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Proto:Mickey Mania: The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse (SNES)/July 18, 1994

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Mickey Mania: The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse (SNES).

Hiddenpalace.org logo.png  This prototype is documented on Hidden Palace.

Forestofillusion.com logo.png  This was documented on Forest of Illusion.

A build of Mickey Mania from July 18th, 1994, predating the final build by a few months.

Build Info

MickeyMania Jul18 BuildInfo.png

The game immediately boots into a screen displaying build info, using the font from Puggsy.

Title Screen

Prototype Final
MickeyMania Jul18 Title.png Mickeymaniatitlescreensnes.png

The title screen has a blue background like the Genesis version, while the final game uses purple.

General Differences

To do:
Figure out if the "Level Warp" has been implemented, add more specifics
  • Lives settings include two, three, and four instead of three, four, and five.
  • There is no "easy" difficulty setting.
  • Mickey's watch-tapping idle animation does not play during loading screens.
  • Some of the music is different. Some music is already in the game, but goes unused.


  • Tripping over a rock in the Moose Chase level may cause a graphical glitch. This bug is also present in the final game.

MickeyMania glitch.png