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Kid Icarus: Uprising/Regional Differences

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This is a sub-page of Kid Icarus: Uprising.

To do:
There are plenty more. Check for major changes in dialogue and personality changes, especially. The TVTropes page is a good place to start. It mentions Palutena and Pit playing...Super Smash Bros.?!?

Chapter 22 Brain Age/Training Joke

USA Europe

In Chapter 22, Dark Pit mentions the Nintendo game Brain Age. The game in question was called Brain Training in Europe, and as a result there are two identical variations of that line in the game data, the only difference being the name of the game.

The Sneeze

In the international versions, during the final battle of the game, Hades appears to sneeze in Pit's face. However, in the original Japanese version, it is the other way around, with Pit sneezing instead, complete with a special sneezing pose. Though the on-screen animations are the same, the dialogue and Touch Screen character poses were changed, with the special sneezing pose completely removed from the international versions.

While the reason for the change has never been confirmed, there have been two proposed explanations by fans. One is that Hades's name in Japanese sounds similar to the onomatopoeia for a sneeze, making a joke out of Pit repeatedly saying Hades's name before sneezing ("Hadeh-su" into "Had-achoo"). The other is that Hades's animation is a "pratfall of embarrassment" comedy trope that is common in anime but is not well-recognized in the west, so the English dub instead syncs up well to Hades violently sneezing.

KI U Pit sneezing.png

Dark Pit's Name

In the Japanese version of the game, Dark Pit is called "Black Pit" instead. This is referenced in his internal name, "bpit". This wouldn't fly in English-speaking countries because there, "black" is also an adjective commonly used to denote individuals of African descent, leading to the name change. This was reflected when Dark Pit was added to the roster of Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U.

His embarrassing nickname was likewise changed from "BlaPi" (an abbreviation of "Black Pit") to "Pittoo" ("Pit Two").

Japan-Exclusive AR Cards and Idols

There are over 400 AR Cards in the game's data. While most of them were released in North America and Europe, a few were Japan-exclusive. These cards are still fully functional in the international versions, including translated descriptions.

Pit (Revived)

This Idol reveals an interesting story detail: Palutena can't transport Pit to the rewind spring without Dark Pit being there. This may be related to the limits of her teleportation power, as Pit can't be transported directly to the boss.

English - Pit (Revived):

Pit after the recovery of his wings in
the Rewind Spring. To transport him
there, Dark Pit has to first fly through
the Underworld, finding the spring,
which allows Palutena to transport
Pit to that very same spot.

French - Pit (ressuscité):

Voici Pit, après qu'il a récupéré ses
ailes dans la source du renouveau.
Pour l'y transporter, Pit maléfique a
d'abord dû traverser les Ténèbres
en volant afin de trouver la source,
ce qui a permis à Paluténa d'amener
Pit à cet endroit.

Spanish - Pit (revivido)

Gracias a la ayuda de Pit Sombrío,
que cruzó la ciudad de los espiritus,
Palutena pudo teletransportar a Pit
hasta la fuente del pasado para que
pudiera regenerar sus alas. Por
desgracia, Pit Sombrío perdió la
facultad de volar en el proceso.
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Magnus and Gaol

This Idol features Magnus and Gaol, based on the battle in Chapter 24 where Pit faces them as a duo. It reveals an interesting tidbit about their relationship: they were originally friendly rivals, and Gaol was originally a mercenary.

English - Magnus and Gaol:

Years ago. Magnus and Gaol were
friendly rivals, often working together
as mercenaries, each competing to 
steal the other's glory. Dyntos gives
them a chance to fight together again,
testing Pit on his way to battle Hades.

French - Magnus & Gaol:

Il y a bien longtemps, Magnus et Gaol
étaient amis et rivaux. Chacun de ces
deux alliés mercenaires cherchait sans
cesse à obtenir plus de gloire que
l'autre. Pour tester la valeur de Pit,
Dyntos leur donne une occasion de
plus de combattre côte à côte.

Spanish - Magno y Gaol

Años atrás, Magno y Gaol, que
trabajaban juntos como mercenarios,
competían a todas horas por arrebatarse
mutuamente la gloria. Dyntos les dio la
oportunidad de volver a luchar juntos
dureante las preubas que le impuso
a Pit para que demostrara su valía.
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Pit (Injured)

This and the Pit (Revived) Idols are the only instance of the "injured" Pit model being used in the Idol viewer.

English - Pit (Injured):

Hades shatters the Great Sacred
Treasure with one vicious clap. Pit
takes the brunt of the damage,
unable to rise and fight. Yet just as
Hades moves to strike the final blow,
an unlikely ally appears.

French - Pit (blessé):

D'un revers de la main, Hadès brise
le Grand trésor sacré. Pit subit cette
attaque de plein fouet et s'effondre.
Mais, au moment où Hadès s'apprête
à lui porter le coup fatal, un allié
improbable fait son apparition.

Spanish - Pit (herido)

Hades hizo añicos el gran tesoro
sagrado de una violenta palmada.
Pit se llevó la peor parte y quedó
incapacitado para proseguir el
combate, pero justo cuando el dios
del Inframundo se disponía a rematarlo,
una inesperade aliada entra en escena.
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Kid Icarus Float

The Kid Icarus Float Idol is the final Idol, and is probably the only AR Card/Idol that was never meant to be released outside of Japan. It is based on a float which appeared at a Summer festival in Japan to promote the game, and was specifically made for Japanese players.

English - Kid Icarus Float:

On August 4th, 2011, this float made
its debut during a summer festival in the
Aomori Prefecture of Japan. Reaching
a height of almost 40 feet and weighing
five tons, this float awed spectators
with its depiction of Pit and Palutena.

German - Kid Icarus Motivwagen:

Am 4. August 2011 konnten die Besucher des Umzuges bei einem Sommerfestival
in der japanischen Präfektur Aomori diesen 13 Meter hohen und fünf Tonnen
schweren Wagen mit Figuren, die Pit und Palutena darstellen, bewundern.

French - Char Kid Icarus:

Le 4 août 2011, ce char de carnaval
a participé à la parade du festival
d'été de la préfecture d'Aomori, au
Japon. Haut de 13 mètres et pesant
cinq tonnes, ce char représentant Pit
et Paluténa a fait sensation dans le

Spanish - Carroza de Kid Icarus:

El 4 de agosto de 2011, esta carroza
hizo su primera aparición durante el
festival de verano de la prefectura de
Aomori, en Japón. Sus más de doce
metros de altura y sus cinco toneladas
de peso dejaron boquiabiertos a todos
los espectadores.

Italian - Carro Kid Icarus:

Il 4 agosto 2011 questo carro é apparso per la prima volta durante
un festival estivo nella prefettura di Aomori in Giappone. Alta quasi
12 m e con 5 t di peso. I'immagine di Pit e Palutena ha stupito il pubblico.
(Source: AquaBat (image, scan (via ar.essh)), Original TCRF research)