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Postal Redux

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Title Screen

Postal Redux

Developer: Running With Scissors
Publishers: Running With Scissors (PC), MD GAMES SA (Consoles)
Platforms: Windows, Linux, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4
Released internationally: May 20, 2016 (Windows), May 28, 2018 (Linux), October 16, 2020 (Switch), March 25, 2021 (PS4)

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.

To do:
  • Add the unused ammo pickup models.
  • Add the unused early weapon textures.
  • Make a subpage for the terrible unused Russian dub.

Postal Redux is a remake of Postal, including a new map, a new weapon, some good visuals, and better multiplayer.

Unfortunately, it's also buggy, is missing some of the original game's content, and for whatever reason the ending was completely changed. All things considered, it's probably not a surprise that Redux didn't sell well.


T HUD Health DeadPR.png
Beta Hud Textures
Early HUD textures hiding in the game files.
Unused Dude Animations
Unused animations of Dude being down and much more.

Placeholder Graphics

There is some placeholder graphics for loading and for the credits.

LoadingText Generic

LoadingText GenericPR.png

Load Generic

Load GenericPR.png

Fake Credits

Fake CreditsPR.png

Early Shotgun Texture

There's an earlier shotgun texture that doesn't fit the current model.

T RDX shotgun PR.png

Unused Loading Music

There is some unused loading music that is meant to be used for four DLC levels that got cut.





Unused Models

There is an unused model of a child that was probably gonna be in the game until the ending got changed.


(Source: [1])