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Shuujin he no Peret-em-Heru/MAP140.DAT Text

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This is a sub-page of Shuujin he no Peret-em-Heru.

This page will be cleaned at a later date.

Cacti speak Japanese.
...But what does it mean?
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Japanese Translation
\>[歩人]いや、かけっぱなしだ。 \>[Ayuto] "There's no need to call her again, Nei's cell

\>is still ringing."

\>[歩人]着信音の出どころを探そう。 \>[Ayuto] "All I need to do is follow the sound of her




\>[Ayuto] "My cell phone.

\>Just so we don't lose each other, me and my friends

\>make sure to carry them wherever we go."

\>[歩人]・・・お互い迷子にならぬ様・・? \>[Ayuto] "Wait... so we won't lose each other?"
\>[歩人]そうだっ、寧の携帯に連絡するんだっ!! \>[Ayuto] "That's right! I could dial her cell!!"
\>[歩人]寧・・・出てくれ。 \>[Ayuto] "C'mon, Nei, pick up!"
\>[歩人]いや・・・電話に出る様な余裕があるはずない。 \>[Ayuto] "Damn, looks like she's unable to answer her


\>[歩人]・・・あれ? \>[Ayuto] "...Huh?"
\>[歩人]携帯の着信音が聞こえる!! \>[Ayuto] "I can hear Nei's ringtone!!"
\>[歩人]日本で買ったガムだ。 \>[Ayuto] "A pack of gum I bought back in Japan."
\>[歩人]クチャクチャ・・・・。 \>[Ayuto] *chew* *chew*
\>[歩人]ふぅ・・・・。 \>[Ayuto] "Phew..."
\>[歩人]いや・・・引く様なものはない。 \>[Ayuto] "Nope. There's nothing here to pull."
\>[歩人]押す様なものは、辺りに見当たらない。 \>[Ayuto] "I don't see anything to push around here."
[歩人]寧ぃーーーーー、何処だっ!!! [Ayuto] "NEEEEEEEEEEI! WHERE ARE YOU?!?"
\>[歩人]・・・・・・・・・・・・。 \>[Ayuto] "..."
\>[歩人]駄目だ・・・返事はない。 \>[Ayuto] "No response..."
\>[歩人]・・・・何も落ちてないか。 \> [Ayuto] "...Looks like I'm outta gas."
\>[歩人]うんしょぉっ!! \>[Ayuto] "Nrrrrgh!!"
\>[歩人]・・・ね、寧!! \>[Ayuto] "...N-NEI!!"
\>[歩人]おいっ!・・・しっかりしろぉ!! \>[Ayuto] "Hey! Wake up!!"
\>[寧]ん・・・ \>[Nei] "Mmmnn..."
\>[歩人]・・・気がついたか? \>[Ayuto] "Are you okay?"
\>[寧]・・・あ・・歩人・・? \>[Nei] "...A-Ayuto? ...Is that you?"
\>[歩人]そう、そうだ・・・俺が見えるな? \>[Ayuto] "Yeah, it's me! Can you see me?"
\>[寧]私・・・ \>[Nei] "What..."
\>[歩人]・・・俺の指、何本に見える? \>[Ayuto] "Look at my fingers, how many am I holding


\>[寧]五本・・・ \>[Nei] "Five..."
\>[寧]私・・・何してたの? \>[Nei] "What...was I doing?"
\>[歩人]・・・え、何も憶えて無い・・の? \>[Ayuto] "Huh? ...You can't remember?"
\>[寧]うん・・・ \>[Nei] "No..."
\>[歩人]・・・ど、何処まで憶えてるの? \>[Ayuto] "What's the last thing you remember?"
\>[寧]えっと・・・ \>[Nei] "Umm, let's see..."
\>[寧]宝物・・・がいっぱいあった所? \>[Nei] "The last thing I saw...was a mountain full of


\>[歩人]え、そこまで戻っちゃう・・の? \>[Ayuto] "Woah... that far back?"
\>[歩人]・・・そ、そっか。 \>[Ayuto] "S-So that means..."
\>[歩人]と、とにかく・・・立てよ、立てる? \>[Ayuto] "A-Anyways, can you stand?"
\>[寧]うん・・・平気。 \>[Nei] "Yeah, I think so..."
\>[歩人]うんしょぉっ!! \>[Ayuto] "Nrrrrgh!!"
\>[歩人]ひゃっ・・・!? \>[Ayuto] *gasp*
\>[歩人]ミ・・・ミイラだ。 \>[Ayuto] "I-It's a mummy..."
\>[歩人]これじゃあ、なかったか、くそっ! \>[Ayuto] "That's not who I was looking for! DAMMIT!"
\>[歩人]・・・っ!? \>[Ayuto] "...!?"
\>[歩人]なな・・何だぁ、地震!? \>[Ayuto] "W-W-What's this?! An earthquake?!"
\>[歩人]に・・逃げなきゃ!! \>[Ayuto] "I-I better get outta here!!"


\>[Ayuto] "Doesn't it suck that whatever you need is

\>never within grasp?"

\>[歩人]重いだけだったな・・・・。 \>[Ayuto] "This log is getting pretty heavy..."


\>[Ayuto] "It looks like this photo was taken while he

\>was looking around, as if he was in a hurry..."



\>[Ayuto] "I think Mizumi said this was a photo he had

\>taken of...a woman?"

\>[歩人]・・・・あれ、何だこれ? \>[Ayuto] "This doesn't help me any..."


\>[Ayuto] "Where did he take this photograph at?

\>It looks like he panicked and completely missed his


\>[歩人]早織さんの恋人が写ってる写真だ。 \>[Ayuto] "It's a photo of Saori's boyfriend."
\>[歩人]何だか、命より大事にしてるらしい。 \>[Ayuto] "For some reason, this photo is more precious

\>to her than her own life."



\>[Ayuto] "A bunch of Egyptian hieroglyphics and symbols

\>seem to be carved into the ceiling."

\>[歩人]おそらくここが、特別な部屋だからだろう。 \>[Ayuto] "It certainly adds to the feeling that this

\>room has a very special purpose."

\>[歩人]正面から見てみよう。 \>[Ayuto] "Let's take a look at this."
\>[歩人]正面から見てみよう。 \>[Ayuto] "Let's take a look at this."
\>[歩人]!! \>[Ayuto] "!!"
\>[歩人]ミ・・・ミイラだ。 \>[Ayuto] "I-It's a mummy!!"
\>[歩人]いや・・・・違う、今までのミイラと! \>[Ayuto] "Wait, no, this one is different from the

\>previous mummies we've seen!"



\>[Ayuto] "This one is sitting on top of a golden throne

\>in an elaborately designed room..."

\>[歩人]間違い無く、身分が違う。 \>[Ayuto] "Yeah, no mistake about it. This guy must be

\>extremely important."

\>[歩人]王・・・とか? \>[Ayuto] "Could he be... the pharaoh?"
\>[歩人]あの教授が言ってたな、確か・・・ \>[Ayuto] "If so, this is who Professor Tsuchida was

\>telling us about from the start..."

\>[歩人]・・・・クフ王? \>[Ayuto] "...Is this Khufu?"
\>[歩人]・・・そうなのか? \>[Ayuto] "Could this really be him?"


\>[Ayuto] "Not much more I can do here..."
\>[歩人]教授を呼んで来るしかない。 \>[Ayuto] "I should go get the professor."
\>[教授]ふ、ふはは・・・っ。 \>[Tsuchida] "Heh heh... mwahahah!"
\>[教授]そうか・・・ついに発見かっ!! \>[Tsuchida] "It is him! At last, my discovery has come

\>to fruition!!"

\>[教授]くくく・・・ふははははっ!! \>[Tsuchida] "Hmhmhm... bwahahahahah!!"