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Minecraft: Story Mode: Season Two

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Title Screen

Minecraft: Story Mode: Season 2

Developer: Telltale Games
Publishers: Telltale Games, Mojang AB, 3goo (PS4 JP)
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, Xbox 360, Xbox One, iOS, Android, PlayStation 4
Released internationally: July 11, 2017 (First Episode), January 31, 2018 (PS4 JP), November 6, 2018 (Switch)

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article

Cactus 2.0!
This article has just been started and needs the article basics added.
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This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.

Minecraft: Story Mode: Season 2 the sequel to That other, albeit less well-known, point-and-click adventure game created by Telltale Games, made due to the extreme success of Minecraft.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info
MinecraftS2 SubpageIcon 201.png
Hero in Residence
I've never met her before, right?
MinecraftS2 SubpageIcon 202.png
Giant Consequences
It's me again! Your friendly neighborhood admin!
MinecraftS2 SubpageIcon 203.png
Jailhouse Block
These stairs lead to our salvation!
MinecraftS2 SubpageIcon 204.png
Below the Bedrock
We can sniff out an outsider when we sniff one.
MinecraftS2 SubpageIcon 205.png
Above and Beyond
Your world's done! No takebacks!

Unused Characters


MinecraftS2 Alafair.png

Alafair has a similar appearance to Nell, albeit with a different outfit. Interestingly, her model is in an A-pose by default, unlike how most characters are in T-poses.

Unused Textures

Crying Creeper Face

Like its predecessor, in the environment for the Order Hall, the back of the buildings have back-face culling. If you take the camera out of bounds (either with a free camera or using an external program i.e. Cinema 4D), you can find an interesting addition from Telltale - a crying creeper face, telling the rest of the dev team to not shoot from that angle, lest the player see the culling!

env_minGeoDontShoot.d3dtx Render In-game
Ripped from the game files. Seen in the back of the Order Hall (rendered externally) MinecraftS2 CreeperInGame.png

Xara's Admin Skin

In the game's files is a complete skin for Xara's admin form - only seen in-game in old posters in the First World / Underneath. The lead writer for Season 2 answered in a Tumblr ask that the skin's original purpose was for use in a flashback monologue that eventually got cut. The texture was incorrectly made, resulting in the hands appearing incorrectly.

skM1_xara_skinAdmin.d3dtx skM1_xara_clothesAdmin.d3dtx Render
SkM1 xara skinAdmin.png SkM1 xara clothesAdmin.png MinecraftS2 Xara AdminForm.png

Level Select

To do:
Add the listing and pictures.

Once again like before, With a debug mode patch, if you press in the left stick (or F1 if you're using a keyboard and mouse) on any point in the game, a Level Select opens.