Tetrisphere |
Developer: H2O Entertainment
Oh dear, I do believe I have the vapors. This page contains content that is not safe for work or other locations with the potential for personal embarrassment. Such as: There's some swearing in the debug messages, although not as bad as The New Tetris. |
Tetrisphere is best described as "what Tetris would look like if it were in first-person view". It also features some really trippy visuals, and the soundtrack...oh boy.
Debug Messages
The game contains a lot of debug text, starting at offset 0xC6370 and mixing with the rest of the game's text. Here are just a few samples of them:
*** GAME CRASH CONFIRMED!!! *** ERRRRRRORRR *** WARNING! generatelevel.c -> PlacePiece is going to plot z+1! *** ERROR! generatelevel.c -> PlacePiece did not function to avoid breaking a piece! Killing the player for destroying an evil crystal ERROR! generatelevel.c -> CopyLevelPuzzle. Unkwnown Dest! Setting Quest Background to: %d *** ERROR!! drop.c -> PlacePieceGame was called with a non valid Piece!!! Dragging a used Piece!! Sending some foul blocks! Inializing heart skull animation thing
Most of it is routine stuff, but there are some interesting gems in there. The developers were certainly not in a good mood or this was "kinda" a joke from them.
******** ******** NOT IMPLODING A PIECE BECAUSE IT IS BROKEN! ******** ERROR!!!!!1 DOES NOT EXIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *********** WRONG LEVEL INIT TYPE!!!!!!!! *********** If you see this let ME KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *** ERROR!! drop.c -> PlacePieceGame was called with a non valid Piece!!! *** THIS IS MAJOR FUCKING EVIL AND WILL CRASH THE GAME!!!!! TELL SOMEONE!! *** (PREFERABLY SOMEONE SMART LIKE A CODER!) evil piece: (%d) tell bailey ERROR!! I Should NEVER Get Here in drop.c!! I am a MEAN AI! Make XCount 21!! I Have Sent enough black: %d, lets win! PANIC!! LETS DIG TO WIN! HMM, he is getting close to winning, lets send Fuqing negative number!!!! ABORT WIN CUZ ENDANIM FUCK YOU %d What the FUCK BLOWPIECEGONNER!! tell dave ***********************FREAQING DORQ.. LOAD GUI SFX FIRST ***********************FUQIN DORQ.. LOAD GUI SFX FIRST Idiot! Don't use HuffMan! My God, That Musta Hurt! Memory available: %d
Note that "tell dave" likely refers to David Pridie, one of the programmers.
Build Date
USA | Europe |
Jun 6 1997.21:45:51 |
Nov 17 1997.20:23:27 |
Most likely the date that the game was completed.
Regional Differences
Removed Track
The song "Flim Flam" is not present in the European version. The Brick variation which used this song now uses "Extol" instead, which is also the song that replaced it on the Audio menu.
Playing "Prophetic" During Gameplay
Normally, if you change the music selection to Choose in the Audio menu, the game will not allow the track "Prophetic - Title" to play. However, a glitch in the European version causes the song to play if the player loops through the list by pressing D-Right after the last song. This is the only way the song can be played in-game, though the game will change the song to "Azule Lux" every time a new level is loaded.
This is most likely caused by the game trying to play "Extol", as it was the last track in the US version. Since its placement was changed, the game loops the list and plays "Prophetic" instead.
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- Games released in August
- Games released on August 11
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with regional differences
- NSFW articles
- Tetris series
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