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Mother 3/Unused Text/Memos

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This is a sub-page of Mother 3/Unused Text.

To do:
Get the Japanese text for the Ram memo for comparison.
M3 Memo.png

The game has an unused menu which contains different gameplay tips and background info from the Japanese manual, as well as some features which aren't actually in the final game. The menu was restored in the English fan-translation and made accessible by pressing L + R while selecting "Status". Still, many memos never get triggered, rendering them unused unless you force their flag on using the Debug Room's "Memo Flag" Pigmask.

You can use this mod to access the Japanese version of the menu.

Used Memos

Many memos have triggers that can unlock them through normal gameplay. A few of these memos mention old mechanics or scrapped features, so they're still worth mentioning. Many of these memos have typos riddled throughout.


Apparently, you were supposed to find acorns to buy things in the earlier chapters instead of getting stuff for free. The nuts are probably leftovers from this concept since you can't find them after the time jump, when real money is introduced.

It should be noted that one released screenshot of the Nintendo 64 version shows a store screen with an acorn currency count, indicating that this memo is an old leftover (and likely not the only one).

Japanese English (Fan Translation)
◆ヨクバが タツマイリにきてから
 どんぐりに かわるものとして
 これが つかわれている。
◆まるくて ピカピカしている。

◆どんぐりと ちがって
 もりをさがしても みつからない。
•Since Fassad's arrival in 
  Tazmily, this has been used 
  instead of acorns.

•It's round and shiny, but 
  unlike acorns, it cannot be 
  found in the forest.

Hot Springs

According to the memo, fainted party members were to be found at hot springs a la EarthBound hospitals. Instead they just stay in your party, walking around with a sullen look and 0 HP.

Japanese English (Fan Translation)
◆みんなが きをうしなって
 たおれてしまったあと きがついたら
 おんせんにいることも しばしば。
◆こころやさしいだれかが おんせんに

•Every now and then, your friends 
  who have lost consciousness 
  will suddenly awake to find 
  themselves in a hot spring.

•Perhaps some kind soul had 
  carried them in?
•It's better not to ask.


This is interesting in that PSI Teleport was planned, hence the part about assisting in transportation. Teleport was scrapped after it became clear how badly it broke the story sequence.

Japanese English (Fan Translation)
◆PSIは たいりょくのかいふくや
 ふしぎで べんりなちから。
•PSI is a mysterious and useful 
  power that can replenish your 
  energy or even assist in your 
  transportation needs.


The infamous Kindness status gets vaguely introduced.

Japanese English (Fan Translation)
◆わたしたち にんげんにとって
 たいせつなものの ひとつ
◆ひとに やさしくしよう
◆「やさしさ」が アップすれば
 きっと いいことがあるはずだ。
•This is one of the most 
  important things for us humans, 
  so let's be kind to others.

•If your "Kindness" goes up, 
  something good is bound to happen.


Strange, but checking the memo never tells you about new items.

Japanese English (Fan Translation)
◆あたらしいグッズを てにいれたら
 そうびするべきものか どうか
 かくにんすることを こころがけよう。
•Be sure to check here to see 
  if a new item needs to be 

Item Guy

There are unused sprites for the Item Guy's tent pitched to the ground. According to the memo, you would have been able to enter the tent to take a rest, likely via the scrapped healer that inhabited it, owing to the removal of the tent's functionality as well. Thankfully, somebody marked the planned purpose of the tent for us.

Japanese English (Fan Translation)
 テントには かいふくしてくれる
 おじさんも すんでますのだ。
•This is the guy who will take
  care of any excess items for
  you, y'know?

•You know, the guy who lives in 
  the tent you can take a rest 
  in. (planned)

Unused Memos

All the following memos, as well as the ones above, can be obtained by talking to the White Pigmask in the Debug Room.

Coupon Exchange

This very long memo is helpful at describing a lost game mechanic. Note the misspelling of "actually" in the fan-translation.

Japanese English (Fan Translation)
◆バトルで てきをたおしたら
 てきが クーポンをおとしたとしよう。
◆きみなら それをどうする?
◆ほんの しおりにでもするかい?
◆それも すてきな つかいかただ。

◆でも クーポンは かんきんじょに
◆な な な なんと おかねに
 かんきんして くれるんだ。

◆おみせによって かんきんの
 わりあいが ちがうから
 よくかんがえて こうかん

◆いちどで かんきんしてもらえる
 おかねは 100000ポークンまで。
•Let's say an enemy drops a 
  coupon when it is defeated in 

•In your case, what would you 
  do with it?

•Use it as a bookmark or 
  something? That may be a 
  wonderful way to make 
  use of it.

•But take it to a redemption 
  center, and they will actualy 
  cash it in for m-m-money!

•Each shop has a different rate, 
  so be sure to think about it 
  before you trade.

•You can redeem up to 100,000 
  Porkyupons at a time.

Magical Creatures

This memo, on the other hand, is painfully short. It could be referencing the Barrier Trio, but the Trio never trigger the unlocking of this memo. Also, note the typo in the spelling of the Magypsies in the fan-translation, inconsistent with the rest of the script.

Japanese English (Fan Translation)
◆マジプシーが つくりだした
 まほうの にんぎょう。
•Magical dolls crafted by the 


Nothing wrong here, but this memo never gets triggered.

Japanese English (Fan Translation)
◆オリシモのやまの はるか
 この いいにくいなまえをもつ
 しんでんが あるということは
 タツマイリのひとでさえ しらない
•Deep, deep inside Mt. Oriander 
  sits this temple with the 
  unpronouncable name that 
  not even the residents of 
  Tazmily know about.

Bird of Light

Interesting. No "Bird of Light" is ever mentioned in the game. The mural in the Forest Prayer Sanctuary seems to be the last remnant of this concept.

Japanese English (Fan Translation)
 それは たいきょくにある。
•That of the Dark Dragon is in 
 the antithesis.
•Darkness and light.
•Despair and hope.
•Destruction and creation.

•That is what it is.

Dark Dragon

SPOILER ALERT... It isn't. It really, really isn't.

Japanese English (Fan Translation)
◆やみのドラゴンが めざめたとき
 せかいは ほろびるらしい・・・
◆ほんとうに このまま はりを
 ぬきつづけて いいのだろうか?
•It is said that once the 
 Dark Dragon awakens, 
 the world will perish...

•Is it really wise to continue 
 pulling the Needles like this?

Mr. Saturn

This memo never triggers through normal gameplay, with the "Saturn Valley" memo triggered instead.

Japanese English (Fan Translation)
•Mr. Saturn?
•Mr. Saturn...
•Mr. Saturn!

Seven Needles

Another memo that never triggers through normal gameplay. The "Needle Locations" memo is triggered instead.

Japanese English (Fan Translation)
◆はりを すべてぬいてしまったら
 いったい なにがおこるのだろうか?
◆すでに サイは なげられたのだ。
•Once all of the Needles are 
 pulled, what will happen?

•The die is cast. There is no 
 choice but to go on.

Pigmask Army

And another. The "Pigmasks" memo is triggered instead.

Japanese English (Fan Translation)
◆キングとよばれる じんぶつが
 ひきいてる ぐんたいらしい。
◆もりに ひをつけたり
 どうぶつを かいぞうしたり
 とんでもない やつら。
◆みつけたら 110ばん!
•The one called the king is in 
 command of these troops.

•An outrageous gang who does 
 stuff like set fire to forests, 
 scientifically rebuild animals, 
 and cause nothing but trouble.

•If you see them, call the police!


And another... Oh yeah, play EarthBound.

Japanese English (Fan Translation)
◆20せいきの おしりのころ
 イーグルランドの オネットのまちで
 うまれそだった ふとっちょのワルガキ。
◆やがて ワルガキのイタズラとは
 とても いえないような
 けたはずれの わるだくみを
 つぎからつぎへと かんがえては
◆かれのことを もっとくわしく
◆えー これは けっして
 せんでん というわけではなく・・・
 ぼうけんのための メモであって・・・
 プレイしてみると いいぞ。
•A chubby little brat born near 
 the end of the 20th century in 
 a town called Onett, in Eagleland.

•Before long, he was plotting 
 evil schemes and setting them 
 into motion, one after another, 
 wicked beyond imagination...

•... and a far cry from the mere
 pranks of a childish bully.

•For those who would like more

•Well, this is by no means an 
 advertisement, mind you, it 
 just boils down to a simple 
 note for your adventure...

•...so if you don't mind my 
 saying, you should try playing 
 that one thing called 
 EarthBound, dude!


There are unused sprites for someone peeking out of the Item Guy's cart. This would be no more useful than a hot spring or revitalizer, which is probably why it was cut.

Japanese English (Fan Translation)
◆あずかりやさんの テントで
 いっしょに せいかつしている
 おじさんの ミラクルいっぱつで
•The man who lives in the Item 
 Guy's tent with him. When your 
 body feels strange, one miracle 
 from him will leave you feeling 

Comment Box

This is actually a comment board in the final game, but whatever.

Japanese English (Fan Translation)
◆このせかいの じゅうにんの
 ごいけん ごきぼう ごふまんなどが
◆どこが うんえいしているのかは
 まったくの なぞである。
•The residents of this world can 
 leave their opinions, requests, 
 and complaints in here.

•Whether someone is actually 
 checking the box is anyone's 

Wooden Box

Alongside Gift Boxes, Wooden Boxes also existed.

Japanese English (Fan Translation)
◆フィールドでみかける きのはこに
 だれもがじゆうに つかってよい。
◆それが このせかいの ルールだ。
•Anyone is free to use the items 
 found in these wooden boxes.

•It's just the law of the land.

Charging Device

From here on, the memos are pretty boring and unremarkable.

Japanese English (Fan Translation)
◆ポークビーンは どうやら
 「でんき」と いうもので
◆ポークビーンを はしらせると
 でんきを しょうひするので
 このじゅうでんきで たっぷりと
 でんきを いれてあげよう。
◆ぶっちゃけ このゲームボーイと
•Evidently, Pork Beans run on 
 something called "electricity".

•Pork Beans consume this 
 electricity when in use, so 
 use this charger to completely 
 fill it back up.

•Actually, it's really no 
 different from this Game Boy.

Stone Sheet Clippers

Chances are Duster is named whatever you named him in your playthrough.

Japanese English (Fan Translation)
◆ギー・チャキ・ペーで しょうぶする。
◆おあいこのばあいは もういちど。
 チチブーからつれだす じょうけんが
 ジャンケスの 5にんぬきだった。
◆きびしい しょうぶだったが
 5にんめ DCMCのリーダーにも
 なんとか かつことができた。
•It's a Stone-Sheet-Clippers 
 match. In the case of a tie, 
 go one more round.

•The condition for taking back 
 [Duster], otherwise known as 
 Lucky of the DCMC, was the 
 defeat of 5 opponents in a row.

•It was a tough game, but somehow 
 it ended with the defeat of the 
 fifth member, the leader of the 

Tickle Stick

Japanese English (Fan Translation)
◆このぼうで てきの ワキのしたを
 こちょこちょと くすぐれば
 かたいガードも しぜんと さがる。
•Koochie koochie koo! Use this 
 stick to tickle under the arms 
 of your enemy and they'll
 naturally drop their rock-solid 

Scary Mask

Japanese English (Fan Translation)
◆このおめんを かぶってふりむけば
 どんなヤツでも びっくりして
 こうげきの てが ゆるむ。
•Put this mask on, and no matter 
 who you look at, you're sure to 
 shock the "Ack!" right out of 
 their attack.

Smoke Bomb

Japanese English (Fan Translation)
◆じめんになげつけると はれつして
 なかから けむりが でてくる。
◆えんまくによって てきのこうげきが
 あたりにくく なるかもしれない。
•Throw it against the ground to 
 break it open and release smoke 
 from within.

•The enemies may have a hard time 
 attacking through the smokescreen.


Japanese English (Fan Translation)
◆これを ずーっとみていると
 なんだか とっても ねむくなる。
◆まちがっても じぶんで つかって
 みてしまわないように ちゅういしよう。
•Staring at this may induce a 
 sleepy trance.

•Be careful to divert your own 
 eyes when using it. 

Siren Beetle

Japanese English (Fan Translation)
◆ウエスが かわやで かっている。
◆サイレント ではなく サイレンを
 けたたましく はっする クワガタだ。
◆このおとが にがてな せいぶつが
•Raised by Wess. It isn't silent, 
 it's a siren, and this stag 
 beetle will give off a piercing 

•Perhaps some animals are 
 weak to this sound.


It's hard to notice, but each party member only crouches 2-3 frames after the one in front of them, so telling you to wait for everyone is pointless unless you're playing in slow motion. This memo indicates that earlier in development, it took longer for everyone to crouch.

Japanese English (Fan Translation)
 Bボタンを しばらくおしつづけ
 キャラクターが しゃがんだら
 Bボタンから ゆびをはなすと
 ふだんの 2ばいのはやさで
 いどうすることが できる。
 パーティーぜんいんが しゃがむのを
 まってから ボタンをはなすこと。
 おさなくても ずっと おなじほうこうに
◆はしる ほうこうを かえたいときは
•Hold the B Button for a short 
 time and the character will 

•Upon release, the character will 
 move at twice the normal speed.

•When several party members are 
 present, wait until everyone 
 has crouched.

•Use the D-Pad to direct the 
 path of the characters' dash.


Japanese English (Fan Translation)
•During a dash, try charging into 
 different objects to see what 

•Ramming into an enemy that 
 is weaker than you will stun 
 it temporarily.

•However, if the enemy is 
 stronger, you will be thrust 
 into a battle as usual.

•If the enemy is simply no match 
 for you, it will be defeated 
 upon contact.


A memo dedicated to a mechanic only used twice in the entire game? Strange.

Japanese English (Fan Translation)
◆ぐいぐいと おしたくなるようなものが
 よのなかには ときどきある。
◆おしたくなったものに たいして
 じゅうじボタンを おしっぱなしにすれば
 もしかしたら うごくかもしれない。
•Sometimes, there are things in 
 this world that are just 
 begging to be pushed.

•If you keep the D-Pad pushed 
 down in the direction of one of 
 these objects, there's a chance 
 that it will move.

Arrow Lizard

Japanese English (Fan Translation)
◆やじるしの かたちをしている
 ちょっとかわった トカゲ。
◆みちに まよったとき
 もくてきちを おもいうかべると
 なぜか そのほうこうを
◆タツマイリでは むかしから
 いじめては いけません!
•A slightly odd lizard in the 
 shape of an arrow.

•When you've lost your way, if 
 you visualize your destination, 
 it will somehow point you in 
 the right direction.

•They have come in handy in 
 Tazmily for generations

•They are a protected species, 
 so don't tease them!

Battle Secrets

Japanese English (Fan Translation)
◆バトルのとき おんがくにあわせて
 ボタンを リズミカルにおすと?
◆この きもちよさは
•Press the button with the music 
 rhythm, whaddya get? A feeling 
 so enlivening you'll never forget!

About Leder

Japanese English (Fan Translation)
◆すべてを しっているのは
 このろうじん だけかもしれない
◆いま はたして どこにいるのか?
 ひにくなことに かれじしんだけ。
•This elder may be the only one
 who knows everything.

•Where has he ended up now?
 Ironically, he is the only one
 who could know that, too...

Battle Tips

Japanese English (Fan Translation)
◆フィールドで てきの はいごに
 うまくまわりこむことが できれば
 がめんが みどりいろになる。
◆そのばあい バトルに はいったとき
 てきが せなかをむけているので
 こちらが ゆうりとなる。
◆もしも てきに はいごをとられると
 がめんが まっかになり
 あいての せんせいこうげきを
•If you manage to approach an
 enemy from behind, the screen
 will turn green.

•In that case, when you enter the
 battle, the enemy has its back
 to you and you gain
 an advantage.

•On the other hand, if you have
 your back turned when the enemy
 approaches you, the screen will
 turn red and the enemy will
 make the first attack.


Japanese English (Fan Translation)
◆てきが たまにおとしたり
 はこに はいってたりする
 もじが いんさつされた かみきれ。
◆これを おみせにもっていくと
 ポークンと こうかんしてくれるという
 だじゃれのような ほんとのはなし。
•This is a piece of paper that is
 occasionally dropped by enemies
 or found in boxes.

•Bring this to a shop to have
 them exchanged into Porkyupons.

•Seems an awful lot like
 some kind of pun.


Japanese English (Fan Translation)
◆このせかいに りゅうつうしている
 おかねの たんい。
◆ポークンという なまえは
 ブタマスクたちを たばねる
 キングという おとこの なまえから
 とったという うわさ。
•This is the universal currency
 in this world.

•It is rumored that the name
 Porkyupon comes from the name
 of the King who commands
 the Pigmasks.