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The Blue Marlin

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Title Screen

The Blue Marlin

Developer: Mint
Publisher: HOT-B
Platform: NES
Released in JP: December 27, 1991
Released in US: July 1992

DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

BugsIcon.png This game has a bugs page

To do:
Check out the Japanese version more. This article largely goes over the US version.

The Blue Marlin is HOT-B's attempt at a game where the player fishes for something other than bass fish in an endless summer.


Read about notable bugs and errors in this game.


Sound Test

Blue Marlin, The (U) -!--1.png

Hold Select + Start, then press Reset.

Unused Music

Tracks 14 and 17 in the sound test are unused in the game. 14 sounds like a short victory jingle and 17 is an action-packed loop.

Unused Events

Event $0A

Blue Marlin, The-eventA.png

There are 14 events that may occur during the reeling sequences. The most common are "SHOOT! THE HOOK CAME OUT" (number $0E), "GO FOR IT!" (number $0D) and "THE LINE'S REELING OUT!" (nmber $07). The rest are semi-random fishing events involving Marlin jumping, walking, Shark biting, etc. Some of thse are very rare.

One of the events, "THE ROD IS BROKEN" (event number $0A), is never assigned to any part of the game and thus never called. However, the switch case still exists in the scripts. To see it, when the game writes an event number in RAM at $5C4, write $0A there instead.

Unreferenced Event

Blue Marlin, The-unused event.png

Another unused event is totally unreferenced in scripts and can be seen only using the Game Genie codes NKNVLIVO+XONVGSNA, which replaces the "SHOOT! THE HOOK CAME OUT" event with this one. This event also mentions the broken equipment: "WHAT? THE REEL DOESN'T WORK!?", so it's possible they were cut out to reduce the difficulty.

Hidden Text

Soft Reset Check

The string "MEGUMI.MY.LOVE" appears in the ROM at offset 0x1E0E1 (not including the iNES header). While not seen in-game, this string is used as a RAM check to determine if the game has been soft-reset (with the Reset button) or hard-reset (by turning the power off and on again), likely used for the sound test.

It's worth noting that very similar messages appeared in several Hudson Soft games written by Kikuta Masaaki, such as Star Soldier, though whether he had any involvement with this game is currently unknown.

Info Strings

Two small strings found at 0x1EAF1 (US version) were likely used at the development stage as a debug event. It has the wrong spelling of "MARLIN" as well.



A version number and a title string can also be found in the footer at 0x1FFF0 (both versions). Both are part of the special ROM header used by some hardware (like FamicomBox) to autodetect the game's name, mapper, and size. This title string contains a typo of "MARINE" where it should be "MARLIN":


Regional Differences

Password Screen

Japan US
Blue Marlin password-1.png Blue Marlin password-2.png

Event Graphics

Japan North America
Think of the children! Much better

In North America, a somewhat gruesome image of a fish vomiting up its own stomach(!) in the "Go for it!" event was, of course, censored. The CHR graphics for the stomach are still present in the US version. All they did was remove the object insertion from the script. The event text was also rewritten to compensate; now the fish just gets tired.