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Moon: Remix RPG Adventure (PlayStation)/Unused Text

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This is a sub-page of Moon: Remix RPG Adventure (PlayStation).

The games script is scattered around in plain Shift-JIS in the MOOD.DAT file on the disc. Several areas still have old text from earlier revisions left over. One of the more interesting things is that the player was originally intended to speak instead of being silent like the fate of many RPG heroines.

#N indicates a new line, #P indicates a new paragraph.

(Translations: Barver2)

Rainbow Rocks area

A much earlier version of the early scene in the game where you meet the Slime animal is here. In this one not only does he not get killed by the Hero, but the player actually talks to him! Also some text at the beginning for the harp-like animal that you don't usually see. What the immediate closure text was planned for is anyone's guess.

キャッチ! Catch!
#n魂は花屋へ急ぐのであった。 The soul hurried over to the flower shop.
緊急閉鎖中 Under Immediate Closure.
すごい!#nホンモノのスライムだあ! ねえスライムくん#nボクはいじめたりしないよ。 Wow! It's a real slime! It's alright little slime, I won't hurt you.
ほんと? Really?
ほんとうだよ! #nボクはもともとキミのこと#nかわいいと思ってたんだ。 キミに倒される ひとは#nあんまりいないしね‥#nあ、これはこっちの話。 Really! I've always thought you were cute. No one ever gets taken down by a slime after all... Oh, you probably wouldn't know what I'm talking about.
よかったあ‥#nあいつのなかまだと#nおもっちゃった。 あついのや さむいのや#nしびれたり するのは、#nもうコリゴリだよう。 それじゃ、あんしんして#nぷるぷるするね! Whew...I thought you were one of "his" friends. I'm sick of being heated, chilled and stunned by that guy! In that case, I'm gonna bounce around all I like!
ところでスライムくん、#nそうだんがあるんだけど‥ びっくりみずって、だせない? By the way, I wanted to ask you... Can you produce some Surprise Water?
あれは、#nびっくりしたときしかでないの いまもちょっとでちゃった。#nはずかしい‥ そんなことより#nあいつがいなけりゃ#nもうあんしんだあ! I only produce that when I've been surprised. I just let a bit out now. How embarrassing... Anyway, now that that guy's gone I can finally relax!
こんやもぷるぷるしてるんだ スライムくん、これちょっとみて He's bouncing around tonight. Hey slime, take a look at this.
あいつだあ! It's him!
びっくり水をGET! You got Surprise Water!
ひさしぶりに#nたっぷりだしちゃったあ! I haven't produced that much in a long time!
ごめんね。#nおどろかせちゃって。 I'm sorry for scaring you like that.
もうおどろかないよ。#nそんなの。 I won't let things like that get to me anymore.
(現在工事中) Under Construction
#l〈スラ子〉SLAKO#n#l恥ずかしがり屋な女の子スライム#n#l人を見るとすぐ逃げる (Surako) SLAKO. A shy female slime. Runs away when it spots a someone nearby.

Takochu's advice

The octopus that picks up animals once you've caught their souls was originally going to offer advice, presumably. Or this might be one separate event. Regardless, he never talks to you in the game like this.

ボクはタコチュー I'm Takochu.
#Nアドバイスに来たでチュピピ I've come to give you advice.
あなたは信念にもとづいて#N生きる方がいいでチュ You should live your life in faith.
#N思うがままに生きるでチュ Live at your own will.
#ヘイガー博士を助けて月探査の#Nロケットを作るでチュピピ Save Professor Hagar and make the rocket for the moon expedition.
もうすぐ、よそから#N少年が町に来ます #Nきっと助けになるでチュピピ A young boy will soon come to the village. He should be of help.
それでは‥‥#N‥‥さらばでチュピピピピピ That's all.... Bye!

Haunted House Basement

This looks to be an earlier scenario that completely replaces finding Dr. Hagar in the basement cell. Instead you meet a lady who's apparently also transparent like the player, who's named Arisa Mizuki. Interestingly this is in fact the name of a Japanese pop singer from the 90's. This combined with the earlier track listing of pop songs suggests the game may have originally been planned to have more of a tie in with music artists.

まったく… 遅いわよもう! えっ!? あっ… うん あれ!? あれれれれ… あなたも透明じゃない! どうしたの? Finally! I've been waiting here forever! Eh!? Ah... Hmm. Wait a second...! What!? You're transparent too!! What happened to you?
それはこっちが聞きたいよ。そっちこそどうしたの? That's what I'd like to know! What's going on here?
どうもこうもないわ。詳しくは後で話すから、まずはここから出してよ You don't want to know. I'll tell you later, just get me out of here!
うん。 …で、どうすればいいの? OK. So... what do I do exactly?
それじゃ説明するわ。よく聞いてね。いい? I'll tell you. Listen carefully, OK?
うん OK.
この鉄格子の鍵はウィスパ-が持っているの。ウィスパ-は知ってる? Whisper has the keys to this cell. You know who that is?
知らない No idea.
ウィスパ-っていうのは、ここに住んでいるお化け。白いの。わかった? He's the ghost that lives in this place. That white guy. Got it?
分からないよ I'm not sure...
も~イライラするわね。それじゃ紹介するわ。ウィスパ-! ウィスパ-! Argh! You really know how to test my nerves. Alright, I'll introduce you to him. Whisper! Whisper!
うわわわゎ Whoa!
彼がここに住んでいるお化けのウィスパ-。分かった? Whisper's the ghost that lives in this mansion. You got it now?
うん。わかった Yeah.
よかった。それじゃウィスパ-は消えてちょうだい ウィスパ-はいいお化けで、私のいうことは何でも聞いてくれるんだ Great. You can go now Whisper. He's really a good ghost. Does anything I ask.
それならここから出して貰えば? Then why don't you get him to let you out of there?
それがね、ここからは絶対に出してくれないの That's the thing. He just refuses to let me out.
どうして? Why?
それはこっちが聞きたいわよ。後でウィスパ-に聞いてみてよ I wish I knew! You'll have to ask him that yourself later.
う… うん Um... OK.
これで説明は終わり。よろしくね And that's it. You've got your orders.
よろしくって… ボクはいったいどうすればいいの? My orders? I don't even know what I'm supposed to be doing.
も~イライラする。ウィスパ-から鍵を取り返して、私をここから出して! いい? Oh, geez! Take back the keys from Whisper and get me out of here! You got that?
うん。わかった Alright, I understand.
ところで私は観月ありさ。あなた名前は? By the way, my name is Arisa Mizuki. And you?
ラブデだよ I'm Lovede!
ラブデくんね。悪いけど頼んだわよ Lovede, is it? Well, I'm counting on you, then!

Meeting Whisper

The player was originally going to have a longer conversation with the ghost(Whisper) of the haunted house area. It also appears that you would have been able to collect the music notes that get scared out of the grandfather clock on the top floor, rather than just herding them back in.

変な絵だな~ What an odd painting~
壊れた時計だ It's a broken clock.
助けて… Help...
#Nお願い。誰か助けて… Please. Somebody help me...
黒いのみっけ Found a black one
音符の子供 GET!した You got a child music note!
1つ 2つ 3つ 4つ 5つ 6つ 7つ 8つ 9つ 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
誰だ! おまえも勇者の仲間か?


Who is it!? Are you one of the Hero's friends?


来るなっ!#Pなにも悪くない動物を…#Nボクの友達だったのに。#P動物を殺すヤツなんて#N出ていけ! Stay back! All those innocent animals... They were my friends! Anyone who would do such things can get the hell out of here!


What do you want then?

・I'm looking for Professor Stein.



Really? I guess you're not a thug like that Hero after all. Say, why am I seeing through you anyways? Are you a ghost too?


・I don't know.
なんだ#Nちがうんだ。#Pそれじゃお友達には#Nなれないね#Pでもまあいいや。#Nフフ… You're not, huh. I guess that means we can't be friends then. Ah well, heh heh....
なんだ#Nわからないんだ。#Pそれじゃお友達には#Nなれないかもね#Pでもまあいいや。#Nフフ… じゃあ出てけ! You don't know? I guess that means we can't be friends then. Ah well, heh heh... Get out!


You know, being a ghost, I know...heh heh. I know what happens when living things die. Do you know?


・I don't know
へぇ。じゃあ教えない Oh, really? I won't tell you then.
じゃあ後で教えてあげる I'll tell you later then.
話しのつづきだよね。 I'll pick up where we left off
#Pボクが死んだときはね#N痛みも苦しみもなかった#P死んですぐは#N自分が死んだことすら#N分からなかった… なのにどうして#N自分が死んだと#N気づいたと思う? When I died, there was no pain or suffering. I wasn't even aware that I had died once it had happened. How do you think I eventually realized my fate?
カミサマを見たから? Because you saw God?
ずいぶん単純だね#N難しく言えば通俗的だよ… ダメだね#Nもう少し考えな That's a pretty simple answer. To put it vaguely, it was how most would expect to notice... Nope, that's not it.. Think about it a bit more.


Did you figure out how I realized I had died?

・Because you had no legs?

・I have no idea.
おっ! 近い!!#Pけど違うな…#Nじれったいから#N教えてあげるね Ah! You're close! But not quite... At this rate I may as well just tell you.
なんだダメだなぁ…#Pじらったいから#N教えてあげるよ It looks like it's hopeless. At this rate I may as well just tell you.
どうして自分が死んだと#N気づいたか…#Pそれはね#N足がないのもだけど#N身体を失ったから どう?#Nこの意味わかる?


How did I come to realize I had died... Sure, I was missing my legs, but I was also missing my whole body. Well? Do you see what I'm getting at?

・I think I've got it.

・I don't get it.
だってそうでしょう#Nボクは身体がないんだよ#Pだから#N美味しいものも食べられない #Pお腹も空かないし#N暑くも、寒くもないんだ

身体がないってね#N美味しいものも食べられない それでね#N身体がなくなって#Nビックリしたんだ#Pでもね#P心が残ってて#Nもっとビックリ!

Just look at me. I've got no body! I can't enjoy the pleasures of eating anymore.

I'm never hungry, not ever even warm or cold. If you don't have a body, you can't enjoy any delicious foods. When I realized I had no body, I was shocked. But I was even more shocked to learn I still had a heart!

Though I wouldn't like it if I only had a body and no heart...But I don't even have any of my memories anymore.

Earlier track list

Text remains for an earlier planned set list for MDs. All of it appears to be then current top pop hits.

♪I’M PROUD華原朋美


♪I'M PROUD - Tomomi Kahara
The high tone voice will be stuck in your head all night.
♪トラ トラ トラMAX
♪Tora Tora Tora - MAX
The kind of music that plays in a pink salon. It's hard to tell the members apart..
♪Soul's Refrain - Yoko Takashi
Evangeleon already wrapped up!? Looks like it.


♪Midday's Constellation - Shinji Tanimura
You can feel the energy in the Pleiade-like chord progressions.


♪Sasurai - Akira Terao

Written as Departure, read as Sasurai(wandering). Your companion in life's travels will be the dawn's wind.

♪Oshiete Mr. Sky - Shiori Fujisaki
Konami's cashcow.
♪True Asia - PUFFY
Thanks, Chelsea.


DoremifasorasidoSisidoRumi - Rumi Shishido
Idol of programmers. Call her Run Run. Oh, don't be ridiculous.