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Proto:Transformers (PlayStation 2, International)/Build 6239

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Transformers (PlayStation 2, International).

Hiddenpalace.org logo.png  This prototype is documented on Hidden Palace.

A very late European prototype.

Text Changes

The only text differences in this build are present in foreign language files, which are exclusive to European builds of the game. Changes that are slightly harder to notice are colored red for clarity.


Key 6239 Retail
KEY_MI_SITUATION_PREBOSS_Cybertron Unicron umkreist Cybertron und bereitet sich auf Zerstörung des Planeten vor. Autobots und Minicons müssen zusammenarbeiten, um die Bedrohung aufzuhalten. Minimales Kraft-Level, um Unicron entgegenzutreten, erfordert 30 Minicons. Die Autobot-Mission hat bisher %d gerettet. Unicron umkreist Cybertron und bereitet sich auf Zerstörung des Planeten vor. Autobots und Minicons müssen zusammenarbeiten, um die Bedrohung aufzuhalten. \n\nMinimales Kraft-Level, um Unicron entgegenzutreten, erfordert %d Minicons. Die Autobot-Mission hat bisher %d gerettet.


Key 6239 Retail
KEY_MI_SITUATION_PREBOSS_Cybertron Unicron è in orbita intorno a Cybertron e si prepara a distruggere il pianeta. Il mondo natale dei Transformer minacciato di estinzione. Gli Autobot e i Mini-Con devono unirsi per Cybertron. Livello energetico minimo per affrontare Unicron è di 30 Mini-Con. Finora la missione degli Autobot ne ha salvati %d. Unicron è in orbita intorno a Cybertron e si prepara a distruggere il pianeta. Il mondo natale dei Transformer minacciato di estinzione. Gli Autobot e i Mini-Con devono unirsi per Cybertron. \n\nLivello energetico minimo per affrontare Unicron è di %d Mini-Con. Finora la missione degli Autobot ne ha salvati %d.
KEY_CTL_POWERLINK { - Connessione { Connessione


Unlike the German and Italian language files, the changes for Spanish pertain to warp gate names only. Build 6239 has some more detailed warp gate descriptions compared to the retail European build.


Key 6239 Retail
KEY_Amazon_1_WARP_START Cuenca amazónica Cuenca amaz.
KEY_Amazon_1_WARP_1 Puente de piedra Puente piedra
KEY_Amazon_1_WARP_2 Templo en ruinas Templo
KEY_Amazon_1_WARP_4 Barranco profundo Barranco
KEY_Amazon_1_WARP_5 Ruina en montaña Ruina


Key 6239 Retail
KEY_Antarctica_WARP_3 Centro investigación Centro inv.

Deep Amazon

Key 6239 Retail
KEY_Amazon_2_WARP_START Cima de la colina Cima colina
KEY_Amazon_2_WARP_1 Puente de cuerdas Puente cuerda
KEY_Amazon_2_WARP_2 Templo del sol Templo sol
KEY_Amazon_2_WARP_4 Aldea en la jungla Aldea


Key 6239 Retail
KEY_AircraftCarrier_WARP_1 Pináculo rocoso Pináculo


Key 6239 Retail
KEY_Greenland_WARP_1 Boca del cañón Boca cañón
KEY_Greenland_WARP_2 Caja del cañón Caja cañón
KEY_Greenland_WARP_3 Cuevas de la montaña Cuevas
KEY_Greenland_WARP_4 Cima del risco Cima risco


Key 6239 Retail
KEY_Spaceship_WARP_START Sala de máquinas Sala máquinas
KEY_Spaceship_WARP_2 Lugar del impacto Lugar impacto

Pacific Island

Key 6239 Retail
KEY_EasterIsland_WARP_3 Lecho fluvial seco Río seco

Build Date and Build Version

Found at 0x00532d90 in the .ELF file. The prototype was built only five days before the European build, and is three builds away from the released European build. Meanwhile, it's only one build and one day away from the US retail build.

Transformers Armada $Revision: 6239 $ $Date: 22/03/04 11:29a $ GOLD