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The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy is one of the most ambitious titles in the series, sporting a large world interconnected in multiple directions with the aid of several different minigames.
Getting hit by a butterfly doesn't just reverse Dizzy's controls; it reverses the momentum he gets from other things that push him around. For one thing, it becomes quite difficult to use the rope correctly in this state when Dizzy will jump away from the direction he is swinging. The game also features a few guard-type characters who will damage and push Dizzy back a bit until he can get them to leave by placating them with the correct item, and the effect of the butterfly-inflicted backward status on these guards' knockback can vary with the character and the version of the game.
One of the city's tunnels is guarded by an armored troll who will let you continue to the other end if you give him a bag of gold. In all three versions, simply walking backwards into the guard may fling you to the other side, but Dizzy fills up on damage from the time spent in his hitbox and dies before he can reach the other exit. Jumping backwards into the guard can be a different story: If you try to jump over him while walking backwards in the Blue version, Dizzy will jump on his head in an uncontrollable loop until the backwards spell randomly wears off, which can take a few minutes and still leaves Dizzy dead. In the first Red revision, although this bug was not fixed, Dizzy walks much faster and is actually able to jump all the way over the troll while suffering only minor damage with a high enough jump, which is not supposed to happen. Then the third version tweaks the physics such that the guard throws Dizzy straight up for a moment before Dizzy gets launched to either side no matter the jump height, which takes long enough that Dizzy always fills up on damage in a similar manner to just walking into the guard, thus removing this sequence break. (This also demonstrates that the third version corrected the small oddity of Dizzy's sprite appearing behind the highest background bricks in the previous versions.)
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