Featured File
PuLiRuLa is a beat-em-up that starts out innocently enough before drop-kicking the player into a pit of madness.
A cut round exists in the files, but the layout is the only thing left in the ROM. Object data, collision data, and camera data are all missing.
This round is a glacial area with giant snowflakes on the ground and massive ice spires in the back. The OST has a BGM for a "snowfield" stage as Round 8 -- which fits the theme of this unused area -- though that track's placement in the actual game comes directly after Round 6.
Three of the 128x128 chunks here use incorrect palette assignments, and one of the chunks near the end was repurposed for Round 6. Blocks with the kanji 謎, or "mystery", mark where unfinished scenery-based chunks would go.
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