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Sea World Adventure Park Tycoon 3D

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Title Screen

Sea World Adventure Park Tycoon 3D

Developer: Deep Red
Publisher: Activision
Platform: Windows
Released in US: 2004

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

Ever wanted to create a Sea World theme park? Probably not, but now's your chance.

Unused Graphics

Of the three .tga files in the Textures folder, all three are unused.

Seaworldtycoon SUNCOLS.png

SUNCOLS.tga, graphic with directions for Jon on how sun cols work.

Seaworldtycoon DesertDistant.png

DesertDistant.tga, an unused ground texture.

Seaworldtycoon SUNFLARE.png

SUNFLARE.tga, an unused solar flare.

Unused Text

At 133603 is a string leftover from an earlier build.

SeaWorld Adventure Parks Tycoon 3D - Deep Red Games - NOT FOR RELEASE -  Version 0.01

Right below is some dummy text.

No Text!


Scripts/GamePerimeters.pis is a file that determines how some of the game's features work. The most interesting part are the values at the bottom which were used during development, but are no longer functional.

// GameParameters.pis

// These are parameters that can be changed. You should only change these if you are having problems
// running the game

// to disable something, set the value to "false", to enable set to "true"

    'bPLAY_MOVIE'                           "true"
	'bSOUND_ENABLED'						"true"
	'bNIGHT_DAY_ENABLED'					"false"
	'b2D'				    "true"


// These were used during development. Changing these will have no effect on the
// release version of the game

	'bQUICK_LOAD_MAP'					 	"false"

	'iMAP_GRIDSIZE_XY'						40
	'fMAP_SCALE_Z'			  				2.5

    'bDONT_UNLOAD_MAP_CHUNKS'               "false"

	'sDEBUGFONT_NAME'		  				"Small Fonts"
	'iDEBUGFONT_SIZE'		  				6

	//map drawing
	'iMAP_NUDGE_SPEED'						30
	'fMAP_MAX_VELOCITY'						60.0