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Squeeballs Party (Nintendo DS)

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Title Screen

Squeeballs Party

Developer: Eiconic Games
Publishers: Aksys Games (US), Zen United (EU), Performance Designed Products (AU)
Platform: Nintendo DS
Released in US: October 12, 2009
Released in EU: October 2009
Released in AU: March 18, 2010

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

Toy testing gets violent.

Unused Icon

SqueeballsPartyDS Partytesticon.ntft.png

In the ROM is an unused icon called partytesticon.ntft. Despite being similar to the used bat icon, it is of lower quality and appears to be a placeholder for the other icons when selecting the type of game in the party menu.

Unused Text

In both US and European versions, there are complete csv files for each language, which show entries not only for a debug menu, but also for the unreleased PS3 and Xbox 360 versions, the latter of which was to be bundled with a Wiimote-like "Freedom Controller".

Only present in the European version are zip archives, dating from July 31 and August 8, 2009 ("Squeeball_Languages_31_07_09___18_02pm.zip" and "Squeeball_Languages_08_08_09___02_13am.zip", respectively), containing earlier language files.

English! Well what do you know...
Je ne peux pas parler français.
Ich bin unbenutzt.
Evviva! Italiano!
Toro! Toro! El Toro!