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Europa Universalis: Rome

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Title Screen

Europa Universalis: Rome

Developer: Paradox Development Studio
Publisher: Paradox Interactive
Platform: Windows
Released internationally: April 15, 2008

TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

Unused Events

To do:
Verify whether or not that these events are not Vae Victis or Gold Edition specific.

Some events referenced in common/on_actions.txt have their lines commented out.

# Country. Just after a new ruler has taken over in republics
on_monarchy_ruler_change = {
	random_events = {
#		5  = 540 # Ruler gets offed by more popular family member (monarchy)
#		5  = 541 # Disloyal Sibling decides to try for a civil war (monarchy)
# 		5  = 544 # Ambitious family memeber steals throne for underage ruler (monarchy)
# 		5  = 548 # Where their is not child of the previous ruler a popular member of the ruling family will go for it (monarchy)
#		20  = 547 # The heir of the dictator reinsitutes the republic (Dictatorship only) 
		10  = 545 # Small monarchy decides to give state away in will rather than pass to different family
		90 = 0

# Country. Just after a new ruler has taken over in republics
on_republic_ruler_change = {
	random_events = {
#		20 = 542 # Wealthier Character decides to bribe his way to victory
		30 = 543 # Rival Army commander gets pissed off and goes for the jackpot
		70 = 0

The English text involved found in localisation/v13.csv, and trigger entries is found in events/ruler.txt.

  • 540: A sad coincidence
    • Trigger: In monarchy, any character 16-years or older from ruling family has more prestige than ruler.
    • Text: Just when we were about to crown our new monarch they suddenly died after eating mushroom soup. However a more popular member of the ruler family has reluctantly decided to step in.
    • Option: It is tragic
      • Ruler is killed. Replacement character becomes ruler.
  • 541: Jealousy:
    • Trigger: In monarchy, when not in war, and with 15 provinces. A sibling of the ruler with loyalty < 30.
    • Text: All in well in the royal family, in fact on the news of who would be replacing the old monarch a sibling immediately raised the standard of revolt
    • Option: I blame the parents
      • Starts a civil war.
  • 542: Bribery:
    • Trigger: Republic, any adult with at least 250 wealth and more wealth than ruler.
    • Text: Just when it looked like the election was won and even some of the word was out over whom was the winner a large number of new votes appeared. Most people agree that money bought them, especially the ones of the dead people, but it is a sign of a healthy democracy I guess.
    • Option: At least people want to the top job
      • Replacement character becomes ruler, but loses either 50, 100 or 150 wealth.
  • 544: For the good of the family:
    • Trigger: Monarchy, not at war, ruler is less than 16 years, and an adult from the ruler's family who is either ambitious or has an ambitious spouse.
    • Text: It is clear that our country cannot have a young monarch on the throne at this critical juncture. So I think it is best if I as an adult member were to take the throne while our young monarch comes of age. I want to make this clear this is a temporary move, it is only temporary I fully intend to stand down the wee one gets a bit older. Honestly I have no long terms ambitions at all, this is just temporary
    • Option: It has to be done
      • Alternate character becomes ruler.
  • 547: The Tyrant is Dead!:
    • Trigger: Dictatorship.
    • Text: The tyrant that has had dictatorial power is no more and the heir has decided to bring back the republic. People everywhere rejoice at the news.
    • Option: Long live the republic.
      • Government changes to one random republic type.
  • 548: Succession Crisis
    • Trigger: Monarchy, not during war, have 15 provinces, previous ruler had no children, and new ruler from same family with at least 50 popularity.
    • Text: The old ruler died without a living child. So members of the family are jockeying for position. Civil war is looking very likely.
    • Option: Oh no
      • Starts a civil war.