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The Penguins of Madagascar: Race for 1st Place

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Title Screen

The Penguins of Madagascar: Race for 1st Place

Developer: InLight
Publisher: LeapFrog Enterprises
Platform: Leapster
Released internationally: July 11, 2010

TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

Cheat Menus

Featured in Alarm Disarmed and Karate Crackdown.

POMLEAP d.png POMLEAP d2.png


Lil ducked.  The jet zipped past her head.  Dust flew, Lil sneezed, and Leap turned red.  Then Lil got up, about to yell.  Leap gasped, "Look, Lil!  Your tooth!  It fell!"
'Approved Content' is content that either is created by LeapFrog or has received final approval under contract with LeapFrog.  LeapFrog grants you permission to copy these five sentences only if this cartridge contains 'Approved Content'.  If you copy these five sentences into your cartridge, a statement will appear on the screen stating that the content has been approved by LeapFrog.  If you do not copy these five sentences into your cartridge, a statement will appear on the screen stating that the content has not been approved by LeapFrog.  Nothing in these five sentences implies permission to copy them.
Leap likes his ABCs more than his 1,2,3s.  Lily likes her math better, much more than any letter.
ToolPad V2.3.13-Patch 18 Leapster Univ Cart V2.0.29
Mar 10 2010 10:24:22