Duke Nukem Forever/Oddities
This is a sub-page of Duke Nukem Forever.
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To do:
Thanks to the unique development of Duke Nukem Forever, many oddities and oversights are present in the game.
For internal naming oddities, please visit here. For oddities found in the DLC, please visit here.
Barcode on General Graves' Face
General Graves has a (rather smudgy) bar code under his right eye. This detail appears to be left over from earlier builds of the game, where members of the EDF had bar codes on their faces. This idea was abandoned at some point, but Graves' texture doesn't seem to have been updated to account for this change.
Graves' Model (Final) | Grave's Model (2001 Builds) |
Graves' Texture (Final) | Graves' Texture (2001 Builds) |
Mark Skelton's Duke Design
An older design of Duke by artist Mark Skelton was used by the game from C. the mid-2000s up until Gearbox replaced it with a model of their own at some point. Despite this, many assets seen in the final game still use renders of or are based on this older design.
Instances of this include:
- The cover of Duke's Why I'm so Great book
- Many assets from the Duke Burger level (both in multiplayer and singleplayer).
- The interactable statute used in the puzzle in The Lady Killer: Part 3.
- Kill icon of Jetpack going haywire (kill_jetpack.dds).
Drivable Trucks
The trucks seen in the "Highway Battle: Part 2" level can in fact be driven. This can only occur if a player skips to the highway with the Holoduke via a glitch or uses console commands.
Not only can the trucks with barrel-throwing Pigcops be driven, but a truck transporting a house can as well.
Trucks with Pigcops | Truck with house |
Direct3D Support Source Code
Found in System/Shaders/PC is FixedEmuTypes.h, which features some source code for support of Direct3D, specify Direct3D 9. The final game requires DirectX.
Why this is here is not certain, but it's likely a leftover from a build circa 2003.
/*============================================================================= FixedEmuTypes.h: Duke Forever Direct3D9 support Copyright 1997-2003 3D Realms, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Revision history: Created by John Pollard =============================================================================*/ #ifndef FIXED_EMU_TYPES_H #define FIXED_EMU_TYPES_H #define GAUSSIAN_OLD #define OLD_TRANSPARENT_BUMPS #define FEMU_MAX_OPS (48) #define FEMU_MAX_ARGS (256) #define FEMU_MAX_SAMPLERS (16) #define FEMU_MAX_TEXCOORD_OPS (16) #define FEMU_MAX_RESULTS (FEMU_MAX_OPS) // Temp registers to hold results of each operation #define MAX_FIXEDEMU_LIGHTS (16) #define FEMU_MAX_CONSTS (16) #define FEMU_MAX_MATRICES (16) #define NULL_HANDLE (255) //#define INVALID_HANDLE (254) // // FEMU_OP (Operation) // #define FEMU_OP_Disable (0) #define FEMU_OP_Nop (1) #define FEMU_OP_TexCoords (2) // Load TexCoords from In.TexCoords[Arg[0]] #define FEMU_OP_Diffuse (3) // Loads diffuse color #define FEMU_OP_Texture (4) // Load Texture data #define FEMU_OP_Add (5) // Add Arg[0]+Arg[1] #define FEMU_OP_AddSmooth (6) #define FEMU_OP_Subtract (7) #define FEMU_OP_Dot3Biased (8) #define FEMU_OP_Dot3 (9) #define FEMU_OP_AddSigned2X (10) #define FEMU_OP_Min (11) #define FEMU_OP_Max (12) #define FEMU_OP_Exp (13) #define FEMU_OP_Cross (14) #define FEMU_OP_AddPreMultDiffAlpha (15) #define FEMU_OP_Mul (16) // Mul Arg[0]*Arg[1] #define FEMU_OP_Mul2X (17) // Mul Arg[0]*Arg[1]*2 #define FEMU_OP_Mul4X (18) // Mul Arg[0]*Arg[1]*4 #define FEMU_OP_Mul_Alpha (19) // Lerp( Arg[0], Arg[0]*Arg[1], Arg[0].a ) #define FEMU_OP_BlendDiffuseAlpha (20) #define FEMU_OP_DeferredBasePass (21) // #define FEMU_OP_DeferredLight (22) #define FEMU_OP_Parallax (23) // Shift UV's to simulate parallaxing effect #define FEMU_OP_AlphaTest (24) // Will early out of a pixel shader if the alphatest fails #define FEMU_OP_Lerp (25) #define FEMU_OP_SetAlpha (26) // Override alpha channel with Arg 0 #define FEMU_OP_Const (27) #define FEMU_OP_ReturnValue (28) #define FEMU_OP_FakeBumpMap (29) #define FEMU_OP_BumpCubeEnvMap (30) #define FEMU_OP_BumpWaterReflection (31) #define FEMU_OP_MultiPassLight (32) #define FEMU_OP_Bloom (33) #define FEMU_OP_ForwardBasePass (34) // Base pass for old style forward renderer #define FEMU_OP_DeferredBasePass_ThermalBS (35) #define FEMU_OP_Unused (36) // Was shadowvolume #define FEMU_OP_FogVolumePass0 (37) #define FEMU_OP_FogVolumePass1 (38) #define FEMU_OP_HeightFog_Forward (39) #define FEMU_OP_HeightFog_Deferred (40) #define FEMU_OP_DepthOfField0 (41) #define FEMU_OP_PixelMotionBlur0 (42) // Motion blur first pass, initializes velocity buffer #define FEMU_OP_Unused2 (44) #define FEMU_OP_DeferredAmbient_Bumps (45) #define FEMU_OP_DeferredFog (46) #define FEMU_OP_DeferredFSAA (47) #define FEMU_OP_DeferredPosOnly (48) #define FEMU_OP_ThermalPostPass1 (49) #define FEMU_OP_ThermalPostPass2 (50) #define FEMU_OP_DeferredBasePass_Thermal (51) // Non bumpshader version of base pass thermal #define FEMU_OP_TexScaleShift (52) // Scales and shifts existing texture coords (in pixel shader, so doesn't rely on number of tex registers) #define FEMU_OP_DeferredBasePass_Detail (53) #define FEMU_OP_DistanceColor (54) // Produces a color based on distance form camera #define FEMU_OP_Mul2X_Alpha (55) #define FEMU_OP_ShadowMapPass (56) #define FEMU_OP_1DConvolutionFilter (57) // 1d seperable convolution filter #define FEMU_OP_CalcLum (58) #define FEMU_OP_CalcAdaptedLum (59) #define FEMU_OP_FinalHDRPass (60) #define FEMU_OP_CalcAvg (61) #define FEMU_OP_StarBlur (62) #define FEMU_OP_StarMerge (63) #define FEMU_OP_RestoreZBuffer (64) #define FEMU_OP_LightShaft (65) #define FEMU_OP_MergeShadows (66) #define FEMU_OP_SoftEdge (67) #define FEMU_OP_ForwardDistanceFog (68) // Distance fog, for forward rendered objects #define FEMU_OP_TextureProj5 (69) #define FEMU_OP_GenShadowMapTestResults (70) #define FEMU_OP_AmbientOcclusion (71) #define FEMU_OP_BlurAmbientOcclusion (77) #define FEMU_OP_Foliage (78) #define FEMU_OP_HeightFog_ForwardNew (79) #define FEMU_OP_AlphaNormalize (80) #define FEMU_OP_FinalBloomPass (81) #define FEMU_OP_PostProcessor (82) #define FEMU_OP_DepthOfField1 (83) #define FEMU_OP_FinalizeAmbientOcclusion (84) #define FEMU_OP_Mask (85) #define FEMU_OP_AvgDepthBuffer0 (86) #define FEMU_OP_AvgDepthBuffer1 (87) #define FEMU_OP_GenerateFocalPlane (88) #define FEMU_OP_OverlayBumpDiffuse (89) #define FEMU_OP_FakeDirectionalLight (90) #define FEMU_OP_EmissiveBloom (91) #define FEMU_OP_BinkShader (92) #define FEMU_OP_ScreenFillFromTexture (93) #define FEMU_OP_ComputeNormalSpec (94) #define FEMU_OP_RimLightEffect (95) #define FEMU_OP_FinalHDRPass_Emissive (96) #define FEMU_OP_FinalHDRPass_Diffuse (97) #define FEMU_OP_BloomXBox (98) #define FEMU_OP_DeferredBasePass_HiJackOp (99) #define FEMU_OP_BumpWaterReflection_NoSNoA (100) #define FEMU_OP_DeferredLight_HiJackOp (101) #define FEMU_OP_BloomPrePass (102) // This is only here to make the OfflineShaderCompiler build #define FEMU_OP_UberPostGather (103) #define FEMU_OP_UberPostBlend (104) #define FEMU_OP_InteractEmissive (105) #define FEMU_OP_DeferredBasePassInteractTint (106) #define FEMU_OP_DeferredBasePassHoloDuke (107) #define FEMU_OP_FXAA (108) // // FEMU_TCI (Texture Coordinate Index) // #define FEMU_TCI_TexCoord0 (0) #define FEMU_TCI_TexCoord1 (1) #define FEMU_TCI_TexCoord2 (2) #define FEMU_TCI_TexCoord3 (3) #define FEMU_TCI_TexCoord4 (4) #define FEMU_TCI_TexCoord5 (5) #define FEMU_TCI_TexCoord6 (6) #define FEMU_TCI_TexCoord7 (7) #define FEMU_TCI_CameraPos (8) #define FEMU_TCI_WorldPos (9) #define FEMU_TCI_CameraReflection (10) #define FEMU_TCI_CameraNormal (11) #define FEMU_TCI_Nop (12) // // FEMU_TT (Texture Type) // #define FEMU_TT_1D (0) #define FEMU_TT_2D (1) #define FEMU_TT_3D (2) #define FEMU_TT_CUBE (3) // // FEMU_TF (Transform Flags) // #define FEMU_TF_None (0) #define FEMU_TF_Count2 (1) #define FEMU_TF_Count3 (2) #define FEMU_TF_Count4 (3) #define FEMU_TF_Count2_Persp (4) #define FEMU_TF_Count3_Persp (5) #define FEMU_TF_Count4_Persp (6) #define SHADOW_FILTER_NORMAL (0) #define SHADOW_FILTER_ATI (1) #define SHADOW_FILTER_NVIDIA (2) #define SHADOW_FILTER_XBOX (3) #endif // FIXED_EMU_TYPES_H