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Ridge Racer (Arcade)

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Title Screen

Ridge Racer

Developer: Namco
Publisher: Namco
Platform: Arcade (System 22)
Released in JP: October 30, 1993
Released in US: December 1, 1993
Released in EU: April 26, 1994

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.


To do:
Maybe replace screenshots with ripped graphics? Though the game uses a strange kind of transparency that gets destroyed if the tiles are ripped via MAME as well as the palette being darker...plus they're still in the ROM for Revision RR3. There's also this debug stuff.

Unused Graphics

Some placeholder sprites by the driver.

RR tex1.png
Unused fence texture.

RR tex2.png
Unused tiles texture.

RR tex5.png
Unused panels texture with 'hidden' message 'KAKI MORI SASA' on one of the panels.

RR tex3.png
Unused textures for a NAMCO building that would probably go near the service center, or in place of one of the buildings used in the final.
There are also early versions of textures that were used on buildings in this area of the track. The 'Galaxian' sign is possibly for the top of the garage.

RR tex4.png
Unused textures for parts of the Beach Hotel.

RR tex6.png
Unused road sign texture.

Regional Differences

There are some sign changes between the Japanese and the World releases; the position of Wonder Eggs and Cyber Station ads were switched around.

Japan World
RidgeRacer-JPSecondSignPlacement.png RidgeRacer-RR22ndSignPlacement.png
Japan World
RidgeRacer-JPcheckpoint.png RidgeRacerAC-RR2checkpoint.png

Revisional Differences

Just like the regional changes, there are some sign changes and even removals. In Revision RR3, Brent Leisure Limited (Namco's European arcade distributor) is the only sign used in the game, suggesting that version is intended for European markets.

World RR2 World RR3
RidgeRacer-RR22ndSignPlacement.png RidgeRacerAC-RR32ndSignPlacement.png
World RR2 World RR3
RidgeRacerAC-3rdSignPlacement.png RidgeRacer-RR33rdSignPlacement.png
World RR2 World RR3
RidgeRacerAC-RR2checkpoint.png RidgeRacerAC-RR3checkpoint.png

As such, the Cyber Station sign near the beach checkpoint and on the right just before the tunnel, as well as the Aladdin's Castle sign that is past the houses before reaching to the tunnel, are all removed.

World RR2 World RR3
RidgeRacerAC-Signpasthouses.png RidgeRacerAC-Nosignpasthouses.png
World RR2 World RR3
RidgeRacerAC-Signbeforetunnel.png RidgeRacerAC-RR3Signbeforetunnel.png