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Minecraft Dungeons/Oddities

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This is a sub-page of Minecraft Dungeons.

Silver Key Golem

There are numerous files for the Diamond Key Golem that refer to it as a Silver Key Golem.
The appearance of a Silver Key Golem is still mostly unknown, but it is safe to say that it was the old design before Diamond was chosen instead.

Vindicator hood and crossed arms

The Vindicators have sections in their textures for a hood and crossed arms, neither of which are ever seen normally.
This can be most easily seen if the Vindicator textures are applied to the Illusioner.

Wargen Eyes

The Wargen has glowing eyes in their Specular texture, however since their eyes are baked into the head texture, it's not assigned in-game.

Illusioner Eyes

The Illusioner has parts of their model for the eyes and eyebrows, however those parts are baked into the face texture, which renders them unseen.

Echoing Void Splash art

The splash art that is shown if you do not own the Echoing Void DLC is strangely an older version of the splash art shown in promotional material.
This early version shows an earlier design for Watchlings and Snarelings.

In-Game Splash Art Promotional Splash Art
MCD EarlyEchoingVoidSplash.png MCD FinalEchoingVoidSplash.png

Endersent Names

The Endersent holding the Eyes of Ender have completely different names in the files than what is used in-game.
It is likely that these are names that they had earlier in development.

Name In-Game Name In The Files
Savage Eye Voidstrike
Ravenous Eye Deadeye
Blight Eye Writherot
Reaping Eye Surgefiend
Binding Eye Everfire
Spiked Eye Thornblight

End Illager

In the End Wilds opening cinematic as well as the render for the Diver's Dozen achievement, there is an unknown Illager that uses a similar model to the Mage, but without a raised hood.
There are no files related to this Illager in the game, making their function a mystery.

Snareling Eyes

Snarelings have purple eyes in their texture, despite having green eyes in-game This is because the eyes are rendered via the Specular texture and the purple eyes are a remnant from their old texture.


Despite only appearing in Minecraft Dungeons: Arcade, Frisk appears in the ending cutscene in Echoing Void.
No other files exist for him.

Green Tower Wraith

The filename for the Magenta Tower Wraith refers to it as being green.
This is a remnant from earlier in development where it was green, as seen in prerelease screenshots.

Tower Keepers

The Tower Keepers are categorized as enemies in the files despite never being hostile towards the player.
It is currently unknown why this is.

Powersmith Mustache

The Powersmith has an extra part of mesh for their mustache, however in the texture their moustache is baked into their body texture, thus leaving it unused.
This also has the side-effect of the mustache splitting apart when the side parts move too.

Ministrosity Eyes

The Ministrosities have unused bones in their rigs for their eyes that aren't used by either of their animations.

Iceologer Cape

Despite the origin description listing it as being obtainable in the Chills and Thrills 2022 event, the only requirement to obtain the Iceologer Cape is to own the game, meaning that even new players can obtain it.