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Luigi's Mansion (GameCube)/Unused and Unseen Animations

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luige and bmario Unused Animations

luige and bmario have a bunch of animations in the model folder. Many of them are early animations that Luigi used in the prerelease versions of the game.

act_01 biku_02 cow1wait
LM-act 01.gif
LM-biku 02.gif
Luigi looking around Luigi jumping up in fear and running.
Similar to the animation used in the Spaceworld 2000 FMV.
Luigi sitting on the ground
k_squ_ed k_squ_lp k_squ_st
LM-k squ ed.gif
LM-k squ lp.gif
LM-k squ st.gif
Luigi pointing the Poltergust's nozzle straight ahead Transition from standing to crouching Transition from crouching to standing
squ_end squ_grol squ_gror
LM-squ end.gif
LM-squ grol.gif
LM-squ gror.gif
Transition from crouching to standing Luigi rolling left Luigi rolling right
squ_rot squ_strt squ_wait
LM-squ rot.gif
LM-squ strt.gif
LM-squ wait.gif
Luigi rotating while squatting Transition from standing to crouching Luigi's squatting idle animation
squ_walk turi05 turi09_1
LM-squ walk.gif
LM-turi09 1.gif
Luigi walking while squatting Luigi capturing a ghost(?) Luigi disappointed after failing to capture a ghost(?)
turi09_2 turi09_3 turi11
LM-turi09 2.gif
LM-turi09 3.gif
Luigi throwing a fit Luigi throwing a tantrum Transition from sitting to standing
turi12 wait1 walk1
Luigi shaking while holding the Poltergust nozzle Luigi shaking and looking around Luigi shaking and tip-toeing
walk2 yusei
Luigi shaking and taking large steps Luigi capturing a ghost with the Poltergust (?)

Other animations

  • b_kam_wt.key
  • bibi_kam.key
  • bibi_set.key
  • cart_kam.key
  • k_squ_rt.key
  • lookheat.key
  • turi_kam.key
  • wait2.key
  • yuse_kam.key

(Source: TheHappyFaceKing)

Deleted Player Animations

Within the internal coding of the game, text strings for every animation regarding Luigi are present. Some presumably unused text strings can be found below, if these strings are truly unused is currently unknown.

  • RearSadness
  • SquatLookUp

(Source: LMFinish)


Found in model\mother.szp\key.
Lydia has one unused animation labelled "poze1.key" which could be seen in the E3 2001 demo of the game, and as her silver framed portrait pose. In the E3 2001 demo, to attack Lydia you had to wait for her to turn around using this animation before her heart would become vulnerable. In the final game, you must open a curtain to attack her, leaving this animation unused.

(Source: Inkstar)

Uncle Grimmly

Found in model\denwa.szp\key.
Uncle Grimmly has an unused sneaking animation called "stealup.key". This animation nearly doubles his model size.

(Source: Inkstar)

Gold Ghost

Found in model\obake01.szp\key\XX.key.
The Gold Ghost has quite a few unused animations, some of which are similar to the scrapped "Scare Ghost's" animation seen in the E3 2001 demo; a similar scare mechanic is leftover in the final game, labelled "EnFrighten".

appear futtobi (blown away) fuyu (float)
LM-GoldGhost Appear.gif
LM-GoldGhost Futtobi.gif
LM-GoldGhost Fuyu.gif
Unused spawning animation from the EnFrighten attack. Possibly an animation used when a Gold Ghost escaped the vacuum stream. This animation is used but unseen when a Gold Ghost is invisible.
kiryu odokasu2 (scare2) sippai (failure)
LM-GoldGhost Kiryu.gif
LM-GoldGhost Odokasu2.gif
LM-GoldGhost Sippai.gif
Likely used when the "Scare Ghost" was caught in Luigi's flashlight. Likely the animation used by the "Scare Ghost" when it scared Luigi. Used by the EnFrighten attack when the ghost failed to scare Luigi.
(Source: Inkstar])


Found in model\obake02.szp\key\XX.key.
The Puncher ghost has almost the exact same animation set as the Gold Ghost's, including its own version of the "Scare Ghost's" scare, and "Enfrighten" attack animations.

appear futtobi (blown away) fuyu (float)
LM-PurplePuncher Appear.gif
LM-PurplePuncher Futtobi.gif
LM-PurplePuncher Fuyu.gif
Unused spawning animation from the EnFrighten attack. Possibly for when a Puncher escaped the vacuum stream. This animation is used but unseen when the Puncher is invisible.
kiryu (air current) odokasu2 (scare2) sippai (failure)
LM-PurplePuncher Kiryu.gif
LM-PurplePuncher Odokasu2.gif
LM-PurplePuncher Sippai.gif
Likely the Puncher's version of the "Scare Ghost" being caught in Luigi's flashlight. Likely the Puncher's version of the "Scare Ghost" scaring Luigi. Used by the EnFrighten attack when the ghost failed to scare Luigi.

Duplicate Animation

Strangely, the laughing animation 'tyakasu' (make fun) that occurs after the Puncher successfully attacks Luigi is duplicated under the name 'warau' (laugh).

(Source: Inkstar)


Found in model\obake03.szp\key\XX.key.
The Twirler ghost also shares nearly the same animation set as the Gold Ghost's, containing its own version of the "Scare Ghost's" scare, and "Enfrighten" attack animations.

appear futtobi (blown away) fuyu (float)
LM-Twirler Appear.gif
LM-Twirler Futtobi.gif
LM-Twirler Fuyu.gif
Unused spawning animation from the EnFrighten attack. Possibly an animation that was used when a Twirler escaped the vacuum stream. This animation is used but unseen when a Twirler is invisible.
kamae2 (posture2) kiryu (air current) kogeki (attack)
LM-Twirler Kamae2.gif
LM-Twirler Kiryu.gif
LM-Twirler Kogeki.gif
An unused punch wind-up, much like the Puncher's punch wind-up animation. Likely the Twirler's version of the Scare Ghost being caught in Luigi's flashlight. An unused punching animation, much like the Puncher's punching animation.
odokasu2 (scare2) press sippai (failure)
LM-Twirler Odokasu2.gif
LM-Twirler Press.gif
LM-Twirler Sippai.gif
Likely the Twirler's version of the "Scare Ghost" scaring Luigi. An early version of the Twirler's ground-pound animation which could be seen in the E3 2001 demo of the game. Used by the EnFrighten attack when the ghost failed to scare Luigi.
(Source: Inkstar)

Grabbing Ghost

Found in model\topoo.szp\key\XX.key.
The Grabbing Ghost has quite a few animations, with only three unused, each from the scrapped "EnFrighten" attack.

appear odokasu (scare) sippai (fail)
LM-Grabber Appear.gif
LM-Grabber Odokasu.gif
LM-Grabber Sippai.gif
Unused spawning animation from the EnFrighten attack. Unused scaring animation from the EnFrighten attack. Unused failed scare animation from the EnFrighten attack.
(Source: Inkstar)

Bowling Ghost

Found in model\obake04.szp\key\XX.key.
The Bowling Ghost has a few unused animations which indicate that it was originally going to move.

kinko (capture) ou (chase)
LM-Bowling kinko.gif
LM-Bowling ou.gif
Since the Bowling Ghost has 0HP, this animation does not play when vaccumed. The Bowling Ghost does not move, rendering this animation unused.
(Source: Inkstar)

Garbage Can Ghost

Found in model\banaoba.szp\key.
The Garbage Can Ghost only has a single unused animation which is an idling animation called "fuyu.key". This animation goes unused since the Garbage Can Ghost only appears to eat a banana, toss the peel, then leave.

LM-GBGhost Fuyu.gif
(Source: Inkstar)

Ceiling Ghosts

Found in model\tenjyo.szp\key\XX.key.
These animations could have belonged to either the Purple Bomber, Ceiling Surprise, or both ghosts as they share the same model and animations. Ceiling Ghosts only use three animations- scare, laugh, and vanish, rendering these other five unused!

kieru (vanish) kinko (capture) kuyasi (frustrated)
LM-CeilingGhost Kieru.gif
LM-CeilingGhost Kinko.gif
LM-CeilingGhost Kuyasi.gif
An unused vanishing animation from the ghost escaping the vacuum stream. Since Ceiling Ghosts have 0HP, this is never seen. Ceiling Ghosts have 0HP, rendering this capturing animation unused. Unused failed scare animation from the EnFrighten attack.
suikomi (inhale) wait
LM-CeilingGhost Suikomi.png
LM-CeilingGhost Wait.gif
*This animation is viewed from a top-down perspective.

The name and ghost's pose indicate this was likely the ghost readying for an attack, however this is probably an unfinished animation as it's only the one frame.

An unused idling animation. Ceiling Ghosts scare Luigi and leave, they have no time to hang around.
(Source: Inkstar)


Found in model\telesa.szp\key\XX.key.
There are three types of Boos, each containing nearly the exact same animations. However, some Boo types don't use certain animations that others do, leaving those animations unused for the said Boo type.

appear biribiri (shocked)
LM-Telesa appear.gif
LM-Telesa Biribiri.gif
Unused appearing animation. A laughing animation only used by King Boo.
(Source: Inkstar)

King Boo

Found in model\ltelesa.szp\key\XX.key.
King Boo uses most of his animations, with only one unused, and one unseen.

await tere (ashamed) / tuibi (following)
LM-Ltelesa await.png
LM-Ltelesa tere tuibi.gif
While not unused, this animation is unseen while King Boo waits at the spade door invisible. Duplicated as both 'tere.key' and 'tuibi.key'; these animations are only used by regular Boos.
(Source: Inkstar)


Found in model\telesa2.szp\key\XX.key.
Boolossus has and uses nearly the same animations as the regular Boo, leaving few unused. Some unused animations are leftover from when Boolossus' model was used for the mini Boos at E3 2001.

appear biribiri (shocked) tuibi (follow)
LM-Telesa2 appear.gif
LM-Telesa2 biribiri.gif
LM-Telesa2 tuibi.gif
This animation goes unused since Boolossus appears by falling from the sky. A laughing animation only used by King Boo. A following animation only used by regular Boos.
mukumuku (billowing) tere (ashamed)
LM-Telesa2 mukumuku.gif
LM-Telesa tere.gif
This animation is only visible for a few frames within the smoke when Boolossus reforms. This animation is only used by the other Boos.
(Source: Inkstar)