LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (Game Boy Advance)
LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy |
Developer: Amaze Entertainment
This needs some investigation. Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page. Specifically: I remember during my playthrough some more visual glitches. Go and get screenshots of these. |
LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy, but it's on the Game Boy Advance, and doesn't play as well as the console versions, or even its previous game LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game on GBA!
Debug Menu
Enable CodeBreaker code 74000130 00FF 33004E80 0002 then press L+R at any time to open an elaborate debug menu granting the ability to warp to any area in the game, toggle invincibility and access a sound test.
Offscreen Door
In the stage Blockade Runner, once you've opened the door to Leia with C-3P0 with an activation panel, you can perform a glitch to walk around her and not activate the arrow appearing to proceed with the stage. Performing this glitch by walking on the edge of the hall in a certain way, you can walk past Leia and go past where that arrow would be. The room doesn't have any of its objects spawned, and the part of the stage after the door isn't there at all. At the right corner of the room is a random door sprite on the upper right corner of the screen. When in this section normally, this isn't seen.
Cutscene Event Scripts
Found in various locations of the game are various text strings relating to cutscene events.
Located at 000A78E0
<EG_INIT> Kill Rancor Exit OpenDoor SpawnSkullKit SpawnRockKit PauseOnMapLoad PanToRancor WaitOnRancor PanToSwitch WaitOnSwitch PanToHero Unpause <EG_MAP_INIT>
Located in 000A7F00
<EG INIT> Destroy Bridge Trigger Stop Bridge Explosions Swap Bridge 4x4 BobaDead Activate Boba Fett SpawnKit StoryExit FreeplayExit
Located in 000A8220 is some data that relates to a cutscene in ep VI
<EG_INIT> PauseActors BobaFlies BobaFlies02 Fall BobaFlies03 BobaFlies04 Hold FlickerPack BobaFett_Question FlickerPack02 FlickerPack03 FlickerPack04 FlickerPack05 BobaFett_Confounded RemoveEmoticon FlickerPack06 StopCamera KillBoba SetBobaHeight FligherPack01 EndLevel Belch <EG_MAP_INIT>
Located in 000A84C0
<EG_INIT> Alderaan_Question AlderaanExplodesA ExitLevel ClearApperanceFlag Fire
Located in 000A8600
<EG_INIT> DeathStar_Question SetupActors DeatherStarExplodes NextLevel
Located in 000A8730
<EG_INIT> SetupActors DeatherStarProfanity DeathStarExplodes NextLevel
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Amaze Entertainment
- Pages missing publisher references
- Games published by LucasArts
- Game Boy Advance games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 2006
- Games released in September
- Games released on September 12
- Games released on September 11
- Games with unused areas
- Games with uncompiled source code
- Games with unused objects
- Games with debugging functions
- Games with hidden sound tests
- Games with hidden level selects
- To investigate
- LEGO series
- Star Wars series
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Cleanup > To investigate
Games > Games by content > Games with debugging functions
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden level selects
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden sound tests
Games > Games by content > Games with uncompiled source code
Games > Games by content > Games with unused areas
Games > Games by content > Games with unused objects
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Amaze Entertainment
Games > Games by platform > Game Boy Advance games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by The Walt Disney Company > Games published by Disney Interactive Studios > Games published by LucasArts
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2006
Games > Games by release date > Games released in September
Games > Games by release date > Games released in September > Games released on September 11
Games > Games by release date > Games released in September > Games released on September 12
Games > Games by series > LEGO series
Games > Games by series > Star Wars series