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Kirby no Omochabako Hoshi Kuzushi
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Games > Games by developer > Games developed by HAL Laboratory
Games > Games by platform > SNES games > Satellaview games
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Games > Games by release date > Games released in 1996
Games > Games by series > Kirby series
Kirby no Omochabako Hoshi Kuzushi |
Developer: HAL Laboratory
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article? |
Kirby's Toy Box: Star Break is a Breakout-style game with six levels. The overseas players weren't missing much.
Dev Tool Leftover
Starting at 0x3250 is text from an internal tool from HAL to make games directly on the SNES:
GmkSystemBank ProjectBank.EXEC ProjectBank INTSYS CHRMK_DATA ChrmkData OBJMK_DATA ANIMK_DATA SFXMK_DATA GmkFileBank GmkCopyBank GMK File Check Bank-00 GMK File Check Bank-%2.2X CRC File Error Bank-%2.2X FileNameError File Init Error File Read Error MakeTableError FileDelError0 FileDelError1 FileCloseError MemoryOver File Check Error Bank-%2.2X ERROR FileNotFound ERROR MemoryOver SortFile%d FileSizeError CG0,CG1,CG2,CG3,COL,BGD,POS,CHR,ANI,SFX,LIV,LIA,LIJ $sSCGCAD $sCHRMK $sOBJMK $sANIMK $@--------- $sGroupSet $sFileMan $sMemPress $sMemSetUp $sGroupIni $sSysInit $sFileInit $sABORT $@ InitFiler $sOK$sCancel *********** SystemInit POI SuperGameMaker %s Copyright 1986-1995 HAL Laboratory,INC. Technical Support TadashiMukai Phone 0424-76-4330 E-Mail mukai_t@mkilabo.rim.or.jp $sClose GmkFileGroup $@XXX %@$H$q%2.2X$@%r $sClose GmkFileGroupDelete $@$S$q%@%2.2X$@%r $@$C%2.2X $sDelete $sClose Group[%B2.2X]Delete? Now Group[%B2.2X]Delete Wait! CheckBank-%2.2X GmkFileSetUp $@| $s%2.2X: Non FIL SYS PRJ PRT CPY CAD CHR OBJ ANI SFX NEW NCY Err $l$r$@ File%2.2X:%L6.6X Copy%2.2X:%L6.6X GmkFileBankView $@Gr Name Type Size FileNameError[%4.4X] $@%2.2X:%8s.%3s|%4.4X $u$d$@ File%2.2X Free%4.4X MakeSortTable %@[ ] %@%s --Empty-- %@$H%@ $q%s%r $u $d $s $sLoad$sDel$@ $sSave$sNext$@ $@Free%L6.6X [%B2.2X:%s.%s]Delete CG1 CG2 CG3 %Fs%1.1x %Fs%2.2x %Fs%3.3x %Fs%4.4x CG0 CG1 CG2 CG3 BG0 BG1 BG2 BG3 %s_CGE%d %s_CLB%d%s_CLO%d %s_BGD%d BGD %s_CGE%d%s_CLB%d%s_CLO%d %s_CLB%d COL %s_CLO%d IsData->GmkFile Complte POS %s_CGE%d%s_CGE%d%s_CLB%d %s_CGE%d%s_CGE%d%s_CLO%d OldPose->GmkFile Complte AnimeData Not Found %s_ANIME OldAnime->GmkFile Complte %s_CLB%d%s_CLO%d%s OldCHR->GmkFile Complte GMK File Manager $@Source:$s%@%2.2X$s[%8s.%3s] $@Target:$s%@%2.2X$s[%8s.%3s] $sCopy$sMove$sDelete $@$cCopy$cMove$cDelete %@$HALL%@$HCG*%@$HCOL%@$HBGD%@$HPOS%@$HCHR %@$HANI%@$HSFX%@$HLIV%@$HLIA%@$HLIJ$@ $l$r$s$s$s$s$s$s$@ $@ $sALL %@$H$q%F8s.%F3s%r $@ F[%L6.6X]C[%L6.6X] CG0,CG1,CG2,CG3 LIV LIA LIJ ******** FileNameError %2.2X:%s.%s>%2.2X OverWrite %2.2X:%s.%s>%2.2X:%s.%s Group%2.2X=Group%B2.2X FileCopyError Group%2.2X->Group%B2.2X FileCopy %2.2X:%s.%s->%2.2X %2.2X:%s.%s->%2.2X OverWrite? Group7F Can Not Move! Group%2.2X=Group%B2.2X FileMoveError Group%2.2X->Group%B2.2X FileMove %2.2X:%s.%s Delete? Group%2.2X FileDelete %2.2X:%s.%s [%B2.2X:%Fs.%Fs]Load? [%B2.2X:%Fs.%Fs]OverWrite? [%B2.2X:%�s.%Fs]Save?SuperGameMaker95 Version1.24 Tue Oct 3 1995 NewSystemGameMK ExecSystemGMK!! GMK DAT Welcome To GMK %s Wait a minute MemoryOver FileSystemOK! PowerOff $hCgMk $hBgMk $hObjMk $hChrMk $hAniMk $hLiveMk $hSfxMk $hScreen $hFiler $@------- $hExit $hProjec SYSTEM ERROR StackMemoryOver FrameMemoryOver JobAdd |Top |Size %2.2X:%4.4X|%4.4X|%4.4X -PushResetButton- SEQ Data Compile? SEQ Data Compiler LiveMK JumpSeq Check LIJ Bank[%2.2X]JumpSeq Compile LIA,LIJ [%2.2X] %8s: ERROR!-%d LiveJumpSeq Error! OK! LiveMK JumpSeq Not Found! --------------------------- LiveMK AnimeSeq Check LIA Bank[%2.2X]AnimeSeq Compile LIA,LIV LiveAnimeSeq Error! CompileError! ExecProject? Exec Project MakeTableError LIV OBJMK DAT POSEFILE POSECGED POSECOLD POSEREAL ******** PoseData POS POS,COL,CG0,CG1,CG2,CG3,CHR MemoryOver [%B2.2X:%Fs.%s]FileNotOpen! [%B2.2X:%Fs.%s]FileOpen [%B2.2X:%Fs.%s]FileBroken! ChrData PoseView PoseList MakeColor GmkFiler
Cleanup > Pages missing date references
Cleanup > Pages missing developer references
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Cleanup > Stubs
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden development-related text
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by HAL Laboratory
Games > Games by platform > SNES games > Satellaview games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Nintendo
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 1996
Games > Games by series > Kirby series