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Proto:Rust (Legacy)

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Rust (Legacy).

Back in the day, Rust had a web-based version running on Unity-Web. This version is by now forgotten, but someone in 2013 was able to record some footage and hold it long enough, then release it to the public. Garry himself said that anyone can publish any footage, photos, or even textures ripped from the game as long as they had a legit code to play the game. Strangely, nobody did.

Main Differences

  • The game had no animals.
  • There was one zombie, a slow one.
  • Zombies dropped INCREDIBLE loot.
  • The game had a really prototype-ish view-bob.
  • The game ran on Unity-Web instead of Unity.
  • The game had no rocks on the map.
  • There were no resources to gather. Strangely, the models still spawned in. (Probably were not coded in yet.)
  • There were only two pistols: the 9mm Pistol and the P250.
  • There were no SMGs, makeshift weapons, or assault rifles.
  • No crosshair. (The game had it after emigrating to Steam, then the developers removed it.)
  • The game had seven Weapon Parts and seven Armor Parts. These items still exist in the current version, but they have no use. (Cheating software can make them craftable.)
  • The game dropped empty, primed or normal weapon cartridges. This feature still exists in the game, but in bare bones shape.
  • The HUD is completely different. The game, instead of having blocks that had statuses for different things inside them, had icons, like for example the health. Health had a small actual human heart next to the percent of health. There was no food status bar. The belt is on the side of the screen.
  • The game had one server with 200 slots, two of which were for the developers.