Dragon Quest Builders 2/Unused Text
This is a sub-page of Dragon Quest Builders 2.
...But what does it mean? This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation! |
To do: An absolutely bonkers amount of untranslated entries are floating around in here. Points of interest include...
To do: Sapphire here, I'm going to put all unused text into 4 categories,(subpages). We need to translate the japanese one, and sort it. This page can have misc strings, like a compilation of all prerelease images text, or the Malroth lines, or the strings in the menus and such. Debug build info like the Aquabooster can go in debug build? or do we put it here?
The game has an absolutely gargantuan library of unused text. There are references to nearly everything you can think of cutting from a game, cut items, cut areas, cut NPCs, cut mechanics, the list goes on and on. A massive thanks to lilisaurusrex for extracting the text files from the game!
To do: Sapphire here. The switch release dump that gets referenced was made by me with the help of the Linkdata Browser by Turtle-Insect |
Due to the game undergoing plot revisions up until right before release, there is actually a fair amount of text from older versions of the plot with very notable differences.[1]
Japanese Text Full unused text that has not been translated! Only has a Japanese variant |
English Text Full unused text that has an english translation. Has English and Japanese variants |
Mixed Text Text files that have been used, but have some unused lines in them! |
Dev Commentary Text that has some never meant to be seen lines. |
Main story dialogue
Japanese unused | Japanese used | Notes |
38C0.TTF | 50F0.TTF | |
シドー「んあ!? なんだ今のは!?
オマエが 手を出すから 思わず たたいちまったが…。 |
シドー「んああ!? なんだ今のは!?
オマエが 手を出すから 思わず たたいちまったが…。 | |
シドー「……なに? はいたっち だと?
なにかを やりとげたときにする ぽーず なのか? |
シドー「……なに? はいたっち だと?
なにかを やりとげたときにする ぽーず なのか? | |
シドー「チッ ナンパな ふるまいだぜ…。
まあ… 悪い気もしないがな。 |
シドー「チッ ナンパな ふるまいだぜ…。
まあ… 悪い気もしないがな。 | |
魔物どもを ぜんぶ ぶっ倒せたな。 ムシャクシャが 多少は スッキリしたぜ! |
シドー「ところで どうなんだ?
オレと いっしょに 魔物を倒してみて 戦いのコツは つかめたのか? | |
50F8.TTF | ||
こっちのほうが 似合いみたいだ…。 物作りに 少し 興味があったんだがな。 |
シドー「ハッハッハ よし!
魔物を倒して いっしょに 強くなれたな! | |
シドー「……オマエ ビルドって 言ったな。
ビルダーのオマエが 少しだけ うらやましいぜ。 |
シドー「……だが! オマエは ビルダーだ。
強い敵は オレに まかせておけ。 そのかわり 物を作るのは まかせたからな! | |
シドー「見習いで そこまで物を作れるんだ。
あの女が言っていた マスタービルダーってのは とんでもなく すごいんだろうな…! |
シドー「……やっぱり オレには
物を壊すほうが 似合いみたいだ…。 物作りってヤツに 少し 興味があったんだがな。 | |
シドー「さてと。 あの女のことも心配だ。
部屋にもどって オレたちも 寝るとしようぜ! |
シドー「さてと あの女のことも心配だ。
部屋にもどって オレたちも 寝るとしようぜ! | |
シドー「…… ……。
シドー「…… ……。
| |
オマエの 物作り 悪くなかったぜ。 夜が明けたら この島 いっしょに探検しような! |
オマエの 物作り なかなかのもんだぜ。 夜が明けたら この島 いっしょに探検しような! | |
シドー「おい ビルド
早いとこ 部屋に もどるぞ! |
シドー「…… ……。
シドー「なあ ビルド…。
いつ来るかは わからない。 夜が明けたら 島をいっしょに 探検しようぜ。 |
シドー「今日は ありがとな。
オマエの 物作り 悪くなかったぜ。 |
シドー「それじゃあ たった今から
オマエは オレの子分だ。 せいぜい 物作りに はげめよな! |
ピンチのときは オレがオマエを 助けてやる。 オレの名と 命にかけて。 |
シドー「よし 今日のところは
部屋にもどって 寝るとしよう。 夜が明けたら 島の中を くまなく探検しようぜ! |
English unused | English used | Notes |
38C1.TTF | 50F1.TTF | |
Whoa, what was that? When you stuck your hand out just then, I got this irresistible urge to slap it.
Whoa, what was that? When you stuck your hand out just then, I got this irresistible urge to slap it.
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...It's called a "high five"? It's something friends do to celebrate a job well done?
...It's called a "high five"? It's something friends do to celebrate a job well done?
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Well, as long as it's only for special occasions, I suppose I can get on board.
Huh. I never thought of myself as the touchy-feely type, but maybe I can make an exception for this "high five" malarkey.
| |
Anyway, I feel much better after mauling those monsters. It's like an irritating little itch has been well and truly scratched.
Anyway, how did you enjoy the battle? I don't know about you, but I'm feeling fitter already!
| |
50F9.TTF | ||
I wish I could build stuff like you do, but I guess wanton destruction is much more my bag.
Felt good whacking that rat, right? It's like an irritating little itch has been well and truly scratched.
| |
I'm glad I've found my calling, don't get me wrong, but I'm more than a little envious of you and your knack for crafting.
But don't forget you're a builder, not a fighter! If you want to stick to the construction, you can leave the monster-mashing to me.
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And to think, you're only an apprentice, and you can already make loads of stuff! Just imagine the things you'll be building when you're a master crafter!
...Still, building does look like fun. I wish I could make stuff like you do, but I guess wanton destruction is much more my bag.
| |
Anyway, let's head back to the hut before that Lulu character steals all the bedding. She's a wily one alright - you better make sure you sleep with one eye open tonight!
Anyway, let's head back to the hut before Lulu steals all the bedding. She's a wily one alright━you better make sure you sleep with one eye open tonight!
| |
| |
I'm glad I met you. What do you say we explore the whole island together, just you and me? ...But let's do it tomorrow - I'm about to conk out any second now!
I'm glad I met you. What do you say we explore the whole island together, just you and me? ...But let's do it tomorrow - I'm about to conk out any second now!
| |
Misc NPC dialogue
...But does it make sense? The translations on this page need to be proofread. If you are fluent enough in this language, please make any corrections necessary! |
Message (JP) | Translation | Notes |
0000E1D1.TTF | 46693 (Switch EU) | ||
ジゴック「すまぬ ビルドよ。
やはり私は 根っからの 破壊の徒…。 ここにおると 破壊の衝動が おさえられぬ!
ジゴック「ああ! 島の物を 壊してしまう前に
私を 故郷の島に 返してくれ……ッ!!
ジゴック「…… ……なーんちゃって!
ジゴック「クックック 実は逆でな!
みなといると 物を作りたくて たまらなくなる。 さあ! もっと ともに物を作ろうぞ! |
Sorry Builder.
After all, I am a destroyer at heart... When I'm here, I can't control my destructive urges! Ah! But before I destroy everything on this island
Please return me to my home island...! ! …… ……Just kidding!
Mua-hah-hah. Actually, it's the opposite!
When I'm with you guys, I can't help but want to create things. Here we go! Let's create more things together! |
A quip for Hellen, stored untranslated in all languages, with her pool of random NPC quotes. It's an instance of her "...I jest!" bit shared between her and her apprentice, Alakazam. |
Misc system text
Location | Message (JP or EN) | Translation | Notes |
00000001.DAT | The island is too full for a baby to be born... | N/A | This and a few other lines in the system text seem to allude to a cut feature where the villagers themselves, instead of just livestock animals, were able to produce children. There is a separate line that specifies "animal" when new animal NPCs cannot be generated due to the population cap. |
00000079.DAT | Description of unused ### | N/A | With the item set strings, presumably description of something unused... the ### is numbers 478 through 511. The associated description for all of the entries reads "Bar Counter", which is an existing item set. |
00003761.TTF | <pname> awakens on a sandy shore.
<scron>It seems <morf(he,she)> has washed up on a desert island, along with the wreckage of the skeleton's ship. <scroff><morf(He,She)> decides to take a look around, to see what <morf(he,she)> can see... Thank you for playing the demo of DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS 2. Please note that any save data created after this point cannot be used in the release version of the game. In the release version, this island will be reset to its default state, but your system save data and any snapshots you have taken will be carried over. |
N/A | The message shown to the player upon completion of the older demo version of the game. This demo build is no longer widely available, having been supplanted by the Jumbo Demo, which released in late 2019. |
Various | データを確認して確下さい! | Please check the data to be sure! | An error message present several hundred times all over the place. |
Misc strings
Every character has a set of strings associated with them, that determine what they say on the little beige 'pop-up' texts. This is mostly used to assign different 'personalities' to the generated NPCs on the explorer's shore.
Interestingly enough, although Malroth has his own 'special' string set, it contains text for actions he cannot take in-game. By assigning Malroth's string ID to a normal NPC you can see some of these pop-ups:
Toilet time, no toilet available | Toilet time, after toilet | Eating time, no food available | Eating time, food available | Eating time, after eating | Sending away |
Note: If an NPC is given the 'enigma' job, they will complain about not being able to eat or go to the toilet, even if they are available.
Other characters may have unused dialogue like this too.
To do: look at other characters |
- ↑ DLCやアップデートで進化を続ける『DQビルダーズ2』の今だから話せる開発秘話を一挙公開!【電撃PS】 - Dengeki Online, April 10 2019