Pokémon Or et Argent
Pokémon Version Or et Version Argent |
Développeur: Game Freak
![]() |
Pokémon Or et Argent est l'un des jeux Pokémon les plus complets, avec 100 nouveaux Pokémon (une augmentation de 66%), de nouveaux mécanismes de jeu comme le fait de pouvoir faire tenir des objets à vos Pokémon, ainsi que deux nouveaux types, et permettant au joueur de retourner à Kanto, présenté dans Rouge et Bleue, dans le cadre du scénario afin d'affronter le dresseur ultime, Red.
- 1 Rubriques
- 2 Menus de débogage
- 3 Unused Minigames Data
- 4 Unused Miscellaneous Data
- 4.1 Mother Naming Function
- 4.2 Placeholder PokéGear Contacts
- 4.3 Unused Trainer Card Page
- 4.4 Unused Roof Palette Data
- 4.5 Unused Tileset Palette Data
- 4.6 Unused Blockset Data
- 4.7 Unused Environment Type
- 4.8 Unused Event Scripts
- 4.9 Unused Movement Scripts
- 4.10 Unused Item Get Scripts
- 4.11 Unused Skating Movement Type
- 4.12 Unused Collision Types
- 4.13 Unused Headbutt Encounter Set
- 4.14 Unused Contest Encounter
- 4.15 Unused Static Entei Encounter
- 4.16 Unused Trade Data
- 5 Unused Sound Effects
- 6 Unused Items
Unused Maps Lake of Rage had a gym? |
Changed Graphics Details of the graphical changes between release versions. |
Menus de débogage
Menu de test des couleurs des Pokémon et des dresseurs
Ce menu de test des couleurs est un menu permettant de changer facilement les palettes de couleurs des Pokémon, à la fois leurs palettes normales et chromatiques, celles des dresseurs, ainsi que répertorier facilement si un Pokémon est capable d'apprendre une capsulte technique (CT) ou une capsule secrète (CS). Le code de menu est situé à 3F:54F1 dans la ROM japonaise (v1.0 et v1.1) et le service de mise à jour d'écran doit être activé (le registre FFD6 doit être activé) . Les ROM d'autres versions linguistiques ont également le code, mais comme l'écran n'est pas localisé, des bogues graphiques s'ensuivent.
Vous devez sélectionner le mode "Pokémon" ou "Dresseur" avant de charger le menu en définissant CF21 sur 0x00 pour le mode Pokémon, et toute autre valeur pour le mode dresseur.
Première page
La première page concerne le réglage des couleurs et la visualisation des sprites. Attention : les couleurs altérées ne seront pas conservées lors du passage entre les couleurs normales et chromatiques ! Elles seront toutefois conservées lors du changement entre les modes Pokémon et Dresseur.
- Navigation : La croix directionnelle sélectionne soit la couleur à manipuler, soit le canal rouge, vert ou bleu de la couleur. Appuyez sur A pour basculer entre les couleurs normales et chromatiques des Pokémon, tout en appuyant sur B pour passer à la deuxième page. Select change les sprites en incrémentant l'ordre interne du Pokédex, Start fait de même pour les dresseurs.
- Couleurs : Les deux couleurs du Pokémon ou du dresseur sont représentées par leurs couleurs et leurs valeurs hexadécimales sous chaque panneau de couleur en haut à droite du menu. Vous pouvez modifier librement les couleurs pour chaque canal de couleur séparément.
- Textes : Le numéro du Pokémon ou de l'entraîneur ainsi que le nom associé seront écrits en haut à gauche. En bas apparaît le nom de la palette dans laquelle le Pokémon est actuellement affiché. 「Aきりかえ▶」 signifie "bouton A", 「ノーマル」 signifie "normal [palette]", 「レア」 signifie "rare [palette chromatique]" .
Seconde page
La seconde page permet de quitter le menu et de visualiser les CT et CS que le Pokémon peut apprendre. Les éléments de la première page, tels que le nom, les images et les couleurs du Pokémon, seront également affichés sur cet écran. En mode dresseur, ce menu agira toujours comme si un Pokémon était sélectionné et affichera les données du Pokémon respectif.
- Navigation : La croix directionnelle sélectionne la CT/CS. B revient sur la première page. Bien que l'écran indique que l'utilisateur peut quitter le menu en appuyant sur A, le code réel (qui est dans la ROM) n'est jamais exécuté, probablement en raison de la vérification de l'appui sur le bouton A qui a été mise en commentaire dans le code.
- CT/CS : Les capsules ont leur nom indiqué sur le côté droit. Juste en dessous du nom se trouve un indicateur si le Pokémon peut apprendre la capsule sélectionnée ou non.
- Textes : 「おわりますか?」 signifie "Avez-vous terminé ?", 「はい」 étant "oui" et 「いいえ」 étant "non". 「おぼえられる」 et 「おぼえられない」 signifient respectivement "peut être enseigné" et "ne peut pas être enseigné".
Menu de couleurs des tuiles
Alors que la routine réelle qui fournit ce menu a été commentée, comme en témoigne un seul ret avant toutes les sous-routines du menu, avec le bon code, il peut toujours être utilisé. La tâche principale de ce menu était d'accorder à l'utilisateur la possibilité de modifier les palettes actuelles utilisées pour les tuiles de l'arrière-plan actuel.
Pour obtenir le menu dans le jeu, il faut écrire un code personnalisé qui charge le menu. Pour la version japonaise, le code suivant peut être placé n'importe où dans la banque 0x3F de la ROM. Il peut ensuite être appelé à partir d'un événement en jeu, tel qu'un panneau indicateur, via une commande ASM (voir Gold & Silver Scripting Compendium pour plus d'informations) .
call $0432 ; Désactive le LCD call $55D9 ; Charge la police dans la RAM call $0454 ; Active le LCD xor a, a ld [$FF00 + $D1], a ; Réinitialise les positions en X et en Y ld [$FF00 + $D2], a ld a, $01 ld [$FF00 + $AC], a ; Ne nécessite pas de bouton remonté après l'appui call $5D85 ; Initialise le menu @Loop: call $5EC0 ; Met à jour le menu call $09FD ; Obtient un appui sur le bouton call $5FD9 ; Met à jour la sélection call $5E5D ; Procède à l'appui sur le bouton call $032E ; Réalise les événements jr @Loop
- Navigation: The D-Pad selects the current palette's color to manipulate on the top row, or the selected color's red, blue, or green channel (from top to bottom respectively). Press Select to rotate through the palettes in order in which they are loaded in RAM, although it is not possible to edit palette 0x07, the menu palette, or any foreground palettes. B hides resp. shows the menu, probably so the user can inspect the whole map screen rather than only the top portion. While the menu is hidden, it still functions the same as if it was shown, meaning colors can be selected and edited as usual.
- Colors: The current palette's four colors are represented by their color and their hexadecimal values above each color field in the top row of the menu. One can change the colors freely for each color channel separately.
- Navigation : La croix directionnelle sélectionne la couleur de la palette actuelle à manipuler sur la rangée du haut, ou le canal rouge, bleu ou vert de la couleur sélectionnée (respectivement de haut en bas). Appuyez sur Select pour faire pivoter les palettes dans l'ordre dans lequel elles sont chargées dans la RAM, bien qu'il soit impossible de modifier la palette 0x07, la palette de menu ou toute autre palette. Un appui sur B affiche ou cache le menu, probablement pour que l'utilisateur puisse inspecter tout l'écran de la carte plutôt que seulement la partie supérieure. Tant que le menu est masqué, il fonctionne toujours de la même manière que s'il était affiché, ce qui signifie que les couleurs peuvent être sélectionnées et modifiées comme d'habitude.
- Couleurs : Les quatre couleurs de la palette actuelle sont représentées par leurs couleurs et leurs valeurs hexadécimales au-dessus de chaque champ de couleur dans la rangée supérieure du menu. On peut changer les couleurs librement pour chaque canal de couleur séparément.
Il n'y a aucun moyen de quitter le menu, car le code correspondant a probablement également été commenté.
# | Pokémon | Move | Notes |
120 | Staryu | Aurora Beam | Staryu is genderless, meaning that it can only be bred with Ditto and thus can't inherit a parent's moves. In the Spaceworld '99 demo, both Staryu and Starmie were gendered, making these leftovers from that build. These egg moves were removed from Crystal onward. |
Barrier | |||
Supersonic | |||
238 | Smoochum | Lovely Kiss | The only Pokémon that can learn Lovely Kiss naturally is Jynx, which is a female-only species. Mothers couldn't pass down egg moves until Gen VI, and the male Pokémon that were gifted this move via events didn't share an egg group with Jynx. As a result, there is no way for Smoochum to inherit this move via legitimate means. This egg move was removed from Gen III onward. |
043 | Oddish | Charm | Charm is an unused egg move for Oddish as there are no legitimate fathers in the Grass egg-group who can learn it. However, if Cubone and Marowak had not lost access to this move after the Spaceworld '97 demo, it would have been possible to chain-breed Charm onto Oddish (Marowak -> Bulbasaur -> Oddish). |
143 | Snorlax | Charm | Same case as with Oddish; there are no legitimate fathers in the Monster egg group who can learn Charm. The only Pokémon in the Monster egg group that can learn Charm, Nidoran♀, is a female-only species. As a side note, Cubone and Marowak were able to learn Charm in the Spaceworld 1997 demo but lost access to it in the final, so if the two kept it they could have theoretically passed the move down. It's possible this was a leftover of that time. |
001 | Bulbasaur | Charm | Same as above; there are no legitimate fathers in either the Grass or Monster egg groups who can learn Charm. It's also another possible leftover from when Cubone and Marowak could learn it. |
Additionally, Sweet Scent and Steel Wing are programmed as egg moves despite those two moves being TM moves. This makes the data redundant as TM/HM moves are already passed down by the father, in this case being TM12 and TM47.
Unused Flight Probabilities
Some of the Pokémon species in Gen II have the ability to flee from encounters. These Pokémon are grouped into three tables according to how likely it is that they will attempt to escape. While all three tables are used, the first two contain a few species that cannot be encountered in the wild:
Table 1
There's a 10% probability that Pokémon in this table will attempt to escape. However, the species below are never found in the wild:
- Eevee
- Porygon
- Togetic
- Umbreon
Table 2
There's a 50% probability that Pokémon in this table will attempt to escape. However, the species below are never found in the wild:
- Articuno
- Zapdos
- Moltres
Unused Experience Groups
How quickly a Pokémon levels up is determined by what experience group its species falls into. The used groups are "Slow", "Medium-Slow", "Medium-Fast", and "Fast". Two additional groups go unused. Pokémon in these groups would have gained experience at a rate similar to those in Medium-Slow, but their maximum EXP would bottom out at a value lower than Medium-Slow's 1,059,860.
Unused Group 1:
- Growth Rate:
- Maximum EXP: 849,970
Unused Group 2:
- Growth Rate:
- Maximum EXP: 949,930
Unobtainable Shinies
All 26 forms of Unown have shiny variants, however, in a funny coincidence, only "I" and "V" Unown can be shiny due to both Unown Forms and Shininess being dependent on IVs. These are the only instances of truly unused shinies, as while the Pokémon Egg technically has a placeholder shiny palette, it is but a copy of its regular one.
Unused Minigames Data
Memory Game
There are two kinds of Game Corner machines in Generation II': a slot machine and a card-flipping table. However, other minigames were planned, but were ultimately cut, with the memory game from the Space World '97 demo being all that remain in the final games. This game can still be hacked back into a functional state, and accessing it requires game coins and a Coin Case. The object of the game is to find matching pairs of cards. If the flipped cards match, they are removed and displayed at the top of the screen. If they don't, both will be flipped back over. The player is given five chances to find matching pairs, after which the cards are dealt anew.
The game has three difficulty levels, determined by the values at CF14. These range from 01 to 03, and correspond to a bet of one, five, or ten coins. The difficulty levels have an effect on the random placement of the individual card faces.
Many of the routines associated with this game are missing from the final games, including the functions to choose a difficulty level, earn prizes, or even exit the game. That means that there's no way to win or stop playing, outside of resetting the game entirely. Additionally, the graphical data for the cursor was also commented out, which causes the game to display garbage, with the video provided here using the Pokégear indicator as a substitute.
A fully commented disassembly of the memory game is available on the Notes page.
- D-Pad: Move the cursor.
- A Button: Flip the selected card face-up.
Japanese | Translation | Notes |
<CARD> いただき! | <CARD>, yeah! | Displayed when you get a match. |
ざんねん... | Darn... | Displayed when you fail to get a match. |
とったもの | Cards acquired. | Indicates card pairs collected. |
あと<TURN#>かい | <TURN#> turns left. | Indicates the remaining number of attempts. |
Unused Slot Symbol
Sitting at identifier 18 is an unused entry in the list of slot machine symbols that references the Bulbasaur doll sprite. There is no defined payout for successfully matching this entry, but you can force the game into trying to give you the three-Bulbasaur payout by enabling the GameShark codes below:
- 011809C6
- 01180DC6
- 011817C6
Unused Miscellaneous Data
Mother Naming Function
Rather interestingly, there exists a fully-functional option that allows you to name the player's mother. It was first seen in the dummied-out story mode of the Spaceworld '97 demo, where Silver offers you a choice between three set names, or the option to choose your own name. This scrapped interaction was likely made to showcase the PokéGear's cellphone functionality, as the player could then receive calls from their mother, with the game displaying the name they had chosen for her. The name itself can be displayed in text via byte 49. It should have 11 tiles reserved in the message box to safeguard against the text overflowing. The mother's name is set to MOM when RAM is initialized at boot.
Interestingly, during the Dude's Pokémon-catching tutorial, the player's name is copied over to the same location in RAM where the mother's name is stored. This suggests that the naming mechanism was already unused by the time the tutorial was created.
Placeholder PokéGear Contacts
Indices 08-0A and 19 in the PokéGear's phone directory are unused contacts named "----------". They are located within the range of valid phone indices (01-24), much like how the MissingNo. from Gen I are located within the range of valid Pokémon. Attempting to call any of these contacts via hacking only brings up the message that they are out of reach.
GameShark code 01xxC6D9 will replace the first contact in the directory for US Gold and Silver.
Unused Trainer Card Page
Found among the code for the Trainer Card are remnants of a planned, but ultimately scrapped third page, which would have been used to display the Kanto Badges, just like what the second page does with the Johto badges. While only incomplete code remains in the retail games, the source code leak did provide some corresponding graphical assets.
.KantoBadgeCheck: ; unreferenced ld a, [wKantoBadges] and a ret z ld a, TRAINERCARDSTATE_PAGE3_LOADGFX ld [wJumptableIndex], a ret
Unused Roof Palette Data
The various houses found throughout Kanto and Johto all have a given roof type and roof palette assigned to them. Unsurprisingly, some of them end up going completely unused in the final games. The palettes below are listed as morning, day, and then night respectively:
Used as a placeholder for maps that aren't assigned a set roof palette. As such, it doesn't have a dedicated roof type (the New Bark Town roof is used here for clarity's sake).
Uses the roof type assigned to Kanto, only with the Ruins of Alph palette applied. Is assigned to the Indigo Plateau, which in the final games doesn't even have any roof visible.
Uses the roof type assigned to Kanto, only with a red palette applied. Is assigned to Cinnabar Island, which in the final games only uses the flat grey Pokémon Center roof.
Unused Tileset Palette Data
Found at 02:4547 in (J) 1.0 are 30 bytes which once assigned a palette to a now-removed tileset. This palette data is virtually a perfect match to tileset 09 from Generation I. This tileset being ported to Gen II before being removed makes sense given how the Pewter Museum was originally supposed to make a return in Gold and Siver. Worth noting is how the carpet featured in tiles 37 and 38 is blue instead of the usual red. Its layout has been recreated below, using the second color of each palette to represent its overall appearance:
Unused Blockset Data
The games contain unused block and collision data, which can both be found in (J) 1.0 at 06:6BA0 and 06:73A0 respectively. Located after the block data of tileset 02, this blockset is a leftover from an earlier period of development, where it was used for the original Johto overworld. While the corresponding tileset and palette data are nowhere to be found, the metatile data reveals that it used an earlier version of tileset 01, which in the final games is used for the majority of the Johto overworld. Notably, it makes use of the leftover pagoda tiles, with them looking much closer to their Space World '97 counterparts. Within the leaked source code, this blockset is known as HILLCEL.CEL.
Unused Environment Type
Each and every map is assigned an "environment type", which dictates certain parameters, such as displaying the current time palette, or restricting what the player can do (like use Fly while inside a cave). A total of seven types exist, but the fifth one goes unused in the final games. It is programmed to show the morning/day/night colors (like in the overworld), but restricts the use of Fly, Teleport, Dig, the Escape Rope, and the Bicycle. The source file IMG_TYPE.DEF refers to this entry as pimg_SHIP, suggesting that it would have been used for a ship deck, something which the S.S.Anne features, but that its Gen II successor, the S.S.Aqua, lacks entirely.
Unused Event Scripts
The following maps contain bookshelf scripts that are redundant, as they redirect to a set of flavor strings that are already defined:
- The Good Rod house in Olivine City: PictureBooks.
- Mania's house in Cianwood City: PictureBooks.
- The house in Mahogany Town which speaks about the Red Gyarados: PictureBooks and Magazines.
- The house in Blackthorn City which speaks about Clair and Lance: PictureBooks and Magazines.
- The house Route 2 where you can get a Nugget: DifficultBooks
- The Super Rod house on Route 12: PictureBooks.
- The Name Rater's house in Lavender Town: DifficultBooks.
- The Fishing Guru's house in Vermilion City: PictureBooks.
Meanwhile, the maps listed here contain the following scripts, despite never needing them:
- Professor Elm's Lab has data redirecting to the standard trash can message, but never uses it as a unique message is used instead.
- Ilex Forest has data related to Strength boulders, despite not containing any. Only cuttable trees are present in this map.
- The flower shop in Goldenrod City has data for the PictureBooks and Magazines flavor text, as well as a radio event for the LuckyChannel script. However, neither a pair of bookshelves nor a radio are present in the final version of this map.
- Route 41 has data related to Rock Smash rocks, despite not containing any. However, Route 40 and Cianwood City do contain those.
- The Magikarp Enthusiast's house by the Lake of Rage has sign data which redirects to a blank text entry. This may have been intended to display the current Magikarp size record. However, in the final games, the Fishing Guru NPC is the one who states the record.
Unused Movement Scripts
The table below documents maps whose scripts contain unused movement data, which would have been used to move the player or other characters during cutscenes.
Map | Data | Notes |
Cherrygrove City | step LEFT turn_head DOWN |
Found at the end of the move data for the Rival encounter. |
Mahogany Town | step DOWN big_step UP turn_head DOWN |
Found right before the move data for the Rage Candybar salesman. |
Route 40 | step RIGHT step UP step UP step UP step UP step UP step UP step UP step UP step UP step UP step UP step UP step UP step UP step UP |
This map doesn't feature any other movement data. The final iteration of Route 40 doesn't feature enough land to step up fifteen times, so two possibilities arise: either this route once had a larger beach, or this data was intended for a Swimmer. |
Fast Ship 1F | step UP step DOWN |
Found at the end of the move data related to the worried grandpa. |
Game Corner (Celadon City) | step RIGHT turn_head LEFT |
This map doesn't feature any other movement data. |
Unused Item Get Scripts
The maps below contain the TM/HM reward message, but they're redundant as the game internally redirects to the standard "<PLAYER> received <TM/HM><#>" message instead:
- Route 36 - TM08.
- Moomoo Ranch - TM13.
- Olivine Gym - TM09.
- Route 43 - TM30.
- Rocket Hideout - HM06.
- Blackthorn Gym - TM24.
- Dragon’s Den - TM24.
Blackthorn City's gym is rather interesting, as it contains not only the TM 24 message twice, but also Clair's dialogue where she says that she wants us to have this TM, as well as the dialogue afterwards where she describes it. This is obviously never used, as Dragon Breath can only be obtained in the Dragon's Den, which suggests that originally Clair didn't ask the player to bring her a Dragon Fang. Funnily enough, this dialogue can be seen in Crystal with the right setup.
Unused Skating Movement Type
Movement types are managed by a byte located at D682 in the US Gold and Silver. Their names are taken from the source code. Four out of five movement types are used in-game:
- 00: Walking (MODE_WALK)
- 01: Cycling (MODE_BICYCLE)
- 04: Surfing (MODE_RAPLUS)
- 08: Surfing Pikachu (MODE_PIKA)
This leaves 02 unused, with it being the movement type for the cut Skateboard originally found in the Spaceworld '97 demo, accessible via that build's debug menu. It is labeled in the source code as MODE_SKATE. The skate data is also found commented out next to the bicycle data.
Unused Collision Types
The collision constant list is a tad messy, being filled with either garbage entries or duplicates of already existing ones. However, there exist some noteworthy collision types which are never used in normal gameplay. Interestingly, the "CURRENT_DOWN" behavior is actually that of the waterfall, suggesting that the latter was built off of this unused collision type.
# | Name | Notes |
30 | COLL_CURRENT_RIGHT | Surfing on a block with this type pushes the player one tile to the right, acting as current. Has a duplicate at 38. |
31 | COLL_CURRENT_LEFT | Surfing on a block with this type pushes the player one tile to the left, acting as current. Has a duplicate at 39. |
32 | COLL_CURRENT_UP | Surfing on a block with this type pushes the player one tile up, acting as current. Has a duplicate at 3A. |
41 | COLL_WALK_RIGHT | Stepping on this block makes the player walk one tile right. Has a duplicate at 50. |
42 | COLL_WALK_LEFT | Stepping on this block makes the player walk one tile left. Has a duplicate at 51. |
43 | COLL_WALK_UP | Stepping on this block makes the player walk one tile up. Has a duplicate at 52. |
44 | COLL_WALK_DOWN | Stepping on this block makes the player walk one tile down. Has a duplicate at 53. |
A2 | COLL_HOP_UP | North-facing ledges are never seen at any point during the game, leaving this collision type unused. |
A6 | COLL_HOP_UP_RIGHT | North-facing ledges are never seen at any point during the game, leaving this collision type unused. |
A7 | COLL_HOP_UP_LEFT | North-facing ledges are never seen at any point during the game, leaving this collision type unused. |
B3 | COLL_DOWN_WALL | A land tile with this collision type will act as if the tile south of it is a wall, regardless of its actual collision type. |
B4 | COLL_DOWN_RIGHT_WALL | A land tile with this type acts as if the tiles south and east of it are walls, regardless of their actual collision. |
B5 | COLL_DOWN_LEFT_WALL | A land tile with this type acts as if the tiles south and west of it are walls, regardless of their actual collision. |
B6 | COLL_UP_RIGHT_WALL | A land tile with this type acts as if the tiles north and east of it are walls, regardless of their actual collision. |
B7 | COLL_UP_LEFT_WALL | A land tile with this type acts as if the tiles north and west of it are walls, regardless of their actual collision. |
C0 | COLL_RIGHT_BUOY | A water tile with this type acts as if the tile east of it is a wall, regardless of its actual collision. |
C1 | COLL_LEFT_BUOY | A water tile with this type acts as if the tile west of it is a wall, regardless of its actual collision. |
C2 | COLL_UP_BUOY | A water tile with this type acts as if the tile north of it is a wall, regardless of its actual collision. |
C3 | COLL_DOWN_BUOY | A water tile with this type acts as if the tile south of it is a wall, regardless of its actual collision. |
C4 | COLL_DOWN_RIGHT_BUOY | Same behavior as B4, but water-based. |
C5 | COLL_DOWN_LEFT_BUOY | Same behavior as B5, but water-based. |
C6 | COLL_UP_RIGHT_BUOY | Same behavior as B6, but water-based. |
C7 | COLL_UP_LEFT_BUOY | Same behavior as B7, but water-based. |
Unused Headbutt Encounter Set
While only two encounter sets are used for Headbutt trees ("Forest" and "Canyon"), there exists a third, unused type. Labeled as "City", it is actually assigned to five Johto cities, including Blackthorn, which used to have Headbutt trees earlier in development. Oddly enough, the final games skip this set entirely, and trying to use Headbutt on a tree found within a city will never trigger an encounter. Worth noting about this "City" set is that the Pokémon listed are at level 15 (instead of 10, like the used Headbutt sets).
Encounter Rate |
Common Table |
Rare Table |
Level |
50% | Venonat | Venonat | 15 |
30% | Venonat | Magnemite | 15 |
10% | Abra | Abra | 15 |
5% | Abra | Abra | 15 |
5% | Venomoth | Venomoth | 15 |
Unused Contest Encounter
These games use a special table to generate Pokémon that are encountered during the Bug Catching Contest. The table determines the likelihood that each species of Pokémon will be encountered, as well as their potential level range. However, the final spot, assigned to Venomoth, goes unused, as the percentages add up to 100% before that entry is reached.
Hexadecimal Data |
Encounter Rate |
Pokémon Species |
Level (Min.) |
Level (Max.) |
140A0712 | 20% | Caterpie | 7 | 18 |
140D0712 | 20% | Weedle | 7 | 18 |
0A0B0912 | 10% | Metapod | 9 | 18 |
0A0E0912 | 10% | Kakuna | 9 | 18 |
050C0C0F | 5% | Butterfree | 12 | 15 |
050F0C0F | 5% | Beedrill | 12 | 15 |
0A300A10 | 10% | Venonat | 10 | 16 |
0A2E0A11 | 10% | Paras | 10 | 17 |
057B0D0E | 5% | Scyther | 13 | 14 |
057F0D0E | 5% | Pinsir | 13 | 14 |
FF311E28 | -1% | Venomoth | 30 | 40 |
Unused Static Entei Encounter
The basement of the Burned Tower contains data for a scrapped static encounter, which would have allowed one to fight against a level 40 Entei. No corresponding data exists for the other two Legendary Beasts, and in the final games, they were all made to be roaming Pokémon. This encounter data is likely from earlier in development, where the Beasts were static encounters, not unlike the Legendary Birds of Kanto.
Unused Trade Data
This data was originally used as a debug function intended to test out trading. When enabled, it prompts an auto-trade between two characters, known as ゲーフリ (Game Freak) and クリーチャ (Creatures), the two default Player and Rival names from Japanese Blue's debug mode. The original trainer names of these Pokémon, meanwhile, are a reference to Kōji Nishino (the inspiration behind Snorlax, known in Japanese as "Kabigon") and Toshinobu Matsumiya, who is listed in the credits of Gold and Silver under Game Scenario.
This unused trade still remains in Crystal, where it is still as unused as before.
Sent Pokémon | O.T. | ID | |
![]() |
Venusaur | かびーん (Kabīn) |
08961 |
Received Pokémon | O.T. | ID | |
![]() |
Charizard | マツミヤ (Mastumiya) |
22020 |
Unused Sound Effects
The final games include the two unknown fanfares from the Space World '97 demo. Their sound IDs are 0x92 and 0x2D, respectively.
Unused Items
Dummied-Out Items
Japanese | English | Korean |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Many of the item slots in Generation II are dummied out, and replaced by identical placeholder data. Their name varies by region, but the description is always "?". In the Japanese versions, these blank items are called "カビチュウ" (Kabichu), a cutesy nonsensical which is likely a combination of "カビゴン" (Kabigon, Snorlax's Japanese name) and "ピカチュウ" (Pikachu). In the Western localizations, these items are called "Teru-sama", composed of the Japanese honorific "-sama" and Teruki Murakawa, who is credited as a programmer in the Western releases and as a coordinator in the Korean release. In Korea, the dummied-out items are known as "?", a full-width question mark.
These items can be bought and sold at Poké Marts. They cost a whopping 39,321 and sell for 19,660, roughly half that amount. The price seems less unusual when you consider that 39,321 is 9999 in binary-coded decimal. Binary-coded decimal is the format used by the Gen I games for monetary values, while the Gen II games utilize the plain binary integers format instead. The fact that this placeholder price is in the older format suggests that it's a holdover from when Gen II still used binary-coded decimal as well.
Cut Item List
Additional information regarding the items originally assigned to these IDs can be found here.
# | Name | Notes |
06 | Teru-sama | Originally occupied by the Town Map, a leftover from Generation I. |
19 | Teru-sama | Originally occupied by the Leftovers, which was later moved to ID 92. |
2D | Teru-sama | Originally occupied by the Bitter Berry, which was later moved to ID 53. |
32 | Teru-sama | Originally occupied by the Gold Berry, which was later moved to ID AE. |
38 | Teru-sama | Originally occupied by the Poké Flute, a leftover from Generation I. |
5A | Teru-sama | Originally occupied by a duplicate of the Gold Berry. |
64 | Teru-sama | Originally occupied by the Berry, which was later moved to ID AD. |
78 | Teru-sama | Originally occupied by a duplicate of the Berry. |
87 | Teru-sama | Originally occupied by a duplicate of the Berry. |
88 | Teru-sama | Originally occupied by the "Ice Bikini", a cut item from the Space World '97 demo. |
89 | Teru-sama | Originally occupied by the "Thunder Fang", a cut item from the Space World '97 demo. |
8D | Teru-sama | Originally occupied by a cut item named "Steel Scales". |
8E | Teru-sama | Originally occupied by a cut item named "Mystic Shell". |
91 | Teru-sama | Originally occupied by the "Water Tail", a cut item from the Space World '97 demo. |
93 | Teru-sama | Originally occupied by the "Ice Wing", a cut item from the Space World '97 demo. |
94 | Teru-sama | Originally occupied by the "Thunder Wing", a cut item from the Space World '97 demo. |
95 | Teru-sama | Originally occupied by the "Fire Wing", a cut item from the Space World '97 demo. |
99 | Teru-sama | Originally occupied by a cut item named "Ancient Power". |
9A | Teru-sama | Originally occupied by the "Fire Tail", a cut item from the Space World '97 demo. |
9B | Teru-sama | Originally occupied by the "Thunder Tail", a cut item from the Space World '97 demo. |
A2 | Teru-sama | Originally occupied by the "Poison Stone", a cut item from the Space World '97 demo. |
AB | Teru-sama | Originally occupied by a cut item named "Tickle Stick". |
B3 | Teru-sama | Originally occupied by a cut item named "Honey Pot". |
BE | Teru-sama | Originally occupied by a duplicate of the Berry. |
BF - C2 | Teru-sama | Unknown. |
C3 | Teru-sama | Originally occupied by a duplicate of the Berry. |
C4 - C6 | Teru-sama | Unknown. |
Crystal-Exclusive Items
Several new event items were later introduced in Pokémon Crystal, and these overwrote several slots which previously were occupied by a Teru-Sama:
- ID spot 46 was overwritten by the Clear Bell.
- ID spot 73 was overwritten by the GS Ball.
- ID spot 74 was overwritten by the Blue Card.
- ID spot 81 was overwritten by the Egg Ticket.
Gold and Silver were released in Korea much later than the rest of the world, and by this time, Crystal had already been out in Japan for nearly a year and a half. It seems that developers working on the Korean versions took Crystal into account when localizing the games' item text, as they replaced the placeholder names of items 46, 73, and 74 with their Crystal equivalents (though for some reason they neglected to rename item 81 to "Egg Ticket"). The reason behind these changes is unclear, however, as these items are still inaccessible in Gold and Silver, and their (lack of) effects remain unaltered.
Unused Item Effects
A good handful of unused item effects exist in the final games, some of them having interesting mechanics:
- There are six unused item effects that shield the holder from status effects. They aren't consumed after use, allowing them to be used indefinitely.
- There are seven unused item effects that raise one of the eight Pokémon "stats", similar to the X-Items. Each item is used up after the effect is applied to the Pokémon and is only in effect as long as the Pokémon stays in battle.
- There are five unused item effects that, when assigned to a held item, will be consumed upon use but trigger no effect.
# | Effect |
02 | Item is consumed upon use, but no effect is triggered. |
05 | Item is consumed upon use, but no effect is triggered. |
14 | Prevents the holder from being poisoned, similar to the Immunity ability. |
15 | Prevents the holder from being burned, similar to the Water Veil ability. |
16 | Prevents the holder from being frozen, similar to the Magma Armor ability. |
17 | Prevents the holder from being put to sleep, similar to the Insomnia and Vital Spirit abilities. |
18 | Prevents the holder from being paralyzed, similar to the Limber ability. |
19 | Prevents the holder from being confused, similar to the Own Tempo ability. |
1E | Item is consumed upon use, but no effect is triggered. |
1F | Increases the holder's Attack by 1 stage, similar to the battle item X Attack. |
20 | Increases the holder's Defense by 1 stage, similar to the battle item X Defense. |
21 | Increases the holder's Speed by 1 stage, similar to the battle item X Speed. |
22 | Increases the holder's Special Attack by 1 stage, similar to the battle item X Special/X Sp. Atk. |
23 | Increase the holder's Special Defense by 1 stage, similar to the battle item X Sp. Def. |
24 | Increase the holder's Accuracy by 1 stage, similar to the battle item X Accuracy. |
25 | Increase the holder's Evasion by 1 stage, similar to the move Double Team. |
26 | Item is consumed upon use, but no effect is triggered. |
46 | Increase the Catch Rate when the item is held by a Pokémon. |
47 | Item is consumed upon use, but no effect is triggered. |
When activated, 14, and 17 to 19 bestow their effect and trigger the text "[POKéMON]'s protected by [ITEM]!", while 15 and 16 merely bestow their effect without displaying a message. The effects of 1F to 25 are only triggered if the holder is damaged by an attack (damage from poison or recoil will not activate them), and will consume the item on use. The effects of 02, 05, 1E, 26, 47 will only trigger the consumed effect when not assigned to a Berry or other consumable item. 46 is unique as it doesn't work properly and only shows up as a "used" hold item effect in the disassembly. All item effects above 4F will do nothing.
Some of these unused effects were actually originally used in the Space World '97 demo:
- ID spot 47 was used by the Flee Feather.
- ID spot 14 was used by the Snakeskin and Pretty Tail.
- ID spot 15 was used by the Water Tail.
- ID spot 16 was used by the Fire Tail.
- ID spot 17 was used by the Stimulus Orb.
- ID spot 18 was used by the Earth.
- ID spot 19 was used by the Calm Berry.
- ID spot 02 was used by the Full Restore.
- ID spot 05 was used by the Revive.
Unused Held Items
In Generation II, Pokémon can have held items in the following ways:
- A Pokémon traded from Gen I via the Time Capsule will always have a held item, determined by the Pokémon's catch rate in their respective first generation game of origin.
- Some Pokémon in Generation II have a given chance to have a held item if encountered in the wild.
However, the following Pokémon cannot be encountered in the wild, so their held items go unused:
# | Pokémon | Held Item | Notes |
149 | Dragonite | Dragon Scale | Can't be found in the wild in either Generation, so this goes completely unused. |
150 | Mewtwo | Berserk Gene | Can only be obtained by trading from Gen I (where it will hold a BrightPowder instead) or by event, but never in the wild. |
151 | Mew | MiracleBerry | Can only be obtained legitimately in Gen II from event distributions (where it will hold a Bitter Berry instead). |
172 | Pichu | Berry (Rare) | The only way to obtain this Pokémon is through breeding, as it never appears in wild battles. |
173 | Cleffa | MysteryBerry (Common) Moon Stone (Rare) |
The only way to obtain this Pokémon is through breeding, as it never appears in wild battles. |
238 | Smoochum | Ice Berry | The only way to obtain this Pokémon is through breeding, as it never appears in wild battles. |
240 | Magby | Burnt Berry | The only way to obtain this Pokémon is through breeding, as it never appears in wild battles. |
Interestingly, it seems that at one point, Lugia was meant to hold an item, just like how Ho-Oh holds a Sacred Ash. Encounters can have a flag that forces a Pokémon to hold its held item, and this flag is set for both the Ho-Oh and Lugia fights, but Lugia has no held item defined so this does nothing.
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