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Final Fight 2

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Title Screen

Final Fight 2

Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Platform: SNES
Released in JP: May 22, 1993
Released in US: August 15, 1993
Released in EU: December 1993

EnemyIcon.png This game has unused enemies.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page

Capcom finally makes a version of Final Fight on the SNES that has 2-player co-op, three playable characters and Rolento in it. Then they realized that this is the third version they made of the game on the SNES, so they changed all the stages, replaced every character except Haggar and the Andores, slapped a number "2" on the title and called it a sequel.


Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.

Unused Text

Two extra Andore variants are listed in the game's enemy list: U. Andore and F. Andore. The pointers to these strings would be $EAFF and $EB0B, but no relevant matches were found.

So far, no evidence has been found that they exist in the data beyond those text strings. Assuming they were scrapped at a point in development when the Andores had their current graphics style (not the Final Fight 1 style seen in an prototype shown in a Nintendo Power Pak Watch preview), none of the game's existing palettes match up to unused Andores (unless they shared a palette with another enemy, which is unlikely.)

In the game's data, there are 3 slots reserved for the existing Andores for the enemy type $06 group, with no open slots after those for the unused Andores. Using Pro Action Replay (PAR) codes to try and place the Andores in-game crashes it as the game reads invalid data.

(Source: Rick, JLukas)

Unused Sprites

Genryusai Invincibility Item

Final Fight 2 inv sprite.png

Hiding behind foreground objects, you can sometimes find an invincibility item. You never get to see what it looks like, but it does have a specific sprite designed for it.

Unused Enemy Spawns

Each of the Group $03 enemies can spawn one of three ways: standing, kneeling facing left, or kneeling facing right. Of the twelve "kneeling" variants, nine of them go unused. These are shown below.

Unused Music

To do:
Actually extract or otherwise obtain the music.

Running through the Sound Test in the Options menu reveals two tracks, numbered 07 and 10, that aren't actually used in the game.

Regional Differences

To do:
More differences. source [1]
  • A Licensed By Nintendo is displayed before the Capcom logo in the world release.
  • The Japanese version flashes PUSH START when showing the demos, while PRESS START is used for the other regions.


Won Won

Won Won with cleaver (Japan) Won Won without cleaver (World)
Finalfight2 wonwon2.png Finalfight2 wonwon1.png

A minor, though interesting change. The first boss of the game, Won Won, is armed with a meat cleaver in the Japanese version, and sometimes his attack will cause your character to bleed. In the international versions, he loses this weapon, and the blood was replaced with a small explosion.

In the manual for the American version, the artwork of Won Won still has him holding the cleaver, and the text warns to "be careful not to get too close to him or he'll slice you up". No explanation for the change.

Mary, Leon and Eliza, Robert

Mary (Japan) Leon (World)
Finalfight2 mary.png Finalfight2 leon.png
Eliza (Japan) Robert (World)
Finalfight2 eliza.png Finalfight2 robert.png

The first Final Fight wasn't the only game in the series edited to remove women, as these edited sprites show. Note that while Robert essentially has a similar palette to Eliza, Leon gained a whole different palette!

While both girls were cut from the international versions, their K.O. screams can still be heard in the sound test.

Stage 1 Sign

The Chinese(?) characters above the word CAPCOM were changed slightly.

Cacti speak Japanese.
...But what does it mean?
This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation!
Japan World
Final Fight 2 SNES JPN Stage 1 Capcom sign.png Final Fight 2 SNES USA Stage 1 Capcom sign.png

Sound Test

The SFX portion of the international versions stops at 3F, while the Japanese version goes up to 49! And yet it gets stranger, as the Japanese version has ten sound clips that don't play anything at all when selected! The numbers of those are as follows:

00, 17, 18, 19, 1A, 21, 28, 3A, 3B, 3D.

Some of these are mixed in with voice clips, but some of them aren't. No idea what they could have been either way.

It seems that someone took the time to fix this situation up for when it reached America. Good call.