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Proto:Hello Neighbor/Steam Pre-Release

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Hello Neighbor.

To do:
A lot. Datamining, documenting differences, cleanup etc.

A pre-release build of the full game, dated around a month before the full release.

Differences from launch build

Graphical Differences


The Font used in the menu is different.

Early Final
HN-PreRelease-MenuFont.png HN-Release-MenuFont.png

Main Menu

The main menu background is a lot less polished compared to the release version.

Early Final
HN-PreRelease-MainMenu.png HN-Release-MainMenu.png

Red Lock and Key

In this build the red lock and key are replaced with a brown lock and key.

Early Final
HN-PreRelease-BrownLock.png HN-Release-RedLock.png

Power Box

In this build, the power box on the side of the neighbor's house has a different texture.

Early Final
HN-PreRelease-PowerBox.png HN-Release-PowerBox.png

Gameplay Differences

Act 1 Start

After the first cutscene in the start of act 1, the player is immobilised in front of the neighbor's house, and after getting caught, another cutscene plays. In the pre-release version this is not the case, the player can freely move after the first cutscene and the second cutscene is absent.

Aggressive Neighbor

When playing through this build, you might notice the neighbor is a lot more aggressive during act 1. That is because, in the release version there is a hidden setting called "Friendly Mode" which makes the neighbor slower and less aggressive. This setting is enabled by default in act 1, but disabled in the other acts, this became a toggleable option in the settings menu in version 1.1. The Pre-Release build lacks this setting, making the neighbor seem more aggressive in act 1.

Empty Act 2

In the release version of act 2, there is a lot of objects(like boxes, crates, cans) scattered across the map. In the Pre-Release version, most of these objects are absent.

Glitched Act 3

In the release version of act 3, there are unlockable power-ups that the player can obtain by completing secret mini-games in the neighbor's house. In the Pre-Release version of act 3, the mini-games are glitched, and completing them will not reward the player with any power-ups, making the game unbeatable. To cancel this glitch, the player needs to create a new game in Beta 3, unlock all the power-ups, then start a new game in the Pre-Release build, beat the first 2 acts, and complete the minigames in act 3. Doing this will also break the game's map, causing objects to be misplaced.

Installation Tutorial

NOTE: This no longer works, as it seems that tinyBuild might have deleted/privated it.

To Install this build, you need to enter "download_depot 521890 521895 5938346496353235979" without the quotation marks in the steam console, then after it finishes downloading, go into the directory provided in the console (by default it's C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\content\app_521890\depot_521895) and open HelloNeighbor.exe. Keep in mind this requires you to own Hello Neighbor on steam.

(Source: PinkyyWaffle on YouTube)