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Notes:Proto:Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals/TBL

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This is a sub-page of Notes:Proto:Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals.

Table files for extracting Japanese text. The kanji tables were provided by kWhazit and originally came from the final version. There have been no changes in ranges $0500-$06FF from the prototype to the final version.

Main font


Estpolis Denki II prototype 050600 051DFF font.png

To do:
Typed table below needs to have control codes from the final version table on the talk page verified and filled in.

$00-0F are various control codes. $10 is the space character.

  • $02 might be used to auto-close a textbox after it's finished - TODO: find an example.
  • $04 is used to create pauses as the text is being written (eg, 321 countdown as the thieves try to escape the Alunze Castle throne room) For the parameter byte, bit 0x80 is recognized, but has no programming (it does in the retail version, however). For the remaining bits, each digit increase represents a delay of around 10 frames. A common delay command seen is 04 83 - 30 frames or a half second. A 1 second delay is created with 04 86. The counter used is a single byte; the maximum possible delay is around 4 seconds, and would be represented with 04 98 or maybe 04 99 (needs more research), though it's unlikely there's any delay that long used in the script.
  • $09 is the hero's name you entered at the start of a new game (default "マキシム" / "Maxim") The name can be up to 5 characters, and is stored at memory address 7E0B6D-7E0B71
  • $0A (for event dialogue) is likely unused in the prototype. It's used for compression in the retail version. For item and spell descriptions in menus, it's used as a line break.
$00=(end dialogue) $01=(end textbox) $02= $03=(line break) $04=(delay xx) $05=(kanji 05xx) $06=(kanji 06xx) $07=(kanji 07xx) $08= $09=マキシム $0A= $0B=(wait for decision) $0C=?(line break) $0D=!(line break) $0E=。(line break) $0F=、(line break)
$10=  $11=! $12=? $13=。 $14=、 $15=・ $16=〜 $17=!? $18=!! $19=( $1A=) $1B=『 $1C=』 $1D=ー $1E=: $1F=〳
$20=0 $21=1 $22=2 $23=3 $24=4 $25=5 $26=6 $27=7 $28=8 $29=9 $2A=A $2B=B $2C=C $2D=D $2E=E $2F=F
$30=G $31=H $32=I $33=J $34=K $35=L $36=M $37=N $38=O $39=P $3A=Q $3B=R $3C=S $3D=T $3E=U $3F=V
$40=W $41=X $42=Y $43=Z $44=a $45=b $46=c $47=d $48=e $49=f $4A=g $4B=h $4C=i $4D=j $4E=k $4F=l
$50=m $51=n $52=o $53=p $54=q $55=r $56=s $57=t $58=u $59=v $5A=w $5B=x $5C=y $5D=z $5E=あ $5F=い
$60=う $61=え $62=お $63=か $64=き $65=く $66=け $67=こ $68=さ $69=し $6A=す $6B=せ $6C=そ $6D=た $6E=ち $6F=つ
$70=て $71=と $72=な $73=に $74=ぬ $75=ね $76=の $77=は $78=ひ $79=ふ $7A=へ $7B=ほ $7C=ま $7D=み $7E=む $7F=め
$80=も $81=や $82=ゆ $83=よ $84=ら $85=り $86=る $87=れ $88=ろ $89=わ $8A=を $8B=ん $8C=ぁ $8D=ぃ $8E=ぅ $8F=ぇ
$90=ぉ $91=っ $92=ゃ $93=ゅ $94=ょ $95=ア $96=イ $97=ウ $98=エ $99=オ $9A=カ $9B=キ $9C=ク $9D=ケ $9E=コ $9F=サ
$A0=シ $A1=ス $A2=セ $A3=ソ $A4=タ $A5=チ $A6=ツ $A7=テ $A8=ト $A9=ナ $AA=ニ $AB=ヌ $AC=ネ $AD=ノ $AE=ハ $AF=ヒ
$B0=フ $B1=ヘ $B2=ホ $B3=マ $B4=ミ $B5=ム $B6=メ $B7=モ $B8=ヤ $B9=ユ $BA=ヨ $BB=ラ $BC=リ $BD=ル $BE=レ $BF=ロ
$C0=ワ $C1=ヲ $C2=ン $C3=ァ $C4=ィ $C5=ゥ $C6=ェ $C7=ォ $C8=ッ $C9=ャ $CA=ュ $CB=ョ $CC=ヶ $CD=が $CE=ぎ $CF=ぐ
$D0=げ $D1=ご $D2=ざ $D3=じ $D4=ず $D5=ぜ $D6=ぞ $D7=だ $D8=ぢ $D9=づ $DA=で $DB=ど $DC=ば $DD=び $DE=ぶ $DF=べ
$E0=ぼ $E1=ぱ $E2=ぴ $E3=ぷ $E4=ぺ $E5=ぽ $E6=ガ $E7=ギ $E8=グ $E9=ゲ $EA=ゴ $EB=ザ $EC=ジ $ED=ズ $EE=ゼ $EF=ゾ
$F0=ダ $F1=ヂ $F2=ヅ $F3=デ $F4=ド $F5=バ $F6=ビ $F7=ブ $F8=ベ $F9=ボ $FA=パ $FB=ピ $FC=プ $FD=ペ $FE=ポ $FF=ヴ


Estpolis Denki II prototype 051E00 0535FF font.png

$0500=峡 $0501=唱 $0502=減 $0503=公 $0504=夏 $0505=職 $0506=笑 $0507=義 $0508=各 $0509=聖 $050A=舞 $050B=敗 $050C=果 $050D=唯 $050E=畑 $050F=刀
$0510=半 $0511=狂 $0512=功 $0513=病 $0514=悔 $0515=震 $0516=恩 $0517=暗 $0518=危 $0519=草 $051A=右 $051B=幅 $051C=宮 $051D=具 $051E=留 $051F=頂
$0520=防 $0521=霊 $0522=栄 $0523=秘 $0524=可 $0525=育 $0526=交 $0527=沌 $0528=輪 $0529=資 $052A=格 $052B=嫁 $052C=紀 $052D=虫 $052E=質 $052F=闘
$0530=頭 $0531=険 $0532=略 $0533=冒 $0534=月 $0535=美 $0536=技 $0537=条 $0538=左 $0539=永 $053A=投 $053B=特 $053C=妻 $053D=商 $053E=常 $053F=巨
$0540=側 $0541=判 $0542=移 $0543=夕 $0544=審 $0545=穴 $0546=乱 $0547=苦 $0548=類 $0549=軽 $054A=指 $054B=血 $054C=版 $054D=号 $054E=嬢 $054F=都
$0550=市 $0551=祈 $0552=然 $0553=重 $0554=約 $0555=邪 $0556=着 $0557=形 $0558=町 $0559=森 $055A=青 $055B=火 $055C=便 $055D=異 $055E=束 $055F=支
$0560=急 $0561=段 $0562=赤 $0563=専 $0564=未 $0565=混 $0566=増 $0567=答 $0568=工 $0569=倍 $056A=追 $056B=湖 $056C=色 $056D=員 $056E=涙 $056F=術
$0570=起 $0571=車 $0572=値 $0573=想 $0574=限 $0575=放 $0576=在 $0577=過 $0578=白 $0579=選 $057A=得 $057B=風 $057C=救 $057D=存 $057E=由 $057F=種
$0580=込 $0581=利 $0582=息 $0583=友 $0584=灯 $0585=化 $0586=玉 $0587=器 $0588=細 $0589=脱 $058A=接 $058B=広 $058C=武 $058D=主 $058E=報 $058F=械
$0590=消 $0591=昼 $0592=声 $0593=面 $0594=浮 $0595=不 $0596=係 $0597=昔 $0598=組 $0599=復 $059A=妹 $059B=族 $059C=点 $059D=音 $059E=程 $059F=愛
$05A0=失 $05A1=民 $05A2=匹 $05A3=台 $05A4=兵 $05A5=呼 $05A6=撃 $05A7=茶 $05A8=足 $05A9=受 $05AA=違 $05AB=艇 $05AC=能 $05AD=索 $05AE=勇 $05AF=覚
$05B0=木 $05B1=査 $05B2=父 $05B3=原 $05B4=幸 $05B5=怖 $05B6=夢 $05B7=令 $05B8=性 $05B9=機 $05BA=葉 $05BB=弱 $05BC=他 $05BD=恋 $05BE=普 $05BF=因
$05C0=夜 $05C1=軍 $05C2=封 $05C3=欲 $05C4=品 $05C5=去 $05C6=飲 $05C7=親 $05C8=活 $05C9=室 $05CA=代 $05CB=別 $05CC=題 $05CD=潜 $05CE=両 $05CF=客
$05D0=遠 $05D1=像 $05D2=付 $05D3=関 $05D4=港 $05D5=訓 $05D6=練 $05D7=遊 $05D8=引 $05D9=情 $05DA=問 $05DB=三 $05DC=幻 $05DD=寝 $05DE=進 $05DF=僕
$05E0=正 $05E1=老 $05E2=供 $05E3=回 $05E4=返 $05E5=料 $05E6=連 $05E7=魚 $05E8=陸 $05E9=門 $05EA=階 $05EB=司 $05EC=初 $05ED=良 $05EE=高 $05EF=図
$05F0=奥 $05F1=店 $05F2=才 $05F3=対 $05F4=数 $05F5=攻 $05F6=鳴 $05F7=件 $05F8=完 $05F9=液 $05FA=廃 $05FB=宿 $05FC=押 $05FD=的 $05FE=負 $05FF=頃


Estpolis Denki II prototype 053600 054DFF font.png

$0600=母 $0601=始 $0602=申 $0603=忘 $0604=成 $0605=役 $0606=酒 $0607=相 $0608=滅 $0609=歩 $060A=殺 $060B=姿 $060C=乗 $060D=眠 $060E=年 $060F=道
$0610=楽 $0611=送 $0612=残 $0613=口 $0614=造 $0615=設 $0616=真 $0617=改 $0618=次 $0619=恐 $061A=光 $061B=願 $061C=休 $061D=向 $061E=続 $061F=絶
$0620=新 $0621=降 $0622=和 $0623=顔 $0624=住 $0625=教 $0626=好 $0627=終 $0628=平 $0629=合 $062A=全 $062B=盗 $062C=発 $062D=家 $062E=橋 $062F=止
$0630=決 $0631=要 $0632=落 $0633=敵 $0634=同 $0635=娘 $0636=礼 $0637=共 $0638=切 $0639=安 $063A=味 $063B=君 $063C=婚 $063D=元 $063E=仲 $063F=食
$0640=外 $0641=印 $0642=確 $0643=集 $0644=底 $0645=悪 $0646=仕 $0647=守 $0648=陛 $0649=彼 $064A=理 $064B=意 $064C=明 $064D=士 $064E=計 $064F=運
$0650=買 $0651=結 $0652=売 $0653=虚 $0654=説 $0655=水 $0656=調 $0657=多 $0658=若 $0659=金 $065A=戻 $065B=以 $065C=取 $065D=泣 $065E=番 $065F=花
$0660=実 $0661=飛 $0662=小 $0663=山 $0664=逃 $0665=立 $0666=配 $0667=探 $0668=緒 $0669=石 $066A=考 $066B=身 $066C=伝 $066D=西 $066E=少 $066F=分
$0670=四 $0671=体 $0672=屋 $0673=部 $0674=破 $0675=開 $0676=泊 $0677=研 $0678=究 $0679=我 $067A=姉 $067B=待 $067C=南 $067D=精 $067E=自 $067F=信
$0680=姫 $0681=壊 $0682=勝 $0683=助 $0684=会 $0685=目 $0686=東 $0687=丈 $0688=夫 $0689=流 $068A=名 $068B=界 $068C=空 $068D=隊 $068E=必 $068F=感
$0690=直 $0691=式 $0692=後 $0693=早 $0694=村 $0695=二 $0696=倒 $0697=死 $0698=世 $0699=用 $069A=通 $069B=城 $069C=変 $069D=場 $069E=冠 $069F=魔
$06A0=兄 $06A1=法 $06A2=近 $06A3=誰 $06A4=先 $06A5=無 $06A6=作 $06A7=生 $06A8=命 $06A9=最 $06AA=持 $06AB=地 $06AC=宝 $06AD=心 $06AE=日 $06AF=波
$06B0=当 $06B1=度 $06B2=中 $06B3=長 $06B4=者 $06B5=力 $06B6=上 $06B7=知 $06B8=天 $06B9=本 $06BA=帰 $06BB=旅 $06BC=方 $06BD=時 $06BE=海 $06BF=聞
$06C0=物 $06C1=入 $06C2=窟 $06C3=塔 $06C4=強 $06C5=洞 $06C6=剣 $06C7=話 $06C8=下 $06C9=所 $06CA=女 $06CB=間 $06CC=思 $06CD=戦 $06CE=北 $06CF=男
$06D0=殿 $06D1=島 $06D2=手 $06D3=子 $06D4=使 $06D5=様 $06D6=船 $06D7=動 $06D8=国 $06D9=街 $06DA=大 $06DB=出 $06DC=何 $06DD=気 $06DE=前 $06DF=今
$06E0=俺 $06E1=来 $06E2=王 $06E3=見 $06E4=一 $06E5=神 $06E6=私 $06E7=言 $06E8=人 $06E9=行 $06EA=事 $06EB=― $06EC=… $06ED=々 $06EE=解 $06EF=効
$06F0=経 $06F1=験 $06F2=捜 $06F3=任 $06F4=状 $06F5=態 $06F6=困 $06F7=爆 $06F8=裂 $06F9=求 $06FA=静 $06FB=装 $06FC=置 $06FD=速 $06FE=局 $06FF=禁


Estpolis Denki II prototype 054E00 0565FF font.png

To do:
Compare this with the final version's table files on the talk page

$0752-077F are unused entries, and $0780-07FF is a copy of $0600-067F (probably a fragment from a previous build).

$0700=現 $0701=第 $0702=航 $0703=路 $0704=悲 $0705=走 $0706=毒 $0707=迷 $0708=沼 $0709=影 $070A=響 $070B=治 $070C=与 $070D=冷 $070E=浴 $070F=炎
$0710=服 $0711=布 $0712=皮 $0713=厚 $0714=包 $0715=鉄 $0716=属 $0717=巻 $0718=型 $0719=編 $071A=岩 $071B=胸 $071C=銅 $071D=製 $071E=銀 $071F=固
$0720=晶 $0721=価 $0722=帽 $0723=髪 $0724=耳 $0725=腕 $0726=御 $0727=系 $0728=有 $0729=備 $072A=盾 $072B=円 $072C=刻 $072D=刃 $072E=氷 $072F=雷
$0730=避 $0731=丁 $0732=棒 $0733=短 $0734=斧 $0735=砕 $0736=複 $0737=槍 $0738=球 $0739=弓 $073A=矢 $073B=杖 $073C=霧 $073D=塗 $073E=揮 $073F=福
$0740=鳥 $0741=吹 $0742=雪 $0743=瞬 $0744=至 $0745=低 $0746=吸 $0747=溶 $0748=内 $0749=表 $074A=抗 $074B=角 $074C=登 $074D=幼 $074E=否 $074F=定
$0750=位 $0751=習