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Notes:Zero Time Dilemma (Windows, PlayStation Vita)

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This page contains notes for the game Zero Time Dilemma (Windows, PlayStation Vita).

Character ID

ID Corresponds to
010 Carlos
020 Akane
030 Junpei
040 Q
050 Mira
060 Eric
070 Diana
080 Sigma
090 Phi
100 Zero
110 Delta
120 Gab
130 Robed Mira


Scenes (or events) follow the following format: sxxyyz

  • s: Stands for "scene"
  • xx: Double digit number. The first number corresponds to how deep the fragment is in the timeline, the second number is which branch on the timeline (eg. 20 is an early fragment where nobody dies, while 31 is a later fragment where C-team was executed)
  • yy: Can either be "xc" (C-team), "yq" (Q-team), "zd" (D-team), or "aa" (all teams). The xyz prefixes are added to allow for alphabetical sorting while maintaining the desired CQD order.
  • z: The exact fragment based on choices of other teams. For example, "s23yq" is an early Q-team fragment on the timeline where D-team is executed. s23yq1 is the branch where Carlos kills Akane, while s23yq2 is where Carlos kills himself.
ID Corresponds to
s00aa1 Coincide
s10aa1 Execution
s10xc1 Execution: C
s10yq1 Execution: Q
s10zd1 Execution: D
s18aa1 Execution Results
s20xc1 First come, first saved: C
s20yq1 First come, first saved: Q
s20zd1 First come, first saved: D
s21yq1 Radical-6
s21zd1 Suppression
s21zd2 Outbreak / End-D1
s22xc1 Poison
s22zd1 Fire
s23xc1 Suspicion
s23yq1 Pop off
s23yq2 Triangle
s23zd1 Door of Truth
s30xc1 Force Quit: C
s30yq1 Force Quit: Q
s30zd1 Force Quit: D
s31yq1 Reality
s32xc1 Ambidex
s32xc2 Anthropic Principle
s32xc3 Monty Hall
s32zd1 Transporter
s33xc1 Get back
s33yq1 Q
s39xc1 Pressed the yellow button (C)
s39yq1 Pressed the yellow button (Q)
s39zd1 Pressed the yellow button (D)
s40aa1 Final Decision
s78xc1 Flashback to C-team getting executed
s78yq1 Flashback to Q-team getting executed
s78zd1 Flashback to D-team getting executed
s81xc1 Apocalypse
s98aa1 Pay off
s99aa1 Pay off 2


Audio files correspond directly to the message IDs. For example, message 13 corresponds to "00013.ogg". However, this is only for the Japanese audio. English audio has an offset of 9000 added to it, so the same message is voiced in "09013.ogg".


ID Corresponds to Notes
m010 Lounge (C-ward)
m011 Lounge (Q-ward)
m012 Lounge (D-ward)
m013 Lounge (Real)
m014 ??? (only in \map)
m020 Decontamination Room
m030 Prep Room (only in \system\title)
m040 Control room
m050 Infirmary
m060 Rec Room
m070 Pantry
m080 Power Room
m090 Healing Room
m100 Locker Room
m110 Manufacturing
m120 Transporter
m130 Fire
m140 Pod Room
m150 BioLab
m160 Quantum Computer Dome
m170 Study
m180 Confinement Cells from Coincide
m230 Elevator Room
m240 Nevada Desert DCOM
m250 Nevada Desert Apocalypse


In the 3DS version, some files are compressed with GZip. Example tool to decompress this is Kuriimu. But note that the TCRF page doesn't account for the 3DS version yet.

(Source: Original TCRF research)