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Lode Runner (Apple II)

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Title Screen

Lode Runner

Developer: Brøderbund Software
Publisher: Brøderbund Software
Platform: Apple II
Released in US: 1983

SourceIcon.png This game has uncompiled source code.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

Lode Runner got its big start on the Apple II and is one of the most notable platformers of its day, especially with the inclusion of a level editor.

Source Code Fragment

At Track 24, Sector 15, this small piece of source can be found on the disk for setting up some variables.

          QU $1C35
  ytable EQU $1C51
 bytable EQU $1C62
 bitable EQU $1C7E
xbytable EQU $1C9A
xbitable EQU $1D26
    boot EQU $1DB2
scorebuf EQU $1F00
chardata EQU $AD00

rwtsparm EQU $B7E8
rwtsvolm EQU $B7EB
rwtstrck EQU $B7EC
rwtssect EQU $B7ED
rwtsbuff EQU $B7F0
(Source: Michael "AppleWin Debugger Dev")

Level Select

Pressing Control and ^ during gameplay will send the player to the next level.