceworld 1999 demo, which ended up getting inherited by Wooper.

1997/11/15 1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves Level 1 Moves Level 1 Moves
Peck Peck Peck
Sand Attack
LV Move LV Move LV Move
7 Sand Attack 7 Leer 7 Sand Attack
13 Leer 15 Fury Attack 13 Leer
19 Fury Attack 23 Swords Dance 19 Fury Attack
25 Wing Attack 31 Agility 25 Swords Dance
31 Swords Dance 39 Slash 31 Agility
37 False Swipe 43 Agility 37 Slash
49 Slash 44 False Swipe
55 Fury Cutter

Like Golbat and its friendship-based evolution Crobat, Farfetch'd and Madaamu have identical learnsets, and the changes seen here are true for both Pokémon. It's notable that in November 1997, Farfetch'd had a slightly different learnset, including Wing Attack and Fury Cutter, the former of which would not be seen even as an Egg Move in the final game.

TM/HM Moves
TM01 - Dynamicpunch TM02 - Headbutt TM03 - Curse TM04 - Rollout TM05 - Roar
TM06 - Toxic TM07 - Zap Cannon TM08 - Rock Smash TM09 - Psych Up TM10 - Hidden Power
TM11 - Sunny Day TM12 - Sweet Scent TM13 - Snore TM14 - Blizzard TM15 - Hyper Beam
TM16 - Icy Wind TM17 - Protect TM18 - Rain Dance TM19 - Giga Drain TM20 - Endure
TM21 - Frustration TM22 - Solarbeam TM23 - Iron Tail TM24 - Dragonbreath TM25 - Thunder
TM26 - Earthquake TM27 - Return TM28 - Dig TM29 - Psychic TM30 - Shadow Ball
TM31 - Mud-Slap TM32 - Double Team TM33 - Ice Punch TM34 - Swagger TM35 - Sleep Talk
TM36 - Sludge Bomb TM37 - Sandstorm TM38 - Fire Blast TM39 - Swift TM40 - Defense Curl
TM41 - Thunderpunch TM42 - Dream Eater TM43 - Detect TM44 - Rest TM45 - Attract
TM46 - Thief TM47 - Steel Wing TM48 - Fire Punch TM49 - Fury Cutter TM50 - Nightmare
HM01 - Cut HM02 - Fly HM03 - Surf HM04 - Strength HM05 - Flash
HM06 - Whirlpool HM07 - Waterfall

Compared to Farfetch'd at the same point in development, Madaamu gains compatibility with Zap Cannon, Hyper Beam, and Thunder, but strangely loses compatibility with Curse, Psych Up, Iron Tail, Double Team, and Cut. It's not clear whether this was deliberate, or if the developers updated Farfetch'd's TM pool at some point and just forgot to update Madaamu's.

Egg Moves
1999/08/17 Horn Drill Pursuit Faint Attack Steel Wing Whirlwind

Madaamu can already learn Steel Wing through TM47, and Whirlwind can be transferred from a Gen I Farfetch'd. "Horn Drill" is supposed to be Drill Peck; the same error can be found in an early egg move pool for Murkrow.


Original Translated
GS 990613 pokemon front 200.png
No. 200
たかさ  0.7m
おもさ  1.0kg
GS 990613 pokemon front 200.png
No. 200
Straw Pokémon
Height 0.7m
Weight 1.0kg
だれも ちかよらない ばしょで
ひっそりとくらす。なまえを よぶと
のろわれるという うわさだ。
It lives quietly in places that no
one goes near. Rumor has it that
calling out its name will curse you.
Type 1 Type 2 HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed BST Catch Rate Base EXP Gender
Egg Group
1997/22/11 Ghost 55 40 50 45 75 50 50 50 100 50.0♂/50.0♀ Medium Slow
1999/04/01 Ghost Dark 30 120 60 120 60 10 400 75 125 50.0♂/50.0♀ Medium Fast
1999/07/18 Ghost Dark 30 120 60 120 60 10 400 75 125 50.0♂/50.0♀ Medium Fast None
Evolves From Evolves Into
1997/22/11 None Kyonpan - Level 1
1999/04/03 None None

Norowara returns without its evolution Kyonpan and with an added Dark type, ending up as the only single-stage Pokémon on this list page to get cut. Great attack stats, middling defense stats, and pathetic HP make it a good candidate for a glass cannon setup, but the truly terrible 10 base Speed does that whole idea in. At least its Ghost/Dark typing would leave it with no elemental weaknesses. Unlike every other Pokémon in the July 17 file, Norowara was not assigned any egg groups, a pretty good sign that it was already on its way out.

GS 990613 pokemon back 200.png
While the June 13 sprite bank uses the front sprite from the Spaceworld 1997 demo, the back sprite seems to be from a different design: it wears a headband, seems to be wielding a nail in its hand, and has an extra nail slung across its back.

Misdreavus took its slot by August 14, initially keeping Norowara's Ghost/Dark typing before becoming pure Ghost.

1997/11/15 1999/04/03
Level 1 Moves Level 1 Moves
Leech Life Curse
LV Move LV Move
8 Disable N/A
16 Destiny Bond
25 Spite
35 Confusion
46 Night Shade
58 Substitute
71 Psychic
85 Pain Split
100 Curse

With respect to the SpaceWorld 1997 demo, considering the Level 1 evolution condition and design traits, Norowara could have been an allegory to the act of pushing B to cancel evolution. In this case, pushing B drives the nail into it, which culminates into a final Curse at Level 100, when it can be driven in no further. However, it is also possible that the level-up condition, while the only Pokemon like it in the demo, was merely dummied out, intended to be figured out later. In the same demo, Kyonpan, its original intended evolution, had a very different learnset, learning moves like Stomp instead of Norowara's Ghost- and Psychic-type attacks. By the time it was ready to be cut, however, Norowara simply had Curse in its learnset and nothing else, clearly on the way out.

TM/HM Moves
TM01 - Dynamicpunch TM02 - Headbutt TM03 - Curse TM04 - Rollout TM05 - Roar
TM06 - Toxic TM07 - Zap Cannon TM08 - Rock Smash TM09 - Psych Up TM10 - Hidden Power
TM11 - Sunny Day TM12 - Sweet Scent TM13 - Snore TM14 - Blizzard TM15 - Hyper Beam
TM16 - Icy Wind TM17 - Protect TM18 - Rain Dance TM19 - Giga Drain TM20 - Endure
TM21 - Frustration TM22 - Solarbeam TM23 - Iron Tail TM24 - Dragonbreath TM25 - Thunder
TM26 - Earthquake TM27 - Return TM28 - Dig TM29 - Psychic TM30 - Shadow Ball
TM31 - Mud-Slap TM32 - Double Team TM33 - Ice Punch TM34 - Swagger TM35 - Sleep Talk
TM36 - Sludge Bomb TM37 - Sandstorm TM38 - Fire Blast TM39 - Swift TM40 - Defense Curl
TM41 - Thunderpunch TM42 - Dream Eater TM43 - Detect TM44 - Rest TM45 - Attract
TM46 - Thief TM47 - Steel Wing TM48 - Fire Punch TM49 - Fury Cutter TM50 - Nightmare
HM01 - Cut HM02 - Fly HM03 - Surf HM04 - Strength HM05 - Flash
HM06 - Whirlpool HM07 - Waterfall

Norowara had a good mix of offensive TMs it could learn, as well as utility moves like Protect and Endure. Strangely, it could learn Iron Tail despite lacking a discernible tail in either of its designs.


Original Translated
GS 990613 pokemon front 202.png
No. 202
たかさ  1.0m
おもさ  0.2kg
GS 990613 pokemon front 202.png
No. 202
Spiral Pokémon
Height 1.0m
Weight 0.2kg
いつも うずを まくように
2つの あたまが うごいている。
なぜか いつも とけいまわりだ。
Both heads are constantly swirling
around. For unknown reasons,
they always move clockwise.
Cry (1999/04/28) Cry (1999/08/17)
Type 1 Type 2 HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed BST Catch Rate Base EXP Gender
Egg Group
1997/22/11 Dark Normal 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 50.0♂/50.0♀ Medium Slow
1999/04/01 Ghost 20 20 20 65 85 45 255 190 95 50.0♂/50.0♀ Medium Slow
1999/07/18 Ghost 20 20 20 65 85 45 255 190 95 50.0♂/50.0♀ Medium Slow Amorphous
1999/08/14 Normal Psychic 40 50 35 60 35 55 275 190 95 50.0♂/50.0♀ Medium Slow Field
Evolves From Evolves Into
1997/22/11 None Girafarig - Level 29
1999/04/03 None Girafarig - Level 17
1999/08/16 None Girafarig - Level 24

PokeGoldDemo-front 193.png
The original Tsuinzu in the SpaceWorld 1997 demo was interpreted as conjoined twin ghosts, seemingly pulling away from each other. However, it was not substantiated in any other way, having Girafarig's learnset.

GS 990613 pokemon front 202 shinySW.png
Tsuinzu was much more refined come 1999: Instead of being conjoined twin ghosts, Tsuinzu is (are?) now two separate ghosts that are always moving in a clockwise spiral pattern. A shiny form was made before July 30, which can be restored through the skeleton draft of Wobbuffet from the SpaceWorld 1999 demo, still having Tsuinzu's old palettes.

Pokemon GS SW99 Back 202.png
Sometime after July 30, the initial twin ghost concept had been replaced by a younger version of Girafarig with a single horn and a mouthless tail. The new version of Tsuinzu was a Normal/Psychic type like Girafarig and, as a result of Girafarig's evolution being cut, has a higher evolution threshold. Both the front sprite of this design and its Pokédex entry (if any) are lost, having been replaced by early versions of Wobbuffet's sprite and Pokédex entry by Spaceworld 1999.

1997/11/15 1999/04/03 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves Level 1 Moves Level 1 Moves
Double Kick Tackle Tackle
LV Move LV Move LV Move
6 Growl N/A 7 Confusion
11 Sand Attack 13 Stomp
20 Agility
27 Baton Pass
35 Psybeam
43 Crunch

Initially, Tsuinzu merely had Girafarig's bare-bones learnset used in the gameplay of the SpaceWorld 1997 demo. This was later dummied out to just Tackle before the "baby Girafarig" design was given the same moveset as Girafarig, but at lower levels. Exciting!

TM/HM Moves
TM01 - Dynamicpunch TM02 - Headbutt TM03 - Curse TM04 - Rollout TM05 - Roar
TM06 - Toxic TM07 - Zap Cannon TM08 - Rock Smash TM09 - Psych Up TM10 - Hidden Power
TM11 - Sunny Day TM12 - Sweet Scent TM13 - Snore TM14 - Blizzard TM15 - Hyper Beam
TM16 - Icy Wind TM17 - Protect TM18 - Rain Dance TM19 - Giga Drain TM20 - Endure
TM21 - Frustration TM22 - Solarbeam TM23 - Iron Tail TM24 - Dragonbreath TM25 - Thunder
TM26 - Earthquake TM27 - Return TM28 - Dig TM29 - Psychic TM30 - Shadow Ball
TM31 - Mud-Slap TM32 - Double Team TM33 - Ice Punch TM34 - Swagger TM35 - Sleep Talk
TM36 - Sludge Bomb TM37 - Sandstorm TM38 - Fire Blast TM39 - Swift TM40 - Defense Curl
TM41 - Thunderpunch TM42 - Dream Eater TM43 - Detect TM44 - Rest TM45 - Attract
TM46 - Thief TM47 - Steel Wing TM48 - Fire Punch TM49 - Fury Cutter TM50 - Nightmare
HM01 - Cut HM02 - Fly HM03 - Surf HM04 - Strength HM05 - Flash
HM06 - Whirlpool HM07 - Waterfall
  • Black: Moves from initial 1999/07/18 learnset.
  • Blue: Move added by 1999/08/17.

The older twin ghost version does have a full set of TMs it can learn, though, with Psych Up being the only addition to the newer design's learnset.

Egg Moves
1999/08/17 Mist Spite Disable Screech Bite

The bestial version had a full set of egg moves, all of which were deleted by August 22.

Pending 05 (Girafarig Evolution)

Type 1 Type 2 HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed BST Catch Rate Base EXP Gender
Egg Group
1999/04/01 Ghost Normal 65 45 45 100 120 60 435 45 190 50.0♂/50.0♀ Medium Slow
1999/07/18 Ghost Normal 65 45 45 100 120 60 435 45 190 50.0♂/50.0♀ Medium Slow Field
Evolves From Evolves Into
1999/04/03 Girafarig - Level 34 None

The concept of a Girafarig evolution postdates Tsuinzu, having been added sometime during the 1999 redevelopment. Unlike Yanma's planned evolution, this had a bit more work put into it: improved stats, which oddly enough are still lower than Girafarig's stats in the final game, and a Ghost/Normal typing, which it originally shared with Girafarig. Besides being assigned an egg group, that's where development stopped. It was replaced by an early version of Pineco by the end of July. A different Girafarig evolution, Farigiraf, was implemented over 23 years later in Generation IX.

Level 1 Moves
LV Move
TM/HM Moves

The same placeholder move pool as the Yanma evolution.

Pending 06 (Shuckle Evolution)

Type 1 Type 2 HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed BST Catch Rate Base EXP Gender
Egg Group
1999/04/01 Rock Ground 70 50 120 30 120 30 420 75 174 Genderless Medium Slow
1999/07/18 Rock Ground 70 50 120 30 120 30 420 75 174 Genderless Medium Slow Mineral
Evolves From Evolves Into
1999/04/03 Shuckle - Level 22 None

Yes, Shuckle originally had an evolution which also reused its early Rock/Ground typing. However, this was back when Shuckle wasn't the defensively-specced gimmick Pokémon it later turned into, so there's nothing that interesting aside from the fact that it once existed. As with the Yanma and Girafarig evolutions, it wasn't developed much past its earliest known data in April.

Level 1 Moves
LV Move
TM/HM Moves

...and that includes the placeholder movepool. By the end of July, Dunsparce had taken over its slot.


Original (1999/07/20) Translated (1999/07/20)
GS 990613 pokemon front 213.png
No. 213
たかさ  1.8m
おもさ 80.0kg
GS 990613 pokemon front 213.png
No. 213
Big Horn Pokémon
Height  1.8m
Weight 80.0kg
あいてを はさんで ひっくりかえす。
ながく のびた ツノには
こうてつの せいぶんが ふくまれる。
It pinches its opponents and
flips them over. Its elongated
horns contain steel components.
Original (1999/08/01) Translated (1999/08/01)
GS 990613 pokemon front 213.png
No. 213
たかさ  1.8m
GS 990613 pokemon front 213.png
No. 213
Big Horn Pokémon
Height 1.8m
Weight 115.5kg
こうてつのような からだを いかし
わざと こうげきを うけてから
ツノではさんで ひっくりかえす。
Taking advantage of its steel-like body,
it lets itself take attacks, then pinches
its opponent in its horns and flips them.
Type 1 Type 2 HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed BST Catch Rate Base EXP Gender
Egg Group
1997/22/11 Bug 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 50.0♂/50.0♀ Slow
1999/04/01 Bug 75 125 125 55 75 85 540 25 209 50.0♂/50.0♀ Slow
1999/07/18 Bug 75 125 125 55 75 85 540 25 209 50.0♂/50.0♀ Slow Bug
1999/07/30 Bug Steel 65 125 140 55 70 45 500 25 209 50.0♂/50.0♀ Slow Bug
Evolves From Evolves Into
1997/22/11 Pinsir - Level 42 None
1999/04/03 Pinsir - Trade while holding King's Rock None
1999/08/16 Pinsir - Trade while holding Metal Coat None

Scizor's doomed counterpart Purakkusu went through a great deal of development before getting cut, including two Pokédex entries, two methods of evolution, and the addition of a Steel subtype. It was meant to form a trio with Scizor and Heracross: Each is a Bug-type Pokémon, each has the same BST (which were all nerfed from 540 to 500 at the same time), and they're all grouped together in the early National Pokédex.

GS 990613 pokemon front 213 shinySW.png
It's not clear why it was cut; perhaps having two Bug/Steel Pokémon with similar stat distributions made Purakkusu seem redundant. Whatever the case, an early version of Forretress took over its slot by the Spaceworld 1999 demo, and though Forretress is also a Bug/Steel type, its role ended up being different enough from Scizor's to justify its existence. A shiny version was made prior to the Spaceworld 1999 demo, which ended up getting inherited by Forretress.

1997/11/15 1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves Level 1 Moves Level 1 Moves Level 1 Moves
ViceGrip ViceGrip ViceGrip ViceGrip
LV Move LV Move LV Move LV Move
7 Focus Energy 21 Bind 7 Focus Energy 7 Focus Energy
14 Harden 25 Seismic Toss 13 Bind 13 Bind
22 Seismic Toss 30 Guillotine 19 Seismic Toss 19 Seismic Toss
31 Endure 36 Focus Energy 25 Harden 25 Harden
41 Slash 43 Harden 31 Guillotine 31 Guillotine
52 Cross Cutter 49 Slash 37 Slash 37 Slash
64 Swords Dance 54 Swords Dance 43 Swords Dance 43 Swords Dance
77 Guillotine

In the SpaceWorld 1997 demo, Purakkusu was the only Pokemon other than Pinsir to learn the move Cross Cutter, a 50 Base Power Bug-type move with a high critical hit rate. This was later replaced by Cross Chop, which it, unfortunately, did not receive in the final game. Its moveset was identical to Pinsir's, save for the levels moves are learned at being slightly higher. In later iterations, it remains identical, though it learns Slash instead of Submission. By July 21 its learnset underwent the same move shuffling as its unevolved form, and by mid-August, Harden had been replaced by Protect to further differentiate itself from Pinsir.

TM/HM Moves
TM01 - Dynamicpunch TM02 - Headbutt TM03 - Curse TM04 - Rollout TM05 - Roar
TM06 - Toxic TM07 - Zap Cannon TM08 - Rock Smash TM09 - Psych Up TM10 - Hidden Power
TM11 - Sunny Day TM12 - Sweet Scent TM13 - Snore TM14 - Blizzard TM15 - Hyper Beam
TM16 - Icy Wind TM17 - Protect TM18 - Rain Dance TM19 - Giga Drain TM20 - Endure
TM21 - Frustration TM22 - Solarbeam TM23 - Iron Tail TM24 - Dragonbreath TM25 - Thunder
TM26 - Earthquake TM27 - Return TM28 - Dig TM29 - Psychic TM30 - Shadow Ball
TM31 - Mud-Slap TM32 - Double Team TM33 - Ice Punch TM34 - Swagger TM35 - Sleep Talk
TM36 - Sludge Bomb TM37 - Sandstorm TM38 - Fire Blast TM39 - Swift TM40 - Defense Curl
TM41 - Thunderpunch TM42 - Dream Eater TM43 - Detect TM44 - Rest TM45 - Attract
TM46 - Thief TM47 - Steel Wing TM48 - Fire Punch TM49 - Fury Cutter TM50 - Nightmare
HM01 - Cut HM02 - Fly HM03 - Surf HM04 - Strength HM05 - Flash
HM06 - Whirlpool HM07 - Waterfall
  • Black: Moves from initial 1999/07/18 learnset.
  • Blue: Move added by 1999/08/17.

Compared to Pinsir at the same time in development, Purakkusu gained the ability to learn Rock Smash and Earthquake, but lost access to Hyper Beam for some reason.

Egg Moves
1999/08/17 Psybeam Counter Take Down Cross Chop Faint Attack

Another set of egg moves for a fully-evolved Pokémon. Cross Chop would have been nice...if anyone else in the Bug group could pass it down. At least Pinsir could already learn Take Down in Generation I.

Note that Purakkusu doesn't learn a single Steel-type move in any of these sets. Poor thing got shafted.

Pending 10 (Piloswine Evolution)

Print Cry
Pokemon GS SW99 Slugma Footprint.png
Type 1 Type 2 HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed BST Catch Rate Base EXP Gender
Egg Group
1999/04/01 Ice Ground 100 80 120 60 120 20 500 45 185 50.0♂/50.0♀ Slow
1999/07/18 Ice Ground 100 80 120 60 120 20 500 45 185 50.0♂/50.0♀ Slow Field
Evolves From Evolves Into
1999/04/03 Piloswine - Level 42 None
1999/08/16 Piloswine - Level 30 None

GS CBB pokemon front 222 p10.png
With a unique footprint and cry, this "Pending" evolution made it furthest in development, and seems to have been the only one to have been worked on past July 18. Compared to Piloswine's stats at the time, this evolution would have 15 more base Special Attack, 20 more base Attack, 25 more base HP, and 30 more base Defense and Special Defense. Compared to Piloswine's eventual Generation IV evolution Mamoswine, its BST is 30 points lower. What seems to be its front sprite can be found in the CBB scratchpads for Slugma, displaying larger tusks with its mouth agape.

Like the rest of the Swinub line, this evolution was originally geared more towards being a tank. Had it survived into the final game with the same stat distributions as its other forms, its Attack and Speed stats would have increased, while its Defense and Special Defense stats would have dropped.

1999/04/03 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves Level 1 Moves
Horn Attack
Powder Snow Powder Snow
LV Move LV Move
N/A 15 Fury Attack
22 Endure
29 Take Down
40 Mist
51 Blizzard

The Swinub line had a placeholder moveset that only contained Powder Snow through at least July 21. By the middle of August, Swinub and Piloswine had their final moves, though the levels were shuffled around a bit afterwards. The only difference between Piloswine's learnset and its evolution's is that it learns Mist four levels later and Blizzard eight levels later.

TM/HM Moves
TM01 - Dynamicpunch TM02 - Headbutt TM03 - Curse TM04 - Rollout TM05 - Roar
TM06 - Toxic TM07 - Zap Cannon TM08 - Rock Smash TM09 - Psych Up TM10 - Hidden Power
TM11 - Sunny Day TM12 - Sweet Scent TM13 - Snore TM14 - Blizzard TM15 - Hyper Beam
TM16 - Icy Wind TM17 - Protect TM18 - Rain Dance TM19 - Giga Drain TM20 - Endure
TM21 - Frustration TM22 - Solarbeam TM23 - Iron Tail TM24 - Dragonbreath TM25 - Thunder
TM26 - Earthquake TM27 - Return TM28 - Dig TM29 - Psychic TM30 - Shadow Ball
TM31 - Mud-Slap TM32 - Double Team TM33 - Ice Punch TM34 - Swagger TM35 - Sleep Talk
TM36 - Sludge Bomb TM37 - Sandstorm TM38 - Fire Blast TM39 - Swift TM40 - Defense Curl
TM41 - Thunderpunch TM42 - Dream Eater TM43 - Detect TM44 - Rest TM45 - Attract
TM46 - Thief TM47 - Steel Wing TM48 - Fire Punch TM49 - Fury Cutter TM50 - Nightmare
HM01 - Cut HM02 - Fly HM03 - Surf HM04 - Strength HM05 - Flash
HM06 - Whirlpool HM07 - Waterfall
  • Black: Moves from initial 1999/07/18 learnset.
  • Blue: Move added by 1999/08/17.

While initially skipped over in the original wave of TM assignments, Piloswine's evolution eventually got some TMs assigned by Spaceworld 1999, and they're identical to Piloswine's TM learnset at the time.