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Talk:WarioWare: Smooth Moves

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This is the talk page for WarioWare: Smooth Moves.
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Opening the archives inside.

Is there a way to open up the archives inside the game files.

-JeanMich02 11:42 2013-09-04

This is old, but yes. Wiimms SZS Tools. Larsenv (talk) 10:41, 3 June 2016 (EDT)

Form Baton Explanation Translations (Are they good?)

I've been translating all the Form Baton explanations in Japanese, and I'm wondering if they're good. The Form Baton, the Wii Remote parody, in Japanese is known as the "Etiquette Bar" (作法棒; Sahō bō).

The Remote Control: 正面 (Shōmen; Front) JP: 作法棒の先端を正面に向け、離母魂(りもこん)を持つように真っ直ぐ構えましょう。素朴さゆえに隙がないその姿は、すべての作法の基本です。 Translated: Let the tip of the Etiquette Bar face the front and keep it straight as if holding a remote control. The appearance that there is no weakness due to naivety is the basis of all manners.

The Umbrella: 滝登り(Taki nobori; Waterfall Climbing) JP: 作法棒を縦に構え、親指をそっと牡丹(ぼたん)に乗せましょう。その姿は荒々しい滝を登る鯉のように美しく、見る者の心を奪います。 Translated: Hold the Etiquette Bar vertically, and rest your thumb softly on the button. Its appearance is as beautiful as a carp climbing a rough waterfall, stealing the viewer’s heart.

The Handlebar: 両握り (Ryō-nigiri; Dual Grip) JP: 作法棒を横に倒し、両端を上からしっかり握りましょう。ただし、逆さまに持ってはいけません。禁じ手です。 Translated: Lay down the Etiquette Bar sideways, and grasp both ends firmly from above. However, don’t hold it upside down. That’s a forbidden hand.

The Sketch Artist: 達筆 (Tappitsu; Skilled Strokes) JP: 作法棒の先端を正面に向け、鉛筆のように持ちましょう。指先から作法棒に魂を送り込めるようになると、達人と呼ばれます。 Translated: Let the tip of the Etiquette Bar face the front, and hold it as you would a pencil. When you send your soul from your fingertips to the Etiquette Bar, you’ll be called Master.

The Samurai: 下段の構え (Gedan-no-kamae; Lower Stance) JP: 作法棒を右/左手で握り、左/右の腰のあたりに当てて構えましょう。目を閉じゆっくり息を整え、遅いくる敵を待つのです。 Translated: Hold the Form Baton with your right/left hand, and hold it against your left/right hip. Close your eyes, slowly breathe, and wait for the enemy slowly coming.

The Tug-of-War: 綱引き (Tsuna-hiki) JP: 作法棒の先端を正面に向け、両手でしっかり握りましょう。臍の上あたりで構えるのが通です。 Translated: Let the tip of the Etiquette Bar face the front, and hold it firmly with both hands. It’s best that you keep it just above the navel.

The Waiter: 手乗り (Tenori; Hand Rider) JP: 作法棒の先端を正面に向け、牡丹(ぼたん)を上にした状態で掌に乗せましょう。掌は大海原を、作法棒は小舟をあらわし、その雄大な姿は見る者を圧倒します。 Translated: Let the tip of the Etiquette Bar face the front, and place it on your palm with the button up. The palm shows the ocean, the Form Baton shows the boat, and its majestic form overwhelms those who see it.

The Elephant: 天狗 (Tengu; Heavenly Dog) JP: 作法棒の先端を正面に向け、鼻の前に掲げましょう。長く伸びた鼻先からは不思議な力が発せられているとかいないとか。 Translated: Let the tip of the Etiquette Bar face the front, and hold it in front of your nose. From a long, extended nose, it’s said that a mysterious power is emitted.

The Handlebar: まわりゃんせ (Mawaryanse) JP: 作法棒を横に倒し、両手で包み込むように持ちましょう。『まーわりゃんせーまわりゃんせーおなじぼうなら まわさにゃそんそん』 Translated: Lay down the Form Baton sideways, and hold it like wrapping with both hands. (Note: Mawaryanse is a type of dance in Japan, and the next bit includes the lyrics. It's rather difficult to translate here, so I'm afraid I'll have to leave it at this.)

The Finger Food: おつまみ (Otsumami; Snack/Side Dish) JP: 作法棒の先端を正面に向け、背面からそっとつまみましょう。やさしくかつしっかりと。繊細な力加減が美しさを際だたせます。 Translated: Let the tip of the Etiquette Bar face the front, and pinch gently from the back. Gently and Firmly. Delicate power adjustment adds beauty.

The Mortar and Pestle: 小坊主 (Kobōzu; Little Monk) JP: 作法棒を右/左手で縦に構え、左/右の掌にそっと乗せましょう。自在に動く作法棒の姿からいつしか『小坊主』の呼び名がつをました。 Translated: Hold the Etiquette Bar vertically with your right/left hand, and let it gently ride on your left/right palm. From the figure of a freely moving Etiquette Bar, its name is known as “Little Monk”.

The Boxer: 岡っ引き (Okappiki; Hawkshaw) JP: 作法棒を横に倒し、右/左手で上からしっかり登りましょう。みなぎる力をすべて作法棒に注ぎ込む心意気が、新しい時代を切り開きます。 Translated: Lay down the Etiquette Bar sideways, and grip firmly from above with your right/left hand. Sending all the soul’s power to the Form Baton with the intent of bringing justice is what opens up a new era.

The Dumbbell: 鉄亜鈴 (Tetsu-arei; Iron Dumbbell) JP: 作法棒を横に倒し、下から逆手で握りましょう。軽いはずの作法棒から歴史の重みが伝わってきませんか? Translated: Lay down the Etiquette Bar sideways, and grip the bottom with your hand upside-down. Will history's weights be sent to the Etiquette Bar that should be light?

The Mohawk: ちょんまげ (Chonmage; Topknot) JP: 作法棒の先端を正面に向け、頭の上に乗せましょう。この作法中に頭から作法棒をおとすことは大変無礼な好意とされています。 Translated: Let the tip of the Etiquette Bar face the front, and place it on top of your head. It is considered a very rude act for a man to take the Etiquette Bar off his head in this form.

The Janitor: 聖徳太子 (Shōtokutaishi; Prince Shotoku) JP:作法棒を縦にし、両手でしっかり握りましょう。右/左手は天を、左/右手は大地をあらわし、作法棒は天地を繋ぐ架け橋です。 Translated: Place the Etiquette Bar vertically, and hold it firmly with both hands. The right/left hand is the heavens, the left/right hand represents the earth, and the Etiquette Bar is the bridge connecting the heaven and the earth.

The Thumb Wrestler: 指相撲 (Yubizumō; Thumb-wrestling) JP: 作法棒を縦に構え、親指で棒の上部をおさえましょう。親指を離したときに放たれる力は馬三頭分に匹敵します。 Translated: Hold the Etiquette Bar vertically, and hold the top of the bar with your thumb. The force that you can release when you release your thumb equals three horses.

The Discard: 置き (Oki; Placement) JP: 安定した台の上に作法棒を裏返して置きましょう。踊りが始まるまでは何人たりとも作法棒に振れてはいけません。 Translated: Place the Etiquette Bar face down on a stable table. Nobody can swing to the Etiquette Bar until the game begins.

The Big Cheese: 大威張り (Ōibari; All-Powerful) JP: 作法棒を腰に当て、後方に反りましょう。自信に道ちた表情をするとより効果敵です。 Translated: Place the Etiquette Bar on your waist, and have an arch on your back. It’s more effective if you express yourself with self-confidence.

The Diner: 二刀流 (Nitōryū; Two-Sword Style) JP: 作法棒とにぎり石を繋ぎ、作法棒を右/左手で、にぎり石を左/右手で、しっかり握りましょう。引っ張りすぎと危険です。冷静かつ大胆な踊りを心がけてください。 Translated: With the Etiquette Bar and Grip Stone connected, with the Etiquette Bar in your right/left hand, and the Grip Stone in your left/right hand, hold them both tightly. Pulling too much is deadly, so please keep calm and move boldly. -Here, the Balance Stone, the Nunchuck parody, is called the "にぎり石 (Nigiriishi; Grip Stone)" in Japan.

So, yeah. These are my translations for all the explanations in the Japanese version of WarioWare: Smooth Moves. Let me know if you see any problems in translation, or if you have something to say.

The preceding unsigned comment was added by Kadogemu (talk • contribs)

In a word, 'no'. I translated the first two sentences myself and came up with the following:
Point the tip of the "Etiquette Staff" towards the screen and pose with it as if you're holding a remote controller. Said posture will not breach any etiquette due to the simplicity of it and forms the basis of all etiquette.
Hold the "Etiquette Staff" vertically to prepare, and then gently rest your thumb on the button. This form is as beautiful as a carp swimming up a violently churning waterfall, and the hearts of those who witness this will be stolen away by it.
Your versions of these translations are simply not up to the standards of the wiki because they've misinterpreted the meanings of some words (and in some cases entire sentences), the subject of sentences, but most importantly do not always even read as a natural English sentence. Furthermore, most of them are extremely similar to what several popular machine translators give, the use of which are not permitted by TCRF's rules for precisely the reasons I've outlined above.
If you can improve upon these to the point that they meet our guidelines, then they can be included, but as they stand now they're simply incorrect and mislead the reader.
Bast (talk) 06:22, 12 June 2017 (EDT)
I... I love your translations! Given, Japanese wasn't my forte, and I never had plans for my translations to be used on the wiki anyway. My main purpose is to spread the word that these explanations deserve recognition, to see you translate is a light in the dark. I'll work on these, and If I could PM you to see what I come up with, let me know. Consider this a pitch to the wiki for this game, and I see what I can do.--Kadogemu (talk) 13:00, 12 June 2017 (EDT)

Some minor translation improvements(?)

The Sketch Artist: 達筆 (Tappitsu; Skilled Writing)


Point the tip of the Etiquette Staff towards the screen, and hold it like a pencil. As soon as you can send part of your soul from your fingertips to the Etiquette Staff, you'll be called Master.

The Samurai: 下段の構え (Gedan-no-kamae; Lower Stance)


Grasp the Etiquette Staff with your right/left hand, and pose with it around the left/right side of your waist. Close your eyes, slowly breathe, and wait for the enemy that's slowly approaching.

How would you have translated these?

More unseen graphics?

I found this on twitter which shows more of the background of the Punch-Out!! Minigame with an NES emulator used. https://twitter.com/OtherEhm/status/934909312979423232

--Craftersshaft (talk) 10:55, 29 November 2017 (EST)

'zzzzzzzz.zzz' file

I happened to notice there was a 32 kilobyte file in the root directory with a bunch of z's in the name. Based on the filename I think it's some form of dummy file, but has anyone been able to figure out what exactly it contains? --BirdGuts (talk) 06:05, 5 February 2022 (UTC)

I don't know... I saw that when I used dolphin and I saw a file called "zzzzzzzz.zzz" too. CZ2746isback (talk) 15:16, 19 October 2022 (UTC)
Actually, never mind. It was a deleted file by Ccleaner (I think...) and was renamed to that "zzz" thing. CZ2746isback (talk) 15:18, 19 October 2022 (UTC)