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LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean (Nintendo DS)

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Title Screen

LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game

Developer: TT Fusion
Publisher: Disney Interactive Studios
Platform: Nintendo DS
Released in US: November 10, 2011
Released in EU: November 13, 2011
Released in AU: November 19, 2011

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.

To do:
The level IDs 0x25 and higher are unused rooms.
  • There are a couple which do not crash the game with the "DS cartridge removed" error and just freeze in the loading. Try to find out what causes the freeze and how to access these levels.
  • The game's files contain names of the test levels, find out the actual names of the levels listed below.

Another LEGO game, this time with Captain Jack Sparrow and his adventures of the first four movies. Swords, treasures, ships and most important rum!

Test Levels

The game contains several test levels. Only two of them can be played by using an Action Replay code without letting the game crash while loading. The following code allows to load any level when starting the first level 'Port Royal' in the European version, just change the XX to the wanted level ID.

92154B28 00000001
12154B28 000000XX

Level 26

The level contains many tests for interactable objects. There are tests for different kind of switches, climbing objects, a rowboat, muddy and watery terrain, NPCs and other objects. There are also two tiles out of bounds.

Level 27

This level has some more object tests for character abilities and also a camera test area which moves the camera like the player would be on a ship. This level has an out of bounds tile as well and far in the distance are objects placed out of bounds.

(Source: Original TCRF research)