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Proto:Resident Evil 2 (PlayStation)/October 31, 1997 Prototype

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Resident Evil 2 (PlayStation).

So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article?
To do:
  • Investigate if the rest of the debug menu can be reactivated.
  • Investigate if Hunk&Tofu mini-games can be played, data seems to be there. Can't beat the game to get the save file to play them. Save files are non-compatible with final too.

A prototype build of Biohazard 2 aka Resident Evil 2 dated October 31, 1997, a bit less than three months before the game's release, and commonly referred to as Beta 2.
Only Leon's disc is available but almost the entire game is playable up until the ending of the A scenario and the end boss of the B scenario, where the game freezes.



The source of this build is a pirate disc from China. Furthermore, there appears to be several different dumps of this build in circulation: a NTSC-J one which this page is based on, and another one which, despite most files being the same, seems to be set to PAL and does not seem to work.

Due to these circumstances, it is currently impossible to assert that these builds have not been tampered with or that they are complete. Data documented on this page may or may not accurately represent the actual state of the game at that point in time.

With that said, when comparing both with the previous prototypes and the final version, the date of the files on the disc as well as the state of their content at this point seem legit.


  • This build was apparently used by GameFan magazine for their preview in the December 1997 issue, however the screenshots in that issue do not match: Leon can be seen using the Custom Magnum and the Flamethrower, two weapons which are only available via cheats/hacks in this version. There are also a lot of screenshots of Claire's scenario, while only Leon's disc was released for this build.
  • One oddity is the presence of the file WARNING.TIM, the "Piracy Warning" screen which is only supposed to be displayed before the title screen in the PAL versions of the game. However, this file is present in the same form in the PAL Preview available with Resident Evil: Director's Cut in that region, and that version was apparently built around the same time period as its SYSTEM.CNF file is dated October 27, 1997, and the rest of the files October 4, 1997. The two things could be linked even if the dates of the two versions' WARNING.TIM files do not match. File VIRGIN.STR, the video of Virgin Interactive's publisher logo, is also present unused in the data. This file is also only supposed to be in the PAL versions of the game.

General Differences

  • Most of the game is playable but a lot of things are unfinished at this point: cutscenes, music, sounds, backgrounds, a lot of background masks weren't done yet meaning 3D models aren't obstructed by background objects, etc. The entire Laboratory and ending sections are the most unfinished.
  • There are countless pick-up item and enemy placement differences, but only a few key items differ.

Biohazard 2 (Japan) (Beta) (Unl)-scenario select.png

  • After selecting New Game from the main menu, a debug menu lets the player choose between "Leon" and "Leon R", which correspond to the A (aka 1st) and B (aka 2nd) scenarios.

Title Screen & Menus

  • The "Gore Warning" screen has not been implemented yet.
Prototype Final
BIO2-OCT3197-Title Screen.png Biohazard 2 - Title Screen (Final).png
  • Subtle differences between this version's title screen and the final. For one, the shadows surrounding the eye are less pronounced.
  • The "Biohazard 2" title call voice sample plays in the prototype version when selecting "option".
Prototype Final
BIO2-OCT3197-Reset Screen (MADA DEKITEMASEN).png BIO2-Reset Screen (Final).png

The Reset option has not been implemented yet, "EXIT" is aligned to the left of the screen, and the romanized Japanese message roughly translates to "yet to be made".

Debug Features

Biohazard 2 (Japan) (Beta) (Unl)-debug menu.png

  • While in the inventory, hold Select over an item slot and press L1 or R1 to activate the item change feature. Once activated, it is possible to cycle through and change items in the inventory with L1 and R1.
  • Still in the inventory, pressing Select on the second pad turns an item into a dual-slot item, allowing such items to display properly after being acquired with the item change debug feature.
  • While checking an item, Triangle allows to change the number of items/ammunition of that item.
  • In the inventory, pressing Circle on the second pad gives infinite ammo for all weapons.
  • On the second pad, R1 turns on/off "NO DEATH MODE", L1 turns on/off background music, and L2 can pause the game at any time with no text display, useful to take pictures of the screen.


Cacti speak Japanese.
...But what does it mean?
This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation!
  • The Custom Magnum and the Flamethrower are nowhere to be found in-game. However they are functional and can both be used with the help of debug features. The sound of the Flamethrower is glitched/unfinished as it keeps playing again from the start while firing rather than looping properly.
  • The Custom Hand Gun behaves a bit differently from final, its range is more akin to that of the shotgun and can even shoot several targets at once.
  • The Flamethrower has a reloading animation which plays when the gun is empty, which did not survive for the final version as no ammo can be picked up for it. Note that it isn't actually functional and the gun isn't reloaded, even when Flamethrower Fuel is in the inventory.
  • The Calico M950 is also usable with the help of debug features. However, it is unfinished: it behaves exactly like Leon's Hand Gun and makes no sound. Note that the weapon has infinite ammo and the infinity symbol appears for it in the inventory icon, no matter the actual ammunition amount, which may be another hint that the weapon was supposed to be a bonus weapon akin to the Gatling. Note that this weapon is usable in Parasite Eve II, which gives a good idea of how it could have been in this game.

Biohazard 2 (Japan) (Beta) (Unl)-H&K MC51 Machine Gun 1.png Biohazard 2 (Japan) (Beta) (Unl)-H&K MC51 Machine Gun 2.png

  • The inventory graphic and description for the H&K MC51 Machine Gun is also present in the game's data though it is not usable and there is no 3D model data.

Inventory Items

The Magnum, Custom Magnum, Shotgun, Shotgun Parts and the Crank all have the same design as they do in the Trial Edition.

Custom Handgun

Prototype Final
Biohazard 2 beta2 ITPS 5.png Biohazard 2 final ITPS 5.png


Prototype Final
Biohazard 2 beta2 ITPS 19.png Biohazard 2 final ITPS 19.png
Biohazard 2 october proto itemall 019.png
Biohazard 2 itemall 019.png

Magnum Parts

Prototype Final
Biohazard 2 beta2 ITPS 34.png Biohazard 2 final ITPS 34.png
Biohazard 2 october proto itemall 034.png
Biohazard 2 itemall 034.png

Machine Gun Bullets

Trial Prototype Final
Biohazard 2 demo itemall 026.png
Biohazard 2 october proto itemall 028.png
Biohazard 2 itemall 028.png

A comparison between the demo versions, the current prototype and the final. Only the small version differs.

Spark Shot Ammo

Prototype Final
Biohazard 2 october proto itemall 029.png Biohazard 2 itemall 029.png


Prototype Final
Biohazard 2 beta2 ITPS 39.png Biohazard 2 final ITPS 39.png

The Green, Red and Blue Herbs are in their pots when checking the items, but they don't in the smaller inventory icons.

Mixed Herbs

Prototype Final
Biohazard 2 beta2 ITPS 42.png Biohazard 2 final ITPS 42.png

The color scheme differs on all Mixed Herbs.


Prototype Final
Biohazard 2 beta2 ITPS 87.png Biohazard 2 final ITPS 87.png
Biohazard 2 october proto itemall 087.png
Biohazard 2 itemall 087.png


Prototype Final
Biohazard 2 beta2 ITPS 97.png Biohazard 2 final ITPS 97.png
Biohazard 2 october proto itemall 097.png
Biohazard 2 itemall 097.png

This key is used instead of the MO DISC from the final. The key is repurposed from the (P) Precinct Key from the Trial Edition. It was repurposed again for the final version of the game into the Platform Key, with a slightly different design.

Spade Key

Prototype Final
Biohazard 2 beta2 ITPS 90.png Biohazard 2 final ITPS 90.png
Biohazard 2 october proto itemall 090.png
Biohazard 3 itemi 114.png

Diamond Key

Prototype Final
Biohazard 2 beta2 ITPS 91.png Biohazard 2 final ITPS 91.png
Biohazard 2 october proto itemall 091.png
Biohazard 2 itemall 091.png

Heart Key

Prototype Final
Biohazard 2 beta2 ITPS 92.png Biohazard 2 final ITPS 92.png
Biohazard 2 october proto itemall 092.png
Biohazard 2 itemall 092.png

Club Key

Prototype Final
Biohazard 2 beta2 ITPS 93.png Biohazard 2 final ITPS 93.png
Biohazard 2 october proto itemall 093.png
Biohazard 2 itemall 093.png

Locker Key

Locker Key
Biohazard 2 beta2 ITPS 64.png
Biohazard 2 demo itemall 065.png

The key used to open the locker in the police station basement storage room, as seen in the section below. The design is repurposed from the (L) Precinct Key found in the Trial Edition, just with the L mark on the key taken out. While the key is unused in the final version of Resident Evil 2, it is used as-is in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis in which it was repurposed, again, into the Main Gate Key.


Biohazard 2 beta2 ITPS 81.png
Biohazard 2 october proto itemall 081.png

An item of unknown purpose found only in this version. Note that it is nowhere to be found in-game and only accessible via debug features or hacking. Perhaps intended to burn the plant in the shaft between the two quarters room of the Laboratory?

Biohazard 2 (Japan) (Beta) (Unl)-Firestarter1.png Biohazard 2 (Japan) (Beta) (Unl)-firestarter2.png

Transcription Translation
ファイアスターター Firestarter
ダミー Dummy

Items & Enemies Placement

  • Generally speaking, there are a lot more supplies and a few less enemies than in the final.
  • Items and enemies placements often match that of the final Japanese version.
  • As already stated, the Flamethrower and the parts to make the Custom Handgun are nowhere to be found, though both guns are functional with the help of the debug feature on the item screen.
  • No ammo can be retrieved from Mr. X's body. His HP vary from room to room but he tends to have more than in the final.
  • The Rocket Launcher acquired at the end of the game has four rockets, versus two in final. This matches with the first game. Presumably this was changed to make the final boss fight against Birkin less of a push-over.
  • The evolved versions of the Licker and Ivy enemies do not exist yet. They are nowhere to be found in-game and there is no 3D model data for them in the file CDEMD0.EMS.
  • In the sewer area, when returning to the first sewer room with Ada, the Giant Spiders present the first time going through the room are still there. In the final they are replaced by zombies.
  • The fight against Birkin's hand in the tramway, is found both in the A and B scenarios. In the final, it is only in the first one. The Alligator fight behaves in the B scenario the same as it does in the A scenario also (in the final, the alligator can flee in the A scenario and die in the B scenario). This is most likely due to the A scenario flags being missing as in this version it is only possible to play the B scenario without having played the A scenario on the same save.
Extra Small Key (A Scenario) Extra Small Key (B Scenario)
Biohazard 2 (Japan) (Beta) (Unl)-small key A.png Biohazard 2 (Japan) (Beta) (Unl)-small key B.png

Biohazard 2 (Japan) (Beta) (Unl)-Ada Herbs 1.png Biohazard 2 (Japan) (Beta) (Unl)-Ada Herbs 2.png

  • Three Green Herbs and one Red Herb can be picked-up when controlling Ada for the first time. If picked-up and unused, the items will be gone from the inventory when controlling Ada for the second time.
  • There are more Blue Herbs. Some can be found in the first corridor leading to the turn-table, and more can be found in the Laboratory.

Biohazard 2 (Japan) (Beta) (Unl)-corridor enemy.png

  • An Ivy is present in the second corridor leading to the turn-table, going hand in hand with the presence of Blue Herbs in the preceding corridor. In the final, this enemy type can only be found in the Laboratory.

Biohazard 2 (Japan) (Beta) (Unl)-Lab enemy 1.png Biohazard 2 (Japan) (Beta) (Unl)-Lab enemy 2.png Biohazard 2 (Japan) (Beta) (Unl)-Lab enemy 3.png Biohazard 2 (Japan) (Beta) (Unl)-Lab enemy 4.png

  • There is no Licker in the Laboratory. In the first screen, it is an Ivy plant which falls down the shaft. Two Giant Moths can be found in the engine room, on top of the one found in the Laboratory B4 room which is the only one found in the final. More naked zombies are in the culture room.

S.Machine Gun and Side Pack

Cacti speak Japanese.
...But what does it mean?
This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation!

In the final version of the game, the player can pick-up a S.Machine Gun and the Side Pack in a locker located in the basement of the police station. The player may choose to pick-up either, both, or none of the items during the A scenario, what hasn't been picked-up in the A scenario will be available in the B scenario.

Furthermore, during the B scenario, if the S.Machine Gun hasn't been picked-up from the locker, the player can find another S.Machine Gun in the Culture Room of the Laboratory, but if it was retrieved from the locker, ammo for it can found instead in the culture room.

This entire mechanic works differently in this version:

Biohazard 2 (Japan) (Beta) (Unl)-locker key 1.png Biohazard 2 (Japan) (Beta) (Unl)-locker key 2.png Biohazard 2 (Japan) (Beta) (Unl)-locker key 3.png

  • First, the player must retrieve this key from the generator room next door.
  • Then, two lockers can be opened in the store room, while only one in the final version.

Biohazard 2 (Japan) (Beta) (Unl)-left locker 1.png Biohazard 2 (Japan) (Beta) (Unl)-left locker 2.png Biohazard 2 (Japan) (Beta) (Unl)-left locker 3.png
This message appears when checking the left locker.

Biohazard 2 (Japan) (Beta) (Unl)-right locker 1.png Biohazard 2 (Japan) (Beta) (Unl)-right locker 2.png
This message appears when checking the right locker.

Biohazard 2 (Japan) (Beta) (Unl)-left locker content.png Biohazard 2 (Japan) (Beta) (Unl)-right locker content.png

  • The player has to choose between either locker and use the key. The left locker contains the Side Pack, while the S.Machine Gun is in the right locker.
  • Once one locker has been opened, the key disappears and the other locker can not be opened during the current scenario, forced to be left for the B scenario.

Biohazard 2 (Japan) (Beta) (Unl)-culture room side pack 1.png Biohazard 2 (Japan) (Beta) (Unl)-culture room side pack 2.png

Biohazard 2 (Japan) (Beta) (Unl)-culture room SMG.png

  • The item that hasn't been retrieved from the locker in the current scenario can instead be found in the Laboratory culture room at the end of the game. If the player got the S.Machine Gun from the locker, he will find the Side Pack in the culture room and vice versa.

Unlike in the final version, this system forces the player to only pick-up either item from the locker rather than being able to take both in the same scenario. It was possibly changed due to the lack of consistency and realism, indeed after using the key once, the key simply vanishes without the player being asked if he wants to discard it like with other keys. Furthermore, acquiring the Side Pack so late in-game would not be very useful.


  • The background for the left locker can still be found unused in the final.
  • In this version, ammo for the S.Machine Gun can be found in one of the save rooms of the sewer area instead.
  • The Locker Key is a repurposed version of the (L) Precinct Key from the demo versions, just with the L mark on the key taken out. While the key is unused in the final version of Resident Evil 2, it is used as-is in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis in which it was repurposed, again, into the Main Gate Key.


Intros & Endings

The intro and ending cut-scenes have not been implemented yet. When starting a new game, there is no message displaying before gameplay either.


10/31/97 Prototype Final

Alternate Costumes

Even though the special Locker Key and the costumes locker haven't been implemented yet, early versions of the alternate costumes exist in the game's data. At this point only one alternate costume exists for Leon.

Biohazard 2 october proto claire early costume.png Biohazard 2 october proto claire early costume back.png
The colour scheme differs from final.

Biohazard 2 october proto Leon early costume 1.png Biohazard 2 october proto Leon early costume 1 back.png
The drawing on the back of the shirt is gone in the final. It is the same drawing as on Chris Redfield's alternate costume in the first game.

Biohazard 2 october proto Leon early costume 2.png Biohazard 2 october proto Leon early costume 2 back.png
Another more advanced version of the same costume. Compared to the final some detailing on the 3D model differs and the "RPD" cap is missing.

Misc. Differences

Licker Jump Scare

The jump-scare involving the Licker jumping through the interview room window plays out differently. In the final, the Licker jumps through the window when the player backtracks after having picked-up the plug. In this version, it happens after having picked-up shotgun ammunition on the table. The ammunition is gone in the final also.
Presumably this was changed so that the event is mandatory rather than optional, as there is no guarantee the player will pick-up the ammunition. Also, it is a lot harder to dodge the Licker in this version.

Countdown Timers

Although it has not been implemented yet, the timer countdown at the end of the B scenario before the boss fight against the Tyrant is 10 minutes according to the voice and subtitle during the cut-scene. It is 5 minutes in the final.
Like-wise, the final timer in the train is 5 minutes versus 2 in the final.

Damage Values & Health Status

  • A zombie bite always deals 20 damage, it is 15 in the previously released Trial Edition and it varies between 30 and 20 in the final version.
  • While, just like in the final, the character's status is yellow Caution at 100 HP or less, the orange Caution status is at 39 HP versus 40 in the final, and the Danger status is at 19 HP versus 20 in the final. This is odd since it does match with the final in the previously released Trial Edition.
  • While the playable character holds his side and slows down at 100 HP or less, which corresponds to the yellow Caution status and matches with the final, he starts to limp at 40 HP while the status still reads orange Caution, which differs from the final in which the limping is tied to the Danger status (20 HP) and which also slightly differs from the Trial Edition in which this mechanic is at 39 HP.

Death Scenes

Death scenes have not yet been censored.

Rooms Data

The following rooms are identical to their counterparts in the US Preview:

  • Room 100, Streets: the starting streets in the A scenario, the lighting on the door of Kendo's Gun Shop is the same as in the demo versions.
  • Room 101, Kendo's Gun Shop: the typewriter is in the room.
  • Room 105, Police Station, Back Entrance: the cardboard box is there and the lighting matches with the demo versions.
  • Room 211, Police Station, Basement Corridor: the stretchers are in the back of the room. However, in this version the room is playable and there is no collision for the stretchers, which may indicate they were already planning to get rid of them.
  • Room 216, Police Station, Parking: the handle is on the other side of the door.

Room 102: Back Street

10/31/97 Prototype Final
Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM102 6.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM102 6.png
Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM102 7.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM102 7.png

The room is very close to the final though some detailing is missing. Compared to the demo versions, the alley has been blocked with Kendo's truck and the basketball court is now accessible.

Room 118: Back Street 2

Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM118 11.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM118 0.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM118 1.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM118 2.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM118 3.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM118 4.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM118 5.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM118 6.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM118 7.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM118 8.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM118 9.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM118 10.png

Early version of the room. The layout and camera angles are identical to the final but many details are missing. This room did not exist in the demo versions.

Room 119: Street To Bus

Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM119 0.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM119 1.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM119 2.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM119 3.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM119 4.png

Same comment as the above.

Room 11B: Street To Police Station Entrance

10/31/97 Prototype Final
Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM11B 0.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM11B 0.png
Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM11B 1.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM11B 1.png
Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM11B 2.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM11B 2.png
Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM11B 3.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM11B 3.png
Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM11B 4.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM11B 4.png

Differs both from the demo versions and final.

Another early yet more advanced version of the room is present in the data of the Nintendo 64 version of the final game.

Room 11C: Heliport, Hunk & Tofu Version

10/31/97 Prototype Final
Biohazard 2 october proto proto ROOM11C 7.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM11C 7.png
Biohazard 2 october proto proto ROOM11C 8.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM11C 8.png
Biohazard 2 october proto proto ROOM11C 9.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM11C 9.png

The version of the heliport used at the end of The 4th Survivor and The To-Fu Survivor mini-games. Three camera angles differ. Note that the mini-games aren't accessible due to the inability to beat the game, though data for The 4th Survivor seems to exist.

Room 11D: Back Street

Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM11D 2.png

Oddly, an unused variant of Room 102 exists with this different room number. Except from the room number, it is identical to the version from the demos, except also for this extra screen which does not exist in the demo versions. It is a variant of the background used in the demo except for the fact that the fence door is part of the background rather than a 3D model.

Room 200: Police Station Main Hall

Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM200 6.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM200 7.png
An item box can be found in the main hall. In the final, it is located in the waiting room next door, and in the demo versions there was none.
Note that this explains why one of the chairs is gone in between the demo versions and the final: they deleted the chair to make room for the item box, but didn't put it back after moving the box.

Biohazard 2 (Japan) (Beta) (Unl)-item box.png
The item box is not actually functional in the main hall and it has no lid. Instead, the lid can be found loose in the middle of the waiting room, where the item box is located in the final, indicating that they were in the middle of moving the box there. It is functional there although it makes no sound. The placement of the lid may or may not suggest that they were planning to replace the small desk with the item box.

Room 20D: Police Station, Conference Room

10/31/97 Prototype Final
Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM20D 4.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM20D 4.png
Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM20D 7.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM20D 7.png

The door differs on the first screen, it is the only screen of the room depicting this early version of the door.

On the second screen, there is more detailing in the prototype version: there are some debris which for some reasons are gone in the final version. Note that this version of the screen, with the hole in the wall, appears in the room during gameplay even before Tyrant bursts through the wall, so the room is clearly unfinished.

Room 213: Police Station, Basement Generator

10/31/97 Prototype Final
Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM213 3.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM213 3.png
Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM213 4.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM213 4.png
Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM213 6.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM213 6.png
Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM213 8.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM213 8.png

Yet another version of the generator. It is the third early version of it which differs every time, after the ones in the November 5, 1996 prototype and in the demo versions.

Note that the reason there is no light in the last shot for the final version is because it is a separate object, a light effect not part of the background.

Room 300+308: Police Station, Chief Irons' Lab

10/31/97 Prototype Final
Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM300 2.png Biohazard 2 ROOM300 2.png
Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM300 3.png Biohazard 2 ROOM300 3.png
Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM300 6.png Biohazard 2 ROOM300 6.png
Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM300 10.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM300 10.png
Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM308 6.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM308 6.png
Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM308 7.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM308 7.png
Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM308 8.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM308 8.png

The stuffed bear and tiger were taken out. Maybe they were too distracting and stole the show during cutscenes?

The fourth shot remained the same, but the tiger is not actually seen in-game due to the black cinematic bar during the cutscene.

Room 30D: Police Station, Basement Save Room

Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM30D 1.png

This version of the room with a different colour scheme is present in the room's data, though unused.

Room 409: Sewer, Upper Floor

10/31/97 Prototype Final
Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM409 6.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM409 6.png

One of the close-ups on Ada during the cutscene, it is seen as-is in-game. All the other camera angles are final.

Room 40E: Tramway Platform

10/31/97 Prototype Final
Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM40E 2.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM40E 2.png
Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM40E 7.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM40E 7.png

Room 601: Laboratory, Elevator

Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM601 0.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM601 1.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM601 2.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM601 3.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM601 4.png Biohazard 2 PlayStation unused background29.png

An early version of the elevator. The switch and the sign above it differ from the final, and the control panel in the back of the elevator is missing, instead there is a simple screen.

The last screen made it to the final, unused.

Room 603: Laboratory, B1 & B2 Engine Room 1

Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM603 0.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM603 1.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM603 2.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM603 3.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM603 4.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM603 5.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM603 6.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM603 7.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM603 8.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM603 9.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM603 10.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM603 11.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM603 12.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM603 13.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM603 14.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM603 15.png

Many of the camera angles differ from the final, being able to see where the crate is being pushed to is a lot harder although the fourth screen gives a nice clue about where to put it. The lighting is darker as well, especially on the upper floor.

Room 604: Laboratory, B1 Engine Room 2

Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM604 4.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM604 5.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM604 6.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM604 7.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM604 8.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM604 9.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM604 10.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM604 11.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM604 12.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM604 13.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM604 14.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM604 15.png

The first four camera angles (not pictured) are identical to the final.

Room 605: Laboratory, B2 Engine Room

Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM605 0.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM605 1.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM605 2.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM605 3.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM605 4.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM605 5.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM605 6.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM603 15.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM604 15.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM605 9.png

The texture for the floor and the switch at the back of the door differ from the final.

Room 608 + 611: Laboratory, B4 Center Room

Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM608 1.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM608 2.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM608 3.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM608 4.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM608 5.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM608 6.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM608 7.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM608 8.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM608 9.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM608 10.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM608 11.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM608 12.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM608 13.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM608 14.png

Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM611 0.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM611 3.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM611 6.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM611 12.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM611 13.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM611 14.png Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM611 15.png

The room is very close to the final but lighting all over the room differs: in the final the lights are bigger and many areas are better lit. Also, all the catwalks use the white light in the prototype version, while in the final one of the catwalks use blue light and another one red light, to differentiate them better.

Room 610: Laboratory, B4 V.A.M. Room

10/31/97 Prototype Final
Biohazard 2 october proto ROOM610 4.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM610 4.png

Room 615: Laboratory, B5 Experiment Room

10/31/97 Prototype Final
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM615 1.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM615 1.png
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM615 2.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM615 2.png
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM615 6.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM615 6.png
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM615 9.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM615 9.png
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM615 10.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM615 10.png

Room 616: Laboratory, B5 South West Corridor

10/31/97 Prototype Final
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM616 0.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM616 0.png
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM616 3.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM616 3.png
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM616 4.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM616 4.png
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM616 5.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM616 5.png
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM616 6.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM616 6.png
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM616 7.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM616 7.png

The non pictured camera backgrounds are identical to the final. For some reason one of the lights in the first shot was taken out.

Room 617: Laboratory, Hangar

10/31/97 Prototype Final
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM617 0.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM617 0.png
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM617 1.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM617 1.png
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM617 2.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM617 2.png
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM617 3.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM617 3.png
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM617 4.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM617 4.png
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM617 5.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM617 5.png
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM617 6.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM617 6.png
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM617 7.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM617 7.png
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM617 8.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM617 8.png
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM617 9.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM617 9.png
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM617 10.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM617 10.png
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM617 11.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM617 11.png

The walls still use the same textures as for the old version of the room as seen in the demo versions. The camera angles for the cutscenes don't exist yet.

Room 700: Train Platform 1

10/31/97 Prototype Final
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM700 9.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM700 9.png

Room 701: Train Platform 2

10/31/97 Prototype Final
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM701 2.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM701 2.png
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM701 3.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM701 3.png
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM701 4.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM701 4.png
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM701 5.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM701 5.png
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM701 7.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM701 7.png

For the final version arrows were added on the floor below the staircase on both sides, and the typewriter was taken out, moved inside the train wagon (Room 704). Indeed it is probably not a good idea to allow the player to save while a countdown is in effect.

Room 702: Tyrant Boss Room

10/31/97 Prototype Final
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM702 6.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM702 6.png
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM702 8.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM702 8.png
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM702 9.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM702 9.png

In the final, barrels make the play field smaller.

Room 704: Train Wagon 2

10/31/97 Prototype Final
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM704 0.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM704 0.png
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM704 1.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM704 1.png
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM704 2.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM704 2.png
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM704 4.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM704 4.png
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM704 5.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM704 5.png
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM704 6.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM704 6.png
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM704 7.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM704 7.png
Biohazard 2 october prototype ROOM704 8.png Biohazard 2 final ROOM704 8.png

For the final the typewriter was moved from the train platform (Room 701) to this room, and another item box was added. Also, in the final version the player does not see how Birkin enters the wagon, but the last prototype shot showcasing the hole in the ceiling may be a clue that it was planned.