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Tenshou Gakuen Gekkouroku

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Title Screen

Tenshou Gakuen Gekkouroku

Developer: Arcadia Project
Publisher: Asmik Ace Entertainment
Platform: PlayStation 2
Released in JP: November 22, 2006, November 29, 2007 (Asmik Tokuda Series)

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

Debug Menu

Tenshou Gakuen Gekkouroku - Debugmenu1.png Tenshou Gakuen Gekkouroku - Debugmenu2.png

Enabling the below code will send you to this screen when pressing L3 at any time. From here you can enable various script flags, toggle item settings and set character stats.

Press L3 For Debug Menu
201080E0 08058C96
D01CB9C2 0000FFFD
201E4700 00000003
Text Translation
スクリプト変数 Script Variables
スクリプトフラグ Script Flags
キャラ情報 Character Information
アイテム保持数 Items Held
相陣連技取得フラグ Obtained Aijin Renteki flags
相性値 全員 Member Affinity
月光録フラグON Gekkouroku Flag ON
クリア回数 Game Clear Times
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Scene Select

Tenshou Gakuen Gekkouroku - Sceneselect.png

A debug scene select menu can be enabled with the below code. This replaces the New Game script.

New Game = Scene Select
201CC474 706D756A
201CC478 6F74735F
201CC47C 642E7972
201CC480 00007461
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Images

Miscellaneous placeholder icons:

Tenshou Gakuen Gekkouroku - eyecatch.png Tenshou Gakuen Gekkouroku - face 017.png Tenshou Gakuen Gekkouroku - face 023.png

A few battle related sprites have placeholder frames:

Several images found in a folder called "test":

A screenshot which shows some debug information at the top left of the image:

Tenshou Gakuen Gekkouroku - aaaout.png

An event image which has a slightly different hue than its used version:

Unused Used
Tenshou Gakuen Gekkouroku - ev17.png Tenshou Gakuen Gekkouroku - ev017.png
(Source: Original TCRF research)